This Is The Moment If You Want A Trail From Kingston To The Reservoir!!

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This Is The Moment If You Want A Trail From Kingston To The Reservoir!!

The Ulster County Legislature will vote on Resolution 275 this coming Tuesday
August !". Passage of R-275 will set County policy for the future moving our
Rail Trail forwar! significantly. "#$ it will preserve revitali%e! tourist rail ri!es in
two locations &!etails 'elow(. Tal) a'out a win-win for our communities*
#ere$s %hat %e need you to do to sho% your su&&ort for the Rail Trail
' and all the %or( done to get to this &la)e*
Attend the Ulster County Legislature meeting on Tuesday August !"
7*++,M to show support for the rail trail. +R,#- .R,/#$0* &County
1ffice +lg 2th floor 233 .air 0treet 4ingston #5 62376 &map(
,f you8re an Ulster County resi!ent9 -onta)t your legislator ' re.uest
they su&&ort &assage of R/275 Without Amendments &remem'er to
than) them if they say they are co-sponsors or support R-275*(
Legislative $istrict :ap
County Legislator Contact ,nfo
;hether you8re a UC resi!ent or not 0en! a short letter in support of R-
275 to the Cler) of the Legislature <ic)y .a'ella. "s) that she !istri'ute it
to the legislators9 mailto9=vfa'>
Confirm that you have contacte! the legislature &@ let us )now if you want
to receive monthly up!ates( at =focmrt>
,lease 0hare This ,ost %ith 1 2ther ,eo&le 3 As( Them to A)t Too!!
This is truly a defining moment
,lease 4e a &art of ma(ing our Rail Trail a Reality!
This 'ipartisan resolution was approve! unanimously 'y the /conomic
$evelopment @ Tourism Committee. ,t puts the County Legislature8s position
sAuarely in alignment with the County /Becutive8s proposal an! we are calling on
all trail supporters throughout the County to ta(e a)tion for R/275 Without
Amendments. This is a crucial moment where the common-sense compromise
solution - a segmente! Rail an! Trail approach - can finally 'e a!opte!. The only
feasi'le option for the corri!or is a trail from 4ingston to +oiceville an! a tourist
train in a segment west of +oiceville.
Why do %e %ant this rail trail5
+ecause this U@$ corri!or is a county-owne! asset that shoul! 'e open for year-
roun! safe healthy re)reation to all the people for free not Cust a few who can
affor! eBpensive tic)ets on occasional wee)en!s.
+ecause a county-wi!e rail trail system from the ;al)way 1ver the Du!son up to
the "sho)an Reservoir an! west to +elleayre will 'e a %orld/)lass sustaina4le
tourism destination that will 'uil! 'usinesses throughout the County an! !efray
our taB 'ills. "n! it will ena'le pollution-free transportation an! commuting a
growing tren! in our County.
"n! Resolution 275 !oes not 'ur!en local taB payers -- in fact there is
approBimately E2 million alrea!y allocate! inclu!ing EF.5 million ple!ge! 'y the
#5C $/P to 'uil! the trail section along the "sho)an Reservoir. .or the 4ingston
segment an a!!itional E5.5 million in grants has 'een secure! for Trail
connectivity proCects. Revenues from the proCecte! 637777 trail users on the
annually will further stimulate our local economies.
The great thing is Resolution 275 is not Trail or Rail // %e )an have 4oth!
1n the east en! this rail trail will connect to the #50 Trolley :useum Ri!e at the
Ron!out. Plans for west of the "sho)an Reservoir will still inclu!e a segment for
tourist train ri!es an! at the county line a potential connection to the $elaware @
Ulster Rail Roa! &$URR( on the same corri!or. 0o railroa! operations @ theme!
rail events can continue to happen in Ulster County in two locations &with
enthusiastic County support( as well as in $elaware County.
6et$s 4uild this Trail!! Than( You!!

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