Haya Al-Noaimi Resume

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Haya Al-Noaimi

E-mail: haya .al .noaimi @ gmail .com

Mobile: 0501579353
Nationality: Qatari
D.O. !3"05"19#9
Paris Sorbonne University (2011-201! U""er Se#on$ Class Honors
Ma$ter$ in %nternational &a' an( %nternational )elation$
*he$i$ to+ic: ,er$onal -tat.$ &a'$ in /.l0 -tate$: 1 2om+arati3e -t.(y into /.ar(ian$hi+ &a'$ in
%eor&eto'n University ( S#)ool o* +orei&n Servi#es (200,-200-!
achelor o0 -cience in 4oreign -er3ice$ 53.6 "6.0 /,17
.atar International S#)ool (1---200,!
/ra(.ate( 'ith honor$
10 %/2-E8$ com+lete(
/en(er *heory9 Macro : Micro Economic$9 Q.alitati3e an( Q.antitati3e Metho($9 %nternational
4inance9 %nternational &a'9 2ommercial &a'
International /ene'able Ener&y A&en#y ( Ab2 D)abi 2012
%ntern$hi+ ,rogramme con(.cting re$earch in regar($ to %nternational N.clear Energy &a'
.atar University November 200- ( Se"tember 2011
*eaching 1$$i$tant" )e$earch 1naly$t
2o-ta.ght cla$$e$ in ,olitic$ o0 Oil9 /en(er in %nternational ,er$+ecti3e an( ;omen in %$lam
)e$earcher on labor migration in the /.l0 < Economic an( $ocial +olicie$ a00ecting %n(ian an( Ne+ale$e
Patton 3o&&s 00P 4ay ( O#tober 200-
,aralegal - con(.cte( legal (.e (iligence9 legal tran$lation an( legal re$earch 0or $e3eral client$.

Centre *or International an$ /e&ional St2$ies 200-
-t.(ent %ntern - +lanne( an( coor(inate( con0erence$ 0or international $+ea=er$. 1l$o9 a$$i$te( an(
'or=e( on the +.blication$ that 'ere +ro(.ce( by the center.
/ea#) O2t to Asia 2005-2006
E3ent 2oor(inator - +lanning charity (inner an( (oing o.treach 'or= at .ni3er$itie$.
St %allen 8in&s o* E9#ellen#e A'ar$ 201:
;inner o0 *o+ 100 E$$ay 2om+etition on >)e'ar(ing 2o.rage>
E$$ay on ?Youth in the Arab Gulf: Reinventing Socio-Economic Institutions to Initiate Civic Change
T)e 0abo2r E;2ation 2012
;or=e( an( co-0o.n(e( a relie0 +ro@ect 0or migrant labor 'or=er$ in Doha9 Qatar o00ering legal an( ci3il
a$$i$tant on 'or=-relate( i$$.e$.
8omen<s Pro&ramme Centre ( Al =ar;a Cam" 2011
1$$i$te( $ocial 'or=er to ,ale$tinian re0.gee$.
International 8omen<s Day Con*eren#e 2011
,lanne( an( organiAe( a con0erence in celebration o0 the centenary o0 the %nternational ;omenB$ Day.
*hi$ incl.(e( a 'i(e range o0 $+ea=er$ 'ho $+o=e abo.t a 'omenB$ role in the $ocial9 +olitical an(
economic $ector$.
7ol2nteer .atar 2010 - 2011
,lanne( an( +artici+ate( in charity i0tar$ 0or the migrant comm.nity.
Col.nteer +ro@ect$ 'ith the Dhreima 0o.n(ation.
T)e Pearl Pro>e#t 200?
*hi$ i$ a 0ac.lty-$t.(ent9 in3e$tigati3e-re+orting +ro@ect into the =i(na++ing an( m.r(er o0 ;all -treet
Do.rnal re+orter Daniel ,earl. D.ring my $tay in D2 % 'a$ one o0 the $t.(ent @o.rnali$t$ 'or=ing on thi$
Habitat +or H2manity 2006-200?
Col.nteer 'or=er to $ol3e the ,ale$tinian"%raEi re0.gee +roblem in Dor(an
4o$el Unite$ Nations Con*eren#e 2005-200?
Or&ani@in& member
1$$i$te( in +lanning the 0loor +lan$ an( the (i00erent acti3itie$.
7ol2nteer 'orA to b2il$ a s#)ool in In$ia 200,-2005
;or=ing 'ith homele$$ chil(ren in angalore
E9#ellent 'ritin& sAillsC the$e ha3e been (e3elo+e( both (.ring my 'or= a$ a 0ac.lty member in an
inter-(i$ci+linary +rogram an( 'hil$t 'riting my +o$tgra(.ate the$i$. % am able to 'rite re+ort$9 +a+er$9
(e3elo+ re$earch on a 'i(e range o0 to+ic$.
E9#ellent Inter"ersonal sAillsC gaine( thro.gh 3ol.nteering in (i00erent co.ntrie$ on (i00erent
h.manitarian i$$.e$. ;or=ing 'ith +eo+le 0rom a 3ariety o0 c.lt.re$ ha$ allo'e( me to gain in$ight on
ho' to (eal 'ith (i00erent +eo+le in (i00erent circ.m$tance$.
E9#ellent /esear#) sAillsC (e3elo+e( (.ring my 'or= a$ a +aralegal an( a 0ac.lty member. % ha3e
(e3elo+e( my $=ill$ o0 eFtracting in0ormation 0rom (i00erent $o.rce$ an( the ability to analyAe the
in0ormation at han(.
E9#ellent Net'orAin& SAills: Net'or=e( 'ith $e3eral N/O8$ an( organiAation$ in ;a$hington D2
(.ring my time there. 1l$o9 'or=e( an( +artici+ate( in $e3eral con0erence$ (.ring my .n(ergra(.ate an(
+o$tgra(.ate year$ in .ni3er$ity
Com"2ter SAillsC
;eb-$earching9 Micro$o0t ;or(9 Micro$o0t EFcel9 ,o'er,oint9 ,hoto$ho+9 %nter-library re$earch $=ill$9
interme(iate le3el o0 'eb$ite b.il(ing.
0an&2a&e SAillsC
4l.ent 1rabic an( Engli$h. a$ic 4rench

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