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The father of Marian and Elinor, Henry Dashwood died, in that time the

inheritance only goes to the mans of the family. In that case, John one son for a
previous marriage receive all the lands of mister Dashwood. With the money,
John gives a smaller amount to the sisters and they only have money to live in a
very remote village, very different from their reality. After a time, Edward, who is
the brother the coined of Elinor appeared in the land. When Edward became to
the land start doing body-building, training in a horse and with a sword. Until
now, Elinor was allergic to sports, but because of him she starts like it. At the
same time Elinor falls in love from him, however, because of the family she
decides not to tell anyone about his love and secure all feeling for he even
needs a shoulder to cry on.
Over time, they go to a party at the palace and all the people around Elinor
looks like all fingers and thumbs begin to realize that it is strange and sad, but
no one asks what is the reason of the fact. When the sister return to theirs
house at the village, Marianne draws the attention of two men to be more
beautiful than her sis, the oldest Colonel Brandon and the youngest Willoughby.
To keep a straight face the meeting of Marianne and Willoughby takes place in
a classical way. In one night rainy day, the sisters decide to run until their
houses, but in the middle of the way Marianne fall down and get hurts! Elinor go
out to calls for help and Willoughby appear with his white horse to help her and
takes her to home for rest.
The relationship of Marian and Willoughby do into ins and outs brings several
problems for the sisters. Elinor is sensible to Marianne, which is where the
name of the book comes from.
Upon Marianne listen that Willoughby was a scoundrel, Colonel Brandon says
to her that Willoughby was offensive to his stepdaughter, because
impregnated her and disappeared, leaving her alone. This act causing disgust
in Marianne, because is very awkward and disrespectful to a gentleman,
thereafter her begins to like the presence of the Colonel. On a visit to London
Marianne gets sick and the Colonel stayed all the time talking care of her. An
act of crass stupidity and the news of the possible death of Marianne
Willoughby goes to apologize with Elinor; She accepts and sends him away.
The penny drops to Marianne who finally realize that she fell in love from
Colonel Brandon and marry him some time later, being an example of love,
happiness and respect for all who knew them, they have a massage every day
to keep their love alive. Edward after much reluctance asked Elinor to marry
Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
Rhayanna Gonalves CUT I
Teacher Rita
him, she accepted immediately . Edward made peace with the family and even
won a heritage to live well and comfortably with Elinor.


1. The story is set in a Northland Park, England.
2. The characters are Elinor, Marianne, Colonel Brandon, Willoughby,
Edward and John.
3. It tells the story of love affairs and the habits of that time (19

century, I believe)
4. The main character is named Elinor and her sister Marianne.
5. Basically, the book is about the overturn of the sisters lives and
how you can love in a different ways.
6. The Villain is Willoughby, because his broke Mariannes heart.
7. They have all sorts of problems because their dont have any
family, just each other.
8. In the end, everything happened in a very good way, both finds the
true love.
9. I enjoyed the book because the loves nowadays happen in a very
different way and you only realize that when you read something so
old who appears so actual.
10. Now the book is a classic of the British Literature.

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