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Early Works of Karl Marx: Book of Verse

Scenes from
A Tragedy
Oulanem, a German traveller
Lucindo,his companion
Pertini, a citizen of a mountain town in taly
Alwander, a citizen of the same town
Beatrice, his foster!"au#hter
Perto, a monk
The action takes place inside or before Pertini's house, Alwander's house, and in the mountains.
A mountain town
Scene 1
A street. Oulanem, Lucindo; Pertini before his house.
Pertini. $irs% the whole town is crow"e" out with stran#ers%
&ttracte" to the spot 'y fame% to see
(he won"ers of the nei#h'ourhoo") n short%
offer you my home) *or at no inn
Will you fin" room) $o all can provi"e
With my small means shall 'e #la" to place
&t your "isposal) (ruly% am "rawn
(o frien"ship with you) (hat+s no flattery)
Oulanem. We thank you% stran#er% an" only fear
,est your opinion of us 'e too hi#h)
Pertini. Goo" ))) #oo")))) (hen let us leave the compliments)
Oulanem. But we inten" to make a len#thy stay)
Pertini. Each "ay the less you spen" in pleasure here
Will 'e my loss)
Oulanem. -nce more we thank you warmly)
Pertini (callin a ser!ant.)
Boy/ $ee the #entlemen up to their room)
(hey wish to take some rest after their 0ourney1
(hey also want to 'e alone an" chan#e
(heir heavy travellin# clothes for li#hter wear)
Oulanem. We take our leave% 'ut we shall soon return)
(Oulanem and Lucindo go out with the servant.)
Pertini (alone, cautiously looking round).
t+s he% 'y Go"% it+s he1 the "ay has come1
2e% the ol" frien" never coul" for#et%
&ny more than my conscience #ives me rest)
(hat+s excellent/ 3ow +ll exchan#e my conscience1
2e shall 'e it henceforth% yes% he% -ulanem)
$o% conscience% now may it #o well with you)
*or every ni#ht you stoo" 'efore my 'e"%
4ou went to sleep when "i"% rose with me!!
We know each other% man% my eyes upon it/
What+s more% know that there are others here1
(hey are -ulanem also% also -ulanem/
(here+s "eath rin#s in that name) Well% let it rin#
(ill in its owner vile it rin#s its last)
But wait% have it now/ &s clear as air%
*irm as my 'ones% it comes up from my soul)
2is oath stan"s up in arms 'efore my eyes/
+ve foun" it% an" +ll see he fin"s it too/
My plan is ma"e!!you are its very soul%
4es% you% -ulanem% are its very life)
Woul" you work 5estiny as +twere a puppet6
Make 2eaven a playthin# for your calculations6
*a'ricate Go"s out of your ol" spent loins6
3ow% play your part off pat% my little Go"1
But wait!!wait for your cue!!leave that to me/
(nter Lucindo.)
Scene 2
Pertini, Lucindo.
Pertini. 7ray% why so much alone% my "ear youn# sir6
Lucindo. Curiosity) (he ol" fin" nothin# new)
Pertini. n"ee"/ 4our time of life/
Lucindo. 3o% 'ut if ever
My soul cherishe" a stron# "esire% if ever
My heart was move" 'y a presentient yearnin#%
t was to call him *ather% 'e his son%
(hat one+s whose manly an" impassione" spirit
Can "rink in worl"s entire1 whose heart streams forth
(he ra"iance of the Go"s) 5i" you not know him%
(hen you mi#ht not conceive that such a man
Coul" 'e)
Pertini.t soun"s in"ee" most fine an" ten"er%
When from the warm voluptuous lips of youth
(he praise of &#e streams forth like ton#ues of fire)
t soun"s so moral% like a Bi'le sermon%
8ust like the story of the 5ame $usannah%
-r like that tale a'out the 7ro"i#al $on)
But "are ask you if you know this man
With whom your heart woul" seem so closely 'oun"6
Lucindo. $eem6 -nly sem'lance!! sem'lance an" "elusion6
4ou hate mankin"6
Pertini. Well% at the very least am a man/
Lucindo.*or#ive if +ve offen"e")
4ou are full well "ispose" towar"s the $tran#er%
&n" he who #oes in frien"ship to the Wan"erer%
2is spirit is not locke" within itself)
4ou seek an answer) &nswer you shall have)
We are to#ether 'oun" in a stran#e union
5eep woven in the 'ottom of our hearts
Which% even as 'ri#ht 'lazin# 'ran"s of fire%
(he spirits of his 'reast weave roun" with ra"iance%
&s if well!wishin# 5emons of the ,i#ht
With thou#htful ten"erness ha" matche" us 'oth)
(hus have known him since lon#% lon# a#o!!
$o lon# a#o% that Memory scarcely whispers
-f our first meetin#) 2ow we foun" each other%
know it not)
Pertini. t soun"s in"ee" romantic)
&n" yet% my "ear youn# sir% it is 'ut soun"
(hat soun"s only to parry a re9uest)
Lucindo. swear to it)
Pertini. What "o you swear to% sir6
Lucindo. "o not know him% yet in"ee" know him)
2e hi"es some mystery "eep within his 'reast%
Which may not yet know!!not now ))) not yet )))
(hese wor"s repeat themselves each "ay% each hour)
*or see% "o not know myself/
Pertini. (hat+s 'a"/
Lucindo. stan" here so cut off% so separate)
(he poorest wretch takes pri"e in what he is
When% smilin#% he tells of the line that 'ore him%
Cherishin# in his heart each little "etail)
cannot "o this) Men call me ,ucin"o%
But they coul" call me #allows too% or tree)
Pertini. What "o you want% then6 *rien"ship with the #allows6
Kinship% even6 Well% can help you there/
Lucindo (earnestl"#) 7lay not with empty sylla'les an" soun"s
When ra#e inwar"ly)
Pertini.:a#e on% my frien"%
(ill ra#e is spent)
Lucindo (indinantl"#) What "o you mean6
Pertini. Mean6 3othin#/
am a "ry house philistine% no more%
& man who simply calls each hour an hour%
Who #oes to sleep at ni#ht!time% 0ust to rise
When mornin# comes a#ain1 who counts the hours
;ntil he+s counte" out an" the clock stops%
&n" worms 'ecome the han"s that show the time1
&n" so on till the final 8u"#ment 5ay
When 8esus% with the &n#el Ga'riel%
7ronouncin# sentence on his wrathful trumpet%
:ea"s out the list of our recor"e" sins%
&n" stan"s us on the ri#ht or on the left%
&n" runs his Go"!fist over all our hi"es
(o fin" out whether we are lam's or wolves)
Lucindo.2e+ll not name me% 'ecause have no name)
Pertini.Well sai"/ (hat+s how like to hear you speak/
But since +m 0ust a plain house philistine%
My thou#hts are homely% an" han"le thou#hts
&s you "o stones an" san") $o if a man
Cannot name his own family% 'ut turns
;p with another% he+s an off!shoot!!'orn
-n the wron# si"e of the 'lanket)
Lucindo. What was that6
(hink sooner 'lack the sun an" flat the moon%
&n" neither sen"in# forth one shaft of li#ht%
But here a soun"!!a surmise!!an" ,ife wei#hs it)
Pertini.My frien"% you must not improvise so wil"ly)
Believe me% +m not prone to nervous fits/
But off!shoots are 9uite often #reen an" messy%
4es% yes% they take their own luxuriant way
&n" shoot up shinin# towar"s the very 2eavens%
&s if they knew that they ha" sprun# from 0oy%
Be#otten 'y no "ull an" slavish union)
*or look you% off!shoots of this kin" are satires1
3ature+s a 7oet% Marria#e sits in a chair%
ts cap on% an" with all the accessories%
ts sullen face with #rimacin# "istorte"%
&n"% lyin# at its feet% a "usty parchment
$crawle" over with the parson+s 'lasphemies%
(he church+s "ismal halls to #ive perspective%
(he churlish ra''le #apin# in the 'ack#roun"!
Give me off!shoots/
Lucindo (incensed#) *or Go"+s sake% that+s enou#h/
What is it% man6 What "o you mean6 $peak out1
But 'y the Eternal shall speak with you
What "o ask6 ,ies it not clear 'efore me%
Grins not 2ell out of it% "oes it not rise
Before my look like 5eath+s own withere" shape%
(o #lare at me an" mutter threats of storm6
But% man% not easily% 'elieve you me%
2ave you hurle" from your withere" "evil+s fist
(his 'lazin# 'ran" of fire into my 'reast:
*or "o not think you play "ice with a 'oy%
*lin#in# the "ice with shatterin# force strai#ht at
2is chil"ish hea") 4ou+ve playe" too fast with me)
$o now!!an" mark you this!!we+re #amin# comra"es)
4ou+ve 9uickly ma"e yourself familiar) -ut
With all that+s heavin# in your vile snake+s 'osom/
&n" 'e it mistrust only% or "erision%
(hen shall throw it 'ack into your throat%
&n" you yourself shall choke your poison "own%
&n" then +ll play with you/ But speak/ wish it/
Pertini. 4ou "o6 4ou think of *aust an" Mephistopheles)
4ou+ve 'roo"e" on them "eeply% "are say)
tell you% no) Keep your wish to yourself%
&n" +ll throw "ust into its silly eyes)
Lucindo. (ake care) 5on+t 'low upon the #lowin# em'ers
;ntil the flames 'laze up an" you yourself
&re 'urnt to cin"ers/
Pertini. & phrase/ &n empty phrase/
(he only one they 'urn will 'e yourself/
Lucindo. Myself/ $o 'e it/ (o myself +m nothin#/
But you% oh% you my youthful arms enfol"
&n" twine themselves in frenzy roun" your 'reast)
(he a'yss yawns #apin# ni#ht to 'oth of us%
f you sink "own% smilin#% +ll follow you%
&n" whisper to you% <5own/ Come with me/ Comra"e/<
Pertini. t seems you+re #ifte" with ima#ination)
4ou have "reame" much alrea"y in your life6
Lucindo. 8ust so) am a "reamer% yes% a "reamer)
What knowle"#e "o want from you who have none6
4ou+ve only seen us% 'ut you know us not%
4et hurl a#ainst me scorn an" 'lasphemy)
What am waitin# for6 $till more of you6
4ou have no more ))) 'ut have more for you)
*or me!!#uilt% poison% shame!!you must re"eem it)
4ou+ve "rawn the circle% an" it leaves no room
*or two of us) 3ow use your 0umpin# skill)
&s *ate "raws% so it "raws) $o let it 'e)
Pertini. 4ou must have rea" that en"in# out in class
*rom some "ry% "usty hook of tra#e"ies)
Lucindo.(rue% this is tra#e"y that we are playin#)
Come on% now) Where an" how you want) 4ou choose)
7ertini) &n" when% an" everywhere% an" any time%
&n" none/
Lucindo. Cowar"% "on+t make a mockery of my wor"s%
-r +ll write cowar" across your very face%
&n" shout it out throu#h each an" every street
&n" thrash you pu'licly% if you+ll not follow%
f you "are crack your fee'le hackneye" 0okes
When my heart+s 'loo" runs col" within my veins)
3ot one wor" more1 follow or "o not follow%
4our sentence is pronounce"% you cowar"% you knave/
Pertini (incensed#) $ay that a#ain% 'oy/ $ay those wor"s a#ain/
Lucindo) Why% if it 'rin#s you 0oy!!a thousan" times1
f it stirs up your #all an" sets it flowin#
;ntil the 'loo" starts furious from your eye'alls%
(hen here it is a#ain: you knave% you cowar"/
Pertini. We+ll have this out) Write that upon your 'rain)
(here+s still one place to knit us two to#ether%
&n" that is 2ell!!2ell not for me% 'ut you/
Lucindo. Why count the sylla'les% if it can 'e settle"
2ere on the spot) (hen fly away to 2ell%
&n" tell the 5evils it was that sent you/
Pertini. 8ust one more wor")
Lucindo. What is the use of wor"s6
hear them not) Blow 'u''les in the win"%
5raw lineaments on your face to match your wor"s%
see them not) Brin# weapons% let them speak%
+ll put my whole heart into them% an" if
t 'reaks not% then!
Pertini (interruptin him#)
3ot 9uite so 'ol"% my la"% an" not so callow/
4ou% you have not a thin# to lose% no% nothin#/
4ou are a stone that+s fallen from the moon%
(hat someone somewhere scratche" one sin#le wor"
4ou spelle" the letters out: they rea" <,ucin"o<)
$ee/ -n that empty ta'let +ll not "are
Wa#er myself% my life% my honour% all)
4ou want to use my 'loo" for artist+s colour6
&m to 'e the 'rush that len"s you tone6
We are too far remove" in rank an" station)
&m to stan" a#ainst you as you are6
know what am) (ell me% what are you6
4ou know not% are not% you have nau#ht to lose/
(hief!like% you seek to ple"#e to me an honour
(hat never in your 'astar"+s 'osom #lowe"6
4ou seek to swin"le% lay your empty ticket
&#ainst my sterlin# worth% my frien"6
3ot so/ *irst #et you honour% name an" life!
4ou are still nothin#!!then +ll #la"ly stake
My honour% name an" life a#ainst your own/
Lucindo. $o that+s it% cowar"/ 4ou want to save your skin6
4ou+ve worke" the sum out so in#eniously%
-h% so in#eniously% in your "ull 'rain6
5o not "eceive yourself: +ll chan#e your answer%
&n" shall write "own <cowar"< in its place)
+ll scorn you as woul" a ma""ene" 'east1
+ll shame you% yes% shame you 'efore the worl"%
&n" then you can explain% with all the "etails%
(o aunts an" uncles% chil"ren% everyone%
call myself ,ucin"o% yes% ,ucin"o%
(hat is my name1 it mi#ht have 'een some other1
#o 'y it% thou#h it coul" have 'een "ifferent)
What men call 'ein#% "o not possess1
But you are what you are% an" that+s a cowar"/
Pertini. (hat+s nice% that+s very pretty) But supposin#
coul" #ive you a name!!you hear% a name6
Lucindo. 4ou have no name yourself% an" yet you+" #ive one%
4ou who have never seen me% save this once1
&n" seein#+s a lie% the eternal mockery
(hat houn"s us "own: we see% an" that is all)
Pertini. Goo") But who #rasps more than is seen6
Lucindo.3ot you)
4ou+ve seen in all thin#s what you are: a scoun"rel)
Pertini.(rue1 +m not easily foole" 'y the first #lance)
But that man!!he was not 'orn yester"ay/
Believe me% he has seen a thin# or two)
What if we knew each other6
Lucindo. "on+t 'elieve it)
Pertini. But is there not a poet% won"rous stran#e%
& #loomy aesthete% 'utt of ri"icule%
Who spen"s his hours in su'tle me"itation%
Who woul" make rhymes of ,ife% an" woul" most #la"ly
2imself 'e author of the poem of ,ife6
Lucindo. 2a/ t mi#ht well 'e chance) 4ou "on+t "eceive me/
Pertini.Chance/ $uch is the lan#ua#e of philosophers
When reason "oesn+t come to rescue them)
Chance!!it+s so easily sai"!!one sylla'le%
& name is also chance) &nyone+s name
Mi#ht 'e -ulanem if he ha" no other)
&n" so it is pure chance if so call him)
Lucindo. 4ou know him6 2eavens/ $peak/ n 2eaven+s name/
Pertini.4ou know the 'oys+ rewar"6 ts name is!!silence)
Lucindo. t sickens me to ask of you a favour%
But 'eseech you% 'y all you hol" "ear/
Pertini. 5ear6 4ou think that am #oin# to 'ar#ain6
& cowar"% you know% is "eaf to all entreaty)
Lucindo. 4ou must% then% if you woul" wipe out the taunt
-f cowar"% you must speak without "elay)
Pertini. ,et+s "uel now% +ll fi#ht you as you are)
4ou+re #oo" enou#h for me% so let us fi#ht)
Lucindo. 5on+t "rive me to the extreme% not to that ver#e
Where there are no more 'oun"s% where all thin#s en")
Pertini.,isten to him/ We want to try extremes%
&s *ate "raws% so it "raws) $o let it 'e/
Lucindo. 2a/ s there no way out% no hope at all6
2is 'reast as har" as iron% all feelin# withere"%
Cankere" an" "rie" with scorn% he mixes poison
&n" ru's it in for 'alsam) &n" he smiles)
(his may 'e your last hour% man% yes% your last%
$eize it% a'sor' it% for in less than no time
4ou+ll stan" 'efore your 8u"#e1 so 'reak the chain
-f your life+s vicious actions with one last%
-ne last #oo" "ee"% one solitary wor"%
&s li#htly 'reathe" as air/
Pertini.+(was chance% #oo" frien")
Believe me% 'elieve in chance myself)
Lucindo.n Vain/ !! all!! all !! But stop% you shallow fool%
t won+t 'e settle" that way% no% 'y Go"/
4our sharp eye has "eceive" you once a#ain)
+ll call him here in person) (hen you may stan"%
Before him% face to face an" eye to eye%
8ust like a little 'oy cau#ht "oin# wron#)
4ou cannot hol" me% man/ -ut of my way/
(!e rushes off.)
Pertini. & #reater plan now rescues you% my la"1
7ertini can+t for#et% 'elieve you me/
Pertini (calls#. ,ucin"o% ho/ n 2eaven+s name% come 'ack/
(Lucindo returns.)
Lucindo. What woul" you6 -ff with you/
Pertini. (here+s honour for you/
Go% tell the worthy #entleman we 9uarrelle"1
4ou challen#e" me% 'ut 'ein# a #oo" 'oy
& #oo" 'oy an" a very pious chil"/!
:epente"% 'e##e" for#iveness% were for#iven)
(hen she" a pious tear% an" kiss his han"%
&n" cut the ro" for your repentant 'ack/
Lucindo. 4ou "rive me to it)
Pertini. 4ou let yourself 'e "riven)
(his soun"s as moral as a chil"ren+s primer)
5o you 'elieve in Go"6
Lucindo. Confess to you6
Pertini. 5on+t you "eman" that confess to you6
shall) But say% "o you 'elieve in Go"6
Lucindo. What+s that to you6
Pertini. t+s har"ly fashiona'le%
$o +" much like to hear you tell me plainly)
Lucindo. "on+t 'elieve with what is calle" 'elief%
&n" yet know 2im as know myself)
Pertini. We+ll talk of that when moo" an" moment suit1
2ow you 'elieve is all the same to me%
&t least you "o 'elieve) Goo") $wear 'y 2im)
Lucindo. What6 $wear to you6
Pertini. 4es% swear you must that never
Will your ton#ue 'la' a sin#le sylla'le)
Lucindo. By Go"% swear it)
Pertini.(hen swear you+ll cherish only frien"ship for me)
$ee% am not so 'a"!!only outspoken)
Lucindo. By Go"% woul" not swear it for a worl"
(hat love" you or hel" you in esteem)
cannot an" will not ever swear it%
But what is past% let that 'e all wipe" out
&s if it were a loathsome% evil "ream)
+ll plun#e it "own where all "reams "isappear to%
5eep in the rollin# waves of o'livion)
(hat will swear to you 'y 2im that+s holy%
*rom whom the worl"s come whirlin# up throu#h space%
Who with 2is #lance 'rin#s forth Eternity%
swear/ But now the #uer"on for my oath)
Pertini. Come/ will lea" you to a 9uiet place%
&n" show you many a si#ht: rocky ravines%
Where lakes have welle" up from volcanic Earth%
Cra"lin# in 9uietu"e their roun"e" waters1
&n" where the years rush past in silent se9uence%
(hen will the storm in"ee" su'si"e% an" then!
Lucindo. What+s this6 4ou speak of stones% 'ays% worms an" mu"6
But rocks an" cra#s tower upwar"s everywhere%
n every spot a sprin# comes 'u''lin# forth:
Whether impetuous% low% hi#h!!what matter6
Mysterious places still are to 'e foun"
Where we are hel" enrapture" an" spell'oun")
(o see them wakes excitement in my 'reast%
&n" if it 'ursts% why% it is 0est% no more)
$o take me where you will% yes% to that #oal/
Waver an" falter not% 'ut let+s away/
Pertini. (he rollin# thun"er first must cease its "in
Ere the pure li#htnin# cleanse your 'reast within)
$o to a spot +ll make myself your #ui"e
Where% much fear% you+ll wish too lon# to a'i"e)
Lucindo. -h% let our 0ourney+s #oal lie where it may%
+ll follow you% if you will lea" the way)
Pertini. Mistrustful/ =The" both o out..
Scene 3
A room in Pertini's ouse.
Oulanem is alone, seated at a table, writing. Pa"ers lie about. #uddenly he s"rings u", walks $i" and down, then sto"s
abru"tly and stands with folded arms.
Oulanem. &ll lost/ (he hour is now expire"% an" time
$tan"s still) (his pi#my universe collapses)
$oon shall clasp Eternity an" howl
2umanity+s #iant curse into its ear)
Eternity/ t is eternal pain%
5eath inconceiva'le% immeasura'le/
&n evil artifice contrive" to taunt us%
Who are 'ut clockwork% 'lin" machines woun" up
(o 'e the calen"ar!fools of (ime1 to 'e%
-nly that somethin# thus at least mi#ht happen1
&n" to "ecay% that there mi#ht 'e "ecay/
(he worl"s must have ha" nee" of one thin# more!
5um'% searin# a#ony to sen" them whirlin#)
5eath comes to life an" puts on shoes an" stockin#s1
(he sorrowin# plant% the stone+s inert erosion%
(he 'ir"s that fin" no son# to tell the pain
-f their aethereal life% the #eneral "iscor"
&n" the 'lin" strivin# of the &ll to shake
tself out of itself% 'e crushe" in 9uarrel!
(his now stan"s up an" has a pair of le#s%
&n" has a 'reast to feel the curse of life/
2a% must twine me on the wheel of flame%
&n" in Eternity+s rin# +ll "ance my frenzy/
f au#ht 'esi"es that frenzy coul" "evour%
+" leap therein% thou#h must smash a worl"
(hat towere" hi#h 'etween myself an" it/
t woul" 'e shattere" 'y my lon#!"rawn curse%
&n" woul" "in# my arms aroun" cruel Bein#%
Em'racin# me%+twoul" silent pass away)
(hen silent woul" sink into the voi")
Wholly to sink% not 'e!!oh% this were ,ife%
But swept alon# hi#h on Eternity+s current
(o roar out threno"ies for the Creator%
$corn on the 'row/ Can $un 'urn it away6
Boun" in compulsion+s sway% curse in "efiance/
,et the envenome" eye flash forth "estruction!
5oes it hurl off the pon"erous worl"s that 'in"6
Boun" in eternal fear% splintere" an" voi"%
Boun" to the very mar'le 'lock of Bein#%
Boun"% 'oun" forever% an" forever 'oun"/
(he worl"s% they see it an" #o rollin# on
&n" howl the 'urial son# of their own "eath)
&n" we% we &pes of a col" Go"% still cherish
With frenzie" pain upon our lovin# 'reast
(he viper so voluptuously warm%
(hat it as ;niversal *orm rears up
&n" from its place on hi#h #rins "own on us/
&n" in our ear% till loathin#+s all consume"%
(he weary wave roars onwar"% ever onwar"/
3ow 9uick% the "ie is cast% an" all is rea"y1
5estroy what only poetry+s lie contrive"%
& curse shall finish what a curse conceive")
($e sits down at the table and writes.#
Scene !
Alwander%s house; first&before the house. Lucindo, Pertini.
Lucindo. Why 'rin# me here6
Pertini. *or a succulent piece of woman%
(hat+s all/ $ee for yourself% an" if she softly
Breathes a melo"ious peace into your soul%
(hen forwar"/
Lucindo. What/ 4ou+re takin# me to whores6
&n" at the very time when all of ,ife
Comes "own with crushin# force upon my shoul"ers%
&n" when my 'reast swells irresisti'ly
n a ma" frenzy cravin# self!"estruction1
When each 'reath 'reathes a thousan" "eaths for me%
&n" now a woman/
Pertini. 2a/ :ave on% youn# man%
Breathe hellfire an" "estruction% 'reathe away/
What whores6 5i" misun"erstan" your meanin#6
$ee% there+s the house) 5oes it look like a 'rothel6
4ou think want to play the pimp for you%
&n" use the very "ayli#ht for a lantern6
(hat+s rich) But enter first an" there% perhaps%
4ou+ll learn what you "esire)
Lucindo. see your trick)
(he stuff you ma"e it of is very cheap)
4ou really seek to slip the han" that hol"s you)
Be #rateful that this moment must hear you1
But temporisin# will cost you your life)
(The" o into the house. The curtain falls and another is raised.
A modern, eleant room.
Beatrice is sittin on the sofa, a uitar beside her.
Lucindo, Pertini, Beatrice.#
Pertini. Beatrice% a youn# traveller 'rin#%
& pleasant #entleman% my "istant kinsman)
Beatrice (to Lucindo#. Welcome/
Lucindo. *or#ive me if fin" no wor"s%
3o speech to express my heart+s astonishment)
Beauty so rare 9uite overwhelms the spirits1
(he 'loo" leaps hi#h% 'ut not a wor" will come)
Beatrice. *air wor"s% youn# sir) 4ou are in a pleasant moo")
thank your "isposition% not the favour
(hat 3ature has "enie" me so unkin"ly%
When +tis your ton#ue that speaks% an" not your heart)
Lucindo) -h% if my heart mi#ht speak% if it mi#ht only
7our forth what you have 9uickene" in its "epths%
(he wor"s woul" all 'e flames of melo"y%
&n" every 'reath a whole eternity%
& 2eaven% an Empire infinitely vast%
n which all lives woul" sparkle 'ri#ht with thou#hts
*ull of soft yearnin#% full of harmonies%
,ockin# the Worl" so sweetly in its 'reast%
$treamin# with ra"iance of pure loveliness%
$ince every wor" woul" only 'ear your name/
Pertini. 4ou will not take it in 'a" part% youn# la"y%
f explain to you that he is German
&n" always raves of Melo"y an" $oul)
Beatrice) & German/ But like the Germans well%
&n" am prou" to 'e of that same stock)
Come% sit here% German sir)
(%he offers him a place on the sofa.#
Lucindo. (hank you% my la"y)
=Aside to Pertini..
&way/ (here is still time1 here am lost/
Beatrice (abashed#) 5i" speak out of place6
(Lucindo wants to speak, but Pertini cuts in.#
Pertini. $pare us your flourishes an" your flattery/
(was nothin#% Beatrice1 merely some 'usiness
(hat must still arran#e for him in haste)
Lucindo (confused, in a low !oice#)
By Go"% 7ertini% you are playin# with me/
Pertini (aloud#. (ake it not so to heart% "on+t 'e so scare"/
(he la"y trusts my wor"% is it not so6
Beatrice% he may stay% is it not so%
(ill am 'ack) &n" please remem'er!!pru"ence1
4ou are a stran#er% so no foolishness)
Beatrice. -h% come% youn# sir% was then my welcome such
(hat you coul" think +" 'anish you% a stran#er%
*rien" of 7ertini% an ol" frien" of ours%
;nceremoniously from this house%
Whose hospita'le "oors are open to all6
4ou nee" not flatter% 'ut you must 'e fair)
Lucindo. By Go"% your #racious kin"ness overwhelms me/
4ou speak as #ently as the an#els speak)
*or#ive if overawe" an" overcome
By the wil" stream of passion lon# for#otten%
(he lips spoke what they ou#ht to have conceale")
4et see the sky all clear an" luminous
$mile "own upon us from the clou"s+ 'lue realm%
&n" see the colours thro' so sweet an" 'ri#ht%
3ow wrappe" in sha"e an" now in #entle li#ht%
Min#lin# in harmonies so soft an" full%
-ne lovely picture% one inspire" soul)
$ee this% an" then 'e silent if your lips
-'ey) But no/ your heart enchante" leaps%
7ru"ence an" circumspection vanishe" all)
(he lips must speak what hol"s your heart in thrall)
Even as the &eolian lyre is stirre" to soun"
When >ephyr wraps his flutterin# pinions roun")
Beatrice. :eproof cannot fin" within my heart%
4ou "ress the poison% sir% with such sweet art)
Lucindo (aside to Pertini#.
Confoun"e" villain% yet #oo" villain too%
What shall "o6 Get out of here% 'y Go"/
Pertini (aloud#.
t rankles in his min"% remem'erin# how
took the wor"s out of his mouth 0ust now)
n lan#ua#e 'eautiful he woul" have talke"%
When 'y my interruption he was 'alke")
But never min"%+tis Beatrice+s 'elief
4ou kin"ly wishe" to affor" her some relief
*rom your #ran" talk1 like any German 0est%
-nce swallowe"% it+s not easy to "i#est)
Lucindo (in a low !oice#. But man/
Pertini (aloud#) (hink of the sympathies
(hat from the stomach to the heart soon rise1
+ll soon 'e 'ack to fetch you swift away%
-r else in this sweet place too lon# you+ll stay)
(Aside.# must 'e #one) &n" while he pays his court%
+ll see the ol" man 'rin#s it all to nau#ht)
(&'it Pertini. Lucindo is in confusion.#
Beatrice.&n" must yet once more 'i" you 'e seate"6
Lucindo. +ll #la"ly sit here if you truly wish it)
(%its down.#
Beatrice. -ur frien" 7ertini+s often stran#ely moo"y)
Lucindo. 4es% stran#ely so/ Most stran#ely/ Very stran#ely/
*or#ive me% la"y!!you esteem this man/
Beatrice. 2e has lon# 'een a true frien" of the househol"%
&n" always treate" me most amia'ly)
&n" yet !! know not why !! cannot 'ear him)
2e+s often violent) -ften from his 'reast!
*or#ive me% he+s your frien"!!some secret spirit
Calls stran#ely% in a voice "o not like)
t is as thou#h some inner tur'ulent "arkness
$hrank from the "ayli#ht+s open look of love
&n" feare" to make response% as if he har'oure"
&n evil worse than his ton#ue speaks% worse even
(han his heart "ares to think) (his is 'ut surmise%
&n" "o wron#% confi"in# it so soon1
t is suspicion1 suspicion is a viper)
Lucindo. 5o you re#ret confi"in# in me% then6
Beatrice. Were it a secret that concerne" myself!
But oh% what am sayin#/ 2ave you won
My trust alrea"y6 4et it is not wron#
(hat shoul" tell you everythin# know1
coul" confi"e it all to anyone%
$ince know nothin# that+s not known to all)
Lucindo. (o all6 Well sai"/ 4ou woul" 'e kin" to all6
Beatrice.Woul" you not too6
Lucindo. - an#el% - sweet 'ein#/
Beatrice. 4ou make me fearful% sir) What mean these wor"s6
4ou 0ump so su""enly from theme to theme/
Lucindo. must act 9uickly% for the hour is strikin#)
Why hesitate6 5eath is in every minute)
Can conceal it6 t+s a miracle%
have 0ust met you1 stran#e thou#h it appears%
We mi#ht have known each other many years)
t is as if the music hear" soun"
Within my own heart% livin# form ha" foun"%
&n" into vi'rant% warm reality
(he spirit!'on" unitin# us 'reaks free)
Beatrice. won+t "eny it: you are not to me
& stran#er% yet still stran#e you are% unknown)
But as "ark spirits woul" not let us see
Each other till this hour% so we must own
(here may 'e other spirits whose "eceit
Bin"s us with treacherous 'on"s% however sweet)
*oresi#ht an" wis"om we must not "espise1
(he stron#est li#htnin# strikes not from "ark skies)
Lucindo. - fair philosopher of the heart/ - Go"%
can resist no more% for you compel me/
5o not ima#ine that "o not hol"
4ou in respect 'ecause my heart #rows 'ol")
t thro's to 'urstin#% all my nerves are tense)
can resist no more) $oon +ll 'e #one%
*ar% far away from here% from you "ivi"e")
(hen% worl"s% plun#e "own% plun#e "own into the a'yss/
*or#ive me% sweet my chil"% for#ive the hour
(hat "rives me onwar" with such violent power)
love you% Beatrice% 'y Go" swear it%
&n" ,ove an" Beatrice make 'ut one wor"
(hat can utter only in one 'reath%
&n" in this thou#ht +" #o to meet my "eath)
Beatrice.$ince #oo" can never come of it% pray
$peak no more thus) f!!'ut this cannot 'e!!
4ou were to win my heart% now% strai#htaway%
$urely you woul" no lon#er honour me)
4ou+" say that was 0ust a common thin#%
:ea"y% as thousan"s are% to have her flin#)
f for a moment such a notion crosse"
4our min"% then love an" honour woul" 'e lost)
(woul" mean that you care" for me not a 0ot%
&n" self!reproach woul" have to 'e my lot)
Lucindo. (en"er an" lovely 'ein#% hear me plea"/
f only in my 'osom you coul" rea"%
never love" till now% 'y Go" a'ove%
&n" your reproaches make a mock of love)
,et the 'ase merchant ha##le over flaws%
By shrew" "elays more profit still he "raws)
,ove 'rin#s the union of the worl"s a'out%
3au#ht is 'eyon"% an" nau#ht else to "esire)
,et those who 'in" themselves in hatre" "ou't)
,ove is a flashin# spark from ,ife+s own fire%
Ma#ic that hol"s us in an open rin#%
$o yiel" to it!!this is the only thin#
(hat counts in love% not pru"ent carefulness1
*or love is 9uick to kin"le% 9uick to 'less)
Beatrice.$hall 'e mo"est6 Coy6 3o% must "are%
2owever hi#h may leap the flames+ fierce flare)
4et my 'reast ti#htens un"er fearful strain
&s if "eli#ht were mixe" with searin# pain%
&s if 'etween our union there came floatin#
& hissin# soun" mixe" in 'y "evils #loatin#)
Lucindo. t is the fire which you "o not yet know%
&n" the ol" life% which now has turne" to #o
&way from us% is speakin# its last wor"1
(hen its reproaches will no more 'e hear")
But tell me% Beatrice% how will you 'e mine/
Beatrice. My father wants to tie me to a man
Whom woul" hate if coul" hate my fellows)
But 'e assure" you soon will hear from me)
Where are you stayin#% sweet frien" of my heart6
Lucindo.Why% at 7ertini+s house)
Beatrice. +ll sen" a courier)
But now your name6 Most surely it must soun"
&s "oes the music of the circlin# spheres)
Lucindo (in a serious !oice#) ,ucin"o is my name)
Beatrice. ,ucin"o/ $weet%
$weet rin#s that name to me) &h% my ,ucin"o%
2e is my worl"% my Go"% my heart% my all)
Lucindo. Beatrice% that+s yourself% an" you are more%
4ou are yet more than all% for you are Beatrice)
($e presses her ardentl" to his breast. The door bursts open and Wierin enters.#
Wierin.& pretty si#ht/ - Beatrice/ - snake/
7uppet of virtue% are you% col" as mar'le/
Lucindo. What "o you mean 'y this6 What "o you seek6
By Go"% no ape coul" ever look so sleek)
Wierin.5amne" 'oy% you+ll soon enou#h learn what mean)
We+ll speak to#ether% you an" % - rival
*ashione" in human form to make it loathsome%
Creature puffe" up with impu"ent conceit%
& piece of 'lottin#!paper to wipe pens on%
& comic hero of some wretche" 0ape)
Lucindo. &n" as remarke"% 'ehol" the complete ape/
$hame on you thus to 'an"y wor"s with me/
$uch coura#e is like 'arrel!or#an music
7laye" to a painte" picture of a 'attle)
$oon the real thin# will count)
Wierin. $oon6 3ow 'oy% now we+ll have this matter out/
B!'!'y Go"!!my very 'loo" runs col"/
Beatrice% +ll finish off this paramour)
Lucindo. $ilence% fellow% +ll follow you this instant)
(Pertini enters.#
Pertini. What+s all this noise6 4ou think you+re on the street6
(To Wierin.#
Why "o you screech% you crow6 +ll stop your mouth/
+ve come 0ust in the nick of time) (he fellow
2as somewhat misinterprete" my meanin#)
(Beatrice falls in a faint.#
Lucindo. 2elp/ $he swoons/ - Go"/
($e bends o!er her.#
Come to yourself% an#el% sweet spirit% speak/
($e kisses her.#
*eel you the warmth6 2er eyeli"s flutter% she 'reathes/
Beatrice% why are you so6 -h% tell me% why6
4ou want to kill me6 Can see you thus6
($e raises her up, embracin her. Wierin wants to rush upon him.
Pertini holds him back.#
Pertini. Come% frien" Crow% 0ust a few wor"s in your ear)
Beatrice (in a faint !oice#) ,ucin"o% my ,ucin"o% ah% my lost one%
&n" lost to me% my heart% 'efore won you)
Lucindo.Be calm% my an#el% nothin# shall 'e lost%
&n" soon +ll see this fellow 'reathe his last)
($e carries her to the sofa.#
,ie there a while1 we cannot lon# remain%
(his holy place must 'ear no evil stain)
Wierin.Come% we shall speak to#ether)
Pertini. +ll come too)
-ne secon" at a "uel is somethin# new)
Lucindo. Compose yourself% sweet chil"% 'e of #oo" cheer)
Beatrice. *arewell)
Lucindo. &n#el% farewell)
Beatrice (with a deep sih#) +m full of fear)
((urtain. &nd of Act ).#

Verse n"ex? @ MarxAEn#els &rchive? @ 7re!BCDC n"ex?

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