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Mark H. Heinemann, Th.M., Ph.D.

CE705A Principles of Discipleship

Office: Hendricks !"
DT# e$%ension 5!&5
)all 0!"
Dallas Theolo*ical #eminar+
T(e 7:"5,!0:5 a.m.-.#C !0"
A s%(d+ of %he philosoph+ and me%hodolo*+ of disciple de/elopmen% 0ased on selec%ed por%ions of %he 1e2
Tes%amen%, especiall+ %he 3ospels and Ac%s.
A. #%(den%s 2ill define %he concep% of discipleship and disc(ss %he differen% 2a+s i% is fo(nd in #crip%(re.
4. #%(den%s 2ill cri%icall+ e/al(a%e /ario(s models of discipleship.
C. #%(den%s 2ill s+n%hesi5e %heir (nders%andin* of Chris%ian discipleship.
D. #%(den%s 2ill de/elop a deeper apprecia%ion for %he impor%ance of discipleship as i% rela%es %o %he life of
%he ch(rch.
E. #%(den%s 2ill de/ise a plan demons%ra%in* ho2 %heir (nders%andin* of Chris%ian discipleship co(ld 0e
applied %o make disciples in a specific minis%r+ si%(a%ion.
A. 6e7(ired
Olson, Da/id T. The American Church in Crisis. 3rand 6apids: 8onder/an, 009. :&7 pp.;
Pope, 6andi, 2i%h <i%%i M(rra+. Insourcing: Bringing Discipleship Back to the Local Church. 3rand
6apids: 8onder/an, 0!&. :!" pp.;
.ilkins, Michael =. Following the Master: A Biblical Theology o Discipleship. 3rand 6apids: 8onder/an,
!>>. :"00 pp.;
4. #(**es%ed ?see s(pplemen%al 0i0lio*raph+@
A. 6eadin* Assi*nmen%s
#%(den%s 2ill read %he %hree re7(ired %e$%s accordin* %o %he sched(le 0elo2, doc(men%in* %his 0+
means of a readin* repor% ?see form a% end of s+lla0(s@. 6eadin* selec%ions m(s% 0e comple%ed 0+
%he 0e*innin* of %he class for 2hich %he+ ha/e 0een sched(led in order %o co(n% %o2ard %his par% of
%he final *rade.
4. .ri%%en Assi*nmen%s
All 2ri%%en assi*nmen%s are %o 0e ! poin%, do(0le,spaced, and ha/e !A mar*ins. Colla0ora%i/e
assi*nmen%s m(s% incl(de a colla0ora%ion repor% from each %eam mem0er 2hen %he+ are s(0mi%%ed
?see separa%e hando(%@.
CE705A Principles of Discipleship
)all 0!"
!. #%(den%s 2ill colla0ora%e 2i%h !, o%her class mem0ers %o 2ri%e a !5,0 pa*e essa+ %ha%
s+n%hesi5es %heir (nders%andin* of Chris%ian discipleship ?see *(idelines pro/ided in a separa%e
hando(%B o(%line d(e !0C7, final draf% d(e !0C9@.
. #%(den%s 2ill cons%r(c% a !0,pa*e ?minim(m@ plan for a discipleship minis%r+ in a real,life
si%(a%ion. This can 0e done in colla0ora%ion 2i%h all or par% of %he same *ro(p formed for
assi*nmen% D! or i% can 0e done alone ?see *(idelines pro/ided in a separa%e hando(%B d(e !C>@.
#%(den%s 2ill also make a 5,!0 min(%e presen%a%ion of %heir plans on !C>.
A. 3radin*
6e7(ired readin* ?on %ime@E &0F
O(%line ?!0F@, Essa+ on discipleship ?&0F@E "0F
Discipleship plan ?5F@ and presen%a%ion ?5F@E &0F
Class par%icipa%ionE ?,5F , G5F@
4. Class Par%icipa%ion
Makin* a co(rse an e$cellen% learnin* e$perience is a *ro(p effor%. Ho(r par%icipa%ion ma+ affec%
+o(r final *rade (p %o 5F posi%i/el+ or ne*a%i/el+.
C. Ia%e Assi*nmen%s
Ia%e assi*nmen%s are no% accep%ed e$cep% in %he case of an (nforeseea0le emer*enc+. Please no%e
%ha% all 2ork m(s% in all cases 0e comple%ed 0+ %he las% da+ of %he semes%er ?)all *radsJ 2ork is d(e
earlier@. E$%ensions 0e+ond %ha% can onl+ 0e *ran%ed for (nforeseen e$%en(a%in* circ(ms%ances 0+
%he Credi%s Commi%%ee and sho(ld 0e applied for 0efore %he end of %he session. #ee %he !tu"ent
#an"book for f(r%her de%ails.
D. A0sences
A0sences 0e+ond %he limi% se% in %he !tu"ent #an"book ?%2o class da+s@ co(ld res(l% in a >F
red(c%ion of %he final *rade per class da+ missed.
E. 3rade #cale
DT# does no% discrimina%e on %he 0asis of disa0ili%+ in %he opera%ion of an+ of i%s pro*rams and ac%i/i%ies.
To a/oid discrimina%ion %he s%(den% is responsi0le for informin* %he Coordina%or of #er/ices for #%(den%s
2i%h Disa0ili%ies and %he co(rse ins%r(c%or of an+ disa0lin* condi%ion %ha% 2ill re7(ire modifica%ions.
AG >>,!00 4G >!,>& CG 9&,95 DG 75,77 ) 0,K>
A >K,>9 4 99,>0 C 90,9 D 7,7"
A, >",>5 4, 9K,97 C, 79,7> D, 70,7!
CE705A Principles of Discipleship &
)all 0!"
Da%e Da+ D Topic?s@ D(e
9CK !
The 0ack*ro(nd of =es(sJ disciple,makin*
.ilkins chap%ers !,5
>C> &
The form of =es(sJ disciple,makin* minis%r+ .ilkins chap%ers K,9
>C!K "
3ospel por%rai%s of =es(sJ disciple,makin*
.ilkins chap%ers >,!
>C& 5
Discipleship in %he earl+ ch(rch .ilkins chap%ers !&,!5
>C&0 K
The apos%olic fa%hers
Lmplemen%in* =es(sJ model
.ilkins chap%ers !K,!9
!0C7 7
Discipleship models
)indin* and hi%%in* %he %ar*e%
Pope, !&,5"B .ri%%en assi*nmen%
D! o(%line
!0C!" 9
Makin* a heal%h+ impac%
Pope, 55,!0"
!0C! >
Cr(cial concep%s
Discipleship and Ieadership
Pope, !05,!5K
!0C9 !0
M(l%iplica%ion and *e%%in* s%ar%ed
Pope, !57,!!B .ri%%en
assi*nmen% D! final draf%
!!C" !!
E$aminin* %he con%emporar+ si%(a%ion Olson, !5,>!
!!C!! !
E/al(a%in* %he con%emporar+ si%(a%ion Olson, >,!57
$ea"ing %eek&&''(')&*'
Thanksgi+ing $ecess&&''(*,&*-
!C !&
Transformin* %he con%emporar+ si%(a%ion Olson, !5>,5
!C> !"
#%(den% presen%a%ions ?5,!0 min.@ of
assi*nmen% D
.ri%%en assi*nmen% DB 6eadin*
M A%%endance 6epor%
Final ./am %eek&&'*('0&'*('-
CE705A Principles of Discipleship "
)all 0!"
Read!" a!d A##e!da!$e Re%&'#
?d(e !C>@
A. Read!" A(("!)e!#(
Percen%a*e of readin* L comple%ed 0+ %he follo2in* sched(le:
Read!" D*e Da#e Pe'$e!#a"e 'ead
+, d*e da#e
.ilkins chap%ers !,5 >C
.ilkins chap%ers K,9 >C>
.ilkins chap%ers >,! >C!K
.ilkins chap%ers !&,!5 >C&
.ilkins chap%ers !K,!9 >C&0
Pope, !&,5" !0C7
Pope, 55,!0" !0C!"
Pope, !05,!5K !0C!
Pope, !57,!! !0C9
Olson, !5,>! !!C"
Olson, >,!57 !!C!!
Olson, !5>,5 !C
B. A##e!da!$e
6ecord of m+ a%%endance accordin* %o %he follo2in* sched(le ?indica%e %ha% +o( 2ere presen%
2i%h a -, la%e 2i%h an L, lef% earl+ 2i%h an E, or %ha% +o( 2ere a0sen% 2i%h a 0@:
C.a(( Da#e( /(# Se((&! 0!d Se((&! C.a(( Da#e( /(# Se((&! 0!d Se((&!
9CK !0C!"
>C !0C!
>C> !0C9
>C!K !!C"
>C& !!C!!
>C&0 !C
!0C7 !C>
1ame ?prin%ed@ 4o$ D Da%e

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