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1he 2)0*#0- 3 4$),,$##5, 2#6&-&%5 (2342) malnLalns LhaL regardless of whaL one may
Lhlnk of ChrlsLopher uorner and Lhe rlghLs or wrongs of hls acLlons, we wanL Lo call aLLenLlon Lo
Lhe LruLh's sLaLed ln uorner's manlfesLo regardlng Lhe pervaslveness of raclsm ln Lhe Los Angeles
ollce ueparLmenL (LAu).

As many hlsLorlans and commenLaLors have polnLed ouL slnce Lhe release of uorner's manlfesLo,
Lhe LAu ls a noLorlously raclsL lnsLlLuLlon. 1he 8amparLs ulvlslon scandal of Lhe laLe 1990's ls
one recenL remlnder of how raclsL and corrupL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon ls, and Lo whaL exLenL Lhe [udlclary
and oLher branches and lnsLlLuLlons of Lhe uS governmenL supporL lLs acLlons.

We should be clear LhaL Lhe LAu ls noL an aberraLlon or an excepLlon Lo Lhe rule. 8aclsm ls
endemlc Lo all law enforcemenL agencles ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, and ls parL and parcel of Lhe
foundaLlons of Lhe unlLed SLaLes governmenL, lLs hlsLorlc mlsslon, and lLs sysLemlc funcLlonlng.
WhaL Mr. uorner's manlfesLo call lnLo quesLlon ls Lhe degree Lo whlch raclsm ls blaLanLly
lgnored, reasoned away, and leglLlmlzed ln Lhls socleLy. 1hls ls furLher evldenced by Lhe facL LhaL
Wllllam !. 8raLLon, Lhe lnnovaLor of Lhe lnfamously raclsL sLop and frlsk" pollcles and LacLlcs,
who was Lhe Chlef of ollce ln Los Angeles when Mr. uorner flled hls complalnLs and was
subsequenLly flred, has been hlred by Lhe clLy of Cakland (whlch ls currenLly under lederal
recelvershlp for lLs raclsL conducL) Lo reporLedly clean lL up".

ln !uly 2012 our organlzaLlon lssued a crlLlcal reporL on Lhe LxLra[udlclal kllllng of 8lack people
by Lhe ollce (see hLLp://[udlclal-kllllngs-of-120-black-people/)
LhaL hlghllghLed Lhe cold facLs regardlng Lhe deadly lmpacL of raclsm and naLlonal oppresslon,
made several concreLe demands on Lhe uS governmenL, and encouraged 8lack people Lo unlLe
and reorganlze ourselves Lo defend our communlLles agalnsL Lhe varlous forms of sLaLe
represslon almed aL us and our soclal movemenLs for [usLlce.

We malnLaln LhaL our people musL sLep up our organlzlng efforLs Lo curLall Lhe represslve
apparaLus belng bullL by Lhe uS governmenL Lo conLaln oppressed peoples and radlcal soclal
movemenLs, and we resubmlL Lhe crlLlcal demands we posed ln 2012, as Lhey are no less
relevanL ln 2013, whlch have been graphlcally lllusLraLed by Lhe lmpacL of Mr. uorner's
sLaLemenLs and acLlons.

Some fundamenLal demands.

Los Angeles speclflc demands:
1. We call for an lndependenL lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe numerous allegaLlons made by
ChrlsLopher uorner agalnsL speclflc named lndlvlduals, as well as hls general allegaLlons of pollce
conducL, and Lhe charges of nepoLlsm LhaL he conLends surrounded hls flrlng.
2. We call for an lndependenL commlsslon Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe documenLed abuses of Lhe LAu
and Lo hear unflled clalms of raclal dlscrlmlnaLlon and abuse agalnsL Lhe deparLmenL, and Lo Lry
Lhe deparLmenL before a lederal courL Lo provlde redress for Lhe vlcLlms.
3. We call for Lhe lmmedlaLe lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of a ollce ConLrol 8oard ln Lhe clLy of Los
Angeles dlrecLly elecLed by Lhe people, whlch possesses Lhe power Lo monlLor, revlew, and
change all raclsL pollcles and procedures, and Lo flre, subpoena, and Lry offendlng pollce offlcers.

naLlonal demands:
1. We call for Lhe lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of ollce ConLrol 8oards LhaL are dlrecLly elecLed by Lhe
2. We call for Lhe ellmlnaLlon of Lhe ollce 8lll of 8lghLs and Lhe numerous clvll servlce rules
and [udlclal pollcles and procedures LhaL glve Lhe pollce anonymlLy, freedom from havlng Lhelr
behavlor recorded and vlrLual lmmunlLy from accounLablllLy and prosecuLlon.
3. We call for Lhe end Lo Lhe varlous pollces of conLalnmenL such as raclal proflllng, sLop and
frlsk, gang ln[uncLlons, secure communlLles, eLc.
4. We demand Lhe demlllLarlzaLlon of domesLlc law enforcemenL, lncludlng ellmlnaLlng Lhe
use of urones and varlous survelllance operaLlons and lnsLlLuLlons.
3. We call for Lhe redlrecLlon of mlllLary fundlng Lo soclal programs, such as publlc educaLlon,
houslng, healLh care, publlc LransporLaLlon, and grassrooLs-conLrolled programs Lo prevenL
domesLlc and lnLra-communal vlolence.
6. We call for Lhe lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of a !"#$%&"' )'"& %* +,#$%& *%- .",$"' /01#$,2 Lo combaL
raclsm and raclal dlscrlmlnaLlon ln Lhe lnsLlLuLlons of governmenL and Lhe soclal relaLlons LhaL
shape Lhe economy.

Crganlze and 1ake AcLlon! 1he sysLem wlll change, only when we make lL change.

1he Malcolm x CrassrooLs MovemenL

1uesday, lebruary 12, 2013

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