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More simetries

4th volumen of simetries in physics

mathematics and chemistry

Well in this case we check more simetries in quantum
mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum electrodynamics,
optics,nuclear physics, particles physics, quantum
chromodinamics, and particle physics

Jose luis armenta

1.-christoffel symbols goes like 312.............................................................................6
2.-diffemorphims if the jacobian exist..........................................................................7
3.-amortguament in legendre functions.......................................................................8
4.-the tensorial product is for each vector of B vector ..............................................9
5.-the valency electrons are in the cliff.........................................................................10
6.-closed cape of neutrons.............................................................................................11
7.-relation between angular and plane momentum......................................................12
8.-for polar coordinates there is a 2 pi ever..................................................................13
9.-pseudo vectors............................................................................................................14
10.-aufbau principle and ferrers diagrams....................................................................15
11.-the forth term ij lagrangian of qcd is gravitational.................................................16
12.-the maxwell boltzmann distribution with n=5 is equal to move the graph in raylegh
13.-dual basis as a tensor...............................................................................................17
14.-the gauge bosons goes like 2143 as g f z w............................................................20
15.-lennard jones potential as 3 spheres and sphere and a half.................................21
16.-the chromodynamics going like colors of the rainbow and the clockwise
17.-monotonic barrier and diracs delta.........................................................................23
18.-Gross pietaevskii equation and upper limit null.....................................................24
19.-Bohr magneton and schodinger equation...............................................................25
20.-the pions are only for sincrothrons..........................................................................26
21.-hadamard transformation and rotation matrix........................................................27
22.-spheric simetrie or mirror simetrie...........................................................................28
23.-the graviton as 2 times the dipole electric...............................................................29
24.-the fourier transform and the space of moments and time....................................30
25.-fourier transform and gamma function.....................................................................31
26.-the third term coriolis force is angle by ratio...........................................................32
27.-su(n) has to be greater than 1....................................................................................33
28.-triangular potential dweell..........................................................................................34
29.-a mesonic simetrie in a hexagonal room..................................................................35
30.-the cape 6 plus 2 is second magic number..............................................................36
31.-spherical coordinates form a matrix 3x3..................................................................37
32.-RLC circuit of diferential equations as a righteous system...................................38
33.-negatives spins and antimatter.................................................................................39
34.-dlembertian matrix form...........................................................................................40
35.-skyrmions as area between a conic..........................................................................41
36.-ricci cuvature have the middle index not repeated.42
37.-bohr magneton as two mass in a ineslatic colition.................................................43
38.-the baryons positives are upper cero and the others are zero in a potential
39.-negative and positive as parameter variation...........................................................45
40.-graph of the hermite equation....................................................................................46
41.-graph of the legendre equation..................................................................................47
42.-graph of rodirguez formula.........................................................................................48
43.-grapho of the bessel equation....................................................................................49
44.-multipole variable complex is the perimeter of a circle...........................................50
45.-resistoles theory..........................................................................................................51
46.-a restoring parhabola as paramagnetism.................................................................52
47.-carnot refrigerator and surface tension....................................................................53
48.-free energy of gibbs as 3 molecle energy.................................................................54
49.-free energy of helmotz as 2d energy...55
50.-phase portraits of arquimedes spiral........................................................................56
51.-dirac bracket as a force but p or q dot the entire expresion is for a
52.-poisson structures are empareid...............................................................................58
53.-graph of the jacobi identity........................................................................................59
54.-spherical function of bessel as complex conjugate................................................60
55.-accelerator gravitational as 1/r2................................................................................61
56.-ovoids as the cartesian plane expantion...................................................................62,63
57.-the magnetic torque pass to be moment...................................................................64
58.-iRLc grapho..................................................................................................................65
59.-hyperbolic sine grapho................................................................................................66
60.-hyperbolic cosine grapho............................................................................................67
61.-there is not negatives logarithms...............................................................................68
62.-grapho of magnetic suceptibility................................................................................69
63.-grapho of the excentricity goes like zandwich i mean 2 3 2....................................70
64.-poisson distribution and capacitance........................................................................71
65.-cauchy distribution as a circle perimeter..................................................................72
66.-grapho of interaction force particles in a time-line..................................................73
67.-nucleons density and capacitance of a cylinder......................................................74
68.-scattering in a spherical simettrie and the term of y...............................................75
69.-why the planes can fly at inverse..............................................................................76
Christoffel symbols goes like 312
The Christoffel symbols can be derived from the vanishing of the covariant derivative of the metric
tensor :

So the i=1 k=2 and l=3 so the metric tensor is cardinal for 12 for example9

If exist a Diffemorphism is because exist the jacobian

where the and are arbitrary real numbers, and the omitted terms are of degree at
least two in x andy. We can calculate the Jacobian matrix at 0:

We see that g is a local diffeomorphism at 0 if, and only if,

Amortiguament term in legendre functions

Associated Legendre functions are solutions of the general Legendre equation


is a amortiguament factor

tensorial product is first the package of A by every element of B

By choosing bases of all vector spaces involved, the linear maps S and T can be represented
by matrices Then, the matrix describing the tensor product is the
Kronecker product of the two matrices. For example, if V, X, W, and Y are all two-dimensional
above and bases have been fixed for all of them, and S and T are given by the matrices

and ,
respectively, then the tensor product of these two matrices is

The valence electron are on the cliff

So the carbon have 8 electrons of valence

Closed cape of neutrons is the same than a magic number

In nuclear physics, a magic number is a number of nucleons (either protons or neutrons) such that
they are arranged into complete shells within the atomic nucleus. The seven most widely
recognised magic numbers as of 2007 are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and
126 (sequence A018226 in OEIS). Recently, another magic number 34 has been predicted and
experimentally confirmed. Atomic nuclei consisting of such a magic number of nucleons have a
higher average binding energy per nucleon than one would expect based upon predictions such as
the semi-empirical mass formula and are hence more stable against nuclear decay.

Relation between angular momentum and tipical momentum or plane momentum

In physics, angular momentum, moment of momentum, or rotational momentum is the amount
of rotation an object has, taking into account its mass and shape It is a vector quantity that
represents the product of a body's rotational inertia and rotational velocity about a particular axis.
The angular momentum of a system of particles (e.g. a rigid body) is the sum of angular momenta
of the individual particles. For a rigid body rotating around an axis od simetry (e.g. the blades of a
ceiling fan), the angular momentum can be expressed as the product of the body's moment of
inertia I, (i.e., a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation velocity) and its angula
velocity :

In this way, angular momentum is sometimes described as the rotational analog of linear
For the case of an object that is small compared with the radial distance to its axis of rotation,
such as a tin can swinging from a long string or a planet orbiting in an ellipse around the sun
the angular momentum can be expressed as its linear momentum, mv,crossed by
its position from the origin, r. Thus, the angular momentum L of a particle with respect to some
point of origin is

So L=rxp

For a polar coordinates integral in any theorem in this case divergence goes ever from o to 2 pi

To verify the planar variant of the divergence theorem for a region R, where

and R is the region bounded by the circle

The boundary of R is the unit circle, C, that can be represented parametrically by:

such that where s units is the length arc from the point s = 0 to the
point P on C. Then a vector equation of C is

At a point P on C:


Pseudo vector at flux electric or magnetic

In physics and mathematics a pseudovector (or axial vector) is a quantity that transforms like
a vector under a proper rotation, but in three dimensions gains an additional sign flip under
an improper rotation such as a reflection Geometrically it is the opposite, of equal magnitude but in
the opposite direction, of its mirror image This is as opposed to atrue or polar vector, which on
reflection matches its mirror image.
In three dimensions the pseudovector p is associated with the cross product of two polar
vectors a and b:

so the pseudo vector is the blue line as a flux electric in case but can be magnetic too.

ferrers diagrams and aufau principle

the ferrer diagram definition is: The partition 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 of the positive number 14 can be
represented by the following diagram; these diagrams are named in honor of noman macleod

And the aufbau principle is:

The forth term in lagrangian of qcd is gravitational

The dynamics of the quarks and gluons are controlled by the quantum chromodynamics
Lagrangian. The gauge invariant QCD lagrangian is

The Maxwell Boltzmann distribution equal to 5 is the Raleigh jeans if we move F(x-a)

The Maxwell botzmann is the green curve

The original derivation by maxwell assumed all three directions would behave in the same
fashion, but a later derivation by boltzmann dropped this assumption using kinetic theory.
The MaxwellBoltzmann distribution (for energies) can now most readily be derived from
the boltzmann distribution for energies (see also the maxwell boltzmann
statitics of statistical mechanics}

And here we have the Rayleigh jeans:

Dual basis as a tensor

In linear algebra, given a vector space V with a basis B of vectors indexed by an index
set I (the cardinality of I is the dimensionality ofV), its dual set is a set B

of vectors in the sual

space V

with the same index set I such that B and B

form a biorthogonal system The dual set is

always linearly indepndent but does not necessarily span V

. If it does span V

, then B

is called
the dual basis for the basis B.
Denoting the indexed vector sets as and being biorthogonal
means that the elements pair to 1 if the indexes are equal, and to zero otherwise. Symbolically,
evaluating a dual vector in V

on a vector in the original space V:

the gauge bosons goes like 2143 as g f z w

were f=1 g=2 w=3 z=4 like this:

Lennard jones potential as 3 spheres and sphere and a half

The Lennard-Jones potential (also referred to as the L-J potential, 6-12 potential, or 12-6
potential) is a mathematically simple model that approximates the interaction between a pair of
neutral atoms or molecules. A form of the potential was first proposed in 1924 by John lennard
jones The most common expressions of the L-J potential are

As we see one sphere rea is 4r
and 4x3=12 and 4x1.5 =6

The rotation accord to the clockwise and the quantum chromodynamics

As we see is going like the clockwise and the colors on the electromagnetic radiation roy g biv were
r is red o is orange y is yellow and g is green b is blue and I indig v is violet as this ordered with the
frequency like the fear factory song tha frequency

Monotic barriers and dirac deltas
For monotonic function in one variable, the range of values is also easy. If is
monotonically rising or falling in the interval , then for all values in the
interval such that , one of the following inequalities applies:
, or .
The range corresponding to the interval can be calculated by applying
the function to the endpoints and :


Gross pietaevskii equation and upper limit null
The GrossPitaevskii equation (named after Eugene p gross and lev petrovich pietaevskii)
describes the ground state of a quantum system of identical bosons using the hartree fock
aproximation and the pseudopotential interaction model.
In the HartreeFock approximation the total wave function of the system of bosons is taken
as a product of single-particle functions ,

where is the coordinate of the -th boson.

The pseudopotential model Hamiltonian of the system is given as

As we see the second sumatory is i<j so this havent a upper limit

Bohr magneton and schodinger equation
In atomic physics the Bohr magneton (symbol
) is a physical constant and the natural unit for
expressing an electron magnetic dipole moment The Bohr magneton is defined in si units by

And the schodinger equation is:

So boths are similar nevertheless the e in the numerator and the mass is of the electron

The pions are only for ciclotrons

In particle physics, a pion (short for pi meson, denoted with ) is any of three subatomic
particles: 0, +, and . Each pion consists of a quark and an antiquark and is therefore a meson.
Pions are the lightest mesons and they play an important role in explaining the low-energy
properties of the strong nuclear force.
Pions are unstable, with the charged pions + and decaying with a mean life time of 26
nanoseconds and the neutral pion 0 decaying with an even shorter lifetime. Charged pions tend to
decay into muons and muon neutrinos, and neutral pions into gamma rays
Example of a synchrotron

Hadamard transformation as rotation matrix

Recursively, we define the 1 1 Hadamard transform H
by the identity H
= 1, and then
define H
for m > 0 by:

a rotation matrix is:
In linear algebra, a rotation matrix is a matrixhat is used to perform a rotation in euclidean space.
For example the matrix

Spheric simetrie or mirror simetrie

here we have the spheric simetrie

As we see the image in the bottom of the sphere is the mirror image

The graviton as 2 times the dipole electric

The electric field of the dipole is the negative gradient of the potential, leading to:

In gravitation is 8
So here we have the simetrie

The quantum moment and the fourier transform

There are several common conventions or defining the Fourier transform of
an integrable function (kiser 1994, p. 29), (rahaman 2011, p. 11). This article will
use the following definition:
, for any real number .
Were the energy is Et and Px depends the space of moments or of the time space

Fourier transform and gamma function

The gamma function is defined for all complex numbers except the negative integers and zero. For
complex numbers with a positive real part, it is defined via a convergent improper integral:

And the Fourier transform is:
There are several common conventions for defining the Fourier transform of
an integrable function (kiser 1994, p. 29), (rahman 2011, p. 11). This article will use
the following definition:
, for any real number .
The exponential appear in boths equations here is the simetrie

The third term in coriolis force is angle by ratio

The apparent motion of a distant star as seen from Earth is dominated by the Coriolis and
centrifugal forces. Consider such a star (with mass m) located at position r, with declination , so
r = |r| sin(), where is the Earth's rotation vector. The star is observed to rotate about the
Earth's axis with a period of one sidereal day in the opposite direction to that of the Earth's rotation,
making its velocityv = r. The fictitious force, consisting of Coriolis and centrifugal forces, is:

Su(n) were n has to be more than 1

The special unitary group SU(n) is a real lie group (though not a complex Lie group). Its dimension
as a real manifold is n
1. Topologically, it is compact and simply connected Algebraically, it is
a simple lie group (meaning its lie algebra is simple; see below). The center ofSU(n) is isomorphic
to the cyclic group Z
. Its oyer automorphism group, for n 3, is Z
, while the outer automorphism
group of SU(2) is the trivial group.

Triangler Potential dwell

Simetrie mesonic in a room acoustic

This is what Sheldon cooper on the big bang theory did

Considering a hexagonal room

Second magic number as cape 6 plus 2

In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, the electron configuration is the distribution
of electrons of an atom or molecule (or other physical structure) in atomic or molecular orbitals.
For example, the electron configuration of the neon atom is 1s

In nuclear physics, a magic number is a number of nucleons (either protons or neutrons) such
that they are arranged into complete shells within the atomic nucleus The seven most widely
recognised magic numbers as of 2007 are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126

The spherical coordinate form a matrix

Rlc circuit diferential system and a righteous system

For the case where the source is an unchanging voltage, differentiating and dividing by L leads
to the second order differential equation:


Negatives spins and antimatter

j=n=-1+1/2 fr n=-1 or the first boson of antimatter
j=n=-2+1/2 ,n=-1+1/2 for the second boson of antimatter and sequently.

matrix form of the dlembertian

In special relativity, electromagnetism and wave theory, the d'Alembert operator (represented
by a box: ), also called the d'Alembertian or the wave operator, is the Laplace
operator of minkowski space The operator is named for French mathematician and
physicist jean le ron dlembert. In Minkowski space in standard coordinates (t, x, y, z) it has
the form:

Skyrmions as a area between a line
In field theory, skyrmions are homotopically non-trivial classical solutions of a nonlinear sigma
model with a non-trivial target manifold topology hence, they are topological solitons. An
example occurs in chiral models of mesons, where the target manifold is a homogeneus
space of the structure group

Were SU(N)L by SU(N)N if are linear indepents are a base so a base by a base is a rea
meanwhile SU(N)diag is a line diagonal

Ricci curvature is changing the second index (the between index)

In local coordinates (using the Einstein sumatory convection), one has


Were here the seconf indexo or between index is k

Bohr magneton as two mass in a inelastic condition and quantized electron on
the top of the divide

In atomic physics the Bohr magneton (symbol
) is a physical constant and the natural unit
for expressing an electron magnetic dipole moment. The Bohr magneton is defined in SI
units by

We see on the top of the divie a quantized electron by h bar
And in the bottom 2 mass moving together like this:

Lambda baryons and the potential dwell

The Lambda baryons are a family of subatomic hadron particles that have the symbols 0, +
c, 0b, and +t

Were lambda cero are in the bottom of the potential dwell

Lambda +

Lambda 0

negative and positive as parameter variation

by the technique of our choice. Once we've obtained two linearly independent solutions to this
homogeneous differential equation (because this ODE is second-order) call
them u
and u
we can proceed with variation of parameters.
Now, we seek the general solution to the differential equation which we assume to be
of the form

So u2 is y and is more minus in this time-line

- O +

Hermite equation as grapho

This eigenvalue problem is called the Hermite equation, although the term is also used for the
closely related equation

U u

The uhas 2 minus and u has to plus

Legendre polynomials grapho

In mathematics Legendre functions are solutions to Legendre's differential equation:

Rodriguez formula grapho
These solutions for n = 0, 1, 2, ... (with the normalization P
(1) = 1) form a polynomials
sequence of ortogonal polynomials called the Legendre polynomials. Each Legendre
polynomial P
(x) is an nth-degree polynomial. It may be expressed using rodriguez formula:

Bessel function grapho

Bessel functions, first defined by the mathematician Daniel benoulli and generalized
by Friedrich bessel, are the canonical solutions y(x) of Bessel's diferenttial equaion

for an arbitrary complex number (the order of the Bessel function). The most important
cases are for an integer or half integer

Complex number axis real number axis

Multipole complex variable and the perimeter of a circle

Were 2xpixr = pixd using the diameter and ratio of circle perimeter

A paramagnetism is a restoring parabola

Paramagnetism is a form of magnetism whereby certain materials are attracted by an
externally applied magnetic field In contrast with this behavior,diamagnetic materials are
repelled by magnetic fields. Paramagnetic materials include most chemical elements and some
compounds;they have a relative magnetic permeability greater than or equal to 1 (i.e., a
positive magnetic susceptibility) and hence are attracted to magnetic fields. Themagnetic
moment induced by the applied field is linear in the field strength and rather weak. It typically
requires a sensitive analytical balance to detect the effect and modern measurements on
paramagnetic materials are often conducted with a SQUID magnetometer

as this object that means clueding:

Surface tension and endurance of a refrigerator
In terms of energy: surface tension of a liquid is the ratio of 1. the change in the energy of
the liquid and 2. the change in the surface area of the liquid (that led to the change in energy).
This can be easily related to the previous definition in terms of force:
if is the force
required to stop the side from starting to slide, then this is also the force that would keep the
side in the state of sliding at a constant speed (by Newton's Second Law). But if the side is
moving, then 1. the surface area of the stretched liquid is increasing while 2. the applied force
is doing work on the liquid. This means that increasing the surface area increases the energy
of the film. The work done by the force in moving the side by distance is
; at the same time the total area of the film increases by (the factor of 2 is
here because the liquid has two sides, two surfaces). Thus, multiplying both the numerator and
the denominator of by , we get

And the carnot refrigerator is:

Where both use the work W it can be explain like a tension of the coldness

Gibbs free energy or energy of 3 molecles

Name Symbol Formula Natural variables
Helmholtz free energy

Gibbs free energy

Free energy of helmoltz of 2d energie

Name Symbol Formula Natural variables
Helmholtz free energy

Gibbs free energy

Phase portrait of arquimedes spiral

Phase portrait of van der Pol's equation

Dirac bracket as a force

Above is everything needed to find the equations of motion in Dirac's modified Hamiltonian
procedure. Having the equations of motion, however, is not the endpoint for theoretical
considerations. If one wants to canonically quantize a general system, then one needs the
Dirac brackets. Before defining Dirac brackets, first-class and second-class constraints need
to be introduced.
We call a function f(q, p) of coordinates and momenta first class if its Poisson bracket with all
of the constraints weakly vanishes, that is,

Were phi is the functional of density or a energy if have f by distance I mean the lagrangian

Poisson strucutures are empaired

A Poisson bracket (or Poisson structure) on a smooth manifold is a bilinear map

that satisfies the following three properties:
It is ske symettirc: .
It obeys the jacoby identity: .
It obeys Leibniz's Rule with respect to the first
argument: .

Jacobi identity graph

In a lie algebra, the objects that obey the Jacobi identity are infinitesimal motions. When acting
on an operator with an infinitesimal motion, the change in the operator is the commutator
The Jacobi Identity


Spherical function of bessel and complex conjugate

The spherical Bessel functions can also be written as (Rayleigh's formulas):

Were x can be square root of x of I were I is the imaginary

Gravitatational accelerators

A particle on the exact design trajectory (or design orbit) of the accelerator only experiences
dipole field components, while particles with transverse position deviation are re-focused
to the design orbit. For preliminary calculations, neglecting all fields components higher than
quadrupolar, an inhomogenic hill diferential equation

So for be gravitational need to be a forc 1/r

The infinite of the Cartesian as ovoid universe
The Cartesian plane is:

And in infinite they close like a ovoid:

Were the physicall cosmology is :

Also an ovoid

The mangnetic torque pass to be moment

The magnetic moment is defined as a vector relating the aligning torque on the object from an
externally applied magnetic field to the field vector itself. The relationship is given by

And the torque is:
The magnitude of torque depends on three quantities: the forc applied, the length of the lever
arm connecting the axis to the point of force application, and the angle between the force
vector and the lever arm. In symbols:

Righteous system of iRLC grapho

For the case where the source is an unchanging voltage, differentiating and dividing by L leads
to the second order differential equation:



Hyperbolc sine as zero in the grapho

Hyperbolic sine:

The grapho will be

The hyperbolic cosine grapho as 2 positive

Hyperbolic cosine:

The grapho will be:



There is not negatives logarithms

Because it depends of x and so for x not going to negative

Magnetic suceptiblity and the non inertial frame or reference


And the grapho will be:


Exentricity of central force goes in sandwich

The formula is: e=

Where the index goes like 2 3 2

Poisson distribution as capacitance

The poisson distribution goes as:

And if the q equal to numerator and V is numerator we have

Cauchy distribution a perimeter of a circle

The Cauchy distribution goes as:

And thee perimeter of a circle goes as: D=P

Grapho of interaction particles in a time line

From gravitational to strong

Nucleons density and capacitance in a cylinder

The nucleons density is:

And the capacitance is c=

Were natural logarithm is the inverse function of an exponential

Scattering in spherical simmetrie and the term y of upper leves in a quantum dwell

The term y Is for

Why the planes can fly at inverse

If two persons blow two lines of paper one in front of the another one stand up and the other in
the ground

The atoms goes down


the atoms goes up

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