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Specification for Pipeline Valves. API Specification 6D is an adoption of ISO 14313: 1999
Petrole!" and #at!ral $as Ind!stries%Pipeline &ransportation S'ste"s%Pipeline Valves. &(is
International Standard specifies re)!ire"ents and *ives reco""endations for t(e desi*n
"an!fact!rin* testin* and doc!"entation of +all c(ec, *ate and pl!* valves for application in
pipeline s'ste"s.
API -.6
/lan*ed Steel Press!re 0elief Valves. &(e standard is a p!rc(ase specification for flan*ed steel
press!re relief valves. 1asic re)!ire"ents are *iven for direct sprin*%loaded press!re relief
valves and pilot%operated press!re relief valves as follo2s: orifice desi*nation and area3 valve
si4e and press!re ratin* inlet and o!tlet3 "aterials3 press!re%te"perat!re li"its3 and center%to%
face di"ensions inlet and o!tlet.
API -.5
Seat &i*(tness of Press!re 0elief Valves 06.77.8. Descri+es "et(ods of deter"inin* t(e seat
ti*(tness of "etal% and soft%seated press!re relief valves incl!din* t(ose of conventional
+ello2s and pilot%operated desi*ns.
A#SI9API S&D -94
C(ec, Valves: /lan*ed :!* ;afer and 1!tt%2eldin*. API Standard -94 covers desi*n
"aterial face%to%face di"ensions press!re%te"perat!re ratin*s and e<a"ination inspection
and test re)!ire"ents for t2o t'pes of c(ec, valves.
API -9=
Valve Inspection and &estin*. &(e standard covers inspection s!pple"entar' e<a"ination and
press!re test re)!ire"ents for +ot( resilient%seated and "etal%to%"etal seated *ate *lo+e pl!*
+all c(ec, and +!tterfl' valves. Pertains to inspection +' t(e p!rc(aser and to an'
s!pple"entar' e<a"inations t(e p!rc(aser "a' re)!ire at t(e valve "an!fact!rer>s plant.
A#SI9API -99
?etal Pl!* Valves % /lan*ed &(readed and ;eldin* Ends. A p!rc(ase specification t(at covers
re)!ire"ents for "etal pl!* valves 2it( flan*ed or +!tt%2eldin* ends and d!ctile iron pl!*
valves 2it( flan*ed ends in si4es #PS 1 t(ro!*( #PS .4 2(ic( correspond to no"inal pipe
si4es in AS?E 136.17?. Valve +odies confor"in* to AS?E 116.34 "a' (ave flan*ed end and
one +!tt%2eldin* end. It also covers +ot( l!+ricated and nonl!+ricated valves t(at (ave t2o%2a'
coa<ial ports and incl!des re)!ire"ents for valves fitted 2it( internal +od' pl!* or port
linin*s or applied (ard facin*s on t(e +od' +od' ports pl!* or pl!* port.
A#SI9API 677
1olted 1onnet Steel $ate Valves for Petrole!" and #at!ral $as Ind!stries % ?odified #ational
Adoption of ISO 17434:199=.
API 67.
Co"pact Steel $ate Valves % /lan*ed &(readed ;eldin* and E<tended%1od' Ends. &(e
standard covers t(readed%end soc,et%2eldin*%end +!tt%2eldin*%end and flan*ed%end co"pact
car+on steel *ate valves in si4es #PS4 and s"aller.
Object1 Object2
A#SI9API 673
Corrosion%0esistant 1olted 1onnet $ate Valves % /lan*ed and 1!tt%;eldin* Ends. &(e
standard covers corrosion%resistant +olted +onnet *ate valves 2it( flan*ed or +!tt%2eld ends in
si4es #PS 19. t(ro!*( .4 correspondin* to no"inal pipe si4es in AS?E 136.17? and Classes
1-7 377 and 677 as specified in AS?E 116.34.
A#SI9API 675
/ire &est for Soft%Seated @!arter &!rn Valves. &(e standard covers t(e re)!ire"ents for testin*
and eval!atin* t(e perfor"ance of strai*(t2a' soft%seated )!arter%t!rn valves 2(en t(e valves
are e<posed to certain fire conditions defined in t(is standard. &(e proced!res descri+ed in t(is
standard appl' to all classes and si4es of s!c( valves t(at are "ade of "aterials listed in AS?E
API 679
1!tterfl' Valves: Do!+le /lan*ed :!*% and ;afer%&'pe. &(e standard covers desi*n "aterials
face%to%face di"ensions press!re%te"perat!re ratin*s and e<a"ination inspection and test
re)!ire"ents for *ra' iron d!ctile iron +ron4e steel nic,el%+ase allo' or special allo'
+!tterfl' valves t(at provide ti*(t s(!toff in t(e closed position and are s!ita+le for flo2
Specification for /ire &est for Valves. &(e standard covers t(e re)!ire"ents for testin* and
eval!atin* t(e perfor"ance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves 2(en e<posed to specificall'
defined fire conditions.
/ire &est for Valve 2it( A!to"atic 1ac,seats. &(e standard covers t(e re)!ire"ents for testin*
and eval!atin* t(e perfor"ance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves 2it( a!to"atic +ac,seats
2(en e<posed to specificall' defined fire conditions.
0eferenced Standards for Co""ittee 6 Standardi4ation of Valves and ;ell(ead E)!ip"ent.
API 11V6
Desi*n of Contin!o!s /lo2 $as :ift Installations Asin* InBection Press!re Operated Valves.
&(e standard sets *!idelines for contin!o!s flo2 *as lift installation desi*ns !sin* inBection
press!re operated valves.
A#SI9API 0P 11V5
0eco""ended Practice for 0epair &estin* and Settin* $as :ift Valves. &(e standard applies to
repair testin* and settin* *as lift valves and reverse flo2 6c(ec,8 valves.
API -.7%1
Si4in* Selection and Installation of Press!re%0elievin* Devices in 0efineries: Part I % Si4in*
and Selection. &(e reco""ended practice applies to t(e si4in* and selection of press!re relief
devices !sed in refineries and related ind!stries for e)!ip"ent t(at (as a "a<i"!" allo2a+le
2or,in* press!re of 1- psi* 61.73 +ar * or 173 ,Pa *8 or *reater.
API -.7%.
0eco""ended Practice -.7: Si4in* Selection and Installation of Press!re%0elievin* Devices
in 0efineries%Part II Installation. &(e reco""ended practice covers "et(ods of installation for
press!re%relief devices for e)!ip"ent t(at (as a "a<i"!" allo2a+le 2or,in* press!re of 1-
psi* 61.73 +ar * or 173 ,Pa *8 or *reater. It covers *as vapor stea" t2o%p(ase and
inco"pressi+le fl!id service.
A#SI9API -54
Inspection Practices for Pipin* S'ste" Co"ponents. &(e standard covers t(e inspection of
pipin* t!+in* valves 6ot(er t(an control valves8 and fittin*s !sed in petrole!" refineries.
A#SI9API -56
Inspection of Press!re 0elievin* Devices. &(e reco""ended practice descri+es t(e inspection
and repair practices for a!to"atic press!re%relievin* devices co""onl' !sed in t(e oil and
petroc(e"ical ind!stries.
A#SI9API 67=
?etal 1all Valves % /lan*ed and 1!tt%;eldin* Ends. &(e standard covers Class 1-7 and Class
377 "etal +all valves t(at (ave eit(er +!tt%2eldin* or flan*ed ends and are for !se in on%off
1Si % 1ritis( Standard instit!te valve standards:
1S 341%1:1991
&ransporta+le *as container valves. Specification for ind!strial valves for 2or,in* press!res !p
to and incl!din* 377 +ar 60EP:ACED +' 1S E# 141=9:.7738 1S 341%3:.77.8 1S E#
=49:19958 1S E# ISO 13347:.7718 1S E# ISO 14.46:.7718 1S 341%4:.7748
1S 341%.:1963
&ransporta+le $as Container Valves. Valves 2it( &aper Ste"s for Ase 2it( 1reat(in*
Apparat!s. 60EP:ACED +' 1S 341%1:19918 1S E# =49:19958 1S E# ISO 1..79%1:.7718
1S E# ISO 1..79%.:.7718 1S E# ISO 1..79%3:.7718
1S 341%3:.77.
&ransporta+le *as container valves. Valve o!tlet connections
1S 341%4:.774
&ransporta+le *as container valves. Press!re relief devices
1S 5-9%1:19=4
Valves *a!*es and ot(er safet' fittin*s for application to +oilers and to pipin* installations for
and in connection 2it( +oilers. Specification for valves "o!ntin*s and fittin*s
1S 11.3%1:1997
Safet' valves *a!*es and f!si+le pl!*s for co"pressed air or inert *as installations % Code of
practice for installation
1S 1.1.%1:1997
/loat operated valves % Specification for piston t'pe float operated valves 6copper allo' +od'8
6e<cl!din* floats8
1S 1.1.%1:1997
/loat operated valves % Specification for piston t'pe float operated valves 6copper allo' +od'8
6e<cl!din* floats8
1S 1.1.%3:1997
/loat operated valves % Specification for diap(ra*" t'pe float operated valves 6plastics +odied8
for cold 2ater services onl' 6e<cl!din* floats8
1S 1.1.%4:1997
/loat operated valves % Specification for co"pact t'pe float operated valves for ;C fl!s(in*
cisterns 6incl!din* floats8
1S 1--.:.774
Specification for open +otto"ed taper pl!* valves for 1st .nd and 3rd fa"il' *ases !p to .77
1S 1-57:1967
/lan*ed and +!t 2eld%2eldin* end steel pl!* valves for t(e petrole!" ind!str' 6e<cl!din* 2ell
%(ead and flo2%line valves8
/lan*ed a!to"atic control valves for t(e process control ind!str' 6face to face di"ensions8
1S 153-:1966
/lan*ed cast iron o!tside%scre2%and%'o,e 2ed*e *ate valve class 1.- si4es 1 193 in to .4 in
for t(e petrole!" ind!str'
1S 1=6=:195-
Specification for steel c(ec, valves 6flan*ed and +!tt%2eldin* ends8 for t(e petrole!"
petroc(e"ical and allied ind!stries
1S 1=53:195-
Specification for steel *lo+e and *lo+e stop and c(ec, valves 6flan*ed and +!tt%2eldin* ends8
for t(e petrole!" petroc(e"ical and allied ind!stries
Copper allo' valves for *eneral p!rposes
Copper allo' c(ec, valves for *eneral p!rposes
Specification for press!re operated rela' valves for do"estic co""ercial and caterin* *as
1S 196=:19-3
Specification for floats for +all valves 6copper8
Copper allo' scre2 do2n stop valves for *eneral p!rposes
Specification for face to face center to face end to end and center to end di"ensions of valves
1S .4-6:1997
Specification for floats 6plastics8 for float operated valves for cold 2ater services
1S .=59:19=7
Specification for drainin* taps 6scre2%do2n pattern8
Cast and for*ed steel 2ed*e *ate *lo+e c(ec, and pl!* valve scre2ed and soc,et 2eldin*
si4es . in and s"aller for t(e petrole!" ind!str'
1S 34-5:1953
Specification for "aterials for 2ater tap and stop valve seat 2as(ers
1S 3464:.777
Cast iron 2ed*e and do!+le dis, *ate valves for *eneral p!rposes
Cast and for*ed steel flan*ed scre2ed and soc,et 2eldin* 2ed*e *ate valves 6co"pact desi*n8
si4es . in and s"aller for t(e petrole!" ind!str'
Cast iron parallel slide valves for *eneral p!rposes
Cast iron +!tterfl' valves for *eneral p!rposes
Cast iron scre2 do2n stop valves and stop and c(ec, valves for *eneral p!rposes
1S 476.%1:19=.
Valves for ('dra!lic fl!id po2er s'ste"s % ?et(ods for deter"inin* press!re differential9flo2
1S 476.%.:1997
Valves for ('dra!lic fl!id po2er s'ste"s % ?et(ods for deter"inin* perfor"ance
Cast iron c(ec, valves for *eneral p!rposes
/lan*ed steel parallel slide valves for *eneral p!rposes
/lan*ed steel scre2 do2n stop valves and c(ec, valves for *eneral p!rposes
1S 4467:1969
Steel +all valves for t(e petrole!" ind!str'
1S -741:19=5
/ire ('drant s'ste"s e)!ip"ent % Specification for landin* valves for 2et risers
1S -146 P1:19=4
Steel valves for t(e petroc(e"ical and allied ind!stries
1S -1-7:1997 % ;it(dra2n S!perseded
Specification for cast iron *ate valves
1S -1-1:19=. % ;it(dra2n S!perseded
Specification for cast iron *ate 6parallel slide8 valves for *eneral p!rposes
1S -1-.:19=9 % ;it(dra2n S!perseded
Cast iron *lo+e C *lo+e stop and c(ec, valves
1S -1-3:19=9 % ;it(dra2n S!perseded
Cast iron c(ec, valves for *eneral p!rposes
1S -1-4:1991
Specification for copper allo' *lo+e *lo+e stop and c(ec, c(ec, and *ate valves
1S -1--:199.
Specification for +!tterfl' valves
1S -1-6:1997
Specification for diap(ra*" valves
1S -1-5:19=9
Specification for steel *ate 6parallel slide8 valves
1S -1-=:19=9
Specification for cast iron pl!* valves
1S -1-9:19=.
Cast iron and car+on steel +all valves for *eneral p!rposes
1S -167:19=9
Specification for steel *lo+e valves *lo+e stop and c(ec, valves and lift t'pe c(ec, valves
1S -163:1991
Specification for predo"inantl' ,e'%operated cast iron *ate valves for 2ater2or,s p!rposes
1S -3-1:1997
Steel +all valves for petrole!" petroc(e"ical and allied ind!stries
1S -3-.:1997
Steel 2ed*e *ate *lo+e and c(ec, valves -7"" and s"all
1S -3-3:19=9
Specification for steel pl!* valves
1S -415:1956
&estin* of *eneral p!rpose ind!strial valves
1S -41=:19=4
Specification for "ar,in* of *eneral p!rpose ind!strial valves
1S -65.:1991
Specification for desi*nation of t(e direction of retation and of c'linders and valves in c'linder
(eads and definition of ri*(t%(and and left%(and in%line en*ines and locations on en*ines for
reciprocatin* internal co"+!stion en*ines
1S -593%4:19=5
Ind!strial%process control valves % Specification for inspection and ro!tine testin*
1S -593%6:19=6
Ind!strial%process control valves % Specification for "o!ntin* details for attac("ent of
positioners to control valve act!ators
1S -=34%1:19=-
S!rface +o<es *!ards and !nder*ro!nd c(a"+ers for *as and 2ater2or,s p!rposes %
Specification for *!ards incl!din* fo!ndation !nits
1S -=34%.:19=3
S!rface +o<es *!ards and !nder*ro!nd c(a"+ers for *as and 2ater2or,s p!rposes %
Specification for s"all s!rface +o<es
1S -=34%3:19=-
S!rface +o<es *!ards and !nder*ro!nd c(a"+ers for *as and 2ater2or,s p!rposes %
Specification for lar*e s!rface +o<es
1S -=34%4:19=9
S!rface +o<es *!ards and !nder*ro!nd c(a"+ers for *as and 2ater2or,s p!rposes %
Specification for prefor"ed c(a"+ers
1S -99-:19=7
?et(ods of test for electro('dra!lic servovalves
1S 6.=.%.:19=.
Devices 2it( "ovin* parts for t(e prevention of conta"ination of 2ater +' +ac,flo2 %
Specification for c(ec, valves of no"inal si4e !p to and incl!din* D# -4
1S 6.=.%3:19=.
Devices 2it( "ovin* parts for t(e prevention of conta"ination of 2ater +' +ac,flo2 %
Specification for in%line anti%vac!!" valves of no"inal si4e !p to and incl!din* D# 4.
1S 6.=.%4:19=.
Devices 2it( "ovin* parts for t(e prevention of conta"ination of 2ater +' +ac,flo2 %
Specification for co"+ined c(ec, and anti%vac!!" valves of no"inal si4e !p to and incl!din*
D# 4.
1S 6.=3%.:1991
Safet' and control devices for !se in (ot 2ater s'ste"s % Specifications for te"perat!re relief
valves for press!res fro" 1 +ar to 17 +ar
1S 6.=3%4:1991
Safet' and control devices for !se in (ot 2ater s'ste"s % Specification for drop%ti*(t press!re
red!cin* valves of no"inal si4e !p to and incl!din* D# -7 for s!ppl' press!res !p to and
incl!din* 1. +ar
1S 6494%4:19=9
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er valve "o!ntin* s!rfaces % Specification for cla"pin* di"ensions of fo!r%
part si4e 73 and 7- "od!lar stac, valves and directional control valves
1S 665-:19=6
Specification for servicin* valves 6copper allo'8 for 2ater services
1S 66=3:19=-
$!ide to installation and !se of valves
1S 6695:19=6
?et(ods of test for electro('dra!lic proportional control valves
1S 65--%.:19=5
&estin* of valves % Specification for fire t'pe%testin* re)!ire"ents
1S 65-9%1:199-
Safet' valves % Part 1. Specification for safet' valves for stea" and (ot 2ater
1S 65-9%.:1995
Safet' valves % Part .. Safet' valves for co"pressed air or inert *as
1S 65-9%3:199-
Safet' valves % Part 3. Specification for safet' valves for process fl!ids
1S 6=.1:19==
?et(ods for aerod'na"ic testin* of da"pers and valves
1S 5.96%1:1997
Cavities for ('dra!lic fl!id po2er cartrid*e valves % specification for t2o%port slip%in valves
1S 53-7:1997
Specification for do!+le re*!latin* *lo+e valves and flo2 "eas!re"ent devices for (eatin* and
c(illed 2ater s'ste"s
1S 53=9%1:1997
Pne!"atic fl!id po2er valve "o!ntin* s!rfaces % specification for five%port directional control
valves 62it(o!t electrical "otor8
1S 543=:1991
Specification steel and copper allo' 2affer c(ec, valves sin*le dis, sprin*%loaded t'pe
1S E# 4==:.773
District (eatin* pipes % Preins!lated +onded pipe s'ste"s for directl' +!ried (ot 2ater net2or,s
% Steel valve asse"+l' for steel service pipes pol'!ret(ane t(er"al ins!lation and o!ter casin*
of pol'et('lene
1S E# --=%1:1996
Ind!strial val!es face to face and center to face di"ensions of "etal valves for !se in flan*ed
pipe s'ste"s. Part 1 P# desi*nated valves
1S E# --=%.:1996
Ind!strial valves face to face and center to face di"ensions of "etal valves for !se in flan*ed
pipin* s'ste"s. Part . class%desi*nated valves
1S E# -61:.77.
$as 2eldin* e)!ip"ent % @!ic,%action co!plin* 2it( s(!t%off valves for 2eldin* c!ttin* and
allied processes
1S E# 536%1:199-
Valves % &er"inolo*' % Definition of t'pes of valves
1S E# 536%.:1995
Valves % &er"inolo*' % Definition of co"ponents of valves
1S E# =16:1995
Sanitar' tap2are % A!to"atic s(!t%off valves P# 17
1S E# 915:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % &(er"oplastics valves % &est "et(ods for resistance to internal
press!re and lea,ti*(tness
1S E# 179.%.:1995
/lan*es and t(eir Boints % Circ!lar flan*es for pipes valves fittin*s and accessories P#
desi*nated % Cast iron flan*es
1S E# 111.:1995
S(o2er o!tlets for 6P# 178 sanitar' tap2are
1S E# 16=7:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % Valves for pol'et('lene 6PE8 pipin* s'ste"s % &est "et(od for
lea,ti*(tness !nder and after +endin* applied to t(e operatin* "ec(anis"
1S E# 1574:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % &(er"oplastics valves % &est "et(od for t(e inte*rit' of a valve after
te"perat!re c'clin* !nder +endin*
1S E# 157-:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % &(er"oplastics valves % &est "et(od for t(e inte*rit' of a valve after
an e<ternal +lo2
1S E# 1.119:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % Pol'et('lene 6PE8 valves % &est "et(od for resistance to t(er"al
1S E# 14141:.773
Valves for nat!ral *as transportation in pipelines % Perfor"ance re)!ire"ents and tests
1S E# 141=9:.773
&ransporta+le *as c'linders. Inspection and "aintenance of c'linder valves at ti"e of periodic
inspection of *as c'linders. Partiall' replaces 1S 341%1:1991
1S E# .=.33:199.
&(er"oplastics valves % &or)!e % &est "et(od
1S E# .=6-9:199.
&(er"oplastics valves % /ati*!e stren*t( % &est "et(od
1S E# 67-34%1:19=9
Ind!strial%process control valves % Ind!strial%process control valves % Control valve ter"inolo*'
and *eneral considerations
1S E# 67-34%.%1:1999
Ind!strial%process control valves % /lo2 capacit' % /lo2 capacit' % Si4in* e)!ations for fl!id
flo2 !nder installed conditions
1S E# 67-34%.%3:199=
Ind!strial%process control valves % /lo2 capacit' % &est proced!res
1S E# 67-34%.%-:.773
Ind!strial%process control valves % /lo2 capacit' % Si4in* e)!ations for fl!id flo2 t(ro!*(
"!ltista*e control valves 2it( intersta*e recover'
1S E# 67-34%3%1:.777
Ind!strial%process control valves % Di"ensions % /ace%to%face di"ensions for flan*ed t2o%2a'
*lo+e%t'pe strai*(t pattern and centre%to%face di"ensions for flan*ed t2o%2a' *lo+e%t'pe
an*le pattern control valves
1S E# 67-34%3%.:.771
Ind!strial%process control valves % Di"ensions % /ace%to%face di"ensions for rotar' control
valves e<cept +!tterfl' valves
1S E# 67-34%3%3:199=
Ind!strial%process control valves % Di"ensions % End%to%end di"ensions for +!tt2eld t2o%2a'
*lo+e%t'pe strai*(t pattern control valves
1S E# 67-34%-:.774
Ind!strial%process control valves % ?ar,in*
1S E# 67-34%6%1:199=
Ind!strial%process control valves % ?o!ntin* details for attac("ent of positioners to control
valves % Positioner "o!ntin* on linear act!ators
1S E# 67-34%6%.:.771
Ind!strial%process control valves % ?o!ntin* details for attac("ent of positioners to control
valves % Positioner "o!ntin* on rotar' act!ators
1S E# 67-34%=%1:.771
Ind!strial%process control valves % #oise considerations % :a+orator' "eas!re"ent of noise
*enerated +' aerod'na"ic flo2 t(ro!*( control valves
1S E# 67-34%=%.:1991
Ind!strial%process control valves % #oise considerations % :a+orator' "eas!re"ent of noise
*enerated +' ('drod'na"ic flo2 t(ro!*( control valves
1S E# 67-34%=%3:.777
Ind!strial%process control valves % #oise considerations % Control valve aerod'na"ic noise
prediction "et(od
1S E# 67-34%=%4:1994
Ind!strial%process control valves % #oise considerations % Prediction of noise *enerated +'
('drod'na"ic flo2
1S E# 67537%.%=:.77.
Specification for a!to"atic electrical controls for (o!se(old and si"ilar !se % Partic!lar
re)!ire"ents % Partic!lar re)!ire"ents for electricall' operated 2ater valves incl!din*
"ec(anical re)!ire"ents
1S E# ISO -.17:1996
Ind!strial valves % ?!lti%t!rn valve act!ator attac("ents
1S ISO 4471:1996
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % /o!r%port directional control valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
1S ISO 6.63:1995
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % Co"pensated flo2%control valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
DI# % De!tsc(es Instit!t fEr #or"!n* % valve related standards:
DI# 45-%1
;idt(s across flats for +olts scre2s valves and fittin*s
DI# 45-%.
;renc( and soc,et openin*s
DI# 455%1
$as c'linder valves rated for test press!res !p to 377 +ar3 t'pes si4es and o!tlets
DI# 455%4
Co"pressed *as c'linder valves3 s2in* c(ec, valves for ca"pin*%c'linders
DI# 455%-
$as c'linder valves % Part -: /or test press!re !p to 4-7 +ar "a<.3 O!tlet connections
DI# 455%6
$as c'linder valves3 test press!res 377 +ar and 4-7 +ar 2it( c'lindrical t(read for valve ste"
and *as c'linder nec, for +reat(in* apparat!s3 si4es t(reads
DI# 455%9 6Draft standard8
$as c'linder valves for (i*(est *rade *ases3 si4es connections t(reads
DI# 1697%17
&ec(nical deliver' conditions for castin*s of "etallic "aterials3 s!pple"entar' re)!ire"ents for
steel castin*s !sed for (eav'%d!t' valves
DI# 3.7.%4
/ace%to%face and center%to%face di"ensions of valves3 Valves 2it( fe"ale t(read connection
DI# 3.7.%-
/ace%to%face and center%to%face di"ensions of valves3 valves for connection 2it( co"pression
DI# 3.37%3
&ec(nical deliver' conditions for valves3 Co"pilation of test "et(ods
DI# 3.37%4
&ec(nical Conditions of Deliver' for Valves3 Valves for Pota+le ;ater Service 0e)!ire"ents
and &estin*
DI# 3.37%-
&ec(nical deliver' conditions3 valves for *as installations and *as pipelines3 re)!ire"ents and
DI# 3.37%6
&ec(nical deliver' conditions for valves3 re)!ire"ents and "et(ods of test for valves for !se
2it( fla""a+le li)!ids
DI# 3.66%1
Valves for drin,in* 2ater installations on private pre"ises3 P# 17 pipe interr!pters pipe
disconnectors anti%vac!!" valves
DI# 3.66%.
Valves for drin,in* 2ater installations on private pre"ises3 P# 17 pipe interr!pters pipe
disconnectors anti%vac!!" valves3 testin*
DI# 33.7%1
Safet' valves3 safet' s(!t%off valves3 definitions si4in* "ar,in*
DI# 33.7%3 6Draft standard8
Safet' valves3 safet' s(!t%off valves3 center for face di"ensions of flan*ed safet' valves to P#
47 and to D# .-7 inlet
DI# 3339
Valves3 +od' co"ponent "aterials
DI# 33-.%1
$ate Valves3 $eneral Infor"ation
DI# 33-.%.
Cast iron *ate valves 2it( "etallic seat and inside scre2 ste"
DI# 33-.%3
Cast iron *ate valves 2it( "etallic seat and o!tside scre2 ste"
DI# 33-.%4
Cast iron *ate valves 2it( elasto"eric o+t!rator seatin*s and inside scre2 ste"
DI# 33-.%-
Steel *ate valves iso"orp(s series
DI# 33-.%13
Do!+le%soc,et cast iron *ate valves 2it( elasto"eric o+t!rator seat and inside scre2 ste"
DI# 33-6%1
$lo+e valves3 $eneral data
DI# 33-6%.
$lo+e valves3 Cast iron stop valves
DI# 33-6%3
$lo+e valves3 Anallo'ed steel stop valves
DI# 33-6%4
$lo+e valves3 Di*( te"perat!re steel stop valves
DI# 33-6%-
$lo+e valves3 Stainless steel stop valves
DI# 33-5%1
?etal +all valves3 *eneral re)!ire"ents and "et(ods of test
DI# 33-5%.
/!ll +ore steel +all valves
DI# 33-5%3
0ed!ced +ore steel +all valves
DI# 33-5%4
/!ll +ore nonferro!s "etal +all valves
DI# 33-5%-
0ed!ced +ore nonferro!s "etal +all valves
DI# 33=1
Safet' devices for *as s!ppl' installations operatin* at 2or,in* press!res !p to 177 +ar3
press!re relief *overnors and safet' s(!t%off devices
DI# 3399
$as lo2%press!re c!t%off valves3 safet' re)!ire"ents testin*
DI# 3441%1
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6PVC%A8 valves3 re)!ire"ents and testin*
DI# 3441%.
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6PVC%A8 valves3 +all valves3 di"ensions
DI# 3441%3
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6PVC%A8 valves3 diap(ra*" valves3 di"ensions
DI# 3441%4
Valves of 0i*id PVC 6Anplastici4ed or 0i*id Pol'vin'l C(loride83 F%valves 6Inclined%seat
Valves8 Di"ensions
DI# 3441%-
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6PVC%A8 valves3 P# 6 and P# 17 2afer t'pe +!tterfl' valves3
DI# 3441%6
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6APVC8 valves3 *ate valves 2it( inside scre2 ste"3
DI# 344.%1
Pol'prop'lene 6PP8 valves3 re)!ire"ents and testin*
DI# 344.%.
/ittin*s of PP 6Pol'prop'lene83 1all valves Di"ensions
DI# 344.%3
Pol'prop'lene 6PP8 valves3 diap(ra*" valves3 di"ensions
DI# 345-
Sp(eroidal *rap(ite cast iron valves and fittin*s provided 2it( internal corrosion protection +'
"eans of ena"ellin* for !se in drin,in* 2ater s!ppl' s'ste"s3 re)!ire"ents and testin*
DI# 3456
Corrosion protection of 2ater valves and pipe fittin*s +' epo<' po2der or li)!id epo<' resin
linin*s % 0e)!ire"ents and testin*
DI# 3-77
P# 17 piston t'pe *ate valves for !se in drin,in* 2ater s!ppl' s'ste"s
DI# 3-7.
Stopvalves for drin,in* 2ater s!pplies on and in private propert'3 strai*(t pattern *lo+e valves
2it( o+li)!e +onnet rated for no"inal press!re P# 17
DI# 3-1.
Stopvalves for do"estic 2ater s!ppl' % &2o%2a' valves % Vertical +onnet t'pe P# 173 Strai*(t
pattern *lo+e valve3 &ec(nical r!le of t(e DV$;
DI# 3-3-%1
Sealants for *as s!pplies3 elasto"eric *as,et "aterials for *as valves in do"estic installations3
re)!ire"ents and tests
DI# 3-3-%-
0!++er9cor, and r!++er9cor, s'nt(etic fi+er +ased *as,et "aterials for !se 2it( *as valves *as
appliances and *as pipe 2or,
DI# 3-3-%6
$as,ets for *as s!ppl' % Part 6: $as,et "aterials +ased on s'nt(etic fi+ers *rap(ite or
pol'tetrafl!oroet('len 6P&/E8 for *as valves *as appliances and *as "ains
DI# 3-35%1
$as stop valves rated for press!res !p to 4 +ar3 re)!ire"ents and acceptance testin*
DI# 3-43%1
?etal tappin* valves3 re)!ire"ents testin*
DI# 3-43%.
?etallic tappin* stop valves3 di"ensions
DI# 3-43%3 P!+lication date:195=%75
PVC tappin* valves for plastic pipes3 di"ensions
DI# 3-43%4
Di*( densit' pol'et('lene 6DDPE8 tappin* valves for DDPE pipes3 di"ensions
DI# 3-44%1
Di*(%densit' pol'et('lene 6DDPE8 valves3 tappin* valves3 re)!ire"ents and test
DI# 3=-.%1
Ports and st!d ends 2it( "etric fine pitc( t(read for !se 2it( co"pression co!plin*s valves
and scre2 pl!*s3 Di"ensions
DI# 3=-.%.
St!d ends and tapped (oles 2it( pipe t(read for !se 2it( co"pression co!plin*s valves and
scre2 pl!*s3 Di"ensions
DI# 3=-.%11
St!d ends and tapped (oles for !se 2it( co"pression co!plin*s valves and scre2 pl!*s % &'pe
E st!d end di"ensions
DI# 19.7=
/lo2 "eas!re"ent3 "atin* di"ensions and application of s(!t%off valves for differential
press!re transd!cers and differential press!re pipin*
DI# 19-5=%1
Stop valves for site draina*e s'ste"s3 anti%floodin* valves for fa!cal se2a*e s'ste"s3
DI# .774.
;ater valve no"inal press!re 47 % Di"ensions and re)!ire"ents
DI# E# .=.33
&(er"oplastics valves3 tor)!es3 test "et(od 6ISO =.33:19==8
DI# 37655%1
Corrosion protection of +!ried valves3 coatin* for nor"al re)!ire"ent
DI# 37655%.
E<ternal corrosion protection of +!ried valves3 (eav'%d!t' t(er"oset plastics coatin*s
DI# 3.-79
Dand%operated s(!t%off valves for 2eldin* c!ttin* and allied processes % &'pe of constr!ction
safet' re)!ire"ents tests
DI# 4.-67
&ransfor"ers3 &(rottle%valves #; =7 Di"ensions &i*(tness &estin*
DI# 54.59
Air +ra,in* s'ste"s % C(ar*in* valves
DI# =6.-1
S(!t off valves for s(ip+oard !se of cast iron 2it( flan*es D# 1- to -77
DI# =6.-.
#on ret!rn valves for s(ip+oard !se c!t off t'pe of cast iron 2it( flan*es D# 1- to -77
DI# =6.67
S(!t off valves for s(ip+oard !se of *!n "etal 2it( flan*es D# 1- to -77
DI# =6.61
#on ret!rn valves for s(ip+oard !se c!t off t'pe of *!n "etal 2it( flan*es D# 1- to -77
DI# =6-71
Valves scre2ed +onnet t'pe of *!n "etal 2it( .4GHI%connection 2it( port end ; accordin* to
DI# 3=61
DI# =6-.=
&a+ 2as(ers for scre2ed +onnet valves
DI# =6--.
Valves scre2ed +onnet t'pe of steel 2it( .4GHI%connection 2it( port end ; accordin* to DI#
DI# =65.7
$ate valves flat sided of *!n "etal 2it( scre2ed +onnet and flan*es D# .7 to D# 177 P# 16
DI# =5171 P!+lication date:.773%17
#on%ret!rn flaps 6stor" valves8 self%closin* vertical t'pe D# -7 !p to D# 1-7 P# 1 % ?atin*
di"ensions for flan*es accordin* to P# 17
DI# =5971
Sniffle valves for p!"ps
DI# E# 4==
District (eatin* pipes % Preins!lated +onded pipe s'ste"s for directl' +!ried (ot 2ater net2or,s
% Steel valve asse"+l' for steel service pipes pol'!ret(ane t(er"al ins!lation and o!ter casin*
of pol'et('lene3 $er"an version E# 4==:.773
DI# E# --=%1
/ace%to%face and center%to%face di"ensions of "etal ind!strial valves for !se in flan*ed pipe
s'ste"s % P# desi*nated valves
DI# E# --=%.
/ace%to%face and center%to%face di"ensions of "etal ind!strial valves for !se in flan*ed pipe
s'ste"s % Class%desi*nated valves
DI# E# 536%1
Valves % &er"inolo*' % &'pes of valves
DI# E# 536%.
Valves % &er"inolo*' % Part .: Definition of co"ponents of valves
DI# E# 536%3
Valves % &er"inolo*' % Part 3: Definition of ter"s 6incl!des A"end"ent A1:.77183 En*lis(
version of DI# E# 536%3:1999 J A1:.771
DI# E# 915
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % &(er"oplastics valves % &est "et(ods for resistance to internal
press!re and lea,%ti*(tness
DI# E# 179.%1
/lan*es and t(eir Boints % Circ!lar flan*es for pipes valves fittin*s and accessories % Part 1:
Steel flan*es P# desi*nated
DI# E# 179.%.
Circ!lar flan*es for pipes valves fittin*s and accessories P# desi*nated % Part .: Cast iron
DI# E# 179.%4
/lan*es and t(eir Boints % Circ!lar flan*es for pipes valves fittin*s and accessories P#
desi*nated % Part 4: Al!"ini!" allo' flan*es
DI# E# 16=7
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % Valves for pol'et('lene 6PE8 pipin* s'ste"s % &est "et(od for
lea,ti*(tness !nder and after +endin* applied to t(e operatin* "ec(anis"
DI# E# 157-
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s % &(er"oplastics valves % &est "et(od for t(e inte*rit' of a valve after
an e<ternal +lo23 $er"an version E# 157-:1996
DI# E# .=.33
&(er"oplastics valves3 tor)!es3 test "et(od 6ISO =.33:19==8
ISO % International Or*ani4ation for Standardi4ation % valve standards:
ISO 6=3%1-:199.
Deat%treata+le steels allo' steels and free%c!ttin* steels3 part 1-: valve steels for internal
co"+!stion en*ines
ISO 41.6%1:.774
Safet' devices for protection a*ainst e<cessive press!re % Part 1: Safet' valves
ISO 4471:1994
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % /o!r%port directional control valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
ISO 4411:19=6
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er3 Valves3 Deter"ination of press!re differential9flo2 c(aracteristics
ISO 44..%4:1995
Pipes and fittin*s "ade of !nplastici4ed pol'6vin'l c(loride8 6PVC%A8 for 2ater s!ppl' %
Specifications % Part 4: Valves and ancillar' e)!ip"ent
ISO -.7=:1993
Ind!strial valves3 press!re testin* of valves
ISO -.79:1955
$eneral p!rpose ind!strial valves3 ?ar,in*
ISO -.17:1991
Ind!strial valves3 "!lti%t!rn valve act!ator attac("ents
ISO -.11:.771
Ind!strial valves % Part%t!rn act!ator attac("ent
SO --99%1:.771
Pne!"atic fl!id po2er % /ive%port directional control valves % Part 1: ?o!ntin* interface
s!rfaces 2it(o!t electrical connector
ISO --99%.:.771
Pne!"atic fl!id po2er % /ive%port directional control valves % Part .: ?o!ntin* interface
s!rfaces 2it( optional electrical connector
ISO --99%3:1997
Pne!"atic fl!id po2er3 five%port directional control valves3 part 3: code s'ste" for
co""!nication of valve f!nctions
ISO -5-.:19=.
?etal valves for !se in flan*ed pipe s'ste"s3 /ace%to%face and center%to%face di"ensions
ISO -5=1:.777
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % Press!re%red!cin* valves se)!ence valves !nloadin* valves t(rottle
valves and c(ec, valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
ISO -996:19=4
Cast iron *ate valves
ISO 677.:199.
1olted +onnet steel *ate valves
ISO 61=.%1:.774
/ire protection % A!to"atic sprin,ler s'ste"s % Part 1: 0e)!ire"ents and test "et(ods for
ISO 61=.%.:1993
/ire protection3 a!to"atic sprin,ler s'ste"s3 part .: re)!ire"ents and test "et(ods for 2et
alar" valves retard c(a"+ers and 2ater "otor alar"s
ISO 61=.%3:1993
/ire protection3 a!to"atic sprin,ler s'ste"s3 part 3: re)!ire"ents and test "et(ods for dr' pipe
ISO 61=.%4:1993
/ire protection3 a!to"atic sprin,ler s'ste"s3 part 4: re)!ire"ents and test "et(ods for )!ic,%
openin* devices
ISO 61=.%-:199-
/ire protection % A!to"atic sprin,ler s'ste"s % Part -: 0e)!ire"ents and test "et(ods for
del!*e valves
ISO 6.63:1995
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % Co"pensated flo2%control valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
ISO 6.64:199=
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % Press!re%relief valves % ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
ISO 6473:19==
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er3 valves controllin* flo2 and press!re3 test "et(ods
ISO 6--.:19=7
A!to"atic stea" traps3 Definition of tec(nical ter"s
ISO 6--3:19=7
A!to"atic stea" traps3 ?ar,in*
ISO 6--4:19=7
/lan*ed a!to"atic stea" traps3 /ace%to%face di"ensions
ISO 6574:19=.
A!to"atic stea" traps3 Classification
ISO 694=:19=1
A!to"atic stea" traps3 Prod!ction and perfor"ance c(aracteristic tests
ISO 51.1:19=6
/lan*ed steel +all valves
ISO 5.44:19=4
Air distri+!tion and air diff!sion3 Aerod'na"ic testin* of da"pers and valves
ISO 5.-9:19==
Predo"inantl' ,e'%operated cast iron *ate valves for !nder*ro!nd !se
ISO 536=:19=9
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er3 t2o%port slip%in cartrid*e valves3 cavities
ISO 5-7=:19=-
Anplastici4ed pol'vin'l c(loride 6PVC%A8 valves for pipes !nder press!re3 1asic di"ensions3
?etric series
ISO 5514:.777
A*ric!lt!ral irri*ation e)!ip"ent % Vol!"etric valves % $eneral re)!ire"ents and test "et(ods
ISO 5597:1995
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er % /o!r%port "od!lar stac, valves and fo!r%port directional control valves
si4es 7. 73 and 7- % Cla"pin* di"ensions
ISO 5=41:19==
A!to"atic stea" traps3 deter"ination of stea" loss3 test "et(ods
DI# ISO 5965%3:1993
0eciprocatin* internal co"+!stion en*ines3 voca+!lar' of co"ponents and s'ste"s3 valves
ca"s(aft drive and act!atin* "ec(anis"s
ISO =.33:19==
&(er"oplastics valves3 tor)!e3 test "et(od
ISO =.4.:19=9
Pol'prop'lene 6PP8 valves for pipes !nder press!re3 +asic di"ensions3 "etric series
ISO =6-9:19=9
&(er"oplastics valves3 fati*!e stren*t(3 test "et(od
ISO 9393%1:.774
&(er"oplastics valves for ind!strial applications % Press!re test "et(ods and re)!ire"ents % Part
1: $eneral
ISO 9393%.:1995
&(er"oplastics valves % Press!re test "et(ods and re)!ire"ents % Part .: &est conditions and
+asic re)!ire"ents for PE PP PVC%A and PVD/ valves
ISO 963-:1997
Irri*ation e)!ip"ent3 ('dra!licall' operated irri*ation valves
ISO 9644:1993
A*ric!lt!ral irri*ation e)!ip"ent3 press!re losses in irri*ation valves3 test "et(od
ISO 9911:1993
A*ric!lt!ral irri*ation e)!ip"ent3 "an!all' operated s"all plastics valves
ISO 99-.:1993
A*ric!lt!ral irri*ation e)!ip"ent3 c(ec, valves
ISO 1741=:.773
Petrole!" and nat!ral *as ind!stries % Offs(ore prod!ction installations % 1asic s!rface process
safet' s'ste"s
ISO 174.3:.773
Petrole!" and nat!ral *as ind!stries % Drillin* and prod!ction e)!ip"ent % ;ell(ead and
c(rist"as tree e)!ip"ent
ISO 17495:.774
&estin* of valves % /ire t'pe%testin* re)!ire"ents
ISO 17-..:1993
A*ric!lt!ral irri*ation e)!ip"ent3 direct%actin* press!re%re*!latin* valves
ISO 17631:1994
?etallic +!tterfl' valves for *eneral p!rposes
ISO 17931%4:1995
Plastics pipin* s'ste"s for ind!strial applications % Pol'6vin'lidene fl!oride8 6PVD/8 % Part 4:
ISO 17933:1995
Pol'et('lene 6PE8 valves for *as distri+!tion s'ste"s
?SS % ?an!fact!rers Standardi4ation Societ' of t(e Valve and /ittin*s Ind!str' % valve standards:
?SS SP%6
Standard finis(es for contact faces of pipe flan*es of valves and fittin*s
?SS SP%9
Spot facin* for +ron4e iron and steel flan*es
?SS SP%.-
Standard "ar,in* s'ste" for valves fittin*s flan*es and !nions
?SS SP%4.
Class 1-7 corrosion resistant *ate *lo+e an*le and c(ec, valves 2it( flan*ed and +!tt 2eld
?SS SP%-4
@!alit' standard for steel castin*s % radio*rap(ic inspection "et(od for valves flan*e fittin*s
and ot(er pipin* co"ponents
?SS SP%--
@!alit' standard for steel castin*s for valves flan*es and fittin*s and ot(er pipin* co"ponents
?SS SP%67
Connectin* flan*e Boint +et2een tappin* sleeves and tappin* valves
?SS SP%61
D'drostatic testin* of steel valves
?SS SP%65
1!tterfl' valves
?SS SP%57
Cast iron *ate valves flan*ed and t(readed ends
?SS SP%51
Cast iron s2in* c(ec, valves flan*ed and t(readed ends
?SS SP%5.
1all valves 2it( flan*ed or +!tt % 2eldin* ends for *eneral service
?SS SP%5=
Cast iron pl!* valves
?SS SP%=7
1ron4e $ate *lo+e an*le and c(ec, valves
?SS SP%=.
Valves press!re testin* "et(ods
?SS SP%=4
Steel valves soc,et 2eldin* and t(readed ends
?SS SP%=6
?etric data in standards for valves flan*es and fittin*s
Co""on valve standards fro" A"erican Societ' of ?ec(anical En*ineers % AS?E:
AS?E A17-917-?
Standard Specification for Car+on Steel /or*in*s for pipin* applications
AS?E A1=191=1?
Standard Specification for Car+on Steel /or*in*s for $eneral p!rpose pipin*
AS?E A1=.91=.?
Standard Specification for for*ed or rolled allo'%steel pipe flan*es for*ed fittin*s and valves
and parts for (i*(%te"perat!re service
AS?E A5.595.5?
Standard specification for car+on steel for*in*s for pipin* co"ponents 2it( in(erent notc(
AS?E A961
Standard Specification for Co""on 0e)!ire"ents for Steel /lan*es /or*ed /ittin*s valves
and Parts for Pipin* Applications
AS?E 116.17
/ace to /ace and End%to%End Di"ensions of Valves
AS?E 116.34
Valves % /lan*ed &(readed and ;eldin* End
AS?E 146.
Standard Specification for /or*ed or 0olled A#S #7=7.7 A#S #7=7.4 A#S #7=7.6 A#S
#7=365 and A#S 0.7733 Allo' Pipe /lan*es /or*ed /ittin*s and Valves and Parts for
Corrosive Di*(%&e"perat!re Service
AS?E 1=34
Standard Specification for Press!re Consolidated Po2der ?etall!r*' Iron%#ic,el% C(ro"i!"%
?ol'+den!" 6A#S #7=3658 and #ic,el% C(ro"i!" ?ol'+den!" Col!"+i!" 6#+8 6A#S
#766.-8 Allo' Pipe /lan*es /ittin*s Valves and Parts
AS?E D--77
Standard &est ?et(od for Ve(icle Eval!ation of Anleaded A!to"otive Spar,%i*nition En*ine
/!el for Inta,e Valve Deposit /or"ation
AS?E /==-
Standard Specification for Envelope Di"ensions for 1ron4e $lo+e Valves #PS 194 to . El%1996
AS?E /99.
Standard Specification for Valve :a+el Plates El%1995 0619958
AS?E /993
Standard Specification for Valve :oc,in* Devices El%1995 0619958
AS?E /17.7
Standard Specification for :ine%1lind Valves for "arine Applications El%1996 0I>19968
AS?E /179=
Standard Specification for Envelope Di"ensions for 1!tterfl' Valves % #PS . to .4 EI%1993
AS?E /1.51
Standard Specification for Spill Valves for Ase in ?arine &an, :i)!id Overpress!re Protections
Applications EI%199- 0 6199-8
AS?E /1357
Standard Specification for Press!re 0ed!cin* valves for ;ater S'ste"s S(ip+oard
AS?E /1-7=
Standard Specification for An*le St'le Press!re 0elief Valves for Stea" $as and :i)!id
AS?E /1-6-
Standard Specification for Press!re%0ed!cin* Valves for Stea" Service
AS?E /159.
Standard Specification for Special 0e)!ire"ents for Valves Ased in $aseo!s O<'*en Service
AS?E /1593
Standard Specification for A!to"atic S(!t%Off Valves 6Also Kno2n as E<cess /lo2 Valves
E/V8 for Air or #itro*en Service
AS?E /1594
Standard Specification for Dand operated $lo+e%St'le Valves for $as 6E<cept O<'*en $as8
and D'dra!lic S'ste"s
AS?E /159-
Standard specification for Press!re%0ed!cin* Valves for Air or #itro*en S'ste"s
AS?E A.37
Standard specification for steel 2ire oil % te"pered car+on valve sprin* )!alit'
AS?E A.3.
Standard specification for c(ro"i!" % vanadi!" allo' steel valve sprin* )!alit'
AS?E A3-7
Standard specification for for*ed or rolled car+on and allo' steel flan*es for*ed fittin*s and
valves and parts for lo2 % te"perat!re service
AS?E A33=
Standard specification for !ltrasonic e<a"ination of (eav' steel for*in*s
AS?E A694
Standard specification for for*in*s car+on and allo' steel for pipe flan*es fittin*s valves and
parts for (i*( % press!re trans"ission service
AS?E A474
Standards specification for for*ed or rolled allo' % steel pipe flan*es for*ed fittin*s and valves
and parts speciall' (eat treated for (i*( te"perat!re service
AS?E A-..
/or*ed or rolled =L and 9L nic,el allo' steel flan*es fittin*s valves and parts for lo2 %
te"perat!re service
Ind!strial valve standards and specifications fro" t(e Mapanese Standards Association % MAS or*ani4ed
+' divisions:
B. Mechanical Engineering
MIS 1 7177:19=4
$lossar' of ter"s for valves
MIS 1 7116:195=
$lossar' of ter"s for pac,in*s and *as,ets
MIS 1 .771:19=5
#o"inal si4e and +ore of valves
MIS 1 .77.:19=5
/ace%to%face and end%to%end di"ensions of valves
MIS 1 .773:1994
$eneral r!les for inspection of valves
MIS 1 .774:1994
$eneral r!les for "ar,in* on valves
MIS 1 .77-:.774
&est proced!res for flo2 coefficients of valves
MIS 1 .775:1993
Ind!strial%process control valves %% Inspection and ro!tine testin*
MIS 1 .711:.773 9 A?E#D?E#& 1:.774
1ron4e *ate *lo+e an*le and c(ec, valves 6A"end"ent 18
MIS 1 .731:1994
$ra' cast iron valves
MIS 1 .73.:199-
;afer t'pe r!++er%seated +!tterfl' valves
MIS 1 .7-1:1994
?allea+le iron 17 K scre2ed valves
MIS 1 .761:.774
/a!cets +all taps and fl!s( valves
MIS 1 .76.:1994
Sl!ice valves for 2ater 2or,s
MIS 1 .763
Air vent valves for 2ater 2or,s
MIS 1 .764
1!tterfl' valves for 2ater 2or,s
MIS 1 .751:.777
Steel valves
MIS 1 .191
Scre2ed +ron4e pl!* coc,s and *land coc,s
MIS 1 .19.
&(readed ends +ron4e pac,in* pl!* valves
MIS 1 .471:1999
MIS 1 .473:199-
MIS 1 .476:1991
O%rin*s (o!sin*s %% Desi*n criteria
MIS 1 =.17:1994
Stea" +oilers and press!re vessels %% Sprin* loaded safet' valves
MIS 1 =..-:1993
Safet' valves % "eas!rin* "et(ods for coefficient of disc(ar*e
MIS 1 =.44:.774
Valves for dissolved acet'lene c'linder
MIS 1 =.4-:.774
Valves for li)!efied petrole!" *as c'linder
MIS 1 =.46:.774
Valves for (i*( press!re *as c'linders
MIS 1 =3--:1995
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er %% S!+plate t'pe solenoid operated fo!r%port valves
MIS 1 =3-5:.777
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er %% Co"pensated flo2%control valves %% ?o!ntin* s!rfaces
MIS 1 =35.%19.:.773
Pne!"atic fl!id po2er %% Co"pressed air press!re re*!lators and filter%re*!lators %%
Part 1: ?ain c(aracteristics to +e incl!ded in literat!re fro" s!ppliers and prod!ct%"a,in*
Part .: &est "et(ods to deter"ine t(e "ain c(aracteristics to +e incl!ded in literat!re fro"
MIS 1 =353:1993
Pne!"atic s'ste" %% .%port solenoid operated valves
MIS 1 =354:1993
Pne!"atic s'ste" %% 3%port solenoid operated valves
MIS 1 =35-
Pne!"atic s'ste" %% 4%port and - port solenoid operated valves
MIS 1 =356:1994
Speed control valves for pne!"atic !se
MIS 1 =471:1999
A!to"atic stea" traps
MIS 1 =47.:1993
0adiator traps
MIS 1 =417:.774
Press!re red!cin* valves for 2ater 2or,s
MIS 1 =414:.774
0elief valves for (ot 2ater appliances
MIS 1 =451:.774
;ater pipe line %% Solenoid valves
MIS 1 =45.:1994
Stea" pipe line %% Solenoid valves
MIS 1 =453:1994
/!el oil pipe line %% Solenoid valves
MIS 1 =67-:.77.
Stop valves for refri*erants
MIS 1 =619:1999
&(er"ostatic refri*erant e<pansion valves %% ?et(ods of testin* for perfor"ance
MIS 1 =6-1:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional press!re relief valves
MIS 1 =6-.:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional press!re relief valves and electro%('dra!lic
proportional press!re red!cin* and relievin* valves
MIS 1 =6-3:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional "eterin* valves
MIS 1 =6-4:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional series flo2 control valves
MIS 1 =6--:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional directional series flo2 control valves
MIS 1 =6-6:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional +'pass flo2 control valves
MIS 1 =6-5:.77.
&est "et(ods for electro%('dra!lic proportional directional +'pass flo2 control valves
MIS 1 =6-9%19.:.777
D'dra!lic fl!id po2er %% Electricall' "od!lated ('dra!lic control valves
Part 1: &est "et(ods for fo!r%2a' directional flo2 control valves
Part .: &est "et(ods for t(ree%2a' directional flo2 control valves
E. Railway Engineering
MIS E 411-:19==
?a*net valves for rail2a' rollin* stoc,
MIS E 5571:199.
Safet' valves for (i*( press!re *as tan, car tan,s
F. Shipbuilding
MIS / 7-74:19=9
Application and settin* press!re of relief valves for s(ips> "ac(iner'
MIS / 37.4:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Dec, stands for controllin* valves
MIS / 37.-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 0e"ote (andlin* fittin*s for valves on s"all s(ips> forepea, +!l,(ead
MIS / 37-6:199-
S(ips> foot valves
MIS / 37-5:1996
1ron4e vertical stor" valves
MIS / 37-=:1996
Cast steel vertical stor" valves
MIS / 37-9:1996
1ron4e scre2do2n vertical stor" valves
MIS / 3767:1996
Cast steel scre2do2n vertical stor" valves
MIS / -617:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel .7K refle< t'pe 2ater *a!*es 2it( valves for +oilers
MIS / -611:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel 63K transparent t'pe 2ater *a!*es 2it( valves for +oilers
MIS / 5775:1959
A++reviation !sed in na"e plate for "arine valve
MIS / 5.11:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% -K level *a!*es 2it( valves
MIS / 5.1.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Oil level *a!*es 2it( self closin* valves
MIS / 5.13:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 16K 2ater *a!*es 2it( valve
MIS / 5.16:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Self closin* valves for oil level *a!*es
MIS / 5377:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Application for valves and coc,s
MIS / 5371:1995
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K *lo+e valves
MIS / 537.:1995
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K an*le valves
MIS / 5374:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K an*le valves
MIS / 537-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K *lo+e valves
MIS / 5376:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K an*le valves
MIS / 5375:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K *lo+e valves
MIS / 537=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K an*le valves
MIS / 5379:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 16K *lo+e valves
MIS / 5317:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 16K an*le valves
MIS / 5311:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel -K *lo+e valves
MIS / 531.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel -K an*le valves
MIS / 5313:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel .7K *lo+e valves
MIS / 5314:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel .7K an*le valves
MIS / 531-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 37K *lo+e valves
MIS / 5316:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 37K an*le valves
MIS / 5315:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 47K *lo+e valves
MIS / 531=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 47K an*le valves
MIS / 5319:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 17K *lo+e valves
MIS / 53.7:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 17K an*le valves
MIS / 53.9:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel 47K *lo+e valves
MIS / 5337:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel 47K an*le valves
MIS / 5333:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron (ose valves
MIS / 5334:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e (ose valves
MIS / 5336:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel *lo+e air valves
MIS / 5335:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel an*le air valves
MIS / 5347:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel *lo+e air valves
MIS / 5341:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel 177K press!re *a!*e valves
MIS / 5346:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K *lo+e valves 6!nion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5345:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K an*le valves 6!nion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 534=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K *lo+e valves 6!nion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5349:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K an*le valves 6!nion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 53-7:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% D!ll cast steel an*le valves
MIS / 53-1:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 53-.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 53-3:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 53-4:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 53-6:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K lift c(ec, valves
MIS / 53-=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K lift c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 53-9:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K lift c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 5367:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% D!ll cast steel *ate valves
MIS / 5363:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K *ate valves
MIS / 5364:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K *ate valves
MIS / 536-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% D!ll cast steel *lo+e valves
MIS / 5366:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 17K *ate valves
MIS / 5365:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K risin* ste" t'pe *ate valves
MIS / 536=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 17K risin* ste" t'pe *ate valves
MIS / 5369:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 16K *ate valves
MIS / 5351:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K s2in* c(ec, valves
MIS / 535.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron -K s2in* c(ec, valves
MIS / 5353:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K s2in* c(ec, valves
MIS / 535-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 5356:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 17K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 5355:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 535=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 5359:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1rass 37K stop valves 2it( +ite Boint6s8
MIS / 53==:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e .7K *lo+e valves
MIS / 53=9:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e .7K an*le valves
MIS / 5397:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Coc,s 2it( loc,
MIS / 539=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /!el oil tan, self%closin* drain valves
MIS / 5399:.77.
S(ip +!ildin* %% Oil tan, e"er*enc' s(!t%off valves
MIS / 5477:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Valves and coc,s %% $eneral inspection re)!ire"ent
MIS / 5473:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% D!ll +ron4e *lo+e valves
MIS / 5474:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% D!ll +ron4e an*le valves
MIS / 5479:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 5417:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 5411:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 541.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5413:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5414:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 541-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K lift c(ec, *lo+e valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5416:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e -K lift c(ec, an*le valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 5415:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K lift c(ec, *lo+e valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 541=:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 1ron4e 16K lift c(ec, an*le valves 6Anion +onnet t'pe8
MIS / 54.1:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel .7K *lo+e valves
MIS / 54..:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% /or*ed steel .7K an*le valves
MIS / 54.-:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast iron valves
MIS / 54.6:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel valves
MIS / 54-6:1999
S(ip+!ildin* %% 0e"ote s(!t%off devices for f!el oil tan, and l!+ricatin* oil tan, e"er*enc'
s(!t%off valves
MIS / 54-5:1999
S(ip+!ildin* %% Pne!"aticall' operated re"ote s(!t%off devices for f!el oil tan, and l!+ricatin*
oil tan, e"er*enc' s(!t%off valves
MIS / 5451:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 17K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 545.:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel 17K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 5453:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel .7K scre2%do2n c(ec, *lo+e valves
MIS / 5454:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% Cast steel .7K scre2%do2n c(ec, an*le valves
MIS / 54=7:1996
S(ip+!ildin* %% 0!++er seat +!tterfl' valves
G. Ferrous Materials and Metallurgy
MIS $ 3-61:1994
Oil te"pered 2ire for valve sprin*s
S. Domestic Wares
MIS S .1.7:.777
$as valves
MIS S .1-7:1993
?an!all' operated *as valves for *as appliances
MIS S .1-1:1993
A!to"atic *as valves for *as appliances
MIS S 3719:1995
Oil control valves for oil +!rnin* appliances
C(inese Standard Code
C(inese Standard #a"e Adoptin* Standard
$11...7 $eneral valve %% "ar,in* ISO -.79
$11...1 /lan*ed ends "etal valve % face%to%face di"ensions ISO -5-.
$11.... ?!lti%t!rn valve %% connection of drivin* device ISO -.1791 % 3
$11...3 Part%t!rn valve %% connection of drivin* device ISO -.1191 % 3
$11...4 Steel valve % *eneral re)!ire"ents A#SI 116.34
$eneral valve %% copper allo' castin* 2are tec(nolo*'
AS&? 1-=4
$eneral valve %% *ra' castin* iron tec(nolo*'
ISO 1=-1S 14-.
$eneral valve %% car+on for*in* steel tec(nolo*'
AS&? A 17-A1=1
$eneral valve %% car+on castin* steel tec(nolo*'
AS&? A573
$eneral valve %%% Ad castin* steel tec(nolo*'
AS&? A3-1
$11..3. $eneral valve %% flan*ed ends iron *ate valve
API -9-
$11..33 $eneral valve %% iron *ate valve and lift c(ec, valve 1S-1-.-1-3
$eneral valve %% flan*ed and +!tt%2eldin* ends
copper *ate valve
API 677
$eneral valve %% flan*ed and +!tt%2eldin* ends steel
+all valve
ISO51.1 API 675
$eneral valve %% flan*ed and 2afer ends +!tterfl'
$11..39 $eneral valve %% diap(ra*" valve 1S-1-6#/E.9
$11..47 $eneral valve %% iron pl!* valve API -93
$11..41 Safet' valve %% *eneral re)!ire"ents ISO 41.6
$11..4. Safet' valve %% c(aracteristic testin* sol!tion
$11..43 Direct sprin* loaded safet' valve MIS 1 =.17
$11..44 Press!re red!cin* valve % *eneral re)!ire"ents MIS 1 =35.1=417
Press!re red!cin* valve % c(aracteristic testin*
MIS 1 =35.1=417
$11..46 Pilot operated press!re red!cin* valve MIS 1 =35. DSS47-
$11..45 Stea" trap valve %% classification ISO 6574
$11..4= Stea" trap valve %% tec(nolo*' ter"s ISO 6--.
$11..49 Stea" trap valve %% "ar,in* ISO 6--3
C(inese Standard Code
C(inese Standard #a"e Adoptin* Standard
$11..-7 Stea" trap valve %% face%to%face di"ensions ISO 6--4
$11..-1 Stea" trap valve %% testin* sol!tion ISO 694=5=415=4.
$19&139.5 $eneral valve %% press!re testin* ISO -.7=
M19&6=99%93 Valve fire%proof test ISO17495
Valve castin* steel 2are o!t%for" )!alit'
?SS SP--
N1M16776%97 Inspection and testin* of valve API -9=

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