Traverse Surveying

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Traverse Surveying

A traverse is a system of horizontal control network used in surveying whereby the

control points are established with respect to each other by measuring distance and
A number of points (stations) will be chosen to fulfill the demands of the survey, the lines
oining these stations being the traverse lines.
!or checking purposes, a closed traverse is preferred.
A closed traverse can be either a closed loop (ie polygonal) or a closed link where the
traverse starts on a known (coordinated) point and ends on another known (coordinated)
An open traverse is referred to as an uncontrolled traverse which does not terminate on
fi"ed survey points at both ends
Traverse angle measurement
#ethod used for angle measurement$
#agnetic bearing
%ncluded angles
'ine measurement
Traverse leg lengths may be measured by direct method, by (&#, by )&#
%n a plane rectangular coordinate system, the position of a point is specified by stating its
perpendicular distances from the two a"es of the system. The +,S a"is (reference
meridian) and the ),- a"is (reference latitude) intersect at the origin of the system.
The easting is the distance east (or west) from the reference meridian, the northing is the
distance north (or south) from the reference latitude. These are termed coordinates.
)asting is always stated before northing.
-hen a line oins two stations A and ., the partial easting of the line A. is the difference
between the easting of A and the easting of .. Symbol )A.. Similarly, the partial
northing of line A. is e/ual to the difference between the northing of A and the northing
of .. Symbol +A..
0artial easting and northing of a line are collectively termed its partial coordinates
Traverse table computation$ %llustrative 0roblem$
The following notes refer to a closed traverse.
'ine$ A. .* *& &) )A
.earing$ 2345 15567 16845 26255 29:67
'ength(m)$ :4.7 81.: 82.5 71.2 35.6
*alculate the closing error and accuracy of traverse.
Adust the survey analytically using .owditch;s rule.
*ompute also the adusted coordinates of the stations, given the coordinates
of A to be 755.55 m)< 755.55m+.
Line Length
Bearing Obs.E
Obs. N
C. E
C. N
AB 83.5 !3" #$.$$%
#".%5! %.8%&
BC &$.8 $""#5 &".%$5
&".#5" '$$.3%!
C( &." $#&3" 3#."
33.!5# '5$.55
(E 5$. #"" '#5."%
'#5.#% '3.!$#
EA !".# %8#5 '8!.3#8
'8!.%3& $3.!&!
3#8.! $.#!% '".838
".""" "."""
Closing error: * $.% m
Bearing o+ ,e: -an
(e.n) * S &" #5 E
A,,ura,/ o+ tra0erse : ,e. )l* $."5

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