Walton Hi-Tech Industries LTD

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Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.
Prepared By:
Md. Rockybul Hasan
ID: 26016
Md. Ashik Mahmud
ID: 26004
Ferdous Re!an
ID: 2"06#
Md. $amul Hossain $isad
ID: 2%01%
Md. Mimshad
ID: 2%01%

Today with technological advancement human race has achieved what few
years back were impossible. lectronics product is the source of refreshment
to human life. When electronic company was first introduced their product
in !angladesh" it was an e#pensive and fashionable item. !ut now its price
has also gone down considerably and more people in the society can afford
it. $t present there are several marketers who are offering their product in
the electronic market. $mong them %amsung" !utterfly" %inger" &onka"
!utterfly are most widely known brand. $nd Walton is one of the leading
electrical and electronics manufacturing company in our national market.
Walton is basically a !angladeshi brand with a national image. In
!angladesh it is targeting the niche market for their home appliance products
commencing their marketing strategy as of their high 'uality and reasonable
products. They do not do their marketing for a particular group of people(
they do their marketing those who has the ability to buy their products. %ince
the standard of living of people in our country is going up" everybody is
aware about a brand of a product and wants to buy a 'ualitative product for a
longer period of time. Walton industry is trying to buildup a better basement
with better technology.
%ince the real life business situation is always very comple# and
competitive" every business has to face the intense competition and those
who can successfully operate within this critical situation can become the
blue cheap. To stay and increase the pace in the business track" the
perception and brand awareness is very important.
Overview of WALTON Overview of WALTON
R.B Refers to Rezvi and Brothers

Ownership structure
%. * +urul $lam ,e-vi . /hairman
%. * %hamsul $lam . *anaging 0irector
%. * $shraful $lam . 0irector
%. * *ahbubul $lam . 0irector
%. * ,e-aul $lam . 0irector
2.1 Brand of R.B roup!
1 Walton 2
1 *arcel
2.2 "roducts of Walton and #arcel!
,efrigerator 2 3ree-er
$ir conditioner
Television 4/,T" L/05
060 7layer
*icrowave 2 %team 8ven
0omestic and Industrial :enerator
*anganese 2 $lkaline !attery
;pcoming 7ro<ect. /omputer L/0 *onitor" Laptop" /ar" two
doors ,efrigerator etc.
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. - $ sister concern of ,.! :roup is the
pioneer of Television" ,efrigerator" 3ree-er" $ir /onditioner and *otorcycle
*anufacturing Technology in !angladesh. ,. !. :roup is the country=s top
business :roup in electrical and electronics" $utomobiles" and Home
appliances using the brand name W$LT8+.
The company has been running its business with a great reputation since
1>?? stablishment of Walton HIL to *anufacture ,efrigerator 2 3ree-er"
$ir /onditioner and *otorcycle etc. in !angladesh is a milestone in the path
of success and reputation of the brand W$LT8+. Walton HIL has introduced
first advanced research and manufacturing technologies and e'uipments for
household 2 commercial ,efrigerator 2 3ree-er" *otorcycle and $ir
/onditioner etc. in !angladesh.
Walton HIL is furnished with strong ,esearch 2 0evelopment 4,205
0ivision comprising of a large team of dedicated highly skilled engineers 2
technical personnel from home and abroad.
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. has its own *old 2 0ie making section"
high precision molds 2 dies are made by the help of the state-of-the-art
6*/" /+/ Wire-/ut" 0* etc. machines. The company has three 7oly
;rethane 3oaming 7lants" three Thermoforming 46acuum forming5 ;nits(
highly e'uipped *etal 3orming ;nits with 7owder /oating" +ickel-/hrome
7lant 2 0ie-/asting %ection" and ,obot operated In<ection 7lastic *olding
7lant" Highly e'uipped Test Lab" 7rinting 2 7ackaging %ection etc. Walton
HIL always emphasi-es on supreme priority in achieving customer
satisfaction. The company always ensures product 'uality and renders the
innovative latest technologies in its products. It has a complete e#perienced
professional engineering team combined with both home and abroad to serve
the valued customers.
$o%pan& "rofile!
$o%pan& Na%e! Walton hi-tech industries ltd.
Business T&pe! *anufacturer" Trading /ompany
Television" ,efrigerator" 3ree-er" *otorcycle
Television" ,efrigerator" 3ree-er" *otorcycle
Address! 1A"0ilkusha / B $ 0haka-1AAA
Brands! Walton
Nu%+er of
$bove 1AAA 7eople
Ownership - $apital
.ear ,sta+lished! )AAC
Re/istered $apital! ;%D1A *illion - ;%DEA *illion
Ownership T&pe! /orporationBLimited Liability /ompany
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited
Trade - #ar0et
#ain #ar0ets!
astern urope
*id ast
astern $sia
Western urope
Total Annual (ales
;%DE *illion - ;%D1A *illion
,2port "ercenta/e!
>1F - 1AAF
Total Annual
"urchase 1olu%e!
;%DE *illion - ;%D1A *illion
3actor& Infor%ation
3actor& (ize! EA"AAA-1AA"AAA s'uare meters
4A'4$! +o
No. of "roduction
$bove 1A
No. of R-5 (taff! @1 - EA 7eople
No. of 4$ (taff! E1 - CA 7eople
8* %ervice 8ffered !uyer Label 8ffered
2.6 "rinciples of Walton "rinciples of Walton
Walton stren/thens its $7(TO#,R(8to 0eep
the% co%petitive
WaltonG success depends on the success of its
customers. It provides its customers with its
comprehensive e#perience and solutions so it can
achieve its ob<ectives fast and effectively.
Walton pushes INNO1ATION 8 to shape the
Innovation is its lifeblood" around the globe and
around the clock. It turns its people=s imagination
and best practices into successful technologies and
products. /reativity and e#perience keep it at the
cutting edge.
Walton enhances co%pan& 1AL7, 8 to open up
new opportunities
It generates profitable growth to ensure sustainable
success. It leverages our balanced business portfolio"
its business e#cellence and synergies across all
segments and regions. This makes it a premium
investment for its shareholders.
Walton e%power its ",O"L, 8 to achieve world8
class perfor%ance
Its employees are the key to its success. It works
together as a global network of knowledge and
learning. Its corporate culture is defined by diversity"
by open dialogue and mutual respect" and by clear
goals and decisive leadership.
Walton e%+races corporate R,("ON(IBILIT. 8
to advance societ&
Its ideas" technologies and activities help create a
better world. It is committed to universal values"
good corporate citi-enship and a healthy
environment. Integrity guides its conduct toward its
employees" business partners and shareholders.
2.9 #ission: 1ision - O+;ective of Walton Ban/ladesh Li%ited #ission: 1ision - O+;ective of Walton Ban/ladesh Li%ited
<To /row and increase value +& i%ple%entin/ advanced technolo/ies:
new products and services to provide e2cellent solutions to satisf&
custo%ers= re>uire%ents.?
<To provide the +est solution and e>uip%ent to custo%er.?
<To achieve %ar0et leadership: profita+ilit&: /ood corporate citizenship
and a sustaina+le /rowth.?
<The %ain o+;ective of the co%pan& is to increase the %ar0et share in
related diversified products and solutions in Ban/ladesh and to assure
the potential custo%ers of the >ualit& and dura+ilit& of the products.
Althou/h the products are a +it hi/hl& priced +ut it is the +est +ar/ain
that %one& can +u&.?
Overview of Walton Ban/ladesh at a /lance of Walton Ban/ladesh at a /lance
Walton is one of the leading electrical and electronics manufacturing
company in our national market. Walton electronic product is basically a
!angladeshi brand with a national image. In !angladesh it is targeting the
niche market for their home appliance products commencing their marketing
strategy as of their high 'uality and reasonable price. They do not do their
marketing for a particular group of people( they do their marketing those
who has the ability to buy their product. %ince the standard of living of
people in our country is going up" everybody is aware about a brand of a
product and wants to buy a 'ualitative product for a longer period of time.
Thus" consumer perception and brand awareness for electronic product is
now become a vital aspect when purchasing a electronic product.
I%port -e2port of RB /roup @WaltonA
Walton import a big 'uantity of lectronics /onsumer :oods" $utomobiles
and Industrial ,aw *aterials from different countries including our great
country /hina. They also import some parts frAm *alaysia. 8ur
HW$LT8+I !rand lectronics and lectrical Home $ppliances 4 /olor T6"
,efrigerator" $ir-/onditioner" *icrowave 8ven tc.5" *otor /ycle"
:enerator have big market share in !angladesh.
,! :roup of /ompanies Ltd" a leading electrical" electronics and
automobile manufacturing and marketing company in !angladesh" will
e#port Walton brand refrigerators and motorcycles to *alaysia.
The local company has recently signed an agreement in this connection with
famous *alaysian company =$get :roup= at its office at *enara %afun
Tower in &uala Lumpur. ;nder the agreement" in the primary stage the
*alaysian company will import A.1 million 4one lakh5 refrigerators and
EA"AAA motorcycles every year.
Walton $dviser *i-anur ,ahman and /hairman of $get :roup %ultan
$bdul &adir signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides. Walton
0irector 43inance5 $bul !asar Howladar" *anaging 0irector of %even /
,esources *atiur ,ahman" *anaging 0irector of 0een *etal Industries
$hmed $li and :eneral *anager of $get :roup ngineer &ing
Lee was also present in the signing ceremony.
Wa& of +usiness operation
They operation their business in 9 way
/orporate network
%howroom network
0ealer network
$orporate networ0
$orporate (ales "lan.
Operation "olic&!
/orporate sales operation through area wise-
$-impur etc. of 0haka city.
$orporate slo/an of Walton!
Walton have corporate slogan. Those are K
L $mader ponno.
L Walton at every home
Bo+s of $orporate Tea%!
Target organi-ation by segment
*eeting 3i# up
Introduction Letter
Invitation Letter
$greement Letter 4nlistment" H," 7ersonal level5
8ffer Letter
Bo+s of $orporate Tea%!
6isiting /ard" Latter head pad" nvelope" 7roduct /atalogue" /orporate
-mail $ddress" Web site etc.
/lients 0atabase
7eriodically /ommunications 4-mail" %*%" /orporate gift etc.5
3ocus or 1ision of $orporate (ales Tea%!
/over all the area of 0haka city
stablish all corporate sales point very strongly
%tart to <ob in a new sales point after covering old sales point
The sales point will be covered with a strategic plan
$orporate $ulture
The /orporate /ulture of Walton follows conservative style. The corporate
culture of Walton states that they prefer e#perienced and aged personal
rather then young people. The overall corporate culture of the company is
conservative and they follow it in their recruiting and promotion in the
management sector. This conservative corporate culture has a great influence
on the product image. The company doesnGt encourage a young" fresh new
comers in the management and with that the so-called H$raz& ideasI. !ut
because of this negative attitude toward the cra-y idea the company is
lacking in creating new dimension for the product and promotion.
(WOT Anal&sis of WALTON!
Every organization is composed of some internal strengths
and weaknesses and also has some external opportunities
and threats in its whole life cycle.

Wider product range
%trong local presence
Muality products at low price
/omprehensive knowledge of the total market and client
$chievement of sales growth through introduction of new
Increase of sales in ma<or cities.
Lack of skills men power
7roper monitoring problem facing in marketing activities
Week distribution /hannel
Less organi-ed distribution
Less compliance to market demand
Lack of after seals service transportation problem
;nethical competition prevailing in the market
7olitical unrest hamper sales
ntry of more competitors in the market
/hange of customerGs demand
(ales polic& of WALTON
They have ) sales policies to operate their business-
0irect sales 4 pla-a network5
,! group operate their direct sales through the pla-a network
0istributor sales 4 dealer network5
,! group operate their distributor sales through dealer network
Infor%ation a+out plaza networ0 @5irect salesA
C.6 Nu%+er of total plaza!
In !angladesh ,! group have total 1)E pla-as. $rea wise they allocated
their pla-a In 1A -one.
(L Done na%e district
1 5ha0a azipur:%unsi/on;:%ani0/on; new - old 5ha0a
2 $hitta/on/ 1- 2 $o2=s +azar: Ran/a%ati: 0ha/rachari etc
C $o%illa B.Baria: chandur.
6 Noa0hali La0sh%ipur
9 (&lhet (una%/on;: #oulovi+azar: Eo+i/on;
F Bassor #a/ura: Gustia: Bhenaidah.
H Ghulna (hat0hira: Norial
I Barishal "ero;ur: Bhola: Bar/una.
J 3aridpur #adaripur: (hariatpur
$rea wise /hittagong -one becoming the highest seller -one from last three
month. Last month selling capital of the chittagong -one is up to 1AA

NLast 9 months sales ratio in /hittagong -oneO
(ellin/ polic& of Walton plaza
Walton sale their product in ) way
In cash
*onthly installment
#onthl& install%ent polic&!
1K %onth closin/
#odel na%e
With 1AT
pa&%ent Balance
))L1>-L/0 )C"9>@ 1"@>@ )@">AA 9A"C1? 1)")@? 1J"9?A 1"J9?

1K %onth closin/
#odel na%e
With 1AT
pa&%ent Balance
)A"9E) 1"1E) 1>")AA )9"CAJ >"@@9 1@"1CE 1"@1C
1K %onth closin/
#odel na%e
With 1AT
pa&%ent Balance
%ole#-1AAA 1@"@1C
J1C 19"CAA 1C"?)9 C"CJ> 1A"A9@ 1"AA9
1K %onth closin/
#odel na%e
Air condition
With 1AT
pa&%ent Balance
&3 EAAW:B!
N1.EO split
E)"J>@ )">>@ @>"AAA C1"9E? )@"E@9 9C"J1@ 9"CJ1
12 %onth closin/
#odel na%e
#otor c&cle
With 1AT
pa&%ent Balance
Pplore 1"A)J)A E"J)A >?"AAA 1"1>)?1 @1"?@E ??"E)C C"@C1
*onthly Installment 3ormula.

/ash price CF Qcash rebate
/ash rebate R /ash price Q*,7
*,7 1CF N O R*,7 QHair value
Hair value @AF Q 0own payment
Hair value K 0awn payment Q!alance
!alance B1Amonth Q*onthly installment
#ost sellin/ product of plaza networ0.
The most selling product of Walton pla-a is refrigerator. *onthly they sale
almost )AAAA refrigerator in !angladesh.
#ar0et (e/%ents of refrigerator

@(e/%entation of Refri/erator #ar0et with priceA
)(ource! WALTON Eo%e Appliance Industr& Anal&sis Report*
Infor%ation a+out 5ealer networ0 @0istributor salesO
T&pes of dealer!
Walton has two types of dealer

#ar0et (e/%ent )price wise* "ercent
!elow Tk.1A"AAA 99L
Tk.11"AAA- Tk.)A"AAA 2CL
Tk.)1"AAA-Tk.9A"AAA 12L
Tk.91"AAA-Tk.@A"AAA 9L
s$boveTk.@A"AAA 9L
#clusive dealer +on e#clusive dealer
,2clusive dealer! Those who distributor only sale Walton product
they are known as e#clusive dealer. They are get e#tra )F
Non e2clusive dealer! Those who distributor sale different
product with Walton product they are known as non e#clusive
dealer. They cannot get any e#tra commission
Nu%+er of total dealer!
In !angladesh ,! group have total >EA 0ealer. )@E dealer is e#clusive 2
?AE is no e#clusive dealer. $rea wise they allocated their distributor channel
In 11 -one.

Done area of distri+utor
%L Sone name 0istrict
A1 0haka north 0haka north" :a-iur
A) 0haka south 2 0haka south2 " *unshigon<
A9 0haka west 0haka west" *anikgon<
A@ !ogora %ira<gon<",angur"&urigram"
AE ,a<shahi 7abna"+atore"0ina<ur"
AC Tossore ,a<bari"&ustia"*agura"&hulna
A? *ymensingh %herpur"<amalpur"Tangail
AJ %ylhet %unamgon<"*ouloviba-ar"Hobigon<
A> /hittagong /o#"s ba-ar",angamati"3eni"
1A /omilla !.baria"/handpur"+okhali
11 !orishal 3aridpur"!hola"!arguna
$rea wise 0haka -one becoming the highest seller -one from last few
months. Last month selling capital of the 0haka -one is up to )JA million.

NLast 9 months sales ratio in 0haka -oneO
(ellin/ polic& for Walton distri+utors
Walton sale their product in ) way
In cash
In credit
$o%%ission structure for distri+utors!
$verage Q7revious 9 month collection B 9
$verage .collection ./r F. 3or commission Q $veB0ue multiply 1AA
3or electronics product
0escription /ommotion F
If the credit collection balance is @>F -EAF then dealer get )F com.
If the credit collection balance is ?@F -?EF then dealer get 9F com.
If the credit collection balance is >>F -1AAF then dealer get @F com.
If the credit collection balance is A in end of the month then EF com.
3or cash CF com.
#clusive dealer Nfri--ed 2 fri--ierO dealer get e#tra F 1F com.
#clusive dealer Nall productOdealer get e#tra F )F com
3or self transport 1F com

0escription /ommotion F
If the credit collection balance is EAF -?@F then dealer get 9F com.
If the credit collection balance is ?EF ->>F then dealer get @F com.
If the credit collection balance is A in end of the month then CF com.
3or cash ?F com.
#clusive dealer get e#tra F )F com
3or self transport 1F com
#ost sellin/ product of dealer networ0.
The most selling product of Walton dealer network is refrigerator. *onthly
they sale almost 9AAAA refrigerator in !angladesh.
Industr& Ge& (uccess 3actors
Muality of the product should be high with attractive features.
7rice should be affordable and competitive
0istribution channels should be recogni-ed
7romotional activities should focus on brand e'uity and image
and it should have association with lifestyles of local people.
Highly skilled sales force with managerial e#perience is
re'uired to do 'uality control.
$fter sale service and warranty should be provided.
$o%petitors! competitors can be defined as two ways-
5irect co%petitors
Indirect co%petitors
In !angladesh Walton basically do not have any competitors who can
compete directly with them according to their !rand and price. They are the
only one *anufacturer in !angladesh refrigerator market and so that they
have lots of advantage.
!ut they have many indirect competitors who are e#porting from
International *arket" competing with them indirectly by having not the
similar 'uality product in the market but they are offering attractive price
with new features. The names of the competitors are- %amsung" %inger"
Toshiba" sharp" konka" !utterfly etc. some of them are assembled in china at
a cheaper cost.
#ar0etin/ (trate/&!

In !angladesh it is targeting the mass market for their home appliance
products commencing their marketing strategy as of their high 'uality and
reasonable products. They do not do their marketing for a particular group of
people( they do their marketing those who has the ability to buy their
product. 3or that they are offering free installment and after sales service.
3or refrigerator they provide E years sales service without payment.
$s for promotional campaign Walton
0istribute the brochures to the customer by going door to door.
:ive their advertisements on the T6" +ewspaper" and !illboard.
7articipate in 0IT3 every year.
%ometimes give mobile phones while purchasing their product.
Walton !angladesh Limited has a great potential growth in the country as a
leading national brand with a national image. The consumersG behavior
towards Walton is very positive and their satisfaction level is good. They
make a good place in electronics market especially in refrigerator market.
The consumers of refrigerator are preferred Walton refrigerator most. The
consumers believe that Walton provides high 'uality product with
reasonable prices in case of Walton refrigerator. /onsumers of refrigerator
mainly get information from the T6 commercial.
To achieve the leading position and success" lot of improvement is re'uired
for every divisions of it. $s electronics product became essential for the
consumer day by day" many marketers are coming with this product in this
electronic industry. %o that it has also become a competitive market for
Walton in spite of having a good brand image and local presence in
!angladesh. They should also take much more attention and careful action
to establish its product line in the market. $lso should be identify their
customerGs behavior and keep the commitment with them strongly. To build
a positive perception and awareness among the consumers about their
product they have to be stronger in their promotional activities and should
maintain a good relationship both internally and e#ternally in their corporate
3inally I can conclude that Walton is one of the leading companies in
!angladesh with a national image. They provide 'uality product with
reasonable price. They provide their service to customer with carefully.

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