15mm Zulu War

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inch EQUALS 6 YARDS or 1 inch equals 24 yards

6.25mm equals 540cm or 2.5cm equals 2160cm
Dice D4 D6 D8 D10 D12
British always go first turn. Alternative Movement turns
A Base can move, move or fire, or move and melee
Terrain is always placed by the invaded
2 Figures to a base Artillery need no bases
1 British/Boer/Irregular Inf/Cav/Camel/Art figure equals 10
1 Zulu/Native/Tribal Inf/Cav/Cam /Art figure equals 20
1 British Foot base width 18mm by 10mm depth
1 British Artillery base width 18mm by 10mm depth
1 British Cav/Camel base width 24mm by 20mm depth
1 British Dismounted Cav/Cam base width 24mm by 20mm depth
1 British Mounted Inf base width 30mm by 30mm depth
1 British Dismounted Inf base width 30mm by 30mm depth
1 British Command base as foot base 18mm by 10mm depth
1 British Command base as Cav/Cam base 24mm by 20mm depth
1 Boer/Irregular Inf base width 20mm by 15mm depth
1 Boer/Irregular/Native/Tribal Cav/Cam base width 30mm by 30mm depth
1 Boer/Irregular/Native/Tribal Dismounted Cav/Cam base width 30mm by
30mm depth
1 Zulu/Native/Tribal Inf base width 20mm by 15mm depth
1 Zulu/Native/Tribal Command inf base width 20mm by 15mm depth
1 Zulu/Native/Tribal Command cav/cam base width 30mm by 30mm depth
1 Artillery Horse/Mule/Oxen(2) Elephant(1) base width 25mm by 30mm depth
1 Limber base width 25mm by 60mm depth
1 Wagon/Cart width 25mm by 60mm depth
Field Artillery/Horse Artillery Guns always start with 2 Art Foot bases
Rockets/Machine Guns always have 1 Art Foot base
Wagons/Carts/Artillery Limbers always start with 2 Horse/Oxen/Mule bases
except Machine Guns/rockets when not limbered which always have 1
Horse/Oxen/Mule base
Heavy Artillery Guns always start with 2 art Foot bases
Heavy Artillery Gun limbers/Horse Artillery Gun Limbers always start with 4
Horse/Oxen/Mule bases
1 Elephant base is only required to pull Artillery Guns/Wagons/Carts
4 British Foot bases to 1 Company . 1 Command base per Army.
8 British Foot Companies to a Battalion/Regiment
Allocation of strength
For All Foot Unit sizes throw 3xD10, each 1 dice point equals 1 base (but for
British try and put the bases into sets of 4. (1 Company)
Usually for the British in Zululand and the Boers in 1899 use 1 Unit allocation
For Cavalry Unit size throw 1xD10 each 1 dice point equals 1 base
If a low dice point is scored you can amalgamate Foot Units together up to 30
bases (mainly Boers Zulus Tribal)
If a low dice point is scored you can amalgamate Cav Units together up to 10
Light Artillery 1 Horse Artillery Base 1 light gun and 2 artillery foot base
Medium Artillery 2 Horse Artillery Bases 1 Medium gun and 2 artillery foot
Heavy Artillery 4 Horse Artillery Bases 1 Heavy Gun and 4 artillery foot
Horse Artillery 4 Horse Artillery Bases 1 Medium Gun and 2 artillery foot
Throw 1 x D6 (If a 1 is thrown throw again)
2 to 1 3 to 1 4 to 1 5 to 1 6 to 1 for every 1 British Unit you can get
2,3 4 5 6 Zulus,etc............reverse it for Boers
Throw 1 x D4 to see how many Cavalry Units you get (not Zulu)
Throw 1 x D4 to see how many Artillery Units you get (not Zulu)
Throw again 1x D6 a score of 1 is light art , a 2 is medium art ,, a 3 is
heavy art, a 4 is Rocket art , a 5 is Horse art , a 6 is Machine gun
Throw 1xD4 to see how many British Units you get: mainly against
Zulu impis approx men udhloko 2500 umcijo 2500 uve 3500
umbonambi 1500 undluyenewe 1000 imgobamakhosi 6000 umhlanga 1000
unokenke 2000 uthulwana 1500 umkhulutshane 500

There is no deduction to a base when turning to flank or rear
When 2 or more bases are wheeling or changing formation then each base is
only permitted to move their maximum move distance.
1 British Foot/art base covers 5cm per turn
1 Boer/Irregular/Native/Tribal/art base covers 5cm per turn
1 Boer/Irregular Foot base covers 7.5cm per turn
1 Native/Tribal Foot base covers 7.5cm per turn
1 Zulu Foot base covers 10cm per turn
1 British Cav/Mounted Inf/Boer/Irregular/Tribal/Native Cav/Cam base cover
15cm per turn
1 British Cav/Mounted Inf/Boer/Irregular/Tribal/Native Cav/Cam base when
dismounted covers 7.5cm per turn
1 Wagon/Cart/Field Artillery pulled by 2 Horse/Mule/Oxen bases covers 5cm
per turn
1 Wagon/Cart/Field Artillery pulled by 1 Horse/Mule/Oxen base covers 2.5cm
per turn
1 Foot/Art base pulls/push Field Artillery at 2.5cm per turn
1 Elephant base pulling/loaded covers 5cm per turn
1 Loaded Oxen/Mule/Horse/Camel covers 5cm per turn
2 Horse Artillery bases pulling Artillery Gun covers 10cm per turn
1 Horse Artillery base pulling Artillery Gun covers 5cm per turn
1 Heavy Artillery base pulled by 4 Horse/Mule/Oxen bases covers 4cm
1 Heavy Artillery base pulled by 1 Horse/Mule/Oxen base covers 1cm
No deduction for foot base moving through Soft Cover
Foot base moving through Hard Cover do so at halve movement
Cavalry base moving through Soft Cover do so at halve movement
Cavalry base moving through Hard Cover do so at quarter movement
One Movement turn to dismount/mount Limber/Unlimber
1 Base can move in any direction in there permitted movement allocation.
No movement if base has enemy bases to front and rear
Soft Cover Broken ground/Fence/Walls/Donga/Wadi/Bush/Hills/Streams
Hard Cover Woods/Earthworks/Trenches/Rivers
Artillery Limbers cannot pass through
Broken Ground/Bush/Hills/Streams Artillery Limbers do so at halve
movement per turn

FIRING cannot move and fire
Firing arc 22 degrees of base edges
Artillery Guns 45 degrees from gun barrel
Can fire each turn Cannot fire into melee
Heavy Artillery fire every 4
turn i.e turn1 fire turn 2 turn 3 turn 4 fire
Cannot fire at troops behind Hard Cover unless enemy fired last turn.
Line of sight only. All mounted troops must dismount to fire
Throw 1xD appropriate dice once per base for firing and saving .
A score of 2 or more on 1xD appropriate dice is a hit for All British/Boar
bases. A score of 4 or more on 1xD appropriate dice is a hit for Irregular,
Native, Tribal, and Zulu. You can have multiple hits on your 1xD appropriate
dice i.e A British base scores a 12 so that is 6 hits.
British Foot/Cav base firing D12
Boer Foot/Cav base firing D12
Irregular Foot/Cav base firing D8
Tribal Foot/Cav base firing D6
Native/Zulu base firing D4
British Artillery Horse/Field base firing D10
British Rocket Artillery base firing D4
British Machine Gun base firing D12
Tribal/Native Field Artillery base firing D8
Tribal/Native Rocket Artillery base firing D4
Tribal/Native Machine Gun base firing D10
Heavy Artillery base firing D12
British Foot/Cav Command base firing D12
Boer Foot/Cav Command base firing D12
Zulu/Native/Tribal Command base firing D8
Irregular Foot/Cav Command base firing D10
1 British Foot Base is firing at a Zulu inf base in the open. You throw 1xD12
and get a 8. This is 4 hits.
A score of 4 or more on 1xD appropriate dice is a save
If behind soft cover a 3 or more is needed to save.
If behind Hard cover a 2 or more is needed to save
12pdr & 15pdr sighted up to 625cm (6000yards)
5 inch howitzer sighted up to 625cm (6000yards)
Maxim Machine gun sighted up to 260cm (2500yards)
Mauser Rifle sighted up to 230cm (2200yards)
Revolver sighted up to 10cm (100yards)
Lee-enfield sighted up to 198cm (1900yards)
Cruesot 94pdr long tom sighted up to 1043cm (10000yards)
Krupps 75mm sighted up to 625cm (6000yards)
4.7inch Naval gun sighted up to 1043cm (10000yards)
7pdr sighted up to 323cm (3100yards)
9pdr sighted up to 365cm (3500yards)
9prd rocket sighted up to 135cm (1300yards)
24pdr rocket sighted up to 135cm (1300yards)
Gatling Gun sighted up to 125cm (1200yards)
45 Martini Henry sighted up to 135cm (1300yards)
Carbine sighted up to 168cm (1600yards)
1 Zulu Rifle Base per 10 Zulu inf bases excluding Command base.

MELEE can move and melee you cannot melee then move
Must be in base to base contact (always turn to face if not attacked in flank or
rear ) 1 base may have to throw up to 4 times if attack by 4 bases
Only those bases in base to base contact fight in melee
You can still melee if soft/hard cover is in between bases
Can only destroy defender base in attackers turn , if even scores defender
can continue melee in his turn or move away if not surrounded
The defender base cannot destroy attackers base if score is in favour of
Throw 1xD per base attacker and defender
Base Open
British inf D8
British art D4
British Mounted Inf D8
British Dismounted inf D8
British Command inf/cav/cam D12
British Cav/cam D10
British Dismounted cav/cam D8
Boer Inf/Dismounted cav D8
Boer Cavalry D8
Boer art D4
Boer Command inf/cav D12
Irregular Foot D6
Irregular Cav/cam D8
Irregular Dismounted Cav/cam D6
Irregular Command inf/cav/cam D10
Irregular art D4
Native inf D4
Native Cav/Cam D6
Dismounted Native Cav/Cam D4
Native art D4
Native Command inf/cav/cam D10
Zulu Inf D8
Zulu Command inf D10
Tribal Inf D8
Tribal Cav/Cam D10
Dismounted Tribal Cav/Cam D8
Tribal art D4
Tribal Command Inf/Cav/Cam D12
Add to score per base
+1 if British inf base is in contact with another British inf base
+2 if British cav/cam base is in contact with another British cav/cam base
+1 if any base has moved more than half movement distance into melee
+1 if any base is defending soft cover
+2 if any base is defending hard cover
+1 if any base is attacking flank
+2 if any base is attacking rear
+2 if attacking base that is in Retreat
+1 if Zulu/Native/Tribal inf/cav/cam outnumber British 2 to 1 in bases
+2 if Zujlu/Native/Tribal inf/cav/cam outnumber British 3 to 1 in bases
+3 if Zulu/Native/Tribal inf/cav/cam outnumber British 4 to 1 in bases
A base is destroyed when there is a difference of 1 or more
Example of outnumbering British
A zulu unit of 8 bases (2 lines of 4 all in base to base contact) moves into
melee and contacts 4 British bases (1 line of 4 all in base to base
contact) You add up the totals and it is 8 for the Zulus and 4 for the
British so it is 2 to 1 for the Zulus So each Zulu base in contact (base
to base) with the British gets +1 per base in melee. For Outnumbering
all Zulu/Native/Tribal units must be in base to base contact to get the

When any unit loses 50% of its total, each base throws 1xD appropriate dice
from the Melee table a score of 4 or more and the base continues as normal
next move . You must throw each and every move thereafter
You cannot surrender unless British versus Boer
Example A British Foot Unit of 8 bases has lost 50% In their move each 4
remaining bases throws 1xD8 Scores are 3 5 4 1. So 2 base retreat and 2
remain. Next move at the beginning the 2 remaining bases throw 1xD8 to see
if they do not retreat.
Who is the winner
For each Destroyed base add points value of Melee base together and the
winner is the one with the most points i.e British Inf Base Melee 1xD8 so
that would be 8 points.
RETREAT 1 full move in defenders or your own move
Double movement distance i.e British Foot base in retreat moves 10cm


8-10 British Foot Figures to a Platoon 80-100 British Foot Figures to a
Company 8 Companies to a Foot Regiment 800-1000
4-5 Foot Figures to a sub section
1 corporal per 22 figures
1 sergeant per 18 figures
1 officer per 28 figures ( use 1 officer as overall commander)
Each Company was commanded by a Captain, with 2 subalterns 1 colour
sergeant 4 sergeants 2 drummers about 100 rank and file (corporals and
Each Private had 2 pouches with 20 rounds each
A Battery was organised into 3 sections of 2 guns per section
It was Commanded by 1 Major 1 Captain 3 lieutenants 8 staff sergeants 72
gunners (102 draught horses) 1 Officer per 14 gunners
1 Artillery Piece and 4-5 to a sub section(15 actual figures usually) Art
Figures . Field 4 figures Heavy 4 figures If 1 gun in action attach 1 officer
if 2 guns in action it is still 1 officer You can attach Rocket or Gatling Gun to
a Gun Battery and you will still have 1 officer. You can attach a Rocket or
Gatling Gun to a Infantry Platoon and the Infantry officer is in charge.
1 Rocket Trough and 2 (included above usually) Art Figures
1 Gatling Gun and 2 (included from above usually) Art Figures
An Artillery Gun/Wagon/Cart is pulled by 4 Oxen/Art Horse/mule (1 elephant)
Cavalry Regiment had 4 squadrons each of 3-4 troops Each troop had
between 3-4 sections 72-134 actual men in a Squadron
A Cavalry Regiment had 31 Officers 43 Staff Sergeants 22 Artificers 549 rank
and file of which 15 were bandsmen
Imperial Mounted Infantry each squadron was 150 divided into 2 troops
5-6 British Mounted Inf/Cavalry to a section plus 1 Officer
Natal Native Horse had 200 men in 6 troops 8 men per section
Natal Native Foot Contingent 3 regiments 1 Battalion had 10 companies each
of 9 officers and 100 men 1 platoon of 1 officer and 10 men
Natal Mounted Police had 110 men in 1 squadron
1 squadron Of (total) Natal Carbineers ,Newcastle Mounted Rifles ,Buffalo
Border Guard
4 troops of Frontier Light Horse
2 troops of Bakers Horse
Others Cape Mounted Riflemen,Border Horse, Ferreiras Horse Schuttes
Corps,Kaffrarian Vanguard.
Naval Brigade started out with 200 men
Five troops Natal Hussars: Durban Alexandra Stager Victoria Mounted
Rifles each troop 40-50 figures each section 10 figures
Zulu were grouped into impis usually of about 1500 men
Boers, Maori usually fought in local commandos 60-300-1500 actual men

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