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Agha Waqars Water Kit

(Criticism and Answer)

By Agha Waqar Ahmed

Agha Waqars HHO kit
Questions from opponents of the kit:
All who make comments on Honorable Agha Sahib they must know how his kit works.
Here I am elaborating the construction of his kit. Where, I will try to address the questions of many.
1. Why Agha uses distilled water? Is he adding some hidden substance? How electrolysis is possible
without a catalyst?
2. Since Agha Waqar is using car battery for decomposing of water; What is the battery usage during
electrolysis? First Law of Thermodynamics is not addressed by Agha Waqar. Battery Usage will be more
than energy obtained at engine.
3. If only milliamps of battery are used; How milliamps of current are able to break water molecule?
4. Is it possible from electrolysis to produce a large quantity of hydrogen that it can run an engine
without storage or can work without mixing other fuels?
5. 15000 liters of hydrogen are required for running an engine. Is Agha producing that volume of gas
from little amount of water?
6. 150 PSI is needed to run a car. Agah's kit does not seem to produce such a pressure.
7. Has Agha Sahib escaped from NUST people? Where is kit now? Why kit is not there in Market since so
First of let us understand resonance.
RESONANCE: In some mechanisms (mostly mechanical and electronic) when Energy is applied with
some Rhythm (frequency) Output of the energy becomes much higher than energy applied constantly.
The frequency required in a system to start resonance is called resonant frequency of the system.
Examples of Resonance:
1. Pushing a person in a swing is a common example of resonance. The loaded swing, a pendulum, has a
natural frequency of oscillation, its resonant frequency, and resists being pushed at a faster or slower
rate. (Wikipedia)

2. On bridges army soldiers are asked to not to walk in rhythm because little force produced due to their
walk could lead to the breakage of bridge which required tons of force. There are several event done
like Tacoma Narrows Bridge etc. in which accidents happened due to resonance.
Types of Resonance:
There are several types of resonance:
1. MECHANICAL RESONANCE: I had examples above.
2. OPTICAL RESONANCE: Even laser are an example of optical resonance. Please read.
5. ORBITAL RESONANCE: Please read.
7. ELECTRICAL RESONANCE: LC circuit is one example of Electrical resonance. Please read.

Agha Sahibs Inspiration from Plank and Einstein:
Planck's Resonance Hypothesis and Einstein Hidden Variable:
Now let me explain resonance that is taken from Planck's Resonance Hypothesis:
You know Harvard a university. Their Website . They have a section at their
web for The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System. They wrote under the heading of Hidden variables:
the resonance factor at the below website:
The websites states as:
In 1900 Max Karl Planck performed his famous black-body radiation work which sparked the quantum
revolution. Re-examination of that work has revealed hidden variables, consistent with Einsteins
famous sentiment that quantum mechanics is incomplete due to the existence of hidden variables.
The recent discovery of these previously hidden variables, which have been missing from foundational
equations for more than one hundred years, has important implications for theoretical, experimental
and applied sciences and technologies. Planck attempted to integrate the new resonant Hertzian
(electromagnetic) waves, with existing Helmholtz theories on energy and thermodynamics. In his
famous January 1901, paper on black-body radiation, Planck described two significant hypotheses his
well known Quantum Hypothesis, and his more obscure Resonance Hypothesis. Few scientists today are
aware that Planck hypothesized resonant electromagnetic energy as a form of non-thermal energy
available to perform work on a molecular basis, and that Plancks Resonance Hypothesis bridged the gap
between classical Helmholtz energy state dynamics of the bulk macro state, and energy state dynamics
of the molecular microstate. Since the black-body experimental data involved only a thermal effect and
not a resonant effect, Planck excluded the resonant state in his black-body derivation. He calculated
Boltzmanns constant kB using completely thermal/entropic data, arriving at a value of 1.38 10^23 J
K-1 per molecule, representing the internal energy of a molecule under completely thermal conditions.
He further hypothesized, however, that if resonant energy was present in a system, the resonant energy
would be free to be converted into work. Planck seems to have been caught up in the events of the
quantum revolution and never returned to his Resonance Hypothesis. As a result, a mathematical
foundation for resonance dynamics was never completed. Boltzmanns constant was adopted into
thermodynamic theories without its natural companion, the resonance factor (rf).

This is what Agha Sahib is inspired of 1900 Plancks hypothesis Einsteins saying of hidden variable.
So its clear energy in resonance was explained by Planck in 1900. And scientists at NASA and Harvard are
going to take in account the free energies of resonance. Our scientists and their assistants are busy in
making theories to make Govt fool and Govt funds in their pockets. So they are unaware of Resonance
Energy and just know theory of loot.
Resonance Energy is not included in Black Body Radiation:
Some people try to misguide others by saying oh no Plank was calculating black body radiation so this
resonance is only present in black body radiations. No Sir No. read again Since the black-body
experimental data involved only a thermal effect and not a resonant effect, Planck excluded the
resonant state in his black-body derivation. It states that Black Body Experiment involves only Thermal
effect not resonant effect. So resonance effect in Planks Hypothesis is related to molecular resonance.
Meanings of Electrolysis:
Some people assume Electrolysis as passage of electricity to break some chemical into its basic
parts they assume a conductive liquid is required (in fact pure distilled water cannot be
electrolyzed since it needs an electrolyte like NaCl to conduct some current.

But the reality is not the same The word electrolysis comes from the Greek [ lektron]
"amber" and [lsis] "dissolution. or decomposition.
There are several types of electrolysis like:
1. Galvanic electrolysis,
2. High-pressure electrolysis,
3. Photo electrolysis,
4. Thermal electrolysis,
5. LC resonant electrolysis etc.( you can find all by Google I can provide references if you need)
Many types of electrolysis require no electrolytic agent like NaCl etc.
Method Used by Agha Sahib:
AGHA SAHIBS uses Electrical resonance; in which an LC circuit is produce. (To know about LC circuit
please read. ). Practically, no significant electricity is passed
through circuit. Electricity is used to activate, stimulate and continue resonance in a circuit.
LC circuits are also of two types one is parallel and one is series. Agha Sahib uses Series LC circuit.
AGHA SAHIB uses a physical coil and a Capacitor is composed of a special mechanism.
CAPACITOR in AGHA SAHIBs TECHNIQUE: AGHA SAHIB dips many (at least 20) plates of metal in
Distilled Water. Half of the plates alternatively are attached with one end of circuits and half with other.
Water will work as Dielectric and (20) Plates will work as (10) capacitors.
LC Circuit. This (20) metal plates dipped in distilled water based capacitor (for simplicity we will call it
MPDWC) is attached with a physical coil.
RESONANT FREQUENCY: Capacitance of MPDWC and Inductance of coil is measured hence putting into
Series RC formula resonant frequency is measure.
SUPPLY of Alternating Resonant Voltage: 12V are taken from simple car battery then converted into
mostly 110 volts AC. This AC has frequency same as the resonance frequency of MPDWC and above coil.
Then AC is bridge rectified but not stabilized. So Positive Polar wave is obtained (there are ups and
downs as AC but positive remains positive and negative remains negative.)
Depending on LC construction these voltage sometimes may lead to much higher voltage. Water
molecules in between plates could not resist to such a high voltage so they break up in Hydrogen and
Oxygen. Interesting thing is the Amperes used by this Mechanism are just in milliamps. So there is no
significant use of Battery. If common usage of battery is 8-10 Amps, Milli Amps will add no more
visible load.
1. This Circuit Uses Distilled Water. Because Water is working as dielectric and dielectric must be non
conductor and Distilled Water is a non conductor any impurity or chemical will not let the system work.
2. Current is not passing but just activating the resonance. So battery usage is minimal so no harm to
battery. Yes Planks resonance Hypothesis is real and this circuit is its proof.
3. Runtime Sufficient Hydrogen is produced so no need of storage and there is no danger at all.
4. Due to sufficient Hydrogen System needs no other fuel mixed. Thats why it is threatening the fossil
fuel deposit owners to shout against Agha Sahib because, Deposits of their Oil and Gas will be a story of
past in near future.
Here is a video showing glimpse of the mechanism similar to AGHA SAHIBs mechanism at very basic

Proof of Fuel and Pressure related
Some well known scientists have raised some very nonsense questions relating Fuel and pressure
required to run an Engine on Hydrogen.
1. They claimed 15000 liters of Hydrogen is required to run a car.
2. They claimed at least 150 PSI pressure is required to run a car.
Calculation for Fuel Requirements of a 1L
(1000cc) car:
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Some Companies are using Hydrogen as fuel and using a cell which take hydrogen
and oxygen then converts it into Electricity. Then Electric Motor drives Vehicles. These vehicles are
called Fuel Cell Vehicles. Example: Audi A2H2, etc.
ICE Based Vehicles: Some companies are running their vehicles internal combustion Engine (ICE) on
hydrogen combustion.
Hybrid ICE Vehicles: Some companies are producing cars running on Hybrid Hydrogen and other fuels.
Like gasoline. Example: Mazda HR-X, etc.
Sole Hydrogen Capability: BMW has a car named "BMW Hydrogen 7". Its internal combustion Engine
(ICE) runs on gasoline as well on sole Hydrogen. (Not Hybrid.) We had selected this Car to calculate fuel
consumption ratings because it is similar in work with Agha Sahibs method. BMW has given its glimpse
Go to its fact sheets on Wikipedia: or Alternatively you
can download official PDF containing specifications of Hydrogen 7.

Hydrogen 7 uses 47.6 Liter /100 km while it is 6L (6000cc). Agha Waqar Sahib is running 1000cc car. It
will use 6 times less than it so Agha Sahib (rented) car will use 47.6/6 =7.93 Liter of liquid hydrogen for
travelling 100km.
Agha Waqar Sahib is running 1000cc car. It will use 6 times less due to less CC. When we will take in
account the fact Hydrogen 7 uses only hydrogen and getting oxygen from Air While Agha Sahib's
Mechanism provides HHO that also has built in Oxygen. So its mileage will not only 6 times but around
7.5 times. (If you need calculation of increase in efficiency with oxygen supply rather than air supply, I
can do for you)
Agha Sahib's car will use 47.6/7.5 =6.34 Liter of liquid hydrogen for travelling 100km.
There is a difference in compressed or liquid gas and gas at STP (standard temperature pressure). Let us
solve the entire problem till end. Actually this is compressed hydrogen. We can calculate the volume
required at STP.
BMW hydrogen 7 contains 7.8 kg (7800 grams) in 170 liter tank.
So 1 liter compressed in hydrogen 7 cylinder contains 7800/170 =45.88 grams
a. 1 mole of an ideal gas = 22.4 liters at STP
b. 1 mole of H2 = 2.016 grams
c. While 1 liter hydrogen at STP=2.016 g / 22.4 liters= 0.09 g
So actually a liter of compressed gas is equal to = 45.88/0.09= 509.77 liter at STP.
Hydrogen 7 with 6L (6000cc) engine will travel 100 kms in 47.6 *509.77=24265 liters at STP. (with
impure oxygen from simple air)
Agha Sahibs car with (1000cc) engine will travel 100 kms in =24265/7.5=3235.33 liters of gas at STP.
(With pure Oxygen directly obtained from water)
For 1 km Agha Sahibs car will use 3235.33/100=32.35 Liter of Hydrogen at STP
Agha Sahib's Car will use 3235.33 Liter Hydrogen for 100 kms and 32.35 Liter of Hydrogen for 1 KM at

How Much Hydrogen could be produced from
1 Liter of Water?

Now let us calculate the hydrogen available in 1 liter water. (Assuming Agha is using 1 liter water in his
kit. While in reality the Kit is not of 1 liter it is more than two liters.)
Water molecule splits into Hydrogen and Oxygen equation is given by
2H20 --> 2H2 + 02
Mr of H20 = 18
No. of moles of H20 in one liter = 1000/18 = 55.66666
No. of moles of H2 produced from one liter water= 55.66666
1 mole of hydrogen fills approximately 22.4L of volume.
At Standard temperature and pressure, the amount of H2 (hydrogen) produced: 55.66666 x 22.4 =
1246.93184 liter of Hydrogen at STP
1 Liter Water produces 1246.93184 (1247) liter of Hydrogen at STP

How long 1000cc car will go with Hydrogen
produced from 1L water:
Now let us calculate distance a 1000 cc car will travel with hydrogen obtained from decomposition of 1L
of water.
As we calculated 1247 liter of hydrogen could be obtained from 1 liter of water
And we had calculated before Agha Sahib's Car will use 3235.33 Liter Hydrogen for 100 kms and 32.35
Liter of Hydrogen for 1 KM at STP
For 100kms car consumes 3235.33 Liter of Hydrogen
For 1km car will consume 3235.33/100=32.3533=32.35 liter hydrogen at STP
As we have 1247 liter of hydrogen from 1L water.
32.35 liter hydrogen will allow the car to run 1 km
1 liter hydrogen will allow the car to run 1/32.35 km
1247 liter hydrogen will allow the car to run 1247/32.35=28.5 km That Agha Sahib told with 1L water
car runs roughly 40 kms.

Proof of hydrogen pressure in PSI required for
1000cc car
Let us calculate Pressure required at fuel injection for 1000cc car.
Unit Conversion Guide:
Pressure of fuels could be measured in many units. You can convert between PSI, ATM,
KPA/MPA/PA or BAR by going to the following site:
Common Fuel Types in Vehicles:
There are two types of common fuels to be used in cars Liquid or Gaseous.
Injection Vs Carburetion:
And there are two types of fuel feeding in car engines a. Pressurized Injection b. Carburetion. In
Carburetion fuel is automatically sucked by cylinders of Engine and sometimes fuel runs due to
air passage.
While in Injection fuel is pressurized with a pump to circulate.
If fuel is liquid it needs to be pressurized by pumps.
In the case of gases mostly gas is stored in cylinder. Lets take CNG as an example. Gases are
already pressurized if stored in cylinders.
Different Pressures of Gas fuel in a single system:
Now there are different pressures at cylinder, at Injectors input at injectors output. You can ask
why. The reason is the gas is stored in Cylinder at much high pressure like 200 bars (around
2900 PSI) etc.
But there is a regulator at the nozzle of cylinder which reduces the pressure. This is called
pressure regulator. Then if there is fuel injector it further reduces pressure. So you can go and
Google that how much PSI remain at pressure regulators outlet also you can find different
pressure at cylinder, at inlet of pressure regulator, at outlet of pressure regulator, at injector
inlet and injector outlet. You can find all about CNG and LPG.

Pressure of Hydrogen required At Fuel Injector:
But here my duty is to tell you how about Hydrogen.
University of Michigans Deep Blue Project:
As we know "University of Michigan" They have Deep Blue project. Go and learn at

As we are working on Fuel Injection "University of Michigan" has done a research on
ELECTRONIC HYDROGEN FUEL INJECTION to find out how much fuel is required at Injection. . On Page 329 of this
document on left hand side of the page they tell about successful experiment of Hydrogen
injection both by Electronic Injection and Carburetion.
"Hydrogen gas was supplied to the engine either by carburetion or by manifold injection. In
the case of injection bottled hydrogen gas of 99.95% purity (11) was throttled to a maximum
of 300 kPa pressure and supplied through a flow meter (12) to the intake of the injector (13)"

They told:
Maximum hydrogen injected was 300KPA=43.51136734472 PSIG (go and Calculate (you can
also say PSI)

How people are saying 150 PSI is required while 43 is maximum PSI for hydrogen in this case. It
is not end you can consider this document not valid. Yes, we can go to another proof. There are
many available.

California Polytechnic State University:
Another University called California Polytechnic State University or in short Cal Poly had
conducted similar research and published the results on
On page 13 of this PDF they tell
"It was determined experimentally that for a 3.75 ms pulse duration and equal opening and
closing times, a circular orifice of 0.178 cm2 cross-sectional area was capable of flowing 200
cm3/injection cycle (measured at atmospheric pressure) using an upstream pressure of30
psig. This is an acceptable flow rate for injection application to the AMC 232 engine which has
a displaced cylinder volume of 634 cm3 and requires 190 cm3 hydrogen delivery for a
stoichiometric fuel-air ratio. Fuel delivery required for the TX-650 is 98 cm3 for</> = 1,
approximately half of the AMC 232 requirements"
They told:
AMC 232 Engine requires upstream pressure of30 psig (PSI) Behold AMC 232 is more than a 3
liter (3000cc engine) How some people tell 150 PSI are required for Agha's 1000cc Engine?

Projects Current Status:
Now let me solve some peoples self-created puzzle about how is doing Agha Sahib or if he is
Industrial Manufacturing Process and Agha Sahibs Current
During Industrial manufacturing process of the products involving Electro Mechanical parts like
Agha Sahibs Kit, when you are going to start producing a new thing, First you create an
Experimental Prototype. When your experiments results are positive, you create a presentable
prototype. This presentable prototype is not a production prototype. This prototype is secure
and could survive for short term presentations. You have to further modify prototype by
running long run tests to make failsafe security and durability related issues finalized. At this
step you get a production prototype. Then you create dies for casting, circuits on proper copper
sheets etc. Then you are able to start the production to sell the finished goods to end user.
1. At the moment Agha Sahibs kit is a presentable prototype. It can produce enough Hydrogen
and Oxygen to run a cars internal combustion engine without the need of any storage of gases
by consuming only mili amperes of battery with the help of resonant based electrolysis
(decomposition) of distilled water.
2. NUST people had met Agha Sahib in presidency at same date Dr. Atta say they had not. They
asked Agha Sahib that he had to finish his product as it will be sold to end user. Then this
product will be tested for 20000 kms. If the kit will survive then it will be allowed to be used in
3. As you know Agha Sahibs kit is at the stage is not end product. Agha Sahib is finishing the
manufacturing process. Die casters, Fabricators and PCB manufacturers are on their work to
finalize kit. It is estimated three months time from now for the kit to get certified for use in cars
and get patent.
4. At the same time Dr. Abdul Qadir Sahib had met Agha Sahib in Karachi. He is fully satisfied
from Aghas kit. Dr. AQ Khan has asked Agha Sahib that he should just arrange an open engine
(not a car) then demonstrate the experiment that will be easy to understand that there is no
other source of fuel for Engine.
5. Govt. of Pakistan is going to provide a gasoline station to Agha Sahib in Islamabad where
Agha Sahib will start selling Hydrogen or Distilled Water (both options are under consideration)
6. After these Eid Days Agha Sahib is visiting Islamabad to meet DR. AQ Khan for further
presentation of experiment and to get the charge of Gasoline station.
7. As far as Physics professor is concerned if he wants to just see his car can run solely on Agha
Sahibs kit without using other fuel, he is welcome by Agha Sahib. He can use the kit as it is far
as long he wants. He could use any of his own cars. But he is not allowed to take kit with him.
As kit is not a finished product and not got patent, Agha Sahib could not provide it forever to
anyone before getting patent.

You can also watch Agha Sahibs interview by Awaz Channel. English Titling is also available in

Which One is More Efficient Gasoline or
Some people in opposition of Agha Sahib are going to claim Gasoline is more efficient than
Actually, Gasoline contains many substances but when it is in ideal position it main content is
(Octane) is a liquid at STP and Hydrogen is Gas at STP so Comparison of Energies could only be
possible on per mass basis.
You can see the energies of bonds in different tables below. Then I will let you know how to
calculate combustion energies of Chemical Reactions of Hydrogen and Octane.
REFERENCE for Energies of Different Bonds:
(KJ/Mole =Kilo joule/Mole)
For single Carbon Bond: 347 KJ/Mole
For double Carbon Bond: 611 KJ/Mole
For triple Carbon Bond: 837 KJ/Mole
FOR C H BOND : 413 KJ/Mole
FOR H H BOND : 436 KJ/Mole
FOR O O BOND : 146 KJ/Mole
FOR O = O BOND : 498 KJ/Mole
FOR C O BOND : 358 KJ/Mole
FOR C = O(CO2)BOND : 803 KJ/Mole
FOR C = O(other)BONDS : 741-749 KJ/Mole
FOR H O BOND : 464 KJ/Mole
Idealize gasoline is octane with Chemical Formula C8H18. When octane combusts O2 is taken
from the air and the following
reactions hold:
If sufficient oxygen is available reaction is as follows
2C8H18 + 25O2 > 16CO2 + 18H2O
Otherwise mostly the low energy reaction is as follows
2C8H18 + 17O2 > 16CO + 18H2O.

High Energy Octane Reaction:
2C8H18 + 25O2 > 16CO2 + 18H2O reaction is called high Energy Reaction because it
requires 25 molecules of oxygen. It happens very rarely because sufficient Oxygen is not
available from air.
Now let us calculate Energies Before and After Reaction to find released energy.
2C8H18 + 25O2: 2x7x347 + 2x18x413 + 25498 = 4858 + 14868 + 12450=32176 KJ/Mole
16CO2 + 18H2O: 16x2x803 + 18x2x464 = 25696 + 16704 = 42400 KJ/Mole
42400-32176 = 10224 KJ/Mole
Sum of atomic masses in 2 Gasoline Molecule = 2x(812+18)=2114=228
ENERGY RELEASED PER MASS = 10224/228 = 44.8 KJ/gram
So Energy will be released 44.8 Kilo Joules per Gram of high Energy Combustion of Octane.
Low Energy Octane Reaction:
As high energy octane reaction requires 25 Oxygen molecules from air for two molecules of
octane; 100% high energy reaction happens very rarely. Following is the low energy reaction
that requires 17 oxygen molecules for combustion.

2C8H18 + 17O2: 2x7x347 + 2x18x413 + 17x498 = 4858 + 14868 + 8466=28192 KJ/Mole
16CO + 18H2O: 16x1077 + 18x2x464 = 17232 + 16704 = 33936 KJ/Mole
33936-28192 = 5744 KJ/Mole
Sum of atomic masses in 2 Gasoline Molecule = 2x(8x12+18)=2x114=228
ENERGY RELEASED PER MASS = 5744/228 = 25.2 KJ/gram
So Energy will be released 25.2 Kilo Joules per Gram of low Energy Combustion of Octane.

When a hydrogen fuel cell produces energy if O2 is taken from the air and the following
reaction holds:
2H2 + O2 > 2H2O.
2H2 + O2 = 2.436 + 498 = 1370 KJ/Mole
2H2O = 4.464 = 1856 KJ/Mole
(Energy Released in Combustion = 1856-1370 =486 KJ/Mole
Sum of atomic masses in 2 Hydrogen Molecules = 4
Energy Released per mass of Hydrogen during combustion 121Kilo Joules
Energy Released per mass of Octane during high energy combustion 44.8 Kilo Joules
Energy Released per mass of Octane during low energy combustion 25.2 Kilo Joules

High Energy Combustion Octane is just 100x44.8/121= 37% per gram efficient of Hydrogen

Low Energy Combustion Octane is just 100x25.2 /121= 20.82% per gram efficient of Hydrogen


No of Hydrogen atoms in 1 Liter of Water and
Some Agha Sahibs opponents think there is more quantity of Hydrogen in One liter of petrol
than one liter of water, Lets Calculate.
One Liter of water contains 55.55 moles at STP
One Liter of Water Contains 3.35 x 10^25 Molecules.
Hydrogen Atoms (3.35 x 10^25)x2 = 6.710^25 atoms of Hydrogen per liter of water.

One Liter of Patrol (Isooctane) 6.16667 moles at STP
One litre of petrol contains about 3.7 x 10^24 Molecules.
Hydrogen Atoms (3.7 x 10^24) x18=6.610^25 atoms of Hydrogen per liter of Octane

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