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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 78596 July 13, 1989
"AN NGHIA, petitioner,
HON. RAMON J. !I#AG, A$%&'( Co))&**&o'+, o- %.+ Co))&**&o' o'
I))&(,/%&o' /'0 1+2o,%/%&o' 3CI14 /'0 JOHN 1OES, /(+'%* o- %.+ CI1,
Emmanuel O. Sales for petitioner.

This is a petition for the issuance of a rit of habeas corpus filed b! "ucien Tran Van
N#hia alle#in# that he as arrested ithout arrant and deprived of his libert! b!
respondent $o%%issioner of I%%i#ration and Deportation and his a#ents.
Petitioner "ucien Tran Van N#hia is a &rench national ith te%porar! address in Sta.
'na, Manila. Ori#inall! ad%itted to the Philippines on Nove%ber (, ()*( as a
te%porar! visitor, his status as chan#ed to that of an i%%i#rant on Nove%ber (+,
()*, based on his representation that he is financiall! capable and ill invest in the
Philippines. To date, hoever, petitioner has not %ade an! invest%ent and has
en#a#ed onl! in &rench tutorin# and practice of acupressure.
On Ma! -*, ()*., respondent $ID $o%%issioner Ra%on /. "ia# received a sorn
co%plaint fro% a certain Dionisio 0. $abrera, /r., alle#edl! petitioner1s landlord,
accusin# petitioner of bein# an undesirable alien for 2co%%ittin# acts ini%ical to public
safet! and pro#ress.2
'ctin# thereon, respondent $o%%issioner "ia# issued on /une (, ()*. a %ission
order to a tea% of seven 3.4 $ID a#ents for the% 2to locate and brin# sub5ect to
Intelli#ence Division for proper disposition2 and 2sub%it report.2

On /une -, ()*., the afore%entioned $ID a#ents ent to petitioner1s residence in Sta.
'na to invite the latter to the $ID head6uarters for verification of his status but
petitioner and his then lad! co%panion reportedl! loc7ed the%selves inside their
bedroo% and refused to tal7 to the a#ents.
The i%%i#ration a#ents then sou#ht the assistance of %e%bers of the 8estern Police
District. Once a#ain petitioner ada%antl! refused to be ta7en in and in the ensuin#
stru##le, both petitioner and the la%en ere in5ured. &inall!, petitioner as subdued
and i%%ediatel! ta7en to the $ID Intelli#ence Office.
' arrant of arrest as issued b! respondent $o%%issioner on /une -, ()*. but there
is nothin# in the records to convince this $ourt that said arrant as served on
petitioner prior to his apprehension. Said arrant as based on the folloin# acts and
That he applied for and as #ranted per%anent status on his
representation that he is financiall! capable of investin# in the
Philippines but he %ade no invest%ents but en#a#ed in tutorin# in
&rench and practice of acupressure: that he ilfull! refused to
reco#ni;e the authorit! of i%%i#ration a#ents ho ere sent to invite
hi% to $ID for verification of his status and ph!sicall! resisted bein#
ta7en in b! the a#ents resultin# in ph!sical in5uries to hi%self and the
a#ents: that he has thereb! %ade hi%self an undesirable alien
sub5ect to deportation.

<! reason of the in5uries he alle#edl! sustained hen he as 2brutall! sei;ed2 b! the
$ID a#ents, petitioner, upon re6uest of the &rench consul, as transferred fro% his
detention cell at the i%%i#ration office to the Philippine 0eneral Hospital for ur#ent
%edical treat%ent.
On /une (=, ()*., petitioner1s counsel filed the instant petition for habeas corpus to
avert the 2threatened re%oval2 of petitioner fro% P0H and to 6uestion the validit! of
his detention b! respondent $o%%issioner. ' return of the rit as filed b! the
Solicitor 0eneral and the $ourt heard the case on oral ar#u%ent on /une (.,()*..
Thereafter, the parties ere re6uired to sub%it their respective %e%oranda.
The core issue is the le#alit! of the arrest and detention of petitioner b! the
I%%i#ration $o%%issioner preparator! to deportation proceedin#s. Petitioner insists
that respondent official has no poer, authorit! or 5urisdiction to cause his arrest
because under the ()*. $onstitution, it is provided that 2no search arrant or arrant
of arrest shall issue e>cept upon probable cause to be deter%ined personall! b! the
5ud#e after e>a%ination under oath or affir%ation of the co%plainant and the itnesses
he %a! produce ... .2

The aforesaid ar#u%ent raised b! petitioner has been resolved in the case of Harvey
vs. Defensor-Santiago, 0.R. No. *-?,,, /une -*, ()**, here the $ourt, throu#h
Mada%e /ustice Melencio@Herrera, said9
The re6uire%ent of probable cause to be deter%ined b! a /ud#e,
does not e>tend to deportation proceedin#s.1 3Morano vs. Vivo,
supra, citin# Tiu $hun Hai vs. $o%%issioner, infra4. There need be
no 1truncated1 recourse to both 5udicial and ad%inistrative arrants in
a sin#le deportation proceedin#.
The fore#oin# does not deviate fro% the rulin# in Qua Chee Gan vs.
Deportation oar! 30.R. No. (=-*=, Septe%ber A=,()+A, ) S$R'
-. B()+AC reiterated in Vivo vs. Montesa, supra, that 1under the
e>press ter%s of our $onstitution 3the ()A? $onstitution44, it is
therefore even doubtful hether the arrest of an individual %a! be
ordered b! authorit! other than a 5ud#e if the purpose is %erel! to
deter%ine the e>istence of a probable cause, leadin# to an
ad%inistrative investi#ation.
8hat is essential is that there should be a specific char#e a#ainst
the alien intended to be arrested and deported, that a fair hearin# be
conducted 3Section A. BcC ith the assistance of counsel, if desired,
and that the char#e be substantiated b! co%petent evidence. ... .
The particular circu%stances obtainin# in the case at bar have seriousl! placed on
doubt the le#alit! and propriet! of petitioner1s apprehension b! respondent
$o%%issioner. &or unli7e in the Harve! case here the arrantless capture of to
suspected alien pedophiles as based on probable cause ascertained onl! after close
surveillance for a three@%onth period durin# hich their activities ere %onitored,
herein petitioner as 2invited2 b! a co%bined tea% of $ID a#ents and police officers at
his apart%ent unit on the stren#th of a %ission order issued b! the $o%%issioner on
I%%i#ration based on a sorn co%plaint of a sin#le individual. The essential re6uisite
of probable cause as conspicuousl! absent.
<ut even assu%in# that the arrest of petitioner as not le#al at the be#innin#, certain
events have supervened to render his petition %oot and acade%ic or to otherise cure
hatever defect there as at the inception of his arrest.
&irstl!, petitioner is no lon#er under confine%ent. On /une -=, ()*., petitioner as
released upon the postin# and approval of a personal bailbond on /une (),()*. in the
a%ount of P-=,===.== durin# the pendenc! of the ad%inistrative proceedin#s b! the
$ID or until further orders of the $ourt.
The #eneral rule in a nu%ber of cases is that
the release, hether per%anent or te%porar!, of a detained person renders the
petition for habeas corpus %oot and acade%ic, unless there are restraints attached to
his release hich precludes freedo% of action, in hich case the $ourt can still in6uire
into the nature of his involuntar! restraint under the Villavicencio vs. "u7ban rule.

In Moncupa vs. Dnrile, supra, the $ourt #ranted the rit of habeas corpus inspite of the
fact that petitioner Moncupa had been te%poraril! released fro% detention on orders of
the defense %inister. In the Moncupa case, it as shon that attached to his dischar#e
as the prohibition to travel, to chan#e his abode and to #rant intervies to %e%bers
of the %ass %edia ithout official per%ission. He as also ordered to report re#ularl!
to the %ilitar! authorities. The $ourt subse6uentl! nullified said conditions and ruled9
Such restrictions li%it the freedo% of %ove%ent of the petitioner. It is
not ph!sical restraint alone hich is in6uired into b! the rit of
habeas corpus. .. .
8here a person continues to be unlafull! denied one or %ore of his
constitutional freedo%s, here there is present a denial of due
process, here the restraints are not %erel! involuntar! but appear
to be unnecessar!, and here a deprivation of freedo% ori#inall!
valid has, in the li#ht of subse6uent develop%ents, beco%e arbitrar!,
the person concerned or those appl!in# in his behalf %a! still avail
the%selves of the privile#e of the rit.
Petitioner "ucien Tran Van N#hia is not si%ilarl! restrained. The onl! condition in his
bailbond is that ordinaril! found in an! other analo#ous underta7in#, hich is 2to
appear and anser the co%plaint > > >: ill at all ti%es hold hi%self ... a%enable to the
orders and processes of the $ourt: and after conviction, he ill surrender hi%self ... in
e>ecution of such 5ud#%ent ... .2

Secondl!, records sho that for%al deportation proceedin#s have been initiated
a#ainst petitioner before the <oard of Special In6uir! of the $ID.
The restraint 3if an!4
a#ainst petitioner1s person has therefore beco%e le#al. The rit of habeas corpus has
served its purpose.

8HDRD&ORD, the petition is DISMISSDD.
So ordered.

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