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T h e c o -o p e r a t i v e i n s u r a n c e
g o o d w i t h m o n e y
Mo t o r i n s u r a n c e
P olicy details
Pl e a s e k e e p t h i s t o g e t h e r w i t h a l l y o u r o t h e r p o l i c y d o c u m e n t s i n a s a f e p l a c e .
T his cancels and replaces any P olley details Issued to the P olicyholder bearing an earlier Date of Issue
P ollcyholder(s)
Date of Issue
R eason for issue
Mr Ian S tewart
22 Heath C lose, P eterlee, C ounty Durham.
15 August 2012
Amended renewal
About your policy - motor car insurance
P olley number
P eriod of insurance
C over
P olicy sections operative
R oadR escue P lus
P rotected No C laim Discount
No C laim Discount
Voluntary excess
O ther excess and limits
Main driver
P M 12134033
F rom 00:01 5 S eptember 2012 to Midnight 5 S eptember 2013
C omprehensive
A,B,C ,D,E ,F ,G & H
S ee your C ertificate of Insurance
No -Want to know more? C all 08457 46 46 46
70% Number of NC O Y ears =6
S ee Y our P olicy Document
Ian S tewart
About your vehicle
Make and model
Re g i s t r a t i o n m a r k
Y ear of registration
Annual mileage
Vehicle value
W98l UHN **Pl e a s e c h e c k i f t h i s i s c o r r e c t **
Market value
(P lease refer to the C laims S ettlement P rovisions in your policy bookiet for the amount we will pay following a claim for loss of or damage to your vehicle)
T racker fitted No
R egistered in your name Y es
P ostcode of ovemight location
S R 8 5R Y
Imported vehicle
Modified vehicle
P remium details
Annual premium 509.23
P age 1 of 6
T he C o operative Insurance is a brand name used by C IS G eneral Insurance L td. which Is authorised and regulated by lIle F inancial S ervices AuIIlority. R egistered O ffice: Miller S treet, Manchester. M60 O AL . R egistered Number: 29999R
(InduS trlal and P rovident S ocieties Ac~E ngland. calls may be monhored or recooled lor security and training purposes calls to 0845 numbers will cost no more than 4p per minute lor BT customers. call charges Irom oiller companies may
vary and you may want to checJ <IIlls with your seMce provider.
W e like our communications to have an Impact on you - but not on the environment. Which is why this IS pnnted on 100% recycled paper. T he paper is made in a totally cmorme-free process.
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