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Special Dossier Latin American Transnational Solidarities: Contexts and Critical

Research Paradigms
Edited by Christine at!"y and #essica Stites $or
Christine at!"y is Professor for Latin American and Caribbean History and Director of the
History Department at Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany. Her specialty in research and
teaching is the social History of e!ico and Central America, C"ba and the Caribbean as #ell as
the History of Africa, especially the Port"g"ese spea$ing co"ntries. Her PhD thesis #as abo"t the
biography of the C"ban %t"dent leader &"lio A. ella, Julio A. Mella. Una biografa '(ditorial
)riente, %antiago de C"ba, *++,-. Her last boo$ Cubans in Angola: South-South Cooperation
and Transfers of Knowledge '"nich, *+.*- deals #ith the phenomenon of /nternationalist
%olidarity and civil cooperation bet#een C"ba and Angola. An (nglish translation #ill be
p"blished at University of 0isconsin Press in *+.1.
#essica Stites $or received her PhD in history at 2ale University in *++,. %he #as a visiting
fello# at the /nstit"to 3avignani of the Universidad de 4"enos Aires from *++15*++6. %he
c"rrently teaches at University of 4ritish Col"mbia, )$anagan, #here she is an assistant
professor and c"rrently serves as the director of Latin American and /berian %t"dies. %he is
a"thor of Transition Cinema: oliti!al "ilmma#ing and the Argentine $eft sin!e %&'(
'Pittsb"rgh-, co5editor of )l asado *ue miramos 'Paidos- #ith Cla"dia 7eld, and editor of
+uman ,ights and Transnational Solidarit- in Cold .ar $atin Ameri!a '0isconsin-.
&arry Carr is a %enior 7ello# of the /nstit"te of Latin American %t"dies '/LA%- at La 8robe
University in elbo"rne, A"stralia #here he ta"ght in the History Department and #as Director
of /LA% for many years. After retiring from La 8robe in early *++, he has been visiting
professor at the University of California, 4er$eley '*++,5*+..- and at 7ordham University in
9e# 2or$ '*+.*-. He is the a"thor or editor and co5editor of seven boo$s and n"mero"s boo$
chapters and :o"rnal articles. "ch of his research and p"blication has dealt #ith the modern
history of e!ico and C"ba and he has a special interest in labor and agrarian history and in the
development of the Left and radical social movements in Latin America. 3ecent p"blications
incl"de; 'edited #ith &eff 0ebber- The /ew $atin Ameri!an $eft: Cra!#s in the )mpire, '*+.*-
and <=Across %eas and 4orders>; Charting the 0ebs of 3adical /nternationalism in the Circ"m
Caribbean, .?.+5.?1+@ in L"is 3oniger, Pablo 2an$elevich and &ames Green 'eds-, )0ile and the
oliti!s of )0!lusion in the Ameri!as '*+.*-.
Raanan Rein is the (lias %o"ras$y Professor of Latin American and %panish History and the
Head of the %. Daniel Abraham Center for /nternational and 3egional %t"dies, both at 8el Aviv
University. He is the a"thor and editor of more than *A boo$s and several dozens of articles in
academic :o"rnals. He is also a co5editor of the :o"rnal )studios 1nterdis!iplinarios de Am2ri!a
$atina - el Caribe, and #as g"est5editor of special iss"es of :o"rnals s"ch as +istor- 3 Memor-
and $atin Ameri!an and Caribbean )thni! Studies. He is a member of ArgentinaBs 9ational
Academy of History, and Co5President of the Latin American &e#ish %t"dies Association
'LA&%A-. 8he Argentine government a#arded him the title of Commander in the )rder of the
Liberator %an artin for his contrib"tion to Argentine c"lt"re.
Pablo 'an"ele(ich is professor5researcher at (l Colegio de C!ico. He holds a Ph.D. in Latin
American %t"dies 'U9A- and specializes in *+th cent"ry e!ican and Latin American
political history. He is member of the 9ational %ystem of 3esearchers '%9/- and reg"lar member
of the e!ican Academy of %ciences. He is a"thor of more than a h"ndred :o"rnal articles and
boo$ chapters. As an a"thor, coa"thor and editor, he has p"blished more than t#enty boo$s, some
of them o"tstanding; /a!i4n - e0tran5era '*++?-D ,6fagas de un e0ilio. Argentinos en M20i!o
'*++?-D 78eseables o in!on9enientes: $as fronteras de la e0tran5era en M20i!o
posre9olu!ionario '*+..-D and )0ile and the oliti!s of )0!lusion in the Ameri!as 'coedited #ith
L"is 3oniger and &ames Green, *+.*-.
Christian elm is a research and teaching assistant for Latin American History at Leibniz
University Hannover, Germany. He is c"rrently #or$ing on a Ph.D. pro:ect abo"t 0est German
solidarity #ith the %andinista 3evol"tion in 9icarag"a d"ring the .?,+s. His research interests
deal #ith the contemporary history of Central America, transnational social movements and
forms of alternative to"rism.

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