ECE2161 Assignment # 2 W14-RDCD

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The University of Lahore

Department of Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Engr. Ijlal Haider
Submitted by:
1. Zeeshan Ahmad (BSEE-01113069)
2. Mubashir Hasan (BSEE-01113055)
Date of Submission: Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The highway addressable remote transducer (HART) protocol is smart instrumentation protocols
designed for collecting data from instruments, sensors, and actuators by digital communication
techniques. These components are directly connected to the plc.
the HART Protocol is the global standard for sending and receiving digital information across
analog wires between smart devices and control or monitoring system. It is HART is a bi-
directional communication protocol that provides data access between intelligent field
instruments and host systems. A host can be any software application from technician's hand-
held device or laptop to a plant's process control, asset management, safety or other system using
any control platform. It works exactly the same way when it is wired or when it is wireless. It
uses Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) standard to superimpose digital communication signals at a
low level on top of the 4-20mA. It is digital over analog. The HART Protocol communicates at
1200 bps without interrupting the 4-20mA signal and allows a host application (master) to get
two or more digital updates per second from a smart field device. As the digital FSK signal is
phase continuous, there is no interference with the 4-20mA signal. HART technology is a
master/slave protocol, which means that a smart field (slave) device only speaks when spoken to
by a master. The HART Protocol can be used in various modes such as point-to-point or
multidrop for communicating information to/from smart field instruments and central control or
monitoring systems. The HART Protocol provides two simultaneous communication channels:
the 4-20mA analog signal and a digital signal. Additional device information is communicated
using a digital signal that is superimposed on the analog signal.
Profibus (PROcess FIeld BUS) .It is based on RS485. It has format of master/slave and multi
master peer to peer. It could be as long as 100m to 24Km. it has baud rate from 9600 to 12Mbps.
Its message size is 244 bytes per message. Profibus is used if process control, large assembly and
material handling equipment. Single-cable wiring of multipoint sensor blocks, pneumatic valves ,
complex intelligent devices. Smaller subnetwork and operator interface. It is multi-master which
means that many masters can read sensors data, but only one master can write data. It has peer to
peer messaging format which allows master to communicate with one another. There are three
different types of Profibus FMS, DP and PA.
Master devices control the bus and when they have the right to access the bus
Slave devices are typically peripheral devices i.e. transmitters/sensors and actuators.
Controller Area Network
The CAN network was developed in the automotive industry . CAN is a bus type network
system which does not use a bus master or token passing schemes to access the bus. Instead it
uses a unique access control method called nondestructive bit-wise arbitration. This type of
access control uses the station identifier bit pattern itself to gain access to the bus. CAN is low
level arbitration protocol implemented on inexpensive chips . as it is used in vehicles, where
communication error can become death and life. CAN is highly reliable protocol with
probability of one faulty message in a century. CAN bus (for controller area network) is a
vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each
other within a vehicle without a host computer. CAN bus is message based protocol. It has bit
rates of about 1Mbps with the network length of 40m.
It is based on CAN technology with the maximum number of nodes to be 64. Supports the
distance of 100m to 500 meters. With establishing data rate of 125kbits/sec to 500 kbps. Having
message size of 8 bytes per message per node. It is most commonly found in welding, assembly
and material handling machines. Devies can be powered with network so minimizing wiring
requirement. It has message types of polling , cyclic, change of state and explicit messaging.

Factory Information Bus (FIP)
A variable (processed by the transmitter only) is transmitted on the bus by one transmitter and is
read by any number of receivers situated on the same bus. It has Cyclic traffic, Aperiodic traffic,
Message service. It uses twisted pair, coaxial cable or optical fiber cable having length upto 2
Km at the data rate of 31.5Kbps to 1000Kbps. 256 devices can be connected.
It uses optical fiber or twisted pair ranging speed from 31.5Kbps to 2.5Mbps, it can achieve upto
5Mbps when optical fiber is used. FIP uses a producer-distributor consumer type
communications and access control model for transferring time critical information throughout
the network..FIP bus arbitrator simply places the request for a variable on to the network in a
broadcast fashion. All devices hear the broadcast. The producer of that variable then places it
on the network again in a broadcast form. It is then available to all consumers of that particular
variable. FIP uses the Manchester coding to transfer data and synchronizing information. The
unique frame start and stop sequences are used to help the receivers distinguish clearly the start
and end of the data frames from random noise that may occur on the network.
It uses twisted pair or thin coax and fiber, can communicate from distance of 100m to 50Km at
the data rate of 10Mbps to 100Mbps. Having message size of 46 to 1500 bytes. It has pear to
peer messaging format. It is used in PLC to PLC or to PC communication, now it also being used
for sensors at plant floor. It is not preferable for small data transmission. Industrial Ethernet is
much like RS 232
AS-I stands for actuator sensor interface. It has message size of 8 bytes with 4 input and 4 output
per node at the baudrate of 167kbps and can have distance of 100m to 300m using repeaters. It is
used in assembly, packaging, material handling machines. Single cable wiring of multi-input
sensor blocks. Smart sensors and pneumatic valves, switches and indicators . it is suitable for
wiring discrete sensors and I/O devices. But it cannot be used with analog I/O devices. Single
cable also carries 30 v DC and carrying small current for operating sensors.
It uses ASIC chip having 99 nodes maximum. Distance is 250m to 500m at the Baudrate of
5Mbps, and message size of 510bytes. It has message format of product/consumer model.
Multimaster and peer to peer communication.
MODBUS is an application layer (OSI layer 7) messaging protocol that provides client/server
communication between devices connected to different types of buses of networks. The
MODBUS protocol implements a client/server architecture and operates essentially in a 'request/
response' mode, irrespective of the media access control used at layer 2. These messaging
services of the client/server model are used to exchange real-time information between two
device applications, between device applications and devices, or between devices and
HMI/SCADA applications. Modbus devices communicate using a master-slave (client-server)
technique in which only one device (the master/client) can initiate transactions (called queries).
The other devices (slaves/servers) respond by supplying the requested data to the master, or by
taking the action requested in the query. A slave is any peripheral device (I/O transducer, valve,
network drive, or other measuring device) which processes information and sends its output to
the master using Modbus.
Data Highway Plus
This is a local area network (LAN) that allows peer-to peer communications up to 64 nodes. It
uses a half-duplex (polled) protocol and rotation of link mastership. It operates at 57.6 kbaud.
This is based on twin axial cable with three conductors essentially in line with the RS-485
The open systems interconnection model, as defined by the International Standards Organization
(ISO), was a significant step in the development of standardization of data communications
systems. The OSI model presents data communications in a hierarchical manner, starting at the
bottom with the physical layer (layer 1), and moving to the application layer (layer 7) at the top.
In the arena of SCADA and IED communications, there was a need for a simplified model. Such
a model was created by the International Electro Technical Commission (IEC) that defined a
three-layer model. This is known as the enhanced performance architecture (EPA) model and it
is this model on which DNP3 is based.

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