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Simetries in physics

and mathematics
Versin 1

Is about the chirst milacres and physics mathematics and
chemistry, equalties between formulas ,i also add some
articles that were not accepted in physics reviews and
oxford papers online for mathematics, in england

Jose luis Armenta becerra

1 1 1

2 2 2
1.- variational principle in cilindrics coordinates ..................................5,6
2.- arquimedes plasma.................................................................7,8
3.- debroglie wave and the paralels moments...........................................9
4.-Sparalell exponential series of spin ..............................................10
5.-Taylor serie integral form.........................................................11
6.-lenght diferential and proyections ................................................12
7.-delta de dirac delta and the relation with inertia tensor..........................13
8.-period inverse and the angular velocity............................................14
9.-gradient and the relations with top polarizated waves..............................15
10.- matemathics angles and south hemisphere...........................................16
11.-a falting constant need to check the volume of a sphere in the drop liquid model..17
12.-drop liquid model and the term sen as it need to be...............................18
13.-trinomium squared perfect and the klein gordon equation...........................19
14.-tridimensional box in a cilinder made by two particles............................20
15.-special frames of references in special relativity and the third angle............21
16.-cone light croise product.........................................................22
17.-euler poincare tetrahedron and teh quarks.........................................23
18.-trasquilation of a sheep and the third angle on special relativity................24
19.-hiperboloid of two sheets and the first and third term on the exponential.........25
20.-nabla.dl=1 by the function........................................................26
21.-Stokes theorem and the dreams of a schizo about me................................27
22.-poisson bracket and the end of the universe.......................................28
23.-a matrix is a space..............................................................29
24.-the apostrophe equal to the matrix A..............................................30
25.-constants directions on tropics of cancer and capricorn...........................31

3 3 3
26.-four particles made a brane.......................................................32
27.-nanohands made by nanotubes in medicine...........................................33
28.-the correct form of serve a glass of water........................................34
29.-the quantum cookie................................................................35
30.-the laser sword...................................................................36
31.-the perpetual machine on the sun to prevent a brown darf..........................37,38
32.-endothermic process and an incress of inner energy................................39
33.-quantum onion and the aids vacumm.................................................40,41
34.-the capacitancy as a vector.......................................................42
35.-energy greater than mass..........................................................43
36.-endothermic process more available in earth suface................................44
37.-the armentanian notation..........................................................45
38.-all equations with 2 members is convergent........................................46
39.-the gradient for a tall people will be more slow than a short ....................47
40.-electrodynamic moment of inertia..................................................48
41.-fathers with acidity will have sons fat cause they need more food in less time....49
42.-linear transformation equal to alfa...............................................50
43.-laplace equation is 1 like the poisson is j.......................................51
44.-the fibered as 2 su(1)............................................................52
45.-the helmholtz free energy as function of vocals...................................53
46.-the gibbs free energy as function of consonants...................................54
47.-dual space and linear transformations.............................................55
48.-the sustituion of dl as product croice and ds as dot product......................56
49.-the pseudo eter dimensional.......................................................57
50.-2 terms z2 in the drop liquid model..............................................58
51.-legendre polynmial 5 n and 3 x....................................................59

4 4 4
52.-covariant and contravariant in gauge theory.......................................60
53.-spin at the side made a pseudo brane..............................................61
54.-the both vector...................................................................62
55.-a refrigerator have condensators and evaporators..................................63
56.-quantum pins......................................................................64
57.-white holes and crist ascension...................................................65
58.-laplace transformation and gamma function.........................................66
59.-no univocal as the set 2 is greater in connections................................67
60.-univocal as set 1 is greater in connections.......................................68
61.-biunivocal as i=j.................................................................69
62.-kaluza same grade properties......................................................70
63.-binomial expansion and the bessel equation........................................71
64.-coulomb and biot savart similities................................................72
65.-clips magnetitaion as cars chaos..................................................73
66.-the hypercube have 2 wedges.......................................................74

5 5 5
Variational principle in cilindrics coordenates:

A variational principle is a scientific principle used within the caculus of variations, which develops
general methods for finding functions which minimize or maximize the value of quantities that
depend upon those functions. For example, to answer this question: "What is the shape of a chain
suspended at both ends?" we can use the variational principle that the shape must minimize the
gravitational potential energy.
According to cornelius lanczos, any physical law which can be expressed as a variational principle
describes an expression which is self adjuntion These expressions are also called hermitian. Such
an expression describes an invariant under a Hermitian transformation.
Fleix klein's erlanged program attempted to identify such invariants under a group of
transformations. In what is referred to in physics as noether theorem, the poincare group of
transformations (what is now called a gauge group) for general relativity defines symmetries
under a group of transformations which depend on a variational principle, or action principle
Cartesian coordinates
For the conversion between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate co-ordinates, it is convenient to
assume that the reference plane of the former is the Cartesian xy plane (with equation z = 0), and
the cylindrical axis is the Cartesian z axis. Then the z coordinate is the same in both systems, and
the correspondence between cylindrical (,) and Cartesian (x,y) are the same as for polar
coordinates, namely

in one direction, and

in the other. The arcsin function is the inverse of the sine function, and is
assumed to return an angle in the range [/2,+/2] = [90,+90]. These
formulas yield an azimuth in the range [90,+270].
Many modern programming languages provide a function that will compute the
correct azimuth , in the range (, ], given x and y, without the need to
perform a case analysis as above. For example, this function is called by atann
(y,x) in the C programming language, and atan (y,x) in common lisp

6 6 6

Were x is subtituided by the correspondent in cilindrical coordinates.

7 7 7
Archimedes plasma

is useful for a spachip who need a pseudo gravity
My idea cames with a conference in the semana xalapea de fsica 2007 cause i see that turning
one umbrela to the right or left will cause a archimedes spiral so i think inmediatly that a plasma of
archimedes could give a motion of gravity in the edge of the spiral; So now we have to do the

2.-Spiral equation
for a slinky the equation give us a meter by second so we have to multiply this for 9.8?
how will be the Hamiltonian?
Were the kinetics energy is:
And the potential energy will be:
Were h means high and is given by the archimedes spiral:
We pass to polar coordenates

3.-The lagrangian
The lagrangian is given by:

-mg(a+b )
And the Hamiltonian will be given by:


Were the generalized coordinates are and r Are escleronomas not holonomas coordinates .

Were the generalizated momentum is =

Were q1= and q2= r
Thereby p1=-mgb

And p2=
Clearing the velocity in p1:

Clearing the velocity in p2
For the coordinate


-mg(a+b )

8 8 8
Remembering the Hamilton equations:



-mgb =-




Will give the centripetal acceleration a rectangular rea of gravity like this:

9 9 9
Parallels moments in theory of wavelenght of debroglie

where is the wavelenght, is the plank constant, is the moementum, is the rest
mass, is the velocity and is the speed of light in a vacuum.

A theory of moments will be if p

Were a moment belongs to another space of moments of dim n+1

10 10 10

Exponential series and the parallel spins

The exponential function e
can be characterized in a variety of equivalent ways. In particular it
may be defined by the following power series

As we can se one factor is positive the second factor is positive so all the factors are positive so all
are with the same spin to the right are positive like in a rect line

11 11 11
Integral form of the taylor serie

The Taylor series of a real or complex valued function (x) that is infinite diferentiable at a real or
comples number a is the power series

which can be written in the more compact sigma notation as

where n! denotes the factorial of n and
(a) denotes the nth derivative of evaluated at
the point a. The derivative of order zero is defined to be itself and (x a)
and 0! are
both defined to be 1. In the case that a = 0, the series is also called a Maclaurin series.

So if we put a limit when the summatory tends to infinite lim n :


12 12 12
Projection and length diferential

Were f is dl i mean the length diferential

13 13 13
The inertia tensor and the relation with dirac delta

Let [R] be the skew symmetric matrix associated with the position vector R=(x, y, z), then the
product in the inertia matrix becomes

were the principal diagonal tends to 1 in dirac delta

14 14 14
angular velocity and the inverse of period

In two dimensions the angular velocity is given by


15 15 15
Top polarized waves and the relationship with a gradient

And the gradient is:
In vector calculus, the gradient of a scalar field is a vector field that points in the direction of the
greatest rate of increase of the scalar field, and whose magnitude is that rate of increase. In simple
terms, the variation in space of any quantity can be represented (e.g. graphically) by a slope. The
gradient represents the steepness and direction of that slope.
A generalization of the gradient for functions on a euclidean space that have values in another
Euclidean space is the jacobian. A further generalization for a function from one banach space to
another is the frechet derivative.

16 16 16
South hemisphere and the mathematical angles

In the south hemisphere turn from right to left as the angle in a cuadrant or a Euclidean plane

17 17 17
Drop liquid model and the volume of a sphere

The semi-empirical mass formula states that the binding energy will take the following form:

If we put 3/4r
as the total volumen of that drop not exactly in the inner volume but ouside

18 18 18
Sin in the semiempirical formula

The semi-empirical mass formula states that the binding energy will take the following form:

We need a sen as a new constant cause it will move like a wave:

19 19 19
The klein gordon equation and the perfect trynomy cuadratic

The KleinGordon equation is


= A

And by + c are the others characters for get A


20 20 20
Suitables particles in a squared box

If each beer is a cylinder made by two particles

We have to calculate the system

21 21 21
Special frames of reference and the third angle

A third angle

Inertial frame second angle

Frame of reference first angle

22 22 22
Croise product in the light cone

As we can see in the present line exist a croice product cause will
Give a new direction a worm hole

23 23 23
Tetrahedron figure in euler Poincare and the quarks

As the quarks cames from 3 from 3 2 ups and 1 down or 2 downs and 1 up
The Euler characteristic was classically defined for the surfaces of polyhedra, according to the

where V, E, and F are respectively the numbers of vertices (corners),edges and faces in the
given polyhedron. Any convex polyhedron's surface has Euler characteristic

This result is known as Euler's polyhedron formula or theorem. It corresponds to the
Euler characteristic of the sphere (i.e. = 2), and applies identically to spherical polyhedral
as this tetrahedron

24 24 24
Trasquilation of a sheep and the third angle of special relativity

As we see the third angle opers see (page 15) under a third frame of reference

25 25 25
The third and first term expanded is the hiperbolid of two sheets

The exponential function e
can be characterized in a variety of equivalent ways. In particular it
may be defined by the following power series

And the hyperboloid is:
(hyperboloid of two sheets).

Figure of the hyperboloid of two sheets:

26 26 26
The nabla dot diferential of length

And this is multiplied by the function as well know before in any problem suitable

27 27 27
The stokes theorem and the dreams

One dream= =

This classical KelvinStokes theorem relates the suface intergal of the curl of a vector field F over a
surface in Euclidean three-space to the line integral of the vector field over its boundary :

28 28 28

The poisson bracket and the end of the universe

In canonical coordinates (also known as darboux coordinates) on the space phase, given
two functions and , the Poisson bracket takes the form

The first member with respect to q is the end of a space and the second is the end of the moment
configuration later interchange p and q

29 29 29
A matrix is a space

In mathematic, a space is a set with some added structure
Were the set are the vector column or vector raw and the structure are the brases as see below:

30 30 30
Apostrophe and the matrix A
The result of a transformation: Tx = x

31 31 31
Tropics of cancer and Capricorn as constant directions

As well know are normal vectors n1 and n2
Were a normal vectos is:

32 32 32
Four particles made a brane

Each particle in each corner will made a wall if we turn the wall we will see this:

33 33 33
Nanohand made by nanotubes in medicine

This will be one finger we only need to made a palm and unite the five fingers

34 34 34
The correct form to serve a glass of water

Were the half of the top cylinder is have to be the half to the bottom clinder half and half, half in x
and half of y

35 35 35
The quantum cookie

36 36 36
The laser sword

Is a laser device with a upper right little wall of plome

37 37 37
The perpetual machine transforming hydrogen into helium
If the device is absorbing electrons to moving to upward level will oxidize like in chemistry is say
the beta desintegration is:
In decay, the weak interaction converts an atomic nucleus into a nucleus with one higher
atomic number while emitting an electron (e-) and an electron antineutrino (
Z+1N + e +
where A and Z are the mass number and atomic number of the decaying nucleus.

38 38 38

The device of that machine will be

39 39 39
Endothermic process will gained the incressed of inner energy

In thermodynamics, the word endothermic describes a process or reaction in which the system
absorbs energy from its surroundings in the form of heat. It is a modern coinage from Greek roots.
The prefix endo- derives from the Greek word "endon" () meaning "within," and the latter
part of the word comes from the Greek word root "therm" (-) meaning "hot." The intended
sense is that of a reaction that depends on taking in heat if it is to proceed. The opposite of an
endothermic process is an exothermic process, one that releases, "gives out" energy in the form of
heat. Thus in each term (endothermic & exothermic) the prefix refers to where heat goes as the
reaction occurs. The term endothermic was coined by Marcellin Berthelot (25 October 1827 18
March 1907).

40 40 40
Quantum onion and the aids vacumm
This is the quantum onion by an fullerene:

41 41 41
and this is the aids cell:

As you can see have the same form so if we put a medicine inside the fullerene will disappear the

42 42 42
Capacitance as a vector

Capacitance is the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. Any object that can be electrically
charged exhibits capacitance. A common form of energy storage device is a parallel-plate
capacitor. In a parallel plate capacitor, capacitance is directly proportional to the surface area of
the conductor plates and inversely proportional to the separation distance between the plates. If
the charges on the plates are +q and q, and V gives the voltage between the plates, then the
capacitance C is given by

If we have two charges will be :


43 43 43
energy greater than mass
As is noted above, two different definitions of mass have been used in special relativity, and also
two different definitions of energy. The simple equation E = mc
is not generally applicable to all
these types of mass and energy, except in the special case that the total additive momentum is
zero for the system under consideration. In such a case, which is always guaranteed when
observing the system from either its center of mass frame or its center of momentum
fram E = mc
is always true for any type of mass and energy that are chosen. Thus, for example, in
the center of mass frame, the total energy of an object or system is equal to its rest mass times c
a useful equality. This is the relationship used for the container of gas in the previous example. It
is not true in other reference frames where the center of mass is in motion. In these systems or for
such an object, its total energy will depend on both its rest (or invariant) mass, and also its (total)
In inertial reference frames other than the rest frame or center of mass frame, the
equation E = mc
remains true if the energy is the relativistic energy and the mass the relativistic
mass. It is also correct if the energy is the rest or invariant energy (also the minimum
energy), and the mass is the rest mass, or the invariant mass. However, connection of the total or
relativistic energy (E
) with the rest or invariant mass (m
) requires consideration of the system
total momentum, in systems and reference frames where the total momentum has a non-zero
value. The formula then required to connect the two different kinds of mass and energy, is the
extended version of Einstein's equation, called the relativistic energymomentum relation-

And of course if there are 1 factor in energy in the first member of , E = mc
the second member
is< E so the mass are lower than E and the velocity squared is <E the multiplication of both made
the equalty

44 44 44
Process endothermic more available in the earth
In thermodynamics, the word endothermic describes a process or reaction in which the system
absorbs energy from its surroundings in the form of heat. It is a modern coinage from Greek roots.
The prefix endo- derives from the Greek word "endon" () meaning "within," and the latter
part of the word comes from the Greek word root "therm" (-) meaning "hot." The intended
sense is that of a reaction that depends on taking in heat if it is to proceed. The opposite of an
endothermic process is an exothermic process, one that releases, "gives out" energy in the form of
heat. Thus in each term (endothermic & exothermic) the prefix refers to where heat goes as the
reaction occurs. The term endothermic was coined by marcellin bethelot (25 October 1827 18
March 1907).
Cause the surroundings give energy like in a asteroid collition

45 45 45
The armentanian notation
For the first member the sign will be:


for the second member:

So jointed the both parts we have


for the functions is the same f(x)=


46 46 46
Convergent series as 2 members equations
In matheatics, a series is the sum of the terms of a sequence of numbers.
Given a sequence , the nth partial sum is the sum of the first n terms of
the sequence, that is,

A series is convergent if the sequence of its partial sums converges; in
other words, it approaches a given number. In more formal language, a series converges if
there exists a limit such that for any arbitrarily small positive number , there is a
large integer such that for all ,

A series that is not convergent is said to be divergent.

As we can see 2 members is convergent 3 or more member is not convergent so is divergent

47 47 47
The rotational will be more slow in a tall people than in a short

The gradient In the three-dimensional cartesian coordinates system this is given by

So f will be more complex in a tall people so is more longer and have more muscles so going down
a slope will make more slow the walk

48 48 48
Moment of inertia electrodynamic
and define the moment of inertia relative to the center of mass I

Were in electrodinamic r
is the distance rest r
were the first is the observator charge and the
second proob charge
And m is the mass of the electron

49 49 49
fathers with acidity will have sons fat cause they need more food in less time

Acids play important roles in the human body. The hydrochloric acid present in the stomach aids in
digestion by breaking down large and complex food molecules. Amino acids are required for
synthesis of proteins required for growth and repair of body tissues. Fatty acids are also required for
growth and repair of body tissues. Nucleic acids are important for the manufacturing of DNA and
RNA and transmitting of traits to offspring through genes. Carbonic acid is important for
maintenance of pH equilibrium in the body.

50 50 50
Linear transformation equal to alfa

Were the homogeneity is also alfa in the sum of the first chart
Let V and W be vector spaces over the same field K. A function f: V W is said to be a linear
map if for any two vectors x and y in V and any scalar in K, the following two conditions are


Homogeneity of degree 1

51 51 51

The Laplace equation is i like the poisson is j

In mathematics, Laplace's equation is a second-order partial diferential equation named
after pierre simon laplace who first studied its properties. This is often written as:

The Poisson Equation is

where is the laplace opertor, and f and are real or complex-valued functions on
a manifold. When the manifold is euclidean space, the Laplace operator is often denoted
and so Poisson's equation is frequently written as

52 52 52
The fibered as two manifolds su(1)
Were E is one SU(1) and B will be the other
In diferential geometry in the category of differentiable manifolds, a fibered manifold is
a surjective submersion i.e. a surjective differentiable mapping such
that at each point the tangent mapping is surjective
(equivalently its rank equals dim B).

53 53 53
Helmholtz free energy and A(U)
Is the function of intern energy
The Helmholtz energy is defined as:

A is the Helmholtz free energy (SI joules, CGS: ergs),
U is the internal energy of the system (SI: joules, CGS: ergs),
T is the absolute temperature (kelvins),
S is the entropy (SI: joules per kelvin, CGS: ergs per kelvin).
The Helmholtz energy is the legendre transformation of the internal energy, U, in which
temperature replaces entropy as the independent variable.
This mean is the vocals formula A(U)

54 54 54

Gibbs free energy as function of enthalpy
for a possible process. Let the change G in Gibbs free energy be defined as

G(h) this mean the consonats are in this formula

55 55 55
Dual space and transformation linear
one transformation linear is:
Let V and W be vector spaces over the same field K. A function f: V W is said to be a linear
map if for any two vectors x and y in V and any scalar in K, the following two conditions are


homogeneity of degree 1
This is equivalent to requiring the same for any linear combination of vect

And one dual space is:
Given any vector space V over a field F, the dual space V* is defined as the set of all linear
maps: V F (linear functionals). The dual space V*itself becomes a vector space over F when
equipped with the following addition and scalar multiplication:

for all , V*, x V, and a F. Elements of the algebraic dual space V* are sometimes
called covectors or one-forms

56 56 56
dl and croice product and dot product as ds

Now is:

Now the dot product:

Is equal to:

57 57 57
The pseudo eter dimensional as antipology and radiation
Topology has many subfields.
Point-set topology establishes the foundational aspects of topology and investigates concepts
inherent to topological spaces (examples include compactness and connecteds).
Algebraic topology tries to measure degrees of connectivity using algebraic constructs such
as homology and homotropy groups.
Geometric topology primarily studies manifolds and their embeddings (placements) in other
manifolds. A particularly active area is low dimensional topology, which studies manifolds of
four or fewer dimensions.

58 58 58
There is only 2 terms z squared in the drop liquid model

Is the third and fourth element

59 59 59
Five ns and 3 x in the legendre polynomial

In mathematics, Legendre functions are solutions to Legendre's differential equation:

60 60 60
Gauge theory is a covariant and a contravariant

Noether theorem implies that invariance under this group of transformations leads to the
conservation of the currents

61 61 61
The spin at a side and the pseudo brane

Will made wall if the spin go to right righter will appear a side of the brane or the left more to
left after dl will appear a brane

62 62 62
The both vector

f(x) g(x)

63 63 63
a refrigerator have condensers and evaporators

64 64 64
Quantum pins

For holds magnetic camps is no optical pinzes

65 65 65
White holes and crist ascension
A white hole, in general relativity, is a hypothetical region of space time which cannot be entered
from the outside, but from which matter and light have the ability to escape. In this sense, it is the
reverse of a black hole, which can be entered from the outside, but from which nothing, including
light, has the ability to escape. White holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes. In addition to
a black hole region in the future, such a solution of the Einstein field equations has a white hole
region in its past. However, this region does not exist for black holes that have formed through
gravitational collapse, nor are there any known physical processes through which a white hole
could be formed.

66 66 66
Gamma function and laplace transformed

The gamma function is defined for all complex numbers except the negative integers and zero. For
complex numbers with a positive real part, it is defined via an impropel integral that converges:

If we change t by st we have:

The Laplace transform of a function f(t), defined for all real numbers t 0, is the function F(s),
defined by:

The parameter s is a complex numbers
Were f (t) is t

67 67 67
No univocal as set 2 greater in connections:

68 68 68
Univocal as set 1 are greater in connections

69 69 69
Biunivocal as i=j

If set 1=I and set2 =j we have:

70 70 70
Kaluza same grade properties

Were mxc is one grade and m is from the same grade

71 71 71
Bessel and theorem of binomial
Bessel functions, first defined by the mathematician Daniel bernoulli and generalized by Friedrich
bessel, are the canonical solutions y(x) of Bessel' diferenttial equation

The third term and the first member of expantion binomial

For natural numbers (taken to include 0) n and k, the binomial coefficient can be defined as
the coefficient of the monomial X
in the expansion of (1 + X)
. The same coefficient also occurs
(if k n) in the binomial formula

72 72 72
Biot and savart law and coulumb law similities

The biot savart is:

Were the therm inside the integral is have the same vectors r like in the coulomb law

Coulomb's law can also be stated as a simple mathematical expression.
The scalar and vector forms of the mathematical equation are


, respectively,

73 73 73
Clips as magnetic cars

If we have magnetic cars due to chaos if they turn to the right the queue will go to the left

74 74 74
Hypercube as a 2 wedges

One to left and to the right wall

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