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In the following short dialogues you will find some useful expressions which are often used
on various social occasions.
A. Agreement and disagreement
X: I like Mary's new dress.
Y: So do l.
X: ut I don't think much of her hat.
Y: !either do I.
X: I graduated from Ming "ak #ollege.
Y: $h% So did I. &hat's your 'o()
X: I'm an accountant.
Y: &hat a coincidence% So am I.
X: I don't like this film.
Y: *gh% !either do I. It's too horri(le.
X: I'm not going to see such horror films again.
Y: !either am I. "hey're disgusting.
NOTE: Use so when agreeing with a positive statement; and neither with a negative one.
X: It's a fine day today+ isn't it)
Y: Yes+ it is+ isn't it)
X: "he ee ,ees are fantastic+ aren't they)
Y: $h+ do you really think so)
X: "om -ones is the greatest singer I've ever seen.
Y: &ell+ personally I don't care much for his songs.
X: &ith a little (it of luck+ one can easily pass the School
#ertificate .xam.
Y: &ell+ I'm afraid I can't agree with you there.
X: /ook at this picture. Isn't it (eautiful)
Y: &ell+ actually I don't think much of it.
B. Apologies
I (eg your pardon)
Sorry+ I didn't 1uite hear your name. My name is 23i3 44 2454I45
Sorry+ I didn't catch what you said.
X: Sorry to trou(le you.
Y: !o+ no+ it's no trou(le at all.
Sorry to have kept you waiting. $h+ that's all right.
I'm sorry I'm late. It's all right.
I hope you'll excuse me for (eing late. It doesn't matter.
C. Disappointments
I'm afraid I can't come to your party tonight. $h+ what a shame%
$h+ what a pity%
D. Greetings and ongrat!lations
X: 6ow're you getting on)
Y: 7ine+ thanks.
X: 6ow're you)
Y: 7ine+ thank you.
X: 6ow're you)
Y: !ot very well+ I'm afraid.
X: 6ow're you)
Y: &ell+ not (ad. "hings could (e worse.
X: You look a (it tired.
Y: Yes+ I have a headache.
&ell done. "hanks.
Merry #hristmas.
6appy !ew Year. "hanks+ the same to you.
X: I wish you many happy returns of the day.
Y: $h+ thank you. 6ow did you know it's my (irthday)
E. Introd!tions
X: I'd like you to meet 0rofessor Y. . . . "his is Mr 5.
Y: 6ow do you do.
5: 6ow do you do.
". #ermission
X: &ould you mind if I smoked)
Y: !o+ not at all.
X: 8o you mind if I open the window)
Y: !o+ please do.
X: 8ad+ may I use your car tonight)
Y: 2ll right+ (ut take good care of it.
G. $e%!ests
X: #ould I see you for a few minutes)
Y: y all means.
X: I wonder if you could give me a lift.
Y: Yes+ certainly. &here do you want to go)
&. Telephone onversation
#an I speak to Y+ please)
May I speak to Y+ please)
Y speaking.
Is Y there+ please)
I'd like to speak to Y+ please)
I wonder if I could speak to Y+ please)
X: #an I speak to Y+ please)
$perator: -ust a moment+ please. I'll put you through.
Y: 6ello. Y here.
X: #ould'I speak to Y please)
5: I'm afraid he's not in 'ust now. #an I take a message)
X: !o+ thank you. I'll phone later.
X: l'd like to speak to Y.
5: I'm afraid he's out. &ould you like to leave a message.
X: Yes+ please. &ould you please tell him X phoned and the meeting
tomorrow has (een cancelled.
X: May I speak to Y please)
5: I'm afraid you've got the wrong num(er.
X: I'm so sorry.
5: "hat's all right.
I. Than's and replies to than's
"hanks. 9informal:
"hanks a lot 9informal:
"hank you. !ot at all.
"hank you very much 9formal: 8on't mention it.
"hank you for your help. "hat's all right.
"hanks for the advice. It's a pleasure.
"hanks for everything. You're welcome. 9more common in the *.S.:
Choose the correct answer:
1. X: I never thought the movie
would be so bad.
Y: ......
A. I didn't neithe
B. So did I
C. Neither would I.
D. No neither did I.
!. X: I'm a"raid I #an't #ome to
$our %art$ tonight
Y: &h .......
A. what a shame'
B. shame on $ou'
C. how shame"ul'
D. $ou ought to be
(. X: I thin) I saw *ohn at the
Y: No it . . . . . . him. +e's still
in hos%ital.
A. #ouldn't have been
B. mustn't be
C. mustn't have been
D. isn't
,. X: I ho%e I'm not disturbing
Y: . . . .
A. Never mind at all.
B. You're wel#ome.
C. Not at all.
D. It's a %leasure.
-. X: Are $ou going to the #inema
this a"ternoon.
Y: . . . .
A. I don't thin) to.
B. I don't thin) it.
C. I don't thin) that.
D. I don't thin) so.
/. X: 0ust we 1nish the wor) b$
Y: No $ou . . .. .
A. mustn't.
B. need't
C. haven't
D. don't
2. X: I don't li)e this "ood.
Y: 3gh' . . . . It's horrible.
X: I'll never #ome here again.
Y: . . . . . . It's disgusting.
A. So do I4 So will I.
B. So will I4 So do I.
C. Neither do I4 Neither will
D. Neither will I4 Neither do
5. X: *ohn has "ound a new girl6
Y: . . . .
A. So has he.
B. So he has.
C. So does he.
D. +e has so.
7. X: 8hat man must be Sarah's
Y: No he . . . . her husband.
She's still single.
A. needn't
B. mustn't be
C. shouldn't be
D. #an't be
19. X: You're alwa$s #om%laining.
Y: . . . .
A. Neither are $ou.
B. I didn't.
C. So are $ou.
D. Not ver$ mu#h.
11. X: You )now what. 0$ boss has
%romised to %romote me.
Y: . . . .
A. It's a %leasure'
B. Are $ou reall$.
C. Congratulations'
D. I am grate"ul.
1!. X: Could $ou give me a li"e.
Y: . . . .
A. 8hat's all right.
B. Be glad to. :here
would $ou li)e to get
C. I'm a"raid I #an't a;ord
D. No matter.
1(. X: Did $ou en<o$ the #on#ert
last night.
Y: No not . . . .
A. so
B. mu#h
C. all
D. =uiet
1,. X: You #an't swim #an $ou.
Y: . . . .
A. No I #an.
B. Yes I #an't.
C. Yes I #an.
D. No I don't )now.
1-. X: I don't li)e 0aths.
Y: . . . .
A. :ell I don't.
B. So do I.
C. I don't neither.
D. Nor do I.
1/. X: 8han)s "or the advi#e.
Y: . . . .
A. It's all right.
B. Not at all.
C. I'm wel#ome.
D. Don't be %olite.
12. X: 0a$ I s%ea) to 0r Y %lease.
Y: . . . .
A. +e is s%ea)ing.
B. Y s%ea)ing.
C. I am he.
D. I am Y.
15. X: I don't want to give u%.
Y: . . . .
A. Yes so do I.
B. No so do I.
C. I don't neither.
D. No I don't either.
17. X: :ill $ou %lease get me some
Y: . . . .
A. :h$ not.
B. >ight awa$.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. De1nitel$.
!9. X: You sold $our ?at didn't
Y: Yes I did. But I wish I . . . .
A. haven't
B. hadn't
C. did
D. didn't
!1. X: Do $ou mind i" I smo)e.
Y: . . . .
A. Never mind.
B. Not at all.
C. No I do.
D. Yes I don't.
!!. X: :hat's $our "ather.
Y: . . . .
A. A man o" #ourse.
B. +e's a gentleman.
C. +e's ver$ )ind.
D. +e's an engineer.
!(. X: 8han) $ou ver$ mu#h "or
lending me $our #ar.
Y: . . . .
A. Never mind.
B. No than)s.
C. Don't mention it.
D. Don't be %olite.
!,. X: Is $ou brother wor)ing in a
Y: No but he . . . .
A. %lans this.
B. %lans.
C. %lans it.
D. %lans to.
!-. X: . . . .
Y: I #ouldn't agree more.
A. 0a$ I tal) to $ou "or a
"ew minutes.
B. :hat do $ou %lan to
C. :e should all )ee% our
#it$ #lean.
D. I wish $ou su##ess in
$our e@aminations.

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