Open Foam

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Free and Open Source

Alternatve to FLUENT
OpenFOAM: Open Source Field Oper-
aton And Manipulaton, is a free and
Open Source CFD (Computatonal
Fluid Dynamics) sofware package
promoted by the ESI Group. The De-
velopment of OpenFOAM, started in
late 1999 by Dr. Hrvoje Jasak and
Henry Weller in Imperial College of
Engineering, with a vision to create a
C++ based CFD solver for future
research purposes.
OpenFOAM is a collecton of C++
libraries which can be used to create
executable applicatons which fall
under two categories: Solvers and
Utlites. Solvers, which are used to
solve the contnuum mechanics prob-
lems, and Utlites, which perform the
task of data manipulaton.
The syntax of the solver applicaton in
OpenFOAM, is similar to that used in
writng a Partal Dierental Equaton.
Advantages of using OpenFOAM
Free and Open Source
Released under GPL
Flexible: User can change the code
according to his requirements
Supports OpenMPI
Contains vast number of Solvers
Able to import data from other
meshing sofware
Results can be exported to dierent
post-processing data formats
National Mission on Education through ICT
A snippet of the OpenFOAM code:
Navier-Stokes equaton:
Writng the equaton in OpenFOAM:
fvm ::ddt (rho, U)
+fvm :: div (rho, U)
-fvm :: laplacian(nu, U)
- fvc::grad (p)
Drop Splashing
Flow Over 3-D Blu Body
SELF Workshops
Enroll with us to become a Workshop
Organiser, and help conduct OpenFOAM
and other FOSS workshops like Linux,
Scilab, Python, PHP-MySQL, Java, C, and
many others, in your college and neigh-
bouring colleges. You can also help con-
duct these workshops at the organisaton
that you work in.
FOSSEE (Free and Open Source Sofware
for Educaton) project is part of the Na-
tonal Mission on Educaton through ICT
(NMEICT) with the thrust area being Ad-
aptaton and deployment of Open Source
simulaton packages equivalent to propri-
etary sofware, funded by MHRD, based
at the Indian Insttute of Technology
Bombay (IITB).
Textbook Companion
OpenFOAM textbook companion is
one of the major actvites supported
by the CFD team at FOSSEE, IIT
Bombay. This work involves generatng
an online collecton of OpenFOAM cas-
es/solvers for worked out examples
and select exercise problems from
standard textbooks. Partcipate and
earn atractve honorarium and Cert-
cate of Internship from FOSSEE, IIT
Contact Us:
Text Book General Queries:
This eort is not approved or endorsed by ESI Group, the producer of OpenFOAM sofware and owner of OpenFOAM trademark.
Applicaton areas of OpenFOAM
Incompressible Flows MHD ows
Compressible Flows DNS
Multphase Flows DSMC
Financial Problems Combuston
Partcle tracking Heat Transfer
Industrial users of OpenFOAM

Mixing Agitator
I. C. Engine Simulaton
Learn OpenFOAM the easy way
through Spoken Tutorial
Spoken tutorials for self learning of
OpenFOAM are available at
Select FOSS Category: OpenFOAM
Select Language: English
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