01 People v. Mariacos (2010)

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 188611 June 16, 2010
Befoe this Cout is an appeal fo! the Decision
of the Cout of Appeals #CA$ in CA%
&.R. CR%'C No. ()*"+, ,hich affi!e- the -ecision
of the Re.ional /ial Cout
#R/C$, Banch )0, San 1enan-o Cit2, 3a 4nion, in Ci!inal Case No. *"55, fin-in.
appellant Belen Maiacos .uilt2 of violatin. Aticle II, Section 6 of Republic Act #R.A.$
No. 0"76, o the Co!pehensive Dan.eous Du.s Act of )(().
/he facts of the case, as su!!ai8e- b2 the CA, ae as follo,s9
Accuse-%appellant Belen Maiacos ,as cha.e- in an Info!ation, -ate- Nove!be *,
)((6 of violatin. Section 6, Aticle II of Republic Act :No.; 0"76, alle.e-l2 co!!itte- as
</hat on o about the )*th -a2 of Octobe, )((6, in the Municipalit2 of San &abiel,
Povince of 3a 4nion, Philippines, an- ,ithin the =uis-iction of this 'onoable Cout,
the above%na!e- accuse-, -i- then an- thee ,illfull2, unla,full2 an- feloniousl2
tanspot, -elive *,(>(.>, #sic$ .a!s of -ie- !ai=uana fuitin. tops ,ithout the
necessa2 pe!it o authoit2 fo! the pope .oven!ent a.enc2 o office.
CON/RAR? /O 3A@.<
@hen aai.ne- on Dece!be ">, )((6, accuse-%appellant plea-e- not .uilt2. Duin.
the pe%tial, the follo,in. ,ee stipulate- upon9
<". Accuse- a-!its that she is the sa!e peson i-entifie- in the info!ation
as Belen MaiacosA
). /hat accuse- is a esi-ent of B.2. 3uno2, San &abiel, 3a 4nionA
>. /hat at the ti!e of the aest of the accuse-, accuse- ha- =ust ali.hte-
fo! a passen.e =eepne2A
5. /hat the !ai=uana alle.e-l2 taBen fo! the possession of the accuse-
containe- in t,o #)$ ba.s ,ee sub!itte- fo eCa!ination to the Ci!e 3abA
6. /hat pe Che!ist2 Repot No. D%"(0%)((6, the alle.e- -u. sub!itte- fo
eCa!ination .ave positive esult fo the pesence of !ai=uanaA
7. /hat the -u.s alle.e-l2 obtaine- fo! the accuse- containe- #sic$ an-
sub!itte- fo eCa!ination ,ei.he- *,(>(.> .a!sA
*. /he Posecuto a-!its the eCistence of a counte%affi-avit eCecute- b2 the
accuse-A an-
+. /he eCistence of the affi-avits eCecute- b2 the ,itnesses of the accuse-
fa!il2 #sic$9 32n Punasen, Mece-es /ila an- Ma.-alena Caino.<
Duin. the tial, the posecution establishe- the follo,in. evi-ence9
On Octobe )7, )((6, in the evenin., the San &abiel Police Station of San &abiel, 3a
4nion, con-ucte- a checBpoint nea the police station at the poblacion to intecept a
suspecte- tanspotation of !ai=uana fo! Baan.a2 Balbala2an., San &abiel, 3a
4nion. /he .oup at the checBpoint ,as co!pose- of PO) 3unes B. Palla2oc #<PO)
Palla2oc<$, the Chief of Police, an- othe police!en. @hen the checBpoint -i- not 2iel-
an2 suspect o !ai=uana, the Chief of Police instucte- PO) Palla2oc to pocee- to
Baan.a2 Balbala2an. to con-uct suveillance opeation #sic$.
At -a,n on Octobe )*, )((6, in Baan.a2 Balbala2an., PO) Palla2oc !et ,ith a
secet a.ent of the Baan.a2 Intelli.ence Net,oB ,ho info!e- hi! that a ba..a.e of
!ai=uana ha- been loa-e- on a passen.e =eepne2 that ,as about to leave fo the
poblacion. /he a.ent !entione- thee #>$ ba.s an- one #"$ blue plastic ba.. 1uthe,
the a.ent -escibe- a bacBpacB ba. ,ith an <O.D.< !aBin.. PO) Palla2oc then
boa-e- the sai- =eepne2 an- positione- hi!self on top theeof. @hile the vehicle ,as
in !otion, he foun- the blacB bacBpacB ,ith an <O.D.< !aBin. an- peeBe- insi-e its
contents. PO) Palla2oc foun- bicBs of !ai=uana ,appe- in ne,spapes. 'e then
asBe- the othe passen.es on top of the =eepne2 about the o,ne of the ba., but no
one Bne,.
@hen the =eepne2 eache- the poblacion, PO) Palla2oc ali.hte- to.ethe ,ith the
othe passen.es. 4nfotunatel2, he -i- not notice ,ho tooB the blacB bacBpacB fo!
atop the =eepne2. 'e onl2 eali8e- a fe, !o!ents late that the sai- ba. an- thee #>$
othe ba.s, inclu-in. a blue plastic ba., ,ee alea-2 bein. caie- a,a2 b2 t,o #)$
,o!en. 'e cau.ht up ,ith the ,o!en an- into-uce- hi!self as a police!an. 'e tol-
the! that the2 ,ee un-e aest, but one of the ,o!en .ot a,a2.
PO) Palla2oc bou.ht the ,o!an, ,ho ,as late i-entifie- as heein accuse-%
appellant Belen Maiacos, an- the ba.s to the police station. At the police station, the
investi.atos contacte- the Ma2o of San &abiel to ,itness the openin. of the ba.s.
@hen the Ma2o aive- about fifteen #"6$ !inutes late, the ba.s ,ee opene- an-
thee #>$ bicBs of !ai=uana ,appe- in ne,spape, t,o #)$ oun- bun-les of
!ai=uana, an- t,o #)$ bicBs of !ai=uana fuitin. tops, all ,appe- in a ne,spape,
,ee ecovee-.
/heeafte, the investi.atos !aBe-, inventoie- an- fo,a-e- the confiscate-
!ai=uana to the ci!e laboato2 fo eCa!ination. /he laboato2 eCa!ination sho,e-
that the stuff foun- in the ba.s all teste- positive fo !ai=uana, a -an.eous -u..
@hen it ,as accuse-%appellantEs tun to pesent evi-ence, she testifie- that9
On Octobe )*, )((6, at aoun- *9(( in the !onin., accuse-%appellant, to.ethe ,ith
3ani 'ebacio, ,as insi-e a passen.e =eepne2 boun- fo the poblacion. @hile the
=eepne2 ,as still at the te!inal ,aitin. fo passen.es, one Bennie 3ao%an. #<3ao%
an.<$, he nei.hbo, eFueste- he to ca2 a fe, ba.s ,hich ha- been loa-e- on top
of the =eepne2. At fist, accuse-%appellant efuse-, but she ,as pesua-e- late ,hen
she ,as tol- that she ,oul- onl2 be ca2in. the ba.s. @hen the2 eache- the
poblacion, 3ao%an. han-e- accuse-%appellant an- he co!panion, 3ani 'ebacio, the
ba.s, an- then 3ao%an. su--enl2 an a,a2. A fe, !o!ents late, PO) Palla2oc ,as
upon the!, aestin. the!. @ithout eCplanation, the2 ,ee bou.ht to the police
station. @hen the2 ,ee at the police station, 3ani 'ebacio -isappeae-. It ,as also
at the police station that accuse-%appellant -iscovee- the tue contents of the ba.s
,hich she ,as asBe- to ca2. She !aintaine- that she ,as not the o,ne of the ba.s
an- that she -i- not Bno, ,hat ,ee containe- in the ba.s. At the police station #sic$
she eCecute- a Counte%Affi-avit.
On Ganua2 >", )((*, the R/C po!ul.ate- a -ecision, the -ispositive potion of ,hich
@'ERE1ORE, the Cout fin-s the accuse- Belen Maiacos &4I3/? as cha.e- an-
sentences hee #sic$ to suffe the penalt2 of life i!pison!ent an- to pa2 a fine of
/he *,(>(.> .a!s of !ai=uana ae o-ee- confiscate- an- tune- ove to the
Philippine Du. Enfoce!ent A.enc2 fo -estuction in the pesence of the Cout
pesonnel an- !e-ia.
Appellant appeale- he conviction to the CA. She a.ue- that the tial cout ee- in
consi-ein. the evi-ence of the posecution -espite its ina-!issibilit2.
She clai!e-
that he i.ht a.ainst an uneasonable seach ,as fla.antl2 violate- b2 Police Office
#PO$) Palla2oc ,hen the latte seache- the ba., assu!in. it ,as hes, ,ithout a
seach ,aant an- ,ith no pe!ission fo! he. She avee- that PO) Palla2ocEs
pupose fo appehen-in. he ,as to veif2 if the ba. she ,as ca2in. ,as the sa!e
one he ha- ille.all2 seache- ealie. Moeove, appellant conten-e- that thee ,as no
pobable cause fo he aest.

1uthe, appellant clai!e- that the posecution faile- to pove the copus -elicti of the
She alle.e- that the appehen-in. police offices violate- Dan.eous Du.s
Boa- Re.ulation No. >, Seies of "0*0, as a!en-e- b2 Boa- Re.ulation No. ),
Seies of "00(, ,hich pescibes the poce-ue in the custo-2 of sei8e- pohibite- an-
e.ulate- -u.s, instu!ents, appaatuses, an- aticles. /he sai- e.ulation -iects the
appehen-in. tea! havin. initial custo-2 an- contol of the -u.s an-Ho
paaphenalia, i!!e-iatel2 afte sei8ue o confiscation, to have the sa!e ph2sicall2
inventoie- an- photo.aphe- in the pesence of appellant o he epesentative, ,ho
shall be eFuie- to si.n copies of the invento2. /he failue to co!pl2 ,ith this
-iective, appellant clai!e-, casts a seious -oubt on the i-entit2 of the ite!s alle.e-l2
confiscate- fo! he. She, liBe,ise, avee- that the posecution faile- to pove that
the ite!s alle.e-l2 confiscate- ,ee in-ee- pohibite- -u.s, an- to establish the
chain of custo-2 ove the sa!e.
On the othe han-, the People, thou.h the Office of the Solicito &eneal #OS&$,
a.ue- that the ,aantless aest of appellant an- the ,aantless sei8ue of
!ai=uana ,ee vali- an- le.al,
=ustifie- as a seach of a !ovin. vehicle. It avee-
that PO) Palla2oc ha- easonable .oun- to believe that appellant ha- co!!itte- the
ci!e of -elivein. -an.eous -u.s base- on eliable info!ation fo! thei a.ent,
,hich ,as confi!e- ,hen he peeBe- into the ba.s an- s!elle- the -istinctive o-o of
/he OS& also a.ue- that appellant ,as no, estoppe- fo! Fuestionin.
the ille.alit2 of he aest since she voluntail2 entee- a plea of <not .uilt2< upon
aai.n!ent an- paticipate- in the tial an- pesente- he evi-ence.
/he OS&
bushe- asi-e appellantEs a.u!ent that the bicBs of !ai=uana ,ee not
photo.aphe- an- inventoie- in he pesence o that of he counsel i!!e-iatel2 afte
confiscation, positin. that ph2sical invento2 !a2 be -one at the neaest police station
o at the neaest office of the appehen-in. tea!, ,hicheve ,as pacticable.
In a Decision -ate- Ganua2 "0, )((0, the CA -is!isse- appellantEs appeal an-
affi!e- the R/C -ecision in toto.
It hel- that the posecution ha- successfull2 poven
that appellant caie- a,a2 fo! the =eepne2 a nu!be of ba.s ,hich, ,hen inspecte-
b2 the police, containe- -an.eous -u.s. /he CA ule- that appellant ,as cau.ht in
fla.ante -elicto of <ca2in. an- conve2in.< the ba. that containe- the ille.al -u.s,
an- thus hel- that appellantEs ,aantless aest ,as vali-. /he appellate cout
It !ust be stesse- that PO) Palla2oc ha- ealie ascetaine- the contents of the ba.s
,hen he ,as aboa- the =eep. 'e sa, the bicBs of !ai=uana ,appe- in ne,spape.
/hat sai- !ai=uana ,as on boa- the =eepne2 to be -elivee- to a specifie-
-estination ,as alea-2 unla,ful. PO) Palla2oc nee-e- onl2 to see fo hi!self to
,ho! those ba.s belon.e-. So, ,hen he sa, accuse-%appellant ca2in. the ba.s,
PO) Palla2oc ,as ,ithin his la,ful -ut2 to !aBe a ,aantless aest of accuse-%
1istl2, this Cout opines that the invocation of Section ), Aticle III of the Constitution is
!isplace-. At the ti!e, ,hen PO) Palla2oc looBe- into the contents of the suspicious
ba.s, thee ,as no i-entifie- o,ne. 'e asBe- the othe passen.es atop the =eepne2
but no one Bne, ,ho o,ne- the ba.s. /hus, thee coul- be no violation of the i.ht
,hen no one ,as entitle- theeto at that ti!e.
Secon-l2, the facts of the case sho, the u.enc2 of the situation. /he local police has
been t2in. to intecept the tanspot of the ille.al -u.s fo !oe than a -a2, to no
avail. /hus, ,hen PO) Palla2oc ,as tippe- b2 the secet a.ent of the Baan.a2
Intelli.ence Net,oB, PO) Palla2oc ha- no othe ecouse than to veif2 as po!ptl2 as
possible the tip an- checB the contents of the ba.s.
/hi-l2, C C C the seach ,as con-ucte- in a !ovin. vehicle. /i!e an- a.ain, a seach
of a !ovin. vehicle has been =ustifie- on the .oun- that the !obilit2 of !oto vehicles
!aBes it possible fo the vehicle to !ove out of the localit2 o =uis-iction in ,hich the
,aant !ust be sou.ht. /hus, un-e the facts, PO) Palla2oc coul- not be eCpecte- to
secue a seach ,aant in o-e to checB the contents of the ba.s ,hich ,ee loa-e-
on top of the !ovin. =eepne2. Othe,ise, a seach ,aant ,oul- have been of no use
because the !oto vehicle ha- alea-2 left the localit2.
Appellant is no, befoe this Cout, appealin. he conviction.
Once a.ain, ,e ae asBe- to -ete!ine the li!its of the po,es of the StateEs a.ents to
con-uct seaches an- sei8ues. Ove the 2eas, this Cout ha- lai- -o,n the ules on
seaches an- sei8ues, povi-in., !oe o less, clea paa!etes in -ete!inin. ,hich
ae pope an- ,hich ae not.1avvphi1
AppellantEs !ain a.u!ent befoe the CA centee- on the ina-!issibilit2 of the
evi-ence use- a.ainst he. She clai!s that he constitutional i.ht a.ainst
uneasonable seaches ,as fla.antl2 violate- b2 the appehen-in. office.
/hus, ,e !ust -ete!ine if the seach ,as la,ful. If it ,as, then thee ,oul- have
been pobable cause fo the ,aantless aest of appellant.
Aticle III, Section ) of the Philippine Constitution povi-es9
Section ). /he i.ht of the people to be secue in thei pesons, houses, papes, an-
effects a.ainst uneasonable seaches an- sei8ues of ,hateve natue an- fo an2
pupose shall be inviolable, an- no seach ,aant o ,aant of aest shall issue
eCcept upon pobable cause to be -ete!ine- pesonall2 b2 the =u-.e afte
eCa!ination un-e oath o affi!ation of the co!plainant an- the ,itnesses he !a2
po-uce, an- paticulal2 -escibin. the place to be seache- an- the pesons o
thin.s to be sei8e-.
3a, an- =uispu-ence have lai- -o,n the instances ,hen a ,aantless seach is
vali-. /hese ae9
". Warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest eco.ni8e- un-e Section
") :no, Section ">;, Rule ")7 of the Rules of Cout

an- b2 pevailin.
). Sei8ue of evi-ence in <plain vie,,< the ele!ents of ,hich ae9
#a$ a pio vali- intusion base- on the vali- ,aantless aest in
,hich the police ae le.all2 pesent in the pusuit of thei official
#b$ the evi-ence ,as ina-vetentl2 -iscovee- b2 the police ,ho ha-
the i.ht to be ,hee the2 aeA
#c$ the evi-ence !ust be i!!e-iatel2 appaent:A; an-A
#-$ <plain vie,< =ustifie- !ee sei8ue of evi-ence ,ithout futhe
>. Seach of a !ovin. vehicle. 'i.hl2 e.ulate- b2 the .oven!ent, the
vehicleIs inheent !obilit2 e-uces eCpectation of pivac2 especiall2 ,hen its
tansit in public thoou.hfaes funishes a hi.hl2 easonable suspicion
a!ountin. to pobable cause that the occupant co!!itte- a ci!inal activit2A
5. Consente- ,aantless seachA
6. Custo!s seachA
7. Stop an- 1isBA an-
*. ECi.ent an- E!e.enc2 Cicu!stances.
Both the tial cout an- the CA anchoe- thei espective -ecisions on the fact that the
seach ,as con-ucte- on a !ovin. vehicle to =ustif2 the vali-it2 of the seach.
In-ee-, the seach of a !ovin. vehicle is one of the -octinall2 accepte- eCceptions to
the Constitutional !an-ate that no seach o sei8ue shall be !a-e eCcept b2 vitue of
a ,aant issue- b2 a =u-.e afte pesonall2 -ete!inin. the eCistence of pobable
In People v. Ba.ista,
the Cout sai-9
/he constitutional posciption a.ainst ,aantless seaches an- sei8ues a-!its of
cetain eCceptions. Asi-e fo! a seach inci-ent to a la,ful aest, a ,aantless
seach ha- been uphel- in cases of a !ovin. vehicle, an- the sei8ue of evi-ence in
plain vie,.
@ith e.a- to the seach of !ovin. vehicles, this ha- been =ustifie- on the .oun- that
the !obilit2 of !oto vehicles !aBes it possible fo the vehicle to be seache- to !ove
out of the localit2 o =uis-iction in ,hich the ,aant !ust be sou.ht.
/his in no ,a2, ho,eve, .ives the police offices unli!ite- -iscetion to con-uct
,aantless seaches of auto!obiles in the absence of pobable cause. @hen a
vehicle is stoppe- an- sub=ecte- to an eCtensive seach, such a ,aantless seach
has been hel- to be vali- onl2 as lon. as the offices con-uctin. the seach have
easonable o pobable cause to believe befoe the seach that the2 ,ill fin- the
instu!entalit2 o evi-ence petainin. to a ci!e, in the vehicle to be seache-.
It is ,ell to e!e!be that in the instances ,e have eco.ni8e- as eCceptions to the
eFuie!ent of a =u-icial ,aant, it is necessa2 that the office effectin. the aest o
sei8ue !ust have been i!pelle- to -o so because of pobable cause. /he essential
eFuisite of pobable cause !ust be satisfie- befoe a ,aantless seach an- sei8ue
can be la,full2 con-ucte-.
@ithout pobable cause, the aticles sei8e- cannot be
a-!itte- in evi-ence a.ainst the peson aeste-.

Pobable cause is -efine- as a easonable .oun- of suspicion suppote- b2
cicu!stances sufficientl2 ston. in the!selves to in-uce a cautious !an to believe
that the peson accuse- is .uilt2 of the offense cha.e-. It efes to the eCistence of
such facts an- cicu!stances that can lea- a easonabl2 -isceet an- pu-ent !an to
believe that an offense has been co!!itte-, an- that the ite!s, aticles o ob=ects
sou.ht in connection ,ith sai- offense o sub=ect to sei8ue an- -estuction b2 la, ae
in the place to be seache-.
/he .oun-s of suspicion ae easonable ,hen, in the absence of actual belief of the
aestin. offices, the suspicion that the peson to be aeste- is pobabl2 .uilt2 of
co!!ittin. the offense is base- on actual facts, i.e., suppote- b2 cicu!stances
sufficientl2 ston. in the!selves to ceate the pobable cause of .uilt of the peson to
be aeste-. A easonable suspicion theefoe !ust be foun-e- on pobable cause,
couple- ,ith .oo- faith on the pat of the peace offices !aBin. the aest.
Ove the 2eas, the ules .ovenin. seach an- sei8ue have been stea-il2 libeali8e-
,heneve a !ovin. vehicle is the ob=ect of the seach on the basis of pacticalit2. /his
is so consi-ein. that befoe a ,aant coul- be obtaine-, the place, thin.s an-
pesons to be seache- !ust be -escibe- to the satisfaction of the issuin. =u-.e J a
eFuie!ent ,hich bo-es on the i!possible in instances ,hee !ovin. vehicle is
use- to tanspot contaban- fo! one place to anothe ,ith i!punit2.
/his eCception is eas2 to un-estan-. A seach ,aant !a2 ea-il2 be obtaine- ,hen
the seach is !a-e in a stoe, -,ellin. house o othe i!!obile stuctue. But it is
i!pacticable to obtain a ,aant ,hen the seach is con-ucte- on a !obile ship, on
an aicaft, o in othe !oto vehicles since the2 can FuicBl2 be !ove- out of the
localit2 o =uis-iction ,hee the ,aant !ust be sou.ht.
&iven the -iscussion above, it is ea-il2 appaent that the seach in this case is vali-.
/he vehicle that caie- the contaban- o pohibite- -u.s ,as about to leave. PO)
Palla2oc ha- to !aBe a FuicB -ecision an- act fast. It ,oul- be uneasonable to
eFuie hi! to pocue a ,aant befoe con-uctin. the seach un-e the
cicu!stances. /i!e ,as of the essence in this case. /he seachin. office ha- no
ti!e to obtain a ,aant. In-ee-, he onl2 ha- enou.h ti!e to boa- the vehicle befoe
the sa!e left fo its -estination.
It is ,ell to e!e!be that on Octobe )7, )((6, the ni.ht befoe appellantEs aest, the
police eceive- info!ation that !ai=uana ,as to be tanspote- fo! Baan.a2
Balbala2an., an- ha- set up a checBpoint aoun- the aea to intecept the suspects. At
-a,n of Octobe )*, )((6, PO) Palla2oc !et the secet a.ent fo! the Baan.a2
Intelli.ence Net,oB, ,ho info!e- hi! that a ba..a.e of !ai=uana ,as loa-e- on a
passen.e =eepne2 about to leave fo the poblacion. /hus, PO) Palla2oc ha- pobable
cause to seach the pacBa.es alle.e-l2 containin. ille.al -u.s.
/his Cout has also, ti!e an- a.ain, uphel- as vali- a ,aantless seach inci-ent to a
la,ful aest. /hus, Section ">, Rule ")7 of the Rules of Cout povi-es9
SEC. ">. Search incident to lawful arrest.KA peson la,full2 aeste- !a2 be
seache- fo -an.eous ,eapons o an2thin. ,hich !a2 have been use- o constitute
poof in the co!!ission of an offense ,ithout a seach ,aant.
1o this ule to appl2, it is i!peative that thee be a pio vali- aest. Althou.h,
.eneall2, a ,aant is necessa2 fo a vali- aest, the Rules of Cout povi-es the
eCceptions theefo, to ,it9
SEC. 6. Arrest without warrant; when lawful.KA peace office o a pivate peson !a2,
,ithout a ,aant, aest a peson9
#a$ @hen, in his pesence, the peson to be aeste- has co!!itte-, is
actuall2 co!!ittin., o is atte!ptin. to co!!it an offenseA
#b$ @hen an offense has =ust been co!!itte- an- he has pobable cause to
believe base- on pesonal Bno,le-.e of facts o cicu!stances that the
peson to be aeste- has co!!itte- itA an-
#c$ @hen the peson to be aeste- is a pisone ,ho has escape- fo! a
penal establish!ent o place ,hee he is sevin. final =u-.!ent o is
te!poail2 confine- ,hile his case is pen-in., o has escape- ,hile bein.
tansfee- fo! one confine!ent to anothe.
In cases fallin. un-e paa.aphs #a$ an- #b$ above, the peson aeste- ,ithout a
,aant shall be foth,ith -elivee- to the neaest police station o =ail an- shall be
pocee-e- a.ainst in acco-ance ,ith section * of Rule "").
Be that as it !a2, ,e have hel- that a seach substantiall2 conte!poaneous ,ith an
aest can pece-e the aest if the police has pobable cause to !aBe the aest at the
outset of the seach.

&iven that the seach ,as vali-, appellantEs aest base- on that seach is also vali-.
Aticle II, Section 6 of the Co!pehensive Dan.eous Du.s Act of )(() states9
SEC. 6 Sale, /a-in., A-!inistation, Dispensation, Delive2, Distibution an-
/anspotation of Dan.eous Du.s an-Ho Contolle- Pecusos an- Essential
Che!icals. J /he penalt2 of life i!pison!ent to -eath an- a fine an.in. fo! 1ive
hun-e- thousan- pesos #P6((,(((.(($ to /en !illion pesos #P"(,(((,(((.(($ shall be
i!pose- upon an2 peson, ,ho, unless authoi8e- b2 la,, shall sell, ta-e, a-!iniste,
-ispense, -elive, .ive a,a2 to anothe, -istibute, -ispatch in tansit o tanspot an2
-an.eous -u., inclu-in. an2 an- all species of opiu! popp2 e.a-less of the
Fuantit2 an- puit2 involve-, o shall act as a boBe in an2 of such tansactions.
/he penalt2 of i!pison!ent an.in. fo! t,elve #")$ 2eas an- one #"$ -a2 to t,ent2
#)($ 2eas an- a fine an.in. fo! One hun-e- thousan- pesos #P"((,(((.(($ to 1ive
hun-e- thousan- pesos #P6((,(((.(($ shall be i!pose- upon an2 peson ,ho,
unless authoi8e- b2 la,, shall sell, ta-e, a-!iniste, -ispense, -elive, .ive a,a2 to
anothe, -istibute, -ispatch in tansit o tanspot an2 contolle- pecuso an-
essential che!ical, o shall act as a boBe in such tansactions.
In he -efense, appellant avee- that the pacBa.es she ,as ca2in. -i- not belon. to
he but to a nei.hbo ,ho ha- asBe- he to ca2 the sa!e fo hi!. /his contention,
ho,eve, is of no conseFuence.
@hen an accuse- is cha.e- ,ith ille.al possession o tanspotation of pohibite-
-u.s, the o,neship theeof is i!!ateial. ConseFuentl2, poof of o,neship of the
confiscate- !ai=uana is not necessa2.
AppellantEs alle.e- lacB of Bno,le-.e -oes not constitute a vali- -efense. 3acB of
ci!inal intent an- .oo- faith ae not eCe!ptin. cicu!stances ,hee the ci!e
cha.e- is malum prohibitum, as in this case.
Mee possession an-Ho -elive2 of a
pohibite- -u., ,ithout le.al authoit2, is punishable un-e the Dan.eous Du.s Act.
Anti%nacotics la,s, liBe anti%.a!blin. la,s, ae e.ulato2 statutes. /he2 ae ules of
convenience -esi.ne- to secue a !oe o-el2 e.ulation of the affais of societ2, an-
thei violation .ives ise to ci!es !ala pohibita. 3a,s -efinin. ci!es !ala pohibita
con-e!n behavio -iecte- not a.ainst paticula in-ivi-uals, but a.ainst public o-e.
Guispu-ence -efines <tanspot< as <to ca2 o conve2 fo! one place to anothe.<

/hee is no -efinitive !o!ent ,hen an accuse- <tanspots< a pohibite- -u.. @hen
the cicu!stances establish the pupose of an accuse- to tanspot an- the fact of
tanspotation itself, thee shoul- be no Fuestion as to the pepetation of the ci!inal
/he fact that thee is actual conve2ance suffices to suppot a fin-in. that the act
of tanspotin. ,as co!!itte- an- it is i!!ateial ,hethe o not the place of
-estination is eache-.
Moeove, appellantEs possession of the pacBa.es containin. ille.al -u.s .ave ise to
the -isputable pesu!ption
that she is the o,ne of the pacBa.es an- thei
Appellant faile- to ebut this pesu!ption. 'e uncooboate- clai! of lacB
of Bno,le-.e that she ha- pohibite- -u. in he possession is insufficient.
AppellantEs naation of facts -eseves little ce-ence. If it is tue that Bennie 3ao%an.
!eel2 asBe- he an- he co!panion to ca2 so!e ba..a.es, it is but lo.ical to fist
asB ,hat the pacBa.es containe- an- ,hee these ,oul- be taBen. 3iBe,ise, if, as
appellant sai-, 3ao%an. an a,a2 afte the2 -ise!baBe- fo! the =eepne2, appellant
an- he co!panion shoul- have an afte hi! to .ive hi! the ba.s he ha- left ,ith
the!, an- not to continue on thei =oune2 ,ithout Bno,in. ,hee the2 ,ee taBin. the
NeCt, appellant a.ues that the posecution faile- to pove the copus -elicti of the
ci!e. In paticula, she alle.e- that the appehen-in. police offices faile- to follo,
the poce-ue in the custo-2 of sei8e- pohibite- an- e.ulate- -u.s, instu!ents,
appaatuses, an- aticles.
In all posecutions fo violation of the Dan.eous Du.s Act, the eCistence of all
-an.eous -u.s is a sine Fua non fo conviction. /he -an.eous -u. is the ve2
copus -elicti of that ci!e.
/hus, Section )" of R.A. No. 0"76 pescibes the poce-ue fo custo-2 an-
-isposition of sei8e- -an.eous -u.s, to ,it9
Section )". Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, andor Surrendered
Dan!erous Dru!s, "lant Sources of Dan!erous Dru!s, Controlled "recursors and
#ssential Chemicals, $nstruments"araphernalia andor %aboratory #&uipment. J /he
PDEA shall taBe cha.e an- have custo-2 of all -an.eous -u.s, plant souces of
-an.eous -u.s, contolle- pecusos an- essential che!icals, as ,ell as
instu!entsHpaaphenalia an-Ho laboato2 eFuip!ent so confiscate-, sei8e- an-Ho
suen-ee-, fo pope -isposition in the follo,in. !anne9
#"$ /he appehen-in. tea! havin. initial custo-2 an- contol of the -u.s shall,
i!!e-iatel2 afte sei8ue an- confiscation, ph2sicall2 invento2 an- photo.aph the
sa!e in the pesence of the accuse- o the pesonHs fo! ,ho! such ite!s ,ee
confiscate- an-Ho sei8e-, o hisHhe epesentative o counsel, a epesentative fo!
the !e-ia an- the Depat!ent of Gustice #DOG$, an- an2 electe- public official ,ho
shall be eFuie- to si.n the copies of the invento2 an- be .iven a cop2 theeof.
/he I!ple!entin. Rules an- Re.ulations #IRR$ of R.A. No. 0"76 futhe povi-es9
SECTION 21. Cuso!" #n! $%s&os%%on o' Con'%s(#e!, Se%)e! #n!*o+
Su++en!e+e! $#n,e+ous $+u,s, P-#n Sou+(es o' $#n,e+ous $+u,s, Con+o--e!
P+e(u+so+s #n! Essen%#- C.e/%(#-s, Ins+u/ens*P#+#&.e+n#-%# #n!*o+
L#0o+#o+" E1u%&/en. J /he PDEA shall taBe cha.e an- have custo-2 of all
-an.eous -u.s, plant souces of -an.eous -u.s, contolle- pecusos an-
essential che!icals, as ,ell as instu!entsHpaaphenalia an-Ho laboato2 eFuip!ent
so confiscate-, sei8e- an-Ho suen-ee-, fo pope -isposition in the follo,in.
#a$ /he appehen-in. officeHtea! havin. initial custo-2 an- contol of the -u.s shall,
i!!e-iatel2 afte sei8ue an- confiscation, ph2sicall2 invento2 an- photo.aph the
sa!e in the pesence of the accuse- o the pesonHs fo! ,ho! such ite!s ,ee
confiscate- an-Ho sei8e-, o hisHhe epesentative o counsel, a epesentative fo!
the !e-ia an- the Depat!ent of Gustice #DOG$, an- an2 electe- public official ,ho
shall be eFuie- to si.n the copies of the invento2 an- be .iven a cop2 theeof9
Povi-e-, that the ph2sical invento2 an- photo.aph shall be con-ucte- at the place
,hee the seach ,aant is seve-A o at the neaest police station o at the neaest
office of the appehen-in. officeHtea!, ,hicheve is pacticable, in case of ,aantless
sei8uesA Povi-e-, futhe, that non%co!pliance ,ith these eFuie!ents un-e
=ustifiable .oun-s, as lon. as the inte.it2 an- the evi-entia2 value of the sei8e-
ite!s ae popel2 peseve- b2 the appehen-in. officeHtea!, shall not en-e voi-
an- invali- such sei8ues of an- custo-2 ove sai- ite!s.
PO) Palla2oc testifie- that afte appehen-in. appellant, he i!!e-iatel2 bou.ht he
to the police station. At the station, the police eFueste- the Ma2o to ,itness the
openin. of the ba.s sei8e- fo! appellant. @hen the Ma2o aive-, he opene- the
ba. in font of appellant an- the othe police offices. /he blacB ba. 2iel-e- thee
bicBs of !ai=uana ,appe- in ne,spape, ,hile the plastic ba. 2iel-e- t,o bun-les of
!ai=uana an- t,o bicBs of !ai=uana fuitin. tops.
PO) Palla2oc i-entifie- the
bicBs. 'e an- PO> Stanle2 Ca!pit then !aBe- the sa!e. /hen the sei8e- ite!s
,ee bou.ht to the PNP Ci!e 3aboato2 fo eCa!ination.
It is a-!itte- that thee ,ee no photo.aphs taBen of the -u.s sei8e-, that appellant
,as not acco!panie- b2 counsel, an- that no epesentative fo! the !e-ia an- the
DOG ,ee pesent. 'o,eve, this Cout has alea-2 peviousl2 hel- that non%
co!pliance ,ith Section )" is not fatal an- ,ill not en-e an accuse-Es aest ille.al,
o !aBe the ite!s sei8e- ina-!issible. @hat is of ut!ost i!potance is the
pesevation of the inte.it2 an- evi-entia2 value of the sei8e- ite!s.
Base- on the testi!on2 of PO) Palla2oc, afte appellantEs aest, she ,as i!!e-iatel2
bou.ht to the police station ,hee she sta2e- ,hile ,aitin. fo the Ma2o. It ,as the
Ma2o ,ho opene- the pacBa.es, evealin. the ille.al -u.s, ,hich ,ee theeafte
!aBe- an- sent to the police ci!e laboato2 the follo,in. -a2. Conta2 to
appellantEs clai!, the posecutionEs evi-ence establishes the chain of custo-2 fo! the
ti!e of appellantEs aest until the pohibite- -u.s ,ee teste- at the police ci!e
@hile it is tue that the aestin. office faile- to state eCplicitl2 the =ustifiable .oun- fo
non%co!pliance ,ith Section )", this -oes not necessail2 !ean that appellantEs aest
,as ille.al o that the ite!s sei8e- ae ina-!issible. /he =ustifiable .oun- ,ill e!ain
unBno,n because appellant -i- not Fuestion the custo-2 an- -isposition of the ite!s
taBen fo! he -uin. the tial.
Even assu!in. that the police offices faile- to abi-e
b2 Section )", appellant shoul- have aise- this issue befoe the tial cout. She coul-
have !ove- fo the Fuashal of the info!ation at the fist instance. But she -i- not.
'ence, she is -ee!e- to have ,aive- an2 ob=ection on the !atte.
1uthe, the actions of the police offices, in elation to the poce-ual ules on the
chain of custo-2, en=o2e- the pesu!ption of e.ulait2 in the pefo!ance of official
functions. Couts acco- ce-ence an- full faith to the testi!onies of police authoities,
as the2 ae pesu!e- to be pefo!in. thei -uties e.ulal2, absent an2 convincin.
poof to the conta2.
In su!, the posecution successfull2 establishe- appellantEs .uilt. /hus, he conviction
!ust be affi!e-.
@'ERE1ORE, the foe.oin. pe!ises consi-ee-, the appeal is DISMISSED. /he
Decision of the Cout of Appeals in CA%&.R. CR%'C No. ()*"+ is A11IRMED.

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