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Ireland Literature Excan!e"Idir#alart$n Litr%&ct 'ireann (ILE)
Tran*lati&n +ur*ar, Pr&!ra##e
Ireland Literature Exchange/Idirmhalartn Litrocht ireann (ILE) invites applications from
literary translators from Ru**ia and Tur-e, who are woring on the translation of a wor of
contemporary Irish literature and wish to spend a period of up to three consecutive wees in
Ireland during the period .*t Marc /0.. t& 10t 2une /0..!
Ireland Literature Exchange is a state"funded organisation which is responsi#le for promoting
Irish literature a#road!
$he #ursaries are open to experienced literary translators from the countries listed a#ove who%
&! are not resident in Ireland
'! are engaged in the translation of a wor of Irish literature
(! have already secured a pu#lisher)s contract for the wor in *uestion or will have secured
one at the time of residency!
+pplications are welcome from translators translating from either English or Irish to the target
$he #ursaries will cover accommodation, #oard and living costs! +ll necessary arrangements will
#e made #y ILE! + contri#ution will also #e made towards reasona#le travel expenses! -ecipients
will #e accommodated in .u#lin and, where appropriate, at centres around the country!
/lease note that #ursaries will #e arranged for periods which are convenient for #oth Ireland
Literature Exchange and #ursary recipients!
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Eligi#le candidates are invited to apply in writing (#y post or email) #y Frida,3 .4t Fe5ruar,
/0.. to%
Ireland Literature Exchange
($ranslation 0ursary /rogramme '1&&)
'2 .en3ille Lane
.u#lin '
Email applications should #e supplemented #y faxed or posted documentation!
A66licati&n* #u*t include te 7&ll&8in!%
5ull personal and contact details, including date of #irth, address, telephone num#er,
email address and a passport photograph!
+ #rief 67, detailing *ualifications and literary translation wor to date and including
pu#lication details where applica#le!
+ #rief outline of the wor to #e carried out during the residency!
+ copy of a contract with the pu#lisher for the translation in *uestion, signed #y #oth
+ copy of the rights contract #etween the translation pu#lisher and the rights holder!
+n estimate of travel expenses (in euro only)! 6andidates not re*uiring a contri#ution
towards travel expenses should state this in their application!
+n indication of the preferred period of residency during the period early 8arch '1&& to
late 9une '1&&!
Plea*e n&te9
+pplications should #e su#mitted no later than Frida,3 .4t Fe5ruar, /0..:
:uccessful candidates will #e notified #y 5riday, '2th 5e#ruary '1&&!
;ueries should #e sent to $ranslation 0ursary /rogramme '1&& at the a#ove address, or
emailed with the su#<ect line =$ranslation 0ursary /rogramme '1&&> to
$he pu#lished translation should, on the proof page, carry a note from the translator or
pu#lisher acnowledging ILE>s support for a period of research in Ireland!
:uccessful applicants will #e ased to provide a certificate of good health and evidence of
travel insurance cover for the period of their stay in Ireland!
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