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1. She musl receive all lhe regalia and iles rom lhe revious Chairman by 1sl July.
2. She musl have a sound knowledge o lhe rules and regulalions and she musl carry a
coy o lhe w Conslilulion, Associalion ByeLaws and 0uidelines wilh her al all limes.
8. She musl resign hersel lo devole a whole year lo nner wheel and be reared or hard
conscienlious work.
4. She musl be roml in all corresondence.
5. She musl kee a comlele lisl o lhe names and addresses o all her Club 0icers
G. She musl make 'Friends' wilh her Execulive Commillee and work in close cooeralion
wilh lhe Members.
7. She musl work in close harmony wilh lhe Secrelary.
8. She musl kee a 0iary o her rogramme and o her dulies or lhe whole year in
advance, monlh by monlh.
9. She musl 'guide' lhe Execulive Commillee, and accel lhe majorily decision o lhe
1O. She musl mainlain a record o lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee and lhe 0islricl Commillee
Froceedings in a Book, which has lo be kel ulo dale, every year.
11. She musl realise lhal or one year, she is above being a Member o her own Club and
musl be imarlial in all mallers.
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1. She musl reside over Execulive Commillee and 0islricl Commillee Meelings and all
0islricl Funclions.
2. She has lhe ower lo vole. She has an exlra casling vole, when required.
8. She musl work in close cooeralion wilh lhe Commillee.
4. She musl visil each Club al leasl once a year, as ar as ossible beore lhe Annual
0islricl Conerence.
5. She musl hel lhe 0islricl Secrelary lo reare all Agendas and Minules o Meelings.
G. She musl lan rogrammes or lhe 0islricl Rally, Conerence and Assembly.
7. She musl decide how many Execulive Commillee Meelings should be held in lhe year
(Minimum o lwo).
8. She musl ublish al leasl 2 hewslellers during lhe year, giving news o nlernalional
nner wheel, lhe Associalion, Club visils, ormalion o new Clubs, 0islricl Funclions,
Charler resenlalions. elc.,
9. She musl also remind Clubs lo remil lheir subscrilions and give a breaku o lhe
1O. Allocale secial dulies lo lhe Execulive Commillee and exlain lhe rocedure lo be
ollowed regarding exendilures incurred by lhem, elc.
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1. The Firsl 0isl. Execulive Commillee Meeling should be held early in lhe hew Year i.e.
2. The Chairman musl make sure, lhere is a quorum (al leasl 4 Members should be
8. The Execulive Commillee consisls o lhe 0islricl 0icers and lhe Ex0icio
4. There should be al leasl 2 Meelings in lhe year o lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee and
lhe Chairman should reside over lhe meelings.
5. Regisler o lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee Meelings should be mainlained - where
Execulive Commillee Members resenl al meelings should sign and minules
G. A budgel or lhe year musl be made lhus:
63(01, 5
i) Fees rom Members
ii) 0onalions execled during lhe year
iii) Amounl execled lo be collecled rom Adverlisemenls
iv) Amounl execled rom Fund Raising 0rives.
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i) Calculale lhe cosl o TA or 0isl. Execulive Commillee members lo allend
ii) Running Exendilure (vi/. Frinling, Foslage, Fhone Call, Fholograhs, Fholo
coying, Minules, Slalionery elc.,)
iii) Firsl Class TA or Chairman lo visil clubs (lo be decided by lhe 0isl. Execulive
Commillee aler reviewing lhe inances o lhe 0islricl).
iv) Cosl o hire o halls, elc. or 0islricl unclions.
v) TA or Exlension Service 0rganiser.
vi) Cosl o rinling Souvenir, Bullelin, hewslellers elc.
7. 0iscuss and decide whelher lhe amounl o subscrilion required rom members is
suicienl or lhe 0islricl lo run eicienlly.
8. Suervise lhe managemenl o lhe Funds o lhe 0islricl (i.e. oerale lhe Bank
Accounl, and sanclion lhe aymenl o bills, elc.,) All bills resenled should be assed
al lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee meeling beore lhey are assed or aymenl.
9. a member o lhe Execulive Commillee does nol lake charge wilhin 2 monlhs aler
commencemenl o lhe nner wheel year, she musl be relaced by lhe Execulive
Commillee. (Reer Associalion ByeLaws)
1O. Cheques musl be signed by lhe Treasurer, and lhe Chairman or Secrelary. The Treas
urer is a musl. The Bank Accounl is lo be oened as under:
"ho.__________________ nner wheel 0islricl Commillee"
11. The 0islricl Execulive Commillee Members are enlilled lo vole al Eleclions o lhe
ncoming 0islricl Execulive Commillee, al lhe Conerence, bul no Member may have
more lhan one vole. The Chairman however has a casling vole.
12. The Chairman musl kee lhe Execulive Commillee inormed o her movemenls, and
discuss all roblems well in advance.
18. Agendas or lhe meelings should be senl, well in advance.
14. She musl mainlain a roer record o lhe audiled Slalemenl o Accounls, in a ile.
15. The Council Member musl be given a Reorl and inslruclions, as lo whal lo discuss
al lhe Council Meelings.
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The 0islricl Commillee Meeling should be allended by lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee
Members and lhe Club delegales.
1. Make sure lhere is a quorum (8O%)
2. The Commillee musl be kel inormed and consulled, or any change in rocedure
o ees and inancial oullay o lhe 0islricl Funds.
8. Musl meel al leasl lwice a year.
4. 0islricl Chairman musl nol lake sides, bul should be imarlial and realise she musl
nol avour her own Club.
5. Agenda or lhe Meeling musl be senl al leasl 45 days beore lhe meeling.
G. A minule Book should be mainlained and signed by members resenl regularly (Minules
should be reslricled lo decisions o lhe Commillee only).
7. Resolulions musl be correclly recorded.
8. Coy o lhe Minules should be circulaled wilhin 8O days o lhe Meeling lo 0elegales.
Execulive Commillee and Associalion 0icers.
9. A record o lhe 0elegales who allend each 0islricl Meeling musl be kel.
1O. Flan or lhe year's 0islricl unclions, in consullalion wilh lhe 0islricl Commillee.
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This is a 'un' unclion, merely a social galhering or ellowshi and Friendshi. 0rganise
games, or enlerlainmenl or members. necessary, hold lwo Rallies in dierenl arls
o lhe 0islricl.
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1. This should be held beore 28lh February.
2. This is an Annual evenl and a musl or every member.
8. Fresidenl o clubs should be asked lo resenl club reorl or all lo hear.
4. Froblems and Frojecls o clubs should be discussed.
5. Eleclion o 0islricl 0icers is held during lhe Conerence or which lhe 0isl. Secrelary
inviles hominalions rom lhe Clubs earlier.
G. Eleclions are lo be held, lhe 0isl. Chairman should arrange or lhe voling aers,
scrulini/ers and Ballol Boxes, in advance.
7. when lhe Associalion Fresidenl is resenl, she is lhe Chie 0uesl and lakes
recedence over everyone else, al lhe Meeling. however, somelimes anolher local
dignilary may be asked lo be resenl al lhe nauguralion o lhe Conerence, bul nol
al lhe Business Meeling.
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1. This Meeling should be held al lhe end o June or lhe beginning o July.
2. This is a 'Training Session' or ncoming Club0icers, and lhereore a Musl or all
new 0icers.
8. The ncoming Chairman is oicially inslalled. however, whelher or nol lhere is an
nslallalion ceremony, lhe incoming Chairman lakes over al 12 midnighl on 8Olh
June/1sl July.
4. Advice and suggeslions should be given lo each Club 0icer by exerienced
Fasl 0islricl Chairman and 0islricl Execulive Members.
5. ncoming Chairman should suggesl Club Frojecls or lhe year, discuss, how lo
celebrale w 0ay, Club Birlhdays, elc.,
G. ncoming Chairman should lan her '0icial visils lo Clubs' wilh lhe ncoming
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1. She should send 'hislory o Flans and Frojecls' Memo lo Fresidenl, in advance,
lo be relurned lo her, al leasl 14 days rior lo her visil.
2. She should allend lhe meeling o lhe members o lhe Club's Execulive Commil
lee irsl. She should check lhe Minules Book, Files Accounl Books Audiled
Balance Sheel o lhe revious year and Bank ass books. Make sure, lhere are
lwo Accounls (vi/., Club and Charily)
8. nsisl on seeing lhe original charler.
4. See lhal lhe record o Club's Execulive Commillee Meeling roceedings are
5. 0uide lhe Fresidenl, in lhe melhod o calling or hominalions o lhe Execulive
G. Al lhe 0eneral Body Meeling, give a shorl address.
7. 0iscuss diicullies.
8. 0ive nlernalional nner wheel and Associalion hews and 0islricl hews, i any.
9. Encourage members lo involve lhemselves in Club Frojecls.
1O. Suggesl lhe reading o Rules.
11. Exlain w Membershi (Aclive, hon. Aclive, honorary, elc.)
12. Exlain lhe melhod o Transer o Members.
18. norm lhe quorum required or various Meelings
(Exec. Com. : 4 Members, 0en. Body : 2O%)
14. Always carry your own Consliulion Book and Associalion ByeLaws.
15. 0ive samles o Resolulions lo be assed every year, or change in Bank
1G. Suggesl - lhe conlenls o Club Flag, hame o Club, Cily, 0islricl humber and
17. Advise Clubs on how lo exercise lheir voles or w and Associalion 0icers.
Exlain lhe Forms senl lo lhem.
18. Suggesl rocedure or lhe "nduclion" and inlroduclion o hew Members, and
how lo make lhem eel "welcome"
19. nsisl on 0ireclory normalion lo be submilled in lime (names and addresses
o new Club 0icers)
2O. norm aboul lhe Annual 0eneral Meeling lo be held in June.
21. nsisl lhal all disules and diicullies be reerred lo lhe 0islricl, and nol lhe
Associalion or w, direclly.
22. visil lhe Club's Frojecls and lake an inleresl in lhe Club.
28. 0iscourage lhe giving o gils lo 0islricl Chairman.
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1. Arrange or lhe visil o lhe Assn. Fresidenl by a ormal invilalion lo allend lhe 0isl.
2. Along wilh lhe invilalion Agenda and lhe Minules o lhe revious meeling should be
8. Arrange suilable accommodalion (i necessary, oer home hosilalily).
4. Receive lhe Associalion Fresidenl, on her arrival, al lhe airorl or slalion.
5. Freare a roer Reorl o lhe 0islricl.
G. Arrange or lhe Fresidenl lo allend lhe 0isl. Execulive Commillee, 0isl. Commillee
Meeling and 0isl. Conerence.
7. ossible, she should show her some Club Frojecls or holograhs o lhe work
done during lhe year.
8. Make sure, she is looked aler lill she leaves lhe cily.
9. See her o al lhe Airorl or slalion, on her dearlure.
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1. The Exlension Service 0rganiser is resonsible or new club ormalion.
2. bnless lhe ladies in a roosed area are really keen, do nol orce lhem lo orm a Club.
8. Froosed new clubs musl be guided and heled, or al leasl G monlhs, by a
seasoned nner wheel Member.
4. The Club should be guided unlil il is well organised, beore an naugural Meeling is
5. Famhlels and Regislralion Forms should be made available, and lhe ladies musl
be heled lo ill lhem in.
G. Al leasl G monlhs should elase beore lhe Charler is resenled.
7. The Chairman should orward lhe Alicalion rom new clubs, lhe original orm wilh
a coy lo lhe halional Reresenlalive / Assn. Fresidenl and a coy lo
Assn. Secrelary and Assn. Treasurer aler ascerlaining rom lhe 0islricl Treasurer
lhal lhe Fees have been received and orwarded lo lhe Associalion Treasurer.
8. when lhe Charler is received, lhe Chairman musl sign il beore il is resenled lo lhe Club.
9. A samle o lhe hew Club Regislralion orm is on Fage ho. G7.
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1. ossible, lhis unclion should be resided over by lhe 0islricl Chairman, in
comany wilh lhe Exlension Service 0rganiser.
2. 0ales and liming o lhe resenlalion should be senl lo lhe Associalion Fresidenl.
8. This is a ormal unclion, and is usually in lhe resence o Rolarians and local
4. 0elails o rocedure lo be ollowed, are in Fage ho. 58.
5. 0reelings rom w and Associalion Fresidenl welcoming lhe club lo lhe old lo be
C!!! K9>>$,-$/ B>$+/', '+/ K'*3.$ J5)*, <
1. w voling orm or vice Fresidenl and Treasurer on Fage ho. 54.
2. w Edilor and Board 0ireclor voling Form and Enveloe on Fage hos. 55, 5G
8. Associalion Ballol Faer or viceresidenl on Fage ho. 57.
4. Triennial Form on Fage hos. G8GG.
5. w Convenlion Form on Fage hos. 57G2.
G. hew Club Regislralion Form on age ho. G7.
7. Membershi Form on Fage ho. G7.
8. Suggesled Agenda or Charler Fresenlalion o hew Club on Fage ho. 58.
9. Suggesled Agenda or 0isl. Conerence on Fage ho. 51.
1O. Suggesled Agenda or 0isl. Assembly on Fage ho. 49.
11. Suggesled Formal o 0uarlerly Reorl or lhe Clubs on Fage ho. 7174.
12. 0islricl normalion Form Fage ho.
18. Masler Lisl orm Fage ho.
14. Samle Leller head or 0islricl Fage ho.
15. Samle Leller head or Club Fage ho.
1G. nvilalion or nslallalion Funclion o Club and Chairman's visil Fage ho.

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