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Fast Facts

Unique Facts About Congo Gorilla Forest

Congo Gorilla
Forest will hold the
distinction of being
one of the largest
African rain forests
ever built.
The exhibit will
focus on the
Central African rain
forests, which are
the second largest on earth, and are now subject to new
deforestation and bushmeat consumption pressures.
Congo Gorilla Forest will be a new kind of
participatory exhibit. Visitor's exhibit entry fee
provides an opportunity to choose how they actually
want to save animals' rain forest habitat in Africa.
All voted dollars go directly to conservation projects
in Africa.
This exhibit will directly connects to the largest team of
NGO scientists/conservationists currently in Central Africa
working to save wildlife. Animal Outreach will be
supporting The Wildlife conservation Society (WCS)in its
continuing efforts. In 1959 WCS's eminent Dr. George
Schaller led the first field studies of gorillas in the wild. In
1979 WCS's Drs. Amy Vedder and William Weber, to help
the Rwandan government, established local education
programs and Mountain Gorilla ecotourism programs that
became a primary exchange generator to save this
endangered species. Currently, WCS supports over 50
projects in seven countries in Central Africa - saving
gorillas, primates, forest elephants, okapi. WCS has
helped local governments create 10,000 square miles of
reserve in Central Africa since 1959.
Congo Gorilla Forest will be BIG spanning 7
acres. The visitors' exhibit trail will be
approximately 1/3 mile long.
What animals will be seen in Congo Gorilla Forest? It will
be home to lowland gorillas. Okapis, red river hogs,
mandrills Wolf's and DeBrazza monkeys, great pythons,
hornbills, jewel fishes, butterfly and electric fishes, giant
beetles, millipedes, termites and many more 75
species in all. Two species of rare fish are extinct in
It's a new kind of interactive learning experience including
participatory, high-tech, video, film, and CD-ROM exhibits
to amplify the animal experiences for educational impact;
"Read my lips" which explains how and African Pythin
seeks out its prey; "Find the camouflaged fish"; "Who ate
the crocodile eggs?"; "Discover the mandrill mystery"; etc.
Congo Gorilla Forest will be one of the first exhibit on
wildlife conservation: How is it done? Who does it?
Personal involvement its challenges and successes.
Visitors can see the Animal Outreach equation:
Discover animal needs + Involve local people + Protect
wild places = Saving Wildlife
Unique Learning Center: at the heart of the forest with
views for teachers and school children from Treetop Lab
The wood which will be
used in Congo Gorilla
Forest will be all North
American sustainable
harvest. Interiors of the
building will be from
second growth black
cherry and the timbers at
the entrance to The
Learning Center will be of
red cedar.
Congo Gorilla Forest - Fast Facts
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into an aviary, guenon monkey, and the Forest exhibit. The
Lab will overlook gorilla habitats with very special
Curricula for children, teachers and parent
workshops will expand Animal Outreach's
leadership role in education, reaching nationally and
internationally to 15 nations.
15,000 living plants of more than 400 species hardy
giant bamboos, great leafed magnolias, temperate
members of ebony and mahogany families all
seamlessly intertwined among ten miles of fabricated
vines, great fabricated trees (epoxy, steel and urethane)
replicas of giant Ceiba trees, stilt rooted Uapacas, trees
damaged by elephants. Micro-climatic adjustments allow
rare plants to survive outdoors in Fort Lauderdale year
The wood used in Congo Gorilla Forest will be all North
American sustainable harvest. Interiors of the building will
be from second growth black cherry and the timbers at
the entrance to The Learning Center will be of red cedar. Back to Top
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Congo Gorilla Forest - Fast Facts
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