Testare 09.06.2014

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NAME : ___________________


1. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun.1p - 0,20 each
1. Look, right here, __________ is the document I want to show you. (this/that)
2. Look at the animals over there, have you seen __________ before? (these/those)
3. This picture was taken in 2002. Do you remember __________? (this/that)
4. Come and look at __________. (these/those)
5. I think I heard something, did you hear __________? (that/those)

2. Complete with the correct demonstrative pronoun.1p 0,20 each
1. Hello Lynn, _________ is my friend Donna. (this/that)
2. _________ was very far from here. (this/that)
3. These paintings are more famous than _________. (those/that)
4. _________ is the letter I am looking for. (this/these)
5. __________________(This/These) is the year well win the championship!

3. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence.1p 0,20 each
1. ____________________ (These/This) are the shoes I like.
2. ____________________ (This/That) car over there is the best one.
3. ____________________ (These/Those) books right here are mine.
4. ____________________ (That/Those) store across the street sells clothes.
5. ___________________ (Those/This) students over there are my friends.

4. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.1p 0,20 each
1. Where are (you) ______ friends now?
2. Here is a postcard from (I) ______ friend Dees.
3. She lives in England now with (she) ______ family.
4. (He) ______ wife works in Tilburg.
5. (He) ______ company builds websites.

5. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.1p 0,20 each
1. Joanie is (John and Nancy) ______ daughter.
2. Our names are Kathy and Robin. This is (Kathy and Robin) ______ mother.
3. Jeremy and Valerie are (Tim and Carey) ______ parents.
4. Tony is (Mary) ______ grandson.
5. My name is Annie. This is (Annie) ______ father.

6. Choose the correct words.1p 0,20 each
1. My / I name is Louise.
2. Her / She sister is my English teacher.
3. We /Our parents are from London.
4. Your / You are my best friend.
5. Their / They live in Australia.

7. Complete the text.1p 0,20 each
1. Ive got a sister. _____ name is Hazel.
2. _____ s fifteen and _____ likes music.
3. I like music too. _____ favourite band is Goldplay.
4. Ive also got two brothers. _____ names are Billy and Tom.
5. Billy likes football. _____ favourite team is Manchester United.

8. Use the correct subject pronoun.1p 0,20 each
1. Jesus is not English. _____ is Spanish.
2. Tony and Lisa are in love; _____ are going to get married.
3. This is my first job. _____ am very exited.
4. Have _____ seen my new car? No I havent.
5. _____ am going home this weekend.

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