Cat Syllabus

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Cat exam tests students on various parameters and topics.

Cat 2009 will be online but the overall

structure and syllabus will remain the same. It mostly consists of quantitative ability, data interpretation
and english multiple type questions. Here is the syllabus for cat eamination.
!eometry, "#ines, angles, $riangles, %pheres, &ectangles, Cube, Cone etc' visit tutorial(
&atios and )roportion, &atios, )ercentages, In*equations visit tutorial(
+uadratic and linear equations visit tutorial(
,lgebra visit tutorial(
)rofit - #oss visit tutorial(
,verages, )ercentages, )artnership visit tutorial(
$ime*%peed*.istance, /or0 and time visit tutorial(
1umber system2 HC3, #C4, !eometric )rogression, ,rithmetic progression, ,rithmetic mean,
!eometric mean , Harmonic mean, 4edian, 4ode, 1umber 5ase %ystem, 56.4,% visit
4ensuration, ,lligation - 4itures, /or0, )ipes and Cisterns visit tutorial(
%imple Interest - Compound Interest
%et $heory, 7enn .iagram visit tutorial(
Instalment )ayments, )artnership, Cloc0s
)robability, )ermutations - Combinations visit tutorial(
$opics li0e $rigonometry, 7ectors, 5inomial 8pansion, Co*ordinate geometry, #ogarithm, Calendar,
4aima - 4inima )rogression, %urds - Indices and Comple numbers are less li0ely to be there in
C,$ , 4,$ etc but are li0ely to be there in 948$.
.ata Interpretation based on tet, .ata Interpretation based on graphs and tables. visit tutorial(
!raphs can be Column graphs, 5ar !raphs, #ine charts, )ie Chart, !raphs representing ,rea,
7enn .iagram, etc.
Critical reasoning, 7isual reasoning, ,ssumption*)remise*Conclusion, ,ssertion and reasons,
%tatements and assumptions, identifying valid inferences , identifying %trong arguments and
/ea0 arguments, %tatements and conclusions, Cause and 8ffect, Identifying )robably true,
)robably false, definitely true, definitely false 0ind of statement, #inear arrangements, 4atri
)u::les, %yllogisms, 3unctions, 3amily tree * identifying relationship among group of people,
%ymbol 5ased problems, Coding and decoding , %equencing , identifying net number in
series, etc.
Comprehension of passage " )oems can also come'. visit tutorial(
7erbal &easoning, %yllogisms , Contetual usage, ,nalogies, ,ntonyms, 3ill In the 5lan0s,
9umbled paragraphs with ; or < sentences, 9umbled paragraphs "= sentences with first and last
fied', visit tutorial(
%entence Correction, 3oreign language words used in 8nglish, %entence completion, %entence
correction, odd man out, idioms, one word substitution, .ifferent usage of same word etc.
Current ,ffairs, 5usiness, )unch line of companies, $op officials of big companies, 4a>or
corporate events
3amous award and pri:es
/orld &ecords
5oo0s and authors
%cience, History, !eography, International organisations
Important quotations
%ocial issues, %ports, 3inance, ,utomobiles, 8ntertainment, )olitics etc.

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