Suppose A Student Collected The Price and Weight of 20 Products in A Shop With The Following Result

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1) Suppose a student collected the price and weight of 20 products in a shop with the

following result
price $11.78 $85.12 $10.47 $298.00 $38.45 $102.14 $123.62 $203.29 $65.00 $225.50
weight 3.2 3.4 4.5 35.4 9.1 5.7 1.5 23.8 8.6 42.3
price $9.25 $164.32 $102.45 $120.45 $73.15 $625.00 $125.00 $242.64 $441.76 $325.45
weight 5.9 12.3 6.5 11.8 12.2 32.9 11.6 48.0 52.9 78.2
1. alculate the !ean" #1" !edian" #3" and standard de$iation of price and weight%
2. &raw the 'o(plots for price and weight%
3. &raw scatter plot and #)# plot 'ased on these two $aria'les%
4. *or!ali+e the two $aria'les 'ased on the !in)!a( nor!ali+ation ,!in - 1" !a( -
5. *or!ali+e the two $aria'les 'ased on the +)score nor!ali+ation%
6. alculate the .earson correlation coefficient. /re these two $aria'les positi$el0 or
negati$el0 correlated1
7. 2a3e the price of the a'o$e 20 products" partition the! into four 'ins '0 each of
the following !ethods
o e4ual)width partitioning" and
o e4ual)depth ,e4ual)fre4uenc0) partitioning
2) 5i$en a data'ase of fi$e transactions ,!in6support - 2)7
21 a1" a2" a3" a4" a5" a6" a7" a8" a9" a10
22 a1" a2" a3" a4" a5" a6" a7" a8
23 a1" a2" a3" a4" a5
24 a6" a7" a8
25 a100" a101" a102" a103
1. 8ow !an0 fre4uent patterns1
2. 9hat is the set of fre4uent closed patterns ,list 'oth pattern and support)1
3. 9hat is the set of fre4uent !a()patterns ,list 'oth pattern and support)1
4. Show an e(a!ple association rule that !atches ,a1" a2" a3" a4" ite!:) ); ,ite!<)
=!in6support - 2" !in6confidence-70>?
5. @or association rule a1);a6" co!pute the following !easures7 confidence" lift"
6. /!ong the a'o$e three !easures" which ones are null)in$ariant1
3) 5i$en a data'ase of four transactions ,!in6support - 2)7
21 /" A" " &" B
22 /" A" &" C
23 A" @" D" S
24 &" 5" 8" .
1. Show the !aEor steps to find the fre4uent patterns using /priori.
2. Show the !aEor steps to find the fre4uent patterns using @.)5rowth
3. o!pare the these algorith!s7 /priori" @.)growth and '0 concisel0 discussing
the !aEor differences.
4) A database has four transactions. Let min sup = 60% and min con f = 80%.
cust ID TID items bought (in the form of brand-item category)
01 T100 {Kin!s"#rab$ %unset"&i'($ )air*'and"#heese$ +est"+read,
0- T-00 {f+est"#heese$ )air*'and"&i'($ .o'denfarm"A//'e$ Tast*"0ie$ 1onder"+read,
01 T200 {1estcoast"A//'e$ )air*'and"&i'($1onder"+read$ Tast*"0ie,
02 T400 {1onder"+read$ %unset"&i'($ )air*'and"#heese,
(a) At the ranu'arit* of item category (e..$ itemi cou'd be Milk)$ for the fo''o3in
ru'e tem/'ate$
4or a'' transaction$ buys(X$ item1) ^ buys(X$ item-) =5 buys(X$ item2) 6s$ c7
'ist the fre8uent k"itemset for the 'arest k$ and all of the strong association ru'es
their su//ort s and con9dence c) containin the fre8uent k"itemset for the 'arest k.
:) %u//ose that a data re'ation describin students at Big Uniersity has been
enera'i;ed to
the enera'i;ed re'ation ! in Tab'e :.12.
Let the conce/t hierarchies be as fo''o3s<
Let the minimum su//ort thresho'd be -0% and the minimum con9dence thresho'd
:0% (at each of the 'e=e's).
(a) )ra3 the conce/t hierarchies for status" ma#or" age$ and nationality.
(b) 4ind the set of stron mu'ti'e=e' association ru'es in ! usin uniform support for a''
'e=e's$ for the fo''o3in ru'e tem/'ate$
3here $$ % > {status" ma#or" age" nationality&.
6) The fo''o3in continenc* tab'e summari;es su/ermar(et transaction data$ 3here
dogs refers to the transactions containin hot dos$ hot dogs refers to the
that do not contain hot dos$ hamburgers refers to the transactions containin
and hamburgers refers to the transactions that do not contain hamburers.
(a) %u//ose that the association ru'e ?hot dogs) hamburgers@ is mined. .i=en a
su//ort thresho'd of -:% and a minimum con9dence thresho'd of :0%$ is
this association ru'e stronA
(b) +ased on the i=en data$ is the /urchase of hot dogs inde/endent of the /urchase
hamburgersA Bf not$ 3hat (ind of correlation re'ationshi/ eCists bet3een the t3oA

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