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Contacts: Cell:00967 770455377-770620090 Republic of
Res: 01/343816
mail: !"#"$%&"'("R)Y#"'$%C*#
,e-sonal p-o.le:
(ate of 0i-t1 :22 !"/2"RY 1985
,lace of 0i-t1 : 3"/"4"
#a-ital 3tatus : #a--ie5
#obile :00967 770455377
Resi5ence :00967 01-343816

To have a challenging position in your company and to put hard work for the company,
to obtain a job in multinationals environment where I can show my academic and
professional capabilities.
Self motivated, hard and smart working personnel, able to work well under pressure &
manage multiple priorities , able to comprehend , analyses & present data .
8uali.cation 9 (2C":'*/:
!"# Master Degree in MBA at $pen %niversity &alaysia '(resent)
!!* Bachelor Degree in Accounting at Sana+a %niversity.
!!,-!!. Diploma and Proficiency certificate in /nglish at 0emen-1merica 2anguage
Institute '012I ) under The direct Sponsorship of The %nited States /mbassy.
!!,-!!. TOFEL Certificate (TB!
!!# Secondary School.
;o-< e=pe-ience:
Platform Agency ("#$% & present!
Finance Manager (Present!
Al&'a(era nsurance ) *einsurance("##+&"#$"!
Finance ) Admin Officer
5alance sheet preparation.
1nnual reports preparation.
5udget preparation
(rocess reconciliation and 6hecking of 1dmin reports.
6heck all admin and cash office generated reports to ensure the adjustments I have
been made accurately to comply with company policies and procedures and audit
6oordinate the admin and cash office team to ensure that the all work is completed
correctly and on time to comply with company policies and procedures and audit
3eview the implementation of policies and procedures in the admin and cash office
function to ensure that they are adhered to strictly
,ATTE- ,./A- COMPA-0 ("##1!
8ournal entries entering of daily transactions 1ccount analysis
(ayroll (rocessing
(reparation of daily cash position report
3esponsible for accounts receivable and accounts payable
(reparing che7ues, invoices, receipts
9inali:ing of general ledger accounts
0emen 2audi .ospital("##3!
Cler4 *ecording Medical
3egistering 1ll The (atient+s Information
(reparing 3eport
!" ntuit 5uic4Boo4s 1ccounting (ro /dition !"
!"! &oney laundering and financing terrorism 1
!"! &oney laundering and financing terrorism 5
!!* ntegrating Accounting system 6ertificate '0emen Soft 6ompany).
"##6 Course in Computer 2er7ices and Programming at Ministry of
Telecommunication8 and nformation Technology
- 1ble to comprehend, analyses & present data.
- 1ble to work under pressure & manage multiple priorities.
- 6apable to learn things through practice and reading.
- ;ave manual de<terity.
- 2iving and working in positions where communication is important and
Situations where teamwork is essential.
- 9le<ible and (atient.
- 6apable to learn new things fast.
$an>ua>e p-o.cienc?:
English9 fluently:
Ara;ic9 Mother tongue:
2oft<are Applications4
=ood knowledge in computer maintenance.
&icrosoft $ffice '/<cel, >ord, (ower (oint, 1ccess, $utlook) .
5rowsing in Internet & email .

Refe-ences : "7ailable upon -e@uest

Training Courses9

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