Harry Berry

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Sep 2001 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London

-present BEng Computing (2.1)
Sep 1999 orley College, Bristol
-Jun 2001 !"le#el$% Math$ (!)
&urther Math$ (B)
'hy$ic$ (!)
Chemi$try (!)
(eneral Studie$ (B)
May 1989- )e$ton School, Bristol
Jun 1999 (CSE% ele#en cour$e$, including% Math (!), Engli$h *iterature (!),
(erman (!), Stati$tic$ (!), (eography (B), IT (!), i$tory (B), !rt (B)
Work Experience
July-August 2002 Goldman Sachs, London
Trading IT Support
Coordination of te$ting a ne+ $oft+are $olution that +ould facilitate the compari$on of
different $toc, e-change .uotation$. *eader$hip $,ill$ +ere re.uired to en$ure $trict
In#ol#ed in de$igning ne+ $olution$ for trader$ u$ing the functionality of /euter$
data0a$e. Interacted +ith currency trader$ to fit their need$. 1emon$trated good
communication $,ill$.
/e$earching alternati#e$ on a ne+ e.uity trading IT tool. Compiling a report, pre$enting
to the ta$, group leader. 'reparation of the initial implementation $chedule and analy$i$
of re$ource$ re.uired.
August 2001 Cambridge Science Park / Silicon Meadow, Cambridge
85 Scottish Street
London E1W S21
mobile: 07696176466
e-mail: harr!berr"im#erial!ac!$%
date o& birth: 5th 'ecember 1981
(A))* +E))*
!$$i$tant to ead of /e$earch at Cam0ridge Science 'ar,. 'reparation of the report
on the European $cience par,$ +ith competition analy$i$.
2unior /e$earch !naly$t at Silicon Meado+. Compiled a report on the current player$ in
the internet ring tone$ pro#ider mar,et in Continental Europe and 34. Managed to deli#er
t+o 25"page report$ according to deadline$ +hile 0eing in#ol#ed $imultaneou$ly in
operational ta$,$ of Cam0ridge Science 'ar,.
De 2000 Completed !d#anced Cour$e in &eng"Shui, o0tained fir$t in$tructor le#el
!o" 1999 60tained 7(raded 'roficiency in Modern *anguage8% *e#el 2 'roficiency in
199# My poem 7(ood Bye, Britain8 +a$ commended in the Simon El#in 9oung 'oet$
!+ard$. In 1::; the poem +a$ $elected for inclu$ion in the 0oo, 7'oetry in the
Secondary School8 pu0li$hed 0y 'oetry Society
199$ 'oem 7Bad 0oy8 +a$ commended in the )Smith <ational 9oung )riter=$
Apr 2000 !chie#ed >
le#el 4arate 4yo,u$hin from the Briti$h 4arate 4yo,u$hin 3nion
!o" 1999 !chie#ed 1 Star 9acht Certification from the Briti$h 9acht 3nion
I am intere$ted in e"commerce and #enture capital
I am a mem0er of the Imperial College Ba$,et0all Clu0
I practice 4arate 4yo,u$hin +ith the Briti$h <ational 4arate Team
6cca$ionally I +rite poem$ for friend$ and Imperial College $tudent$= ne+$paper

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