CHN Akapulko

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It is an erect, shrubby legume with dark and green compound leaves. The
leaves of akapulko have orange rachis on stout branches that has 16-2
lea!ets. produces an a"is of golden yellow !owers that has #-winged pods
containing $%-6% !attened, triangular seeds. &kapulko !owers are enclosed
by yellow-orange bracts that are later shed in time. The akapulko leaves
contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat fungal infections.
They are also known to be sudori'c, diuretic, and purgative, used to treat
intestinal problems including intesttinal parasites. (ecasue of its anti-fungal
properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the
)hilippines. The )hilippine *ouncil for +ealth ,esearch and -evelopment
.)*+,-/ has helped develop the technology for a akapulko herbal medicine
&kapulko 0cienti'c 1ame 2 Cassia alata
&lso known as2
bayabas-bayabasan,kapurko, katanda, katandang aso, pakagonkon, sonting
.Tag./3 andadasi, andadasi-a-dakdakel, andadasi-bugbugtong .Ilk./3 adadisi
.Ting./3 ancharasi .Ig./3 andalan .0ul./3 bayabasin, bikas-bikas .(ik., Tag.,
(is.,/3 kasitas .(ik., (is./3 sunting, palo china .(is./3 pakayomkom kastila
.)amp./3 ringworm bush or shrub .4ngl./, &capulco .4ngl/
Hypersensitivity3 5or instance, fre6uent and e"cessive use of the &kapulko to
treat a skin disorder can cause itchiness. This side e7ect can be compared to
a person who takes a dose of paracetamol which eases body aches or pains
but promote dizziness.
Hypokalemia or hypocalcemia may occur with chronic use. It hsould be used
with caution in young children3 or in patients with infmmatory bowel disease
becasue of its la"ative cause mild abdominal discomfort such as colic or
5or pregnancy8 breastfeeding, there9s no document or indication of side
It should be avoided in children under the age of 12 due to its la"ative
properties. *ontraindications3 The sennosides are contra-indicated in cases of
obstruction, acute intestinal in!mmation, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis and
abdominal pain of unknown origin.
Minimal side efects if use as laxative purposes : nausea, dyspepsia,
abdominal pain and diarrhea : were noted in 16;-2$; of patients.
*onstipation Treatment2
<eaves have been claimed e7ective as a la"ative, presumed to be due to
anthra6uinones. In a study testing the e=cacy of *& leaves for treatment of
constipation compared to placebo, the di7erences were statistically highly
Minimal side efects as for laxative purposes : nausea, dyspepsia, abdominal
pain and diarrhea : were noted in 16;-2$; of patients.
&kapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following skin diseases
- Tinea infections,
- insect bites,
- ringworms,
- ec>ema,
- scabies
- itchiness
-5ungal skin infections
)reparation and application for healing skin disease2
)ound &kapulko leaves, s6uee>e the ?uice and apply topically on a7ected
area twice a day until cured. There are commercially available &kapulko
herbal medicine lotions in the )hilippine market for skin diseases treatment. If
symptoms persist or irritation occurs, stop the use and consult your doctor.
&kapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following stomach problems
- <a"ative to e"pel intestinal parasites,
- diuretic
- purgative.
- 0trong decoction of leaves are also known to cause abortion in pregnant
)reparation and application for treatment of stomach problems2
)ound or cut a cup of &kapulko seeds, &kapulko leaves and !owers into
manageable si>es then let it seep in boiling water for 1% to 1$ minutes to
creat an &kapulko herbal tea. <et it cool and drink a cup three times a day.
The potency of &kapulko herbal tea is good to last for one day. @ake new
&kapulko herbal tea as needed. Ahen symptoms persist or irritation occurs
stop the use and consult your doctor.
&kapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following lung and mouth
- 4"pectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea,
- mouthwash in stomatitis,
- alleviation of asthma symptoms
)reparation and application for lung and mouth problems2
&s e"pectorant and for the alleviation of asthma attacks. -rink a cup of
&kapulko herbal medicine tea .see above for the preparation/ three times a
day until symptoms improved.
5or the treatment of mouth infections such as stomatitis, gargle the &kapulko
herbal tea three times a day until symptoms improve.
If symptoms persist and irritation occurs, stop the use and consult your
)reparation Bf &kapulko +erbal Bintment
To prepare an &kapulko herbal ointment prepare and follow these
1. Aash fresh leaves of &kapulko thoroughly and cut in small pieces.
2. &dd one glass of cooking oil or coconut oil to one glass of cut fresh
3. 5ry until crispy.
4. ,emove from the heat3 strain.
5. *ut 2 white candles .4sperma 1o. $/ into small pieces
6. In a cooking pot, pour the strained oil together with the candle pieces3
stir until the candle has melted.
7. )our the mi"ture into a clean container3 cover when cool.
8. &pply the &kapulko herbal ointment to a7ected areas twice daily.
)ound enough fresh leaves3 e"press .s6uee>e out/ the ?uice and apply on the
a7ected skin morning and evening. Improvement should be noticed after 2 -
D weeks of treatment.
- -ecoction of leaves and !owers used as mouthwash in stomatitis.
EEE@B,4 I15BEEE 2-
- In &frica, the boiled leaves are used for hypertension.
- In 0outh &merican, used for skin diseases, stomach problems, fever,
asthma, snake bites and venereal disease.
- In Thailand, leaves are boiled and drunk to hasten delivery.
- &s la"ative, boil 1%-1$ dried leaves in water, taken in the morning and
- 5or wound treatment, leaves are boiled and simmered to one-third volume,
then applied to a7ected areas twice daily.
- In India, plant used as cure for poisonous bites and for venereal eruptions.
- In 1igeria locally used for treatment of ringworm and parasitic skin diseases.
- In the &ntilles, ,eunion, and Indo-*hina, plant is used as hydrogogue,
sudori'c, and diuretic.
- -ecoction of roots used for tympanites.
- Aood used as alterative.
- 0ap of leaves used as antiherpetic.
- <eaf tincture or e"tract used as purgative.
- Fuice of leaves mi"ed with lime-?uice for ringworm.
- <eaves taken internally to relieve constipation.
- 0trong decoction of leaves and !owers used as wash for ec>ema.
- Infusion of leaves and !owers used for asthma and bronchitis.
- 0trong decoction of leaves used as abortifacient.
- 0eeds used as vermifuge.

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