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Witch and Dragon Ch 13

She did not know what to say. Her eyes from his face unsmiling stare at your beautiful hair.
"Zak and Devon told me what happened." He looked down, with several strands of white hair
between his fingers. "When I turned back to my normal size, it happened to me." His eyes darted
back to her and frowned. "I had to get rid of my beard again."
"I ... I'm sorry, Sethaliel."
Still higher, farther back, rolling his shoulders. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. Zak now move on.
Waiting for you."
Seth joined the party, forcing her to the bar where he was located.
Group raven-haired men turned, and now looking directly at her. Their skin was pale and there
golden eyes shone strangely. They separated from the bar to reveal ...
Alluna sucked in her breath at the sight of him. He sat on a high stool looking regal. The arms
resting on the arms and his sapphire eyes shone into it. Pleasure shot down his spine when his loose
curls running down his chest to his waist. He also wore a long black coat, but Zak was open,
exposing his naked body. Nothing but blue with silver chain pendant hanging between his pectorals.
Its wide band had intricate silver buckle and metal tips of his shoes. One huge leg resting on the
rung of the stool and the other on the floor.
The pupil's eyes narrowed. If it was not for REMIEN who have an eye on an arm around Alluna again
and led her to Zak, she would have remained rooted to the spot where she stood.
She looked at his face without a smile in anxiety. Zak was angry with her? Her eyes welled do
eyebrows draw closer together.
At a time when Remi brought her directly between the student is spread thighs, her tears now
streaming down her cheeks.
Zak tried to touch her. Just looking down his nose at her. "Why are you crying?"
Alluna launched her pent up breath in a tumble of words. "I'm sorry, mas-"
His finger shot to rest against his lips to silence her. He looked at her for a long moment before his
first big hand around the back of the neck to drag it forward.
Alluna opened her mouth to kiss, letting his tongue Stake your claim. He tasted it thoroughly, wrap
your other hand around her waist to draw her completely against him.
Whined, melting against his hot torso, and fingered her silky skin. Stretched muscles in the chest
under her exploring hands. She pressed her nails against them test their strength just before sinking
his fingers into long blond hair on the nape of his thick neck. His hand tightened fist in her own hair,
tilting the neck back so that it can devastate your mouth thoroughly.
Alluna groaned and knew that if he did not have it so tightly in his arms, she would melt into a small
puddle of joy at his feet.
"God, Zak. How about some introductions."
Alluna kept her eyes on Zak, he pulled his lips away in disgust.
He looked away and grimaced. His eyes turned back to Alluna. "Alluna, met with the brothers TEU."
Only then will again recognize that men presented to her. Draco looked like the oldest, tall, black-
haired, and reed thin. Although in comparison with other brothers had little more muscles in the
upper body. They were the second oldest and the youngest was Morte, who looked like a lanky
fifteen years-old boy. The twins were barely older than the youngest. Iusi and Imo with Alluna
making her gasp when she saw their fangs smiled coquettishly.
"Yes, Alluna," Zak hummed in her ear, sending shivers down my spine. "They're vampires."
If runes by her before mooncycle to be dressed as she stood where she was, surrounded by two
weredragons a five vampires might be tempted to throw away those old runes to believe that they
were no longer reliable to predict the future.
"Very well., I introduced, now all lost and let me have some privacy with my girlfriend."
Brothers of the sounds of disappointment.
"Damn.'ve Given you a donkey serum since stopped working for you," they complained.
Alluna frowned at Zak, smoothing her hand over his bare chest. "Serum?"
Remi, who still stood beside her, leaning forward to be heard above the loud music that started in
the background. "Our personal physician developed a serum with Rowie DNA that temporarily
turned Seth Zak and me into a vampire. Pupil still has its fangs."
When he nodded to Zak, Alluna turned and looked at her beautiful master. The corners of his mouth
came a little bit, but it's still closed. She felt and saw fangs, but I was curious to get a better look at
Alluna raised her hand gently poke a finger in his mouth. She jumped with fright when suddenly bit
his finger, stick it in a trap between his teeth.
Remi laughed beside them. "What'll you do now, Luna?"
She tried to pry his finger free, but Zak closed his mouth around her finger and began to suck,
sending shock thrill directly on her breasts and core.
"Hmmm," said Remi. "It looks good. Damn, Rowie. Can not let them look hotter than we are."
Remi pulled Rowie against him and took her mouth. Alluna groaned as he tugs on his finger raised.
She saw Fist Rowie Remi mane with both hands and kissed him back fiercely.
Zak released Alluna finger and pulled her to him. One hand buried in her hair on her neck seized her
mouth again.
"Aw, fuck it," said Draco. "Let's get out of here and find your own wife."
Zak started laughing and pulled the lips.
The TEU brothers shuffled on the other side of the bar to flirt with Anniel.
Remi arm going around his shoulders Alluna head turned back to him. Rowie threw her arm around
his neck and pupil Alluna caught when they broke up a short kiss. All four did a perfect tight circle,
their faces only inches apart.
Remi smiled, his eyes darting from Rowie on Alluna to Zak. "We are the luckiest bastards in here."
Zak laughed. "We are."
Remi arms tightened around Alluna pulled her closer, as well as Rowie, who also took Zak inches
"Our women are the most beautiful in the galaxy," Remi growled as his tongue darted out to touch
Rowie lips.
Alluna closed her eyes when Remi's muscular arms clutched so close to her face brushed his. Hands,
because it was more than one, got into her hair, lips and tongues danced on his lips. Her heart was
beating wildly against her ribs. They were all four-way kiss ... kiss. Her head was dismissed from
side to side until she could not tell who it ate at her lips.
Her hands rose to fist pupil and REMIEN hair and felt it turns kissing and Rowie. Alluna opened her
eyes to see the splinter Remi is a shimmering golden green eyes, looking at her, amused. Everybody
back a few inches.
Her mind reeled at what he had just done. Zak continued to stare at her and she felt her face flush
with excitement as well as a hint of shyness. She licked her lips still tasting the subtle hint Zak as
Remi and Rowie. A quiver ran Alluna. Rowie giggle and improved Alluna nose.
"Get used to it, Luna. This is how it is with us. Anything but love, baby girl."
"We need to launch Luna," Remi said with a grin.
Zak stiffened and pulled away from the ring Alluna their embrace. "She's not ready for that Rem."
"Says who?" Remi challenged with a laugh.
Zak frowned.
Rowie Remi gripped the edge of his coat and pulled him to her with a smile. "Ease off, Fyre."
He looked into her eyes and snorted. "Anything."
Alluna frowned. "Initiation?"
"Just a silly ritual of our ex-second in command came up with."
"Ritual?" It certainly perked her interest.
Rowie Remi hugged her waist and smiled at Alluna. "It's a way of reminding become part of the
Alluna eyes widened. She looked pleadingly at Zak. "But I want to be part of the family. Excuse me?"
Zak frowned. "You are part of our family now, Alluna." His hands stroked her back in soothing
curves. "Ritual is important. This is just part of our dark past. Seth Neither did it."
"No," he protested Rowie with a grin. She looked back to where Seth was sitting alone in a big chair,
drink between your hands. "It's just ..."
"Do not you dare say that overgrown moron kid," he growled Remi.
Zak laughed, but Rowie looked at his companion. "We've had him since he was just a little thing."
Remi snorted. "Are you kidding me? Just look at him, Row. In case you have not noticed, when we
swim in Enviro-level weretigre grown a pair and he screwed more women than"
Zak is growling Remi had his head fracturing his direction.
"Watch what you say, Fyre," Zak growled through clenched teeth.
Remi's view fell on Alluna before he smiled sheepishly at Zak. "Oopsie."
The pupil's eyes narrowed, and Alluna wished he knew what they were talking about. One thing was
clear. She wanted to participate in the initiation ritual.
Take a deep breath and pursed her lips and left eyes well up, turned her face from Zak.
"Baby?" He tried to turn around to face him, but she sniffed and held it away from him.
"Alluna," he said. "No."
"You do not want to be part of the family. Understood, sir."
Zak froze. "Alluna, look at me."
His stern tone she looked at him through her lashes.
He raised a hand to her face. "You do not understand. Use Liquid X. It sends man to ... sexual
Alluna eyes widened. "They were started that way?"
Zak flushed. He swallowed, then nodded. "It was a long time ago. Devon, Lucien and I started the
whole initiation ritual, in Heaven's Pearly Gates."
"What is this place?"
"It's a strip club," interjected Remi.
Alluna winced, knowing exactly what it was. The idea Zak in a sexual frenzy surrounded by many
beautiful exotic dancers she felt jealous. She frowned and looked away.
He pinched her chin, she looked at him. "It was a long time ago, sweetheart."
Devon calls Zak and Rowie drew his attention. He got up and picked it up on the stool he had just
vacated. "We continue to talk about it later."
Alluna sighed and looked down at the floor, as she leaned back face. His sapphire eyes bore into her.
"I do not see how unhappy. Sorry to hear that. Anything I'm not upset Alluna."
Frost went through it. She grabbed his hand before he had a chance to pull it off and kissed his
palm, closing her eyes before looking back at him. "I do not want you to be mad at me. Sorry."
Zak frowned in confusion, his eyes darted to Remi, who shrugged.
"Stay with her," said Zak, reached out to Rowie.
"I'll be back," said Remi Rowie blowing a kiss Alluna.
Alluna watched as she walks over to Devon and the angel who stood high, white-haired man with
piercing gray eyes.
Remi slid into the stool next to Alluna with pursed lips.
"Who is it?" she asked.
"This is one of the owners of this place," said Remi. "He does not like me very much."
"For a long complicated story." Remi turned to her. "You've got a good twist Zak around her little
Alluna blinked at him. "What do you mean?"
Remi leaned back, resting his elbows on the edge of the panel behind him with a knowing grin. "I do
not want you to be mad at me, sir," he mimicked a female voice, almost making her laugh, how silly
it sounded.
"I did not call him master , when I said that," sniffed turned her nose up.
Remi leaned towards her with a grin. "Sneaky little witch," he chuckled, giving her a kiss on the
cheek. "They will be fun to have around. Glad you found Zak and one another. Now I have to get
Seth and Annie hooked up."
Alluna turned and looked at him curiously. "Hooked up?"
Remi looked at Anniel. He narrowed his eyes and Alluna also shifted his gaze to Anniel. She tiptoed
down the stairs to the VIP area. Anniel then pushed his way past hordes of creatures in the area of
their territory and slinked away into the dark little alcove that had fewer passengers.
"It still hurts," said Remi Alluna drawing attention. "And she's lonely. She is too beautiful to be
Alluna looked at Anniel. She sat down on a chair and holding a glass of amber liquid in his hand.
Anniel ran the tip of your finger along the edges and sighed. Yes. Anniel looked very sad and lonely.
"Honey." Zak's deep voice startled her. She turned wide eyes to him. "The owner wants to get on
stage with his brothers TEU and Rowie." His hand cupped her face as she smiled at her. "Just one
song, baby, and I'll be right back. Promise." He swooped down and kissed her, turned to Remi later.
"Take care of her, Rem."
"I'll guard her life, Goliath." Remi smiled and snaked his arm around her waist Alluna.
Zak frowned. "No liquid X either. Going to tickle you until you pass out from suffering Fyre."
Remi frowned. "Believe me, man. Said you did not, so the Sun I'm not."
Zak Alluna kissed again and then turned around. His long hair swept the floor, blowing out when
leaving. She admired the way the candle light and bright flashes reflected waves of thick golden
hair. He went with an aggressive swagger, his ropey arms swaying at his sides.

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