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Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 300
Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the
Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated
clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space
provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the
answers written in a medium other than that specified in
the Admission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and
5, which
are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions
selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated
at the end of the question.
Assume suitable data if considered necessary and indicate
the same clearly.
Symbols/ notations carry their usual meanings, unless
otherwise indicated.
Important Note :
Whenever a question is being attempted,
all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This
means that before moving on to the next question to be
attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/
sub-parts of the previous question attempted. This is to be
strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck
out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may not
be given credit.
arrqU '*-
r f
to41-Clk -4-fr sr74-'J*FroAEj-g 'V t
1. Answer all the five parts below : 12x5=60
(a) Two identical relativistic particles of rest
mass m and kinetic energy T collide
head-on. What is the relative kinetic
energy, i.e., the kinetic energy T' of one
in the rest frame of the other?
(b) Define a conservative field. Determine if
the field given below is conservative in
nature :
E = c[y2i + (2xy + z2 ) 3+ 2yz1C] V/m
where c is a constant.
(c) Calculate the moment of inertia of a
solid cone of mass M, height h, vertical
half-angle a and radius of its base R,
about an axis passing through its vertex
and parallel to its base.
(d) Aresistance R and a lossless capacitor C
are connected through a switch. The
capacitor is charged to potential ;, and
the switch is closed at t = 0. Prove that
the energy stored in the capacitor is
equal to the energy dissipated in the
(e) Arigid body is spinning with an angular
velocity of 4rs
about an axis parallel to
the direction (4j- 3k) passing through
the point A with OA = 2i +33 - k, where
0 is the origin of the coordinate system.
Find the magnitude and direction of the
linear velocity of the body at point P

with OP =4i - 2j + k.
F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 2
kg ti
1. 14711ari trA7 12x5=60

(*) farAA0q4I4rtt 3Ar T a 1 ( 4

31Teffuiti *013TTIA-k114-1dchkr `3rl
a i
I .41#i
344faT* ,11114a 43.T24-q, 'Gm .3,3117' ,
(1g) Atkft *1 Afrurca tr-A7114A41) arr
fla fcwarrelaTs 4Titkftt :
E =c[y2 i+(2xy+z2 )3+2yzit]v/m
c R ra
A +
4114 M, t-d1h, Ttaiw aTti-gorr a *
341UTTA-r- AfT R t-c r T 7ftrf
Tl ij,str. r)uk *TR*441-ci{ kr*314i*
44-117& zl5rd 3TrEgif T lift*W4tr4R
srraAA* R
Tl 3 I Atufa al faAa Vo
ffT 31T-47 fcbir wInl t
t=0 1:17
Phtir .tidr t fu-4 *Q rr -A- 41trfet7 A4grftff
s,,7rf srFAAtra AaTr4-d a)gli 1(10 { trit
7* 14FI4,
OA =2i +33 - aff Pig A 4 A

ic)tr (43-** gm-cu. 3I4-1

44-12144i j .+-11:1fiZ E 4T1 PT2T TrdT171 *-{
T-61t, A61(3 War 3 r41
OP = 4i -2j+ k P trT Rig *Wu*
al l tritmur
fair urea qi
F-DTN-M-QIZA/17 3 [ P.T.O.
The volume between two concentric
conducting spherical surfaces of radii a and
b (a < b) is filled with an inhomogeneous
dielectric with E =E0 1(1+ cr), where c is a
constant and r is the radial coordinate.
Acharge +Q is placed on the inner surface,
while the outer surface is grounded.
(a) D in the region a < r < b;
(b) capacitance of the device;
polarization charge density in the region
a < r < b;
surface polarization charge densities at
r = a and r = b
3. Aparticle is moving in a central force field on
an orbit given by r = keae , where k and a are
positive constants, r is the radial distance
and 9 is the polar angle.
Find the force law for the central force
(b) Find 9(t) .
(c) Find the total energy. 20
4. (a) What is a displacement current? Prove
that lines of conduction current plus
displacement current are continuous. 15
F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 4
2 . fit a3-t b( a <b)( FT*7- I 110 1, 1:1E 1*
9 34TZ TI d
7 e =C o /(1+cr) Trrtff kg
, 31AAtri
riCikg AI

AO c W2 TT-TT t rfTai
t I 31-I lt ITU ITT IT,* 34T*4-1 +Q TO IGQ -11 ,11(11
we t 1.1-ip-iiRd t I - Z TITIIT
(T) Sfta <r <b4 1 3;
(4j) 44*I ri tirrt-dt;
(IT) STkTf a <r <b34T*4T ;
(9) r=a3kr=b17 17,71 3114` 4T 14.1N I
3. -) tuf, r= ke ae aitt kt.rrV T, ,*---0 4 cid
iiPf rgi .161 k azi-dr-ITT
rfq- rO AT V RT <blurt
(*)*7-t174 , -q*Cc-ig cid f4z114 TrrTr*r1-471 2 0
(ii) - Tr -Tr="rr - l
2 0
(Tr) Tc-rN it( 4:ti7RI 2 0
4. (T) fdis-TTE R4111 WzfT tV ) t? FiTr*d

tim 71:rrfawriT4 tirtr*t1

-4- 4-rq wcicrtrthI 15
F-DTN -M-Q IZ A/ 17 5 [ P.T.O.
(b) Consider a uniform half-sphere of
radius R and mass M. The half-sphere
is supported by a frictionless horizontal
plane as shown in the figure. The
half-sphere lies in the region z < O.
Y 0 = Origin
A= Supporting plane
Find the centre of mass of the

Assume E = 0 inside a perfect
conductor. Elaborate on any other four
electrostatic properties that arise from
this property.

(d) Aprojectile of mass M explodes, while
in flight, into three fragments. One
fragment of mass ml = M / 2travels in
the original direction of the projectile.
Another fragment of mass m2 = M /6
travels in the opposite direction and
the third fragment of mass m3 = M / 3
comes to rest. The energy E, released in
the explosion, is 5 times the kinetic
energy of the projectile at explosion.
What are the velocities of the

F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 6
(ff) R
3f11 goq+II Mar1,ch
\ ohe rrAr.Hr-FT 'N il A fAmirArTTZ n
t, alti-TtFT kch Wivre t4 #e d7 wrcre -r 1:11 fa-r
prrtlaiti-TAT,srhrz<oAWQ rati
y 0=dA I
A = 31-d111 (14
3Tti-itFT 1:11-Tt t.r77 I 15
(n ) ctici-i-ir k -ATTI trroch-kai-RKi=oti
TitT4 tr- T 614 cri(4 312 1 ari W2 147
i-cIt1:cfE trWl 15
(4) oe .44114 MW Wr) TRIfla1514*(14 4-A. A
cik-th e xf AlcIf tl m1= M/ 2
gs 7e ciq *=t fcirA irk ch*ctrt
m2 = Ai /6 IMT fattaif Jifa
hlal t atRcoYii-f m3 = M/ 3 i1 *WT
farrAracart A an \ Arcat ficE b- lz A Alr-aa.3,1?
E, -Nip:ft?* W1-1 sre n tt iircm an ri 1 5 Th4t
1 -tit aqr-aArt?

F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 7 [ P.T.O.
5. Answer all the five parts below : 12x5=60
(a) The motion of a damped mechanical
oscillator is represented by
Trik + +0x = 0
where at, a and 13 are constants. The
oscillator is critically damped. The
system is given an impulse at x = 0 and
t = 0, resulting in an initial velocity v.
After how much time the system
experiences maximum displacement?
(b) Show that a travelling wave on the
string, clamped on both the ends,
undergoes a phase change of n. Hence
obtain the time-independent form of the
wave equation representing a standing
wave on the string.
The separation between the slits is
0.5 mm in Young's double-slit
experiment. The interference pattern
observed on a screen placed 5 m away
reveals the location of the first
maximum which is 6 mm from the
centre of the pattern. Calculate the
wavelength of light and separation
between second and third bright
(d) Show that the Helmholtz free energy
of a system never increases in any
isothermal-isochoric transformation.
F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 8
5. ft ft WMI e N tr, :

! ctl 31-ilfff te lt c.-1111pf
+ a +I3x =0 aim t, m, cx At
p -Pirk t alic',Shincioncr: 31-441-44144*I
x = 0 3Rt t = o ER 1,ct) 3t*1fa1rr sidr t, Nu*
3TR-rniT U $Idr t I fa4t4H1
* cuI uq 43T14*44fan R 6 ?
(u) < tr( 4if1t 4-{ 47=4ClUi
it TT cbelicik 61cli t 13ra1a 4,-fichkur
444-1-44?R i srr4*rr-A7, ut awrrift
airy f-4Friur m-t I

* t-M4z 44144 4-ak 4t4TerWCUT

0.5 mmtl 5 m'rlftER T7Ap-m..0b4r4ER
Tr 0 )4PIcheff 5191113T14
EIMtleidr t, 146 mm ER
t I lAchI41* 3-f1T vflawrt141*Tt'O
tst 711Th71i*If 11i1cht-I-f*r1771
(4) *t tift
-TP:13TR rafiT tc0-11.-cwit 43.ft R-e t
FDTNMQIZA/ 17 9 [ P.T.O.
(e) Consider non-equilibrium situation for
a system in which the population
inversion has been achieved. Explain
that such a system can be treated as if
it has negative absolute temperature.
6. (a) Distinguish between Fresnel and
Fraunhofer classes of diffraction. Show
that the area of each Fresnel half-period
zone is same.
(b) Adiffraction grating of width 5 cm with
slits of width 10-4 cm separated by a
distance of 2x10-4cm is illuminated by
light of wavelength 550 nm. What will
be the width of the principal maximum
in the diffraction pattern? Would there
be any missing orders?
Establish the relation ( avn
a s r
and then derive
T pp) 7, _
a 2 1 1
a T 2 p
Hence show that the heat capacity
Cp of an ideal gas is independent of
pressure P.
(a) Derive an expression for intermodal
dispersion for a multimodal step-index
F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 10
1- *-W 1N k-wwrawr Urfa trt ft*TT
w4fe M4*-i Iota Trzrr
*ri-Atictolt ft
aial \ itichf Efirt 1N ti
6. (*) fat a * *--4F afR 9)1.3.0( a1T Ala
71sr-7T 340-3rra-J-q gil4ar
44ken t 51ir
t I 20
(1) 2x10-4 cm *7 T17 * gio EFF 10-4 cm
4)-0 *7 Wral *415 cm t-4r*t ft-444
it 550 nm WtrA171SITT7T giu 9-t1e ft-4I
t1ft-44cal 11iitogilt41141-. 51-
Oft? tai al --14614?

(al ) ID WifcM
ft.T 11* qg acP) - T(32
al) }T.
aT2 p
.314T4-6-4v ft 3170 1a-x4r zuft-dt
cp, Zia Pit+-c4c11effi tI 20
7. (*) e ll Aura- k-4* 4-3 3447AI-if ut4441
*71-) oq,sitt, &I6N *t-N7 20
F-DTN -M-Q IZ A/17

[ P.T.O.
(b) Apulse of X0 = 600 nm and AX= 10 nm
propagates through a fibre which has
a material dispersion coefficient of
50 ps per km per nm at 600 nm.
Calculate the pulse broadening in
traversing a 10 km length of the fibre. If
the pulse width at the input of the fibre
is 12ns, what will be the pulse width at
the output of the fibre?

(c) Show that both Fermi-Dirac and
Bose-Einstein distributions reduce
under certain condition in a form which
gives the total number of particles as
N = Ank e-
where Ais a constant and 13=1/ kBT.
Further show that this expression is
just the same as that obtained from the
Maxwellian speed distribution. 15+15=30
8. (a) Use matrix method to obtain an
expression for the focal length of a
coaxial combination of two thin lenses
having focal lengths fl and f2 separated
by distance d.

( b) Calculate the minimum thickness of a
quartz plate which would behave as a
quarter-wave plate for wavelength of
light, X= 6000 A. The refractive indices
for ordinary and extraordinary rays are
pc, = 1544and = 1- 553.

F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 12
A0 =60 0 n m A AA =10 n m aidf 10 1 kir4
3/4 e tat-itr(urwt- ffrt, firwr
60 0 run ITT Ac4kLion cft*ITIT TIft 50 pssrffi
km 14Ri n m I ri@a9 10 km *r'r9 'TR
wr4 A 4*-ic f=r4cmurfiT ciftw-d-qf l 414
f ru(1uz
12 n st, r
T4-r1-47 ft wiff- ffirft cr te aa1~1
ffia7rfa*crrj aTtftRA
a+( t, wuit ft7rTrrt Z d1
N =Vi de
~6i A
WP-FiT * 311R 13=1/k B T -
721- 41zi-ri-47 ft Tre .4 ,4*crcu-d
ft AcHde -fle rrfl-ff{1:11 T1 MTH 617 tl 15+15=30
8. () S`tdaikf 79-rp fl 311rf2 =Ha
4ru4 r1(11 BURT Ti-zrftq *= *- 1-*u Ift *
at smre tk4 iZ e N 31rawfficu wr
(a) of m-r- E rrq-*-r1 du T112 T wrtrftw-d-4
7, sft-rvr3/4 mtiAIA A.= 60 0 0 A 3/4 c'r
aggizrtre gwr3/4 t( '7( old 61 k Oft' ITrtutur
3trr3T(11tmuT fw(urr3/4 3791 p. = 1 544
tMe =1.553tI
2 0
FDTN MQ IZ A/ 17 13 P.T.O.
(c) The Einstein theory of specific heat of
solids gives the expression
3NkBx 2 e x
CV -
( e x _ 1) 2
where x =
= with OE as the Einstein
Mention Einstein's assumptions in
deriving it. Also obtain low- and
high-temperature limiting expres-
sions for it.
(ii) Give schematic plot of /Vkversus
3 B
and comment on the validity of
expressions in (1) in comparison
with experiments. 15+10=25
F-DTN-M-QIZA/ 17 14
a114 1 fag .3,tHr1 31-r- 1-4z-r-o 1 fuzgr
(-1cei,ton :
cv -
(ex _ 1) 2
,716I 374z51Wftf *fllie
E t FITZT x =
19-d:m <nk A arr-IR R- * ve ral
7-4@ 4=tDm Tr*ffr94tt, R ig -
wcr 3113=1-TE r +Nth a1 %ft 751
trrqg I
f-dP4TeAT 3Tralg
smirA *urn A N
i garu1 faLluft *fr " I
15 JS3-1000

37-13/4 474 f 34e 3i71-4? 0414
37777 3/4 dm 3- * AWN i 17 1 WIF, %T*7 rEgt airr3/4 37471-47
if a-7T TIT psi Tutztrt 3/4r FIE raU 3rte2 gutir Tr
aif3/4ff Thfa, &IR r4 Rhea ,near aTP-641 507I-47 4r 3P-4-ftff aroma 3/4
airdirT er=a Wet 471-77 1 ii fart aq dffi zit - 41
3777 41941 1 37)7 5 311 garef #1 m41 37777 >i rT Fr 737 4 i M4-4-Trt
Ti 7 3777 T43/4t- 47 1 fdi4 3ir-ti 3/4 drt< 01:;ig
a714F 3/4 3V WW arW 3/4 7 wig t1 P-4 R.24 dlch & P
rdiw/tarf 51-4f-ed 3J2/7 v& arRT24 g
ibhr fitu : zit 31ralW
t fa
%ft am 3777 Th-rdrf
317 3777 2Pit Nrill/34-2 717 7f rffe 74721-23721 e I PiTh-1 3T at t Ra i
am-4 errearfu4 3/4 fk
qq4 414fet45 5174T147
31/77//3V-ITM/ ear RATA t 0.10. sffif al if ardwur 3/41P-441
ear- yo-3/4 a01- Es) r yai 3/41 ilei ri Fig ri <MC tf4Q./ MO?
trergfl4fffkdrdr13i- olq,tfiletfichratl
Note :
English version of the Instructions is printed
on the front cover of this question paper.

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