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Abraham Kabutey
, Da!" Hera#
, R!$%a&t! S!'a(!&''!&'
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering;
Czech University of Life Sciences rague
!amyc"a 1#$, 1%& #1, Such'ol ( rague %, Czech )epu*lic
"a*utey+tf,czu,cz; hera"+tf,czu,cz; sigalingging+tf,czu,cz
-he "no.le'ge of linear an' non(linear compression of oilsee' crops such as /atropha,, )ape an' others are imperative for the 'esign an' 'evelopment of efficient
technology for oil e0pression, 1n recent times, the oil from oilsee' crops has gaine'
consi'era*le a.areness as a potential energy resource to supplement the continuing
re'uction of fossil fuels as a result of the increasing population .ith 'eman',
-his urgent nee' stems from the common literature statement *y )u'olf Diesel .ho
teste' his engine on peanut oil at 1$22 3orl'4s Fair in aris, the E0position Universalle
56its"e an' 3ilson, 1$%&7, 1n linear pressing .here*y a Universal -esting Machine is
use' for the a0ial compression of *ul" oilsee' un'er re8uire' compression spee' an'
compressive force, a theoretical or mathematical mo'el inclu'ing the -angent Curve
Function, )eciprocal Slope -ransformation an' Finite Element Metho' have *een
'evelope' to illustrate the compression *ehaviour in terms of the 'epen'ency *et.een
compressive force an' 'eformation characteristic curve as .ell as the mechanical
properties such as 'eformation, force an' energy 59era" et al,, #21:a; #21;; etru et
al,,#21:7, -he results of these pu*lishe' mo'els provi'e useful information in
un'erstan'ing the e0act compressive force an' energy re8uirement for o*taining
ma0imum oil from a particular oilsee' crop un'er compression loa'ing, Specifically,
tangent curve an' reciprocal slope transformation mathematical mo'els .ere *ase' on
the 'escription of *ul" /atropha oilsee' .hiles that of FEM .as relate' to a single
oilsee', E0perimentally, the non(linear pressing involving a scre. press type FL #22,
Farmet Mo'el has *een also e0amine' for Jatropha curcas *ul" see' .here the oil yiel'
an' temperature .ere respectively 'etermine' at the scre. press cham*er positions
5!a*utey et al,, #2117, -he pu*lishe' result of this stu'y .as further analyze'
theoretically in terms of pressure re8uirement along the scre. cham*er positions using
tangent curve mathematical mo'el 59era" et al,, #21:; !a*utey, #21;7, 1t is important to
highlight here that the tangent curve mo'el .as mainly analyze' for Jatropha curcas
*ul" see' of moisture content <,&= 5',*,7, From the theoretical analysis of pressure, it
.as o*serve' that pressure increase' linearly along the scre. cham*er positions an'
the increment 'i' not necessarily increase' the percentage oil yiel' as hypothetically
state' in the literature that increase in pressure thus increases oil yiel' 5!ara> an'
Muller, #2117, -o gain *etter un'erstan'ing of the linear compression process, one of the
necessary stu'ies is currently un'er.ay to e0amine the rela0ation process of the *ul"
oilsee' crops particularly Jatropha curcas as a preliminary stu'y for other oilsee' crops
an' this i'ea .oul' *e applie' in the non(linear pressing for the optimization of the oil
recovery efficiency an' energy re8uirement, 1n a''ition, FEM simulation mo'el .oul' *e
employe' for the 'escription of a 'efine' *ul" oilsee' thus each single see' from a
measure' volume of see' shoul' *e simulate' in'ivi'ually to un'erstan' the actual
pressing process in linear compression,
-he continuing research is *eing supporte' *y the 1nternal ?rant @gency of Faculty of
Engineering, CULS rague, 1?@ A :11:2B1:1#B:12#,
1, 6its"e, 3,), A 3ilson, C,M, 1$%&, )u'olf Diesel ioneer of the @ge of,
University of C"lahoma ress, 6orman, C!,
#, 9era", D, A !a*utey, @, A Divisova, M, A Siman>unta", S, #21:a, Mathematical
mo'el of mechanical *ehaviour of Jatropha curcas L, see's un'er compression
loa'ing, Biosystems Engineering, 11; 5:7, #D$A#D<,
:, 9era", D, A Elahovec, /, A !a*utey, @, #21;, @nalysis of the a0ial pressing of *ul"
Jatropha curcas L, see's using reciprocal slope transformation, Biosystems
Engineering, 1#1F %DAD%,
;, !a*utey, @, A 9era", D, A 9anus, /, #212, Scre. press performance for oil
e0traction from Jatropha curcas L, see's of 'ifferent moisture content, Scientia
Agriculturae Bohemica, ;15;7F##&(#:2,
&, !a*utey, @, #21;, Cptimizing the use of scre. presses for processing oilsee'
crops, hD Dissertation, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences rague,
%, !ara>, S, A Muller, /, #211, Cptimizing mechanical oil e0traction of Jatropha
curcas L, see's .ith respect to press capacity, oil recovery an' energy efficiency,
Industrial Crops and Products, :;F 1212A121%,
D, etru, M, A 6ova", C, A 9era", D, A Siman>unta", S, A #21#, Finite element
metho' mo'el of the mechanical *ehaviour of Jatropha curcas L, see' un'er
compression loa'ing, Biosystems Engineering, 111 5;7, ;1#A;#1,

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