Resumé, Caio Sampaio

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Caio Sampaio
Age: 19
Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Phone Number: (55) 2741-2109
Contact:; caio_sampaio03 (Skype)
Spent the majority of my life playing horror games and studying the structure
of narrative and drama. In that process, I noticed that, throughout the years,
video games have made a big progress in many sectors, such as graphics and
gameplay design, however, the development of the narrative is currently
standing still. As a writer and narrative designer my goal, is to create the new
generation of narratives for video games. I already have many concepts
planned, I am just waiting for a company that put its faith in me and that is
willing to change the industry.

- Currently studying journalism at Veiga de Almeida University
- Self-taught in drama and narrative design
- Graduated in high school at the Las Vegas Academy of Arts, taking play
writing as a minor (2013)
- Graduated as a screenwriter for the video game industry at Brain Measures
Certifications (2013)
- Lived in the city of Las Vegas for one year as an exchange student (2012-
- Graduated in advanced English at the Brazilian Institute of Languages (2011)
- Obtained a certificate of proficiency in English, provided by the University of
Michigan, USA (2011)

- Proficient in English
- Intermediate Spanish
- Portuguese as native language

Professional Experience
- Writer for UVA TV, a TV station for the university Veiga de Almeida
- Writer for a Brazilian web site, Pixel Geek Brazil (2012- until now) having as
highlights my interview with Gabe Newell, Valve Corporation co-owner, and
Erik Wolpaw, writer for Valve Corporation
- Writer and narrative designer of Life and Death. Game is currently being
developed by Ludo Productions (2013)
- 4 scripts completed (2 for video games and 2 for theater)
- Motorsports announcer for a local TV Station (2010 and 2012)
- Essay published in a blog, owned by Daniele Freire, SPEED Channel

- Voted the best writer in a screenwriting workshop, which granted me a job
- Fifth place in a nationwide exam, which granted me a scholarship to study
in the United States of America
- Third place in a playwriting contest held by the Las Vegas Academy of Arts
- Winner of a poetry contest held by the Clark County School District in Las

- Entertainment
- Motorsports
- Creative writing
- Screenwriting
- Narrative design
- Computing

- 10 years of experience in motorsports
- Interviewed several times by the racing-related media
- Track marshal for racing events (2010-2011)

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