An Analysis of Human Impact On Wildfires

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The ter* +,l-.,re has sl,/htly -,..erent *ean,n/s to -,..erent 0eo0le an- or/an,1at,ons For
2sa/e ,n th,s 0a0er3 ,t ,s -e.,ne- as any .,re o442rr,n/ ,n a +,l- area 5,e3 not ,n a 0la4e +here a
s,/n,.,4ant a*o2nt o. 0eo0le l,6e7 For se6eral -e4a-es +,l-.,res +ere tho2/ht to 8e a 02rely
-estr24t,6e 0heno*enon +h,4h sho2l- 8e sto00e- +hene6er 0oss,8le3 82t re4ently the 8ene.,ts o. the
.,res +ere -,s4o6ere- Fro* a--,n/ n2tr,ents to so,l to ,n4reas,n/ 8,o-,6ers,ty3 +,l-.,res 0ro6,-e *any
hel0.2l ser6,4es to e4osyste*s Ho+e6er3 se6eral -e4a-es o. +,l-.,re 0re6ent,on3 alon/ +,th
at*os0her,4 0oll2t,on3 .orestry an- other h2*an9,n-24e- a4t,6,t,es3 are a..e4t,n/ the ,ntens,ty3
8eha6,o2r an- ,*0a4t o. +,l-.,res The 02r0ose o. th,s 0a0er ,s to e:a*,ne ho+ h2*ans a..e4t +,l-.,re3
an- to o2tl,ne sol2t,ons to 4o2ntera4t the e..e4ts The 0a0er starts +,th an ,n9-e0th -es4r,0t,on o. the
s4,en4e 8eh,n- +,l-.,res3 as +ell an e:0lanat,on o. the -,..erent 4ate/or,es an- 8ene.,ts o. the
0heno*enon Then3 a -eta,le- loo; at the +ays h2*ans are ha6,n/ an ,*0a4t3 8oth -,re4t an- ,n-,re4t3
on the the 8eha6,o2r3 .re<2en4y an- .2t2re 0atterns o. +,l-.,re Th,s ,s .ollo+e- 8y a loo; at 42rrent
strate/,es 2se- to re-24e the h2*an ,*0a4t on +,l-.,res3 as +ell as an e:0lorat,on o. 0oss,8le strate/,es
+h,4h 4o2l- 8e ,*0le*ente- ,n the .2t2re An- .,nally3 a 4on4l2s,on +h,4h s2**ar,1es the *a,n
.,n-,n/s ,n th,s 0a0er
Wildfire Description
For .,res to e:,st3 three 4o*0onents *2st 8e 0resent" .2el3 o:y/en3 an- heat 5Ontar,o M,n,stry o.
Nat2ral Reso2r4es3 #$&$7 F2el ,s any *ater,al +h,4h 4an 4at4h .,re3 an- lo+er *o,st2re 4ontent allo+s
.2el to 82rn *ore eas,ly O:y/en ,s nee-e- to s200ort the 4he*,4al 0ro4esses +h,4h ta;e 0la4e ,n .,res3
an- the o:y/en le6el nor*ally .o2n- ,n a,r3 aro2n- #&=3 ,s eno2/h to .a4,l,tate .,re3 +h,4h nee-s only
&(= 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-a7 Heat ,s nee-e- to ,/n,te the .2el to start a .,re3 an- ,t hel0s ,t s0rea- 8y
re*o6,n/ *o,st2re .ro* near8y o8>e4ts Th,s *eans that .orests are es0e4,ally 62lnera8le to .,re s,n4e
they ha6e an a82n-an4e o. .2el 5/rass3 trees3 82shes3 et47 an- an ,n4reas,n/ s200ly o. o:y/en3 8e,n/
0ro-24e- 8y trees W,n- 4an also s200ly o:y/en to .,res3 ,n a--,t,on to hel0,n/ the* s0rea- .aster an-
.2rther A.ternoons are the hottest t,*e o. the -ay3 so th,s ,s +hen .,res are *ost ,ntense3 -2e to
-e4rease- *o,st2re ,n or/an,4 o8>e4ts? the t,*e o. year +,th the *ost +,l-.,re a4t,6,ty 6ar,es .ro*
re/,on to re/,on The ty0e o. .2el 8e,n/ 4ons2*e- 4an also a..e4t the te*0erat2re? .,res are 2s2ally
*24h *ore heate- an- ,ntense +hen s0rea-,n/ thro2/h trees than +hen s0rea-,n/ thro2/h /rass or
lo+9ly,n/ 6e/etat,on The lar/est +,l-.,res 4an 82rn o6er @3$$$ s<2are ;,lo*etres 5one *,ll,on a4res7 o.
lan-3 an- tra6el thro2/h .orests as .ast as && ;,lo*etres 0er ho2r an- thro2/h /rasslan-s as .ast as ##
5Nat2resF2ry3 #$&$7 The rate at +h,4h .,res 0er,o-,4ally o442r 6ar,es -rast,4ally .or -,..erent
e4osyste*s3 ran/,n/ .ro* >2st .,6e or ten years to a .e+ h2n-re-
W,l-.,res 4an 8e 02t ,nto t+o 4ate/or,es" nat2rally 4a2se-3 an- h2*an 4a2se- Nat2ral +,l-.,res
are 2s2ally 4a2se- 8y l,/htn,n/ str,;,n/ so*eth,n/ 4o*82st,8le 5s24h as -ea- trees3 +h,4h 4onta,n l,ttle
*o,st2re73 4a2s,n/ the o8>e4t to ,/n,te Fla*es then s0rea- thro2/h any near8y .la**a8le o8>e4ts 5e/3
shr28s or /rass7 2nt,l the .,re e,ther e:ha2sts ,ts s200ly o. one o. the three 4o*0onents3 .2el3 o:y/en
an- heat3 or ,s 02t o2t thro2/h h2*an ,nter6ent,on A s*all 0er4enta/e o. nat2ral +,l-.,res ,s starte-
thro2/h s0ontaneo2s 4o*82st,on o. lea6es or other -ry *ater,als 5Fa42lty o. Nat2ral Reso2r4es3 #$&&73
+h,4h 4an ,/n,te the*sel6es ,n 4on-,t,ons o. h,/h heat an- lo+ h2*,-,ty The -ry *ater,als 4an also
,/n,te thro2/h 4ont,n2o2s heat,n/ .ro* solar ra-,at,on H2*ans ha6e se6eral *etho-s .or 4a2s,n/
+,l-.,res ,n4l2-,n/" lea6,n/ 4a*0.,res 2natten-e-3 sett,n/ o.. .,re+or;s ,n a h,/h9r,s; area 5+here there
,s a lot o. .2el73 not .2lly 02tt,n/ o2t 4,/arettes3 an- arson 5-el,8erately start,n/ a -estr24t,6e .,re7 There
,s also 4ontrolle- .,res3 also 4alle- 0res4r,8e- .,res or 82rn,n/3 +h,4h are 02r0osely starte- 8y .,re
e:0erts .or 4onstr24t,6e 02r0oses3 s24h as re-24,n/ the 4han4es o. a -an/ero2sly ,ntense .,re start,n/ ,n
the near .2t2re 5US Forest Ser6,4e3 n-7 In *any re/,ons3 *ost +,l-.,res are h2*an9,n-24e-
Ho+e6er3 ,t ,s 2s2ally nat2ral +,l-.,res +h,4h 4a2se the *ost -a*a/e s,n4e they o.ten re*a,n
2nnot,4e- .or so*e t,*e3 +h,le 2nnat2ral .,res are .re<2ently not,4e- as soon as they start3 an- so are
02t o2t 8e.ore they 4an s0rea-
W,l-.,res 4an 8e 8ene.,4,al to 8oth e4osyste*s an- h2*ans .or *any reasons The ,n-,/eno2s
0eo0les o. North A*er,4a ha6e 2se- +,l-.,res .or 02r0oses s24h as 4lear,n/ lan- an- tra00,n/ an,*als
5.or h2nt,n/ 02r0oses7 .or 4ent2r,es In *o-ern t,*es3 they are not 2se- as *24h 82t st,ll ha6e *any
hel0.2l ser6,4es The *ost 6,s,8le 8ene.,t ,s the 4lear,n/ o. h,/h -ens,t,es o. trees Th,s 4an 8e hel0.2l
,n e4osyste*s +here trees are stresse- 8y o6er4ro+-,n/ It 4an also 8e hel0.2l to h2*ans 8y .ree,n/ 20
lan- .or a/r,42lt2ral 2sa/e F2rther*ore3 tree 4lear,n/ 0re6ents the .or*at,on o. an ol-9/ro+th .orest3
+h,4h loses net 0r,*ary 0ro-24t,6,ty 52se.2l 4he*,4al ener/y7 as ,t -e6otes *ore ener/y to
heterotro0h,4 res0,rat,on3 +h,4h releases 4ar8on ,nto the at*os0here 5Dear-en A M,t4hell3 #$&# 0 (@7
Another 6,s,8le 8ene.,t ,s the 4lear,n/ o. or/an,4 -e8r,s3 s24h as -ea- trees3 .ro* .orest .loors Th,s
8rea;s -o+n the 8,o*ass eno2/h so that ,t 4an 8e a8sor8e- ,nto3 an- so ,n4rease the n2tr,ent le6el o.3
so,l It also allo+s *ore s2nl,/ht to rea4h the .orest .loor3 +h,4h ,n4reases 8,o-,6ers,ty 8y lett,n/ see-s
o. nat,6e3 s2nl,/ht9-e0en-ent 0lants /er*,nate an- /ro+3 rather than the area 8e,n/ -o*,nate- 8y
shr28s3 trees or ,n6as,6e 0lants 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-87 Also3 8y re-24,n/ the a*o2nt o. .2el 5or/an,4
-e8r,s73 the -e8r,s 4lear,n/ -rast,4ally re-24es the 4han4es o. an o6erly ,ntense +,l-.,re o442rr,n/ ,n the
area any t,*e soon A less not,4ea8le 8ene.,t ,s the el,*,nat,on o. ,n6as,6e ,nse4ts an- -,seases Al,en
,nse4ts3 on4e ,ntro-24e- ,nto a ne+ e4osyste*3 4an s0rea- ra0,-ly an- -estroy lo4al 6e/etat,on The
,nse4ts are o.ten not 2se- to .,re3 2nl,;e nat,6e s0e4,es +h,4h ha6e al+ays 8een e:0ose- to ,t3 an- so are
2n0re0are- +hen ,t o442rs3 lea-,n/ to the,r -eath or *,/rat,on to another area D,seases are 8ro2/ht
,nto e4osyste*s thro2/h the arr,6al o. .ore,/n or/an,s*s an- 4an ha6e a 0ro.o2n- ,*0a4t on
e4osyste*s3 so*et,*es lea-,n/ to the -,sa00earan4e o. ent,re s0e4,es J2st l,;e the ,nse4ts3 these
or/an,s*s are o.ten not a8le to <2,4;ly a-a0t to +,l-.,res an- so are e,ther 4ons2*e- 8y the .,re 5,. the
or/an,s* ,s a ty0e o. 6e/etat,on7 or .or4e- to relo4ate 5,. ,t ,s an an,*al7
Human Impact on Wildfires
Fire Prevention
In the &'th 4ent2ry3 as ,**,/rat,on /reatly ,n4rease- the 0o02lat,on o. North A*er,4a3 there
+ere a lot o. h2*an9,n-24e- +,l-.,res These .re<2ently o442rr,n/ .,res 4a2se- /reat -a*a/e to 4ro0s3
ho*es3 trees an- 0eo0le3 res2lt,n/ ,n a 2n,6ersal hatre- o. the 0heno*enon 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-47 Th,s
le- 4,t,es to ta;e *eas2res to 0re6ent all .,res +hene6er 0oss,8le Areas aro2n- the +orl- 2se- -,..erent
0re6ent,on strate/,es3 +h,4h .or the *ost 0art +ere s244ess.2l ,n se6erely re-24,n/ 8oth the a*o2nt o.
+,l-.,res starte-3 an- the e:tent to +h,4h a4t,6e .,res s0rea- These strate/,es 4ont,n2e- .or se6eral
-e4a-es3 only re4ently 8e,n/ 4han/e-3 tho2/h *any are st,ll ,n e..e4t In se6eral Me-,terranean
4o2ntr,es3 .,re s200ress,on 0ol,4,es are a4t2ally 8e,n/ stren/thene- For e:a*0le3 ,n S0a,n3 re4ently
-eserte- r2ral lan- has 8e4o*e a /,ant so2r4e o. .2el an- attra4te- *any lar/e +,l-.,res The 028l,4
0er4e,6es these .,res as a h2/e threat an- so the /o6ern*ent *2st 2se a lot o. ,ts .orest *ana/e*ent
82-/et on 8etter .,re 0re6ent,on strate/,es 5R2,19M,ra1o3 Ro8le13 A Bon1Cle19Re8ollar3 #$&&7 An
,n4reas,n/ly 0o02lar strate/y ,s the 4reat,on o. .2el8rea;s 5also 4alle- .,re8rea;s or .orest th,nn,n/73
+h,4h ,s the re*o6al o. or/an,4 *ater,al 52s2ally trees7 so that any .,res that o442r are less ,ntense an-
eas,er to 02t o2t3 -2e to the -e4rease- .2el s200ly 5A/ee et al3 #$$$7 Altho2/h3 .,re8rea;s only +or;
+ell ,n so*e areas In other areas3 the loss o. sha-e 4a2se- 8y the -e4rease- tree -ens,ty 4o2l- res2lt ,n
eno2/h solar ra-,at,on h,tt,n/ the re*a,n,n/ -e8r,s on the .loor to start a .,re Th,s ,s es0e4,ally l,;ely ,.
,t ,s the 8,//er3 *ore *o,st trees +h,4h are re*o6e- as o00ose- to the th,n3 -r,er ones3 +h,4h are *24h
eas,er to ,/n,te In the areas +here the .,re9sto00,n/ re/,*es are s244ess.2l3 the res2lt ,s the 2nnat2ral
82,l- 20 o. *ass,6e a*o2nts o. .2el 5or/an,4 -e8r,s7 F2rther*ore3 the -o*,nant s0e4,es o. e4osyste*s
+,ll l,;ely 4han/e as +ea;er3 82t +,l-.,re9a-a0te-3 l,.e .or*s are -r,6en a+ay 8y stron/er3 82t .,re9
62lnera8le3 0lants an- an,*als The a--,t,onal .2el ens2res that +hen a +,l-.,re -oes o442r3 ,t +,ll 8e
e:tre*ely ,ntense an- +,ll l,;ely 4a2se 0er*anent -a*a/e to 8oth the so,l an- the lo4al 0lants an-
an,*als3 e..e4t,6ely -estroy,n/ the e4osyste* These se6ere .,res are also *ore l,;ely to s0rea- ,nto
near8y res,-ent,al areas an- 0otent,ally 4a2se a lot o. -a*a/e there as +ell A.ter the .,re3 the
-,sa00earan4e o. *ost o. the e4osyste*Ds 6e/etat,on *eans that there +,ll not 8e eno2/h .2el to s2sta,n
a .,re any t,*e soon Altho2/h3 the ,n4rease- solar ra-,at,on3 4a2se- 8y the -estr24t,on o. 0lants +h,4h
0ro6,-e- sha-e3 h,tt,n/ the re*a,n,n/ 6e/etat,on *ay 8e a8le to start a s*all .,re3 ,. the *ater,al ,s
4o*82st,8le eno2/h For so*e t,*e a.ter the .,re3 ,. eno2/h *ater,al +as 82rne-3 s2..,4,ent s*o;e *ay
ha6e 8een release- ,nto the at*os0here to 02sh the lo4al o:y/en le6el 8elo+ the &(= *ost +,l-.,res
nee- to s2r6,6e 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-a73 te*0orar,ly ens2r,n/ 0rote4t,on .ro* .,re
Global Warming
Blo8al +ar*,n/3 +h,4h ,s +,-ely a4;no+le-/e- as a h2*an9,n-24e- 0heno*enon3 has a -,re4t
,n.l2en4e on the .re<2en4y an- se6er,ty o. +,l-.,res a4ross the +orl- The ,n4rease ,n heat3 res2lt,n/
.ro* the h,/her a,r te*0erat2res o. /lo8al +ar*,n/3 allo+s a4t,6e +,l-.,res to s0rea- .2rther 8y
re-24,n/ the *o,st2re 4ontent 5-ry,n/7 o. near8y or/an,4 *ater,al3 th2s ,n4reas,n/ ,ts 0oten4y as .2el
The -ry,n/ also ,n4reases the 4o*82st,8,l,ty o. the *ater,al3 there8y ,n4reas,n/ ,ts 4han4es o. ,/n,t,on
thro2/h l,/htn,n/3 solar ra-,at,on or s0ontaneo2s 4o*82st,on A--,t,onally3 the lon/er an- hotter
s2**ers 8ro2/ht a8o2t 8y /lo8al +ar*,n/ 0rolon/s the ,-eal 4on-,t,ons .or D+,l-.,re season3D
,n4reas,n/ the t,*e *any .orests are at h,/h r,s; .or .,re One st2-y 5Westerl,n/3 H,-al/o3 Cayan3 A
S+etna*3 #$$(7 .o2n- that .ro* the &'E$9&'F( 0er,o- to the &'F(9early #$$$s 0er,o-3 +,l-.,re 0atterns
,n +estern US .orests ha6e 4han/e- -ra*at,4ally The a4t,6e +,l-.,re season has ,n4rease- 8y EF -ays3
an- the a6era/e -2rat,on a .,re ,s a4t,6e .or ,n4rease- .ro* E% to )E& -ays The 4a2se o. these 4han/es
,s an ,n4rease ,n s2**er an- s0r,n/ te*0erat2res 8y $' -e/rees Cels,2s S,n4e the early #$$$s3
te*0erat2res ha6e ,n4rease- e6en *ore3 an- +,ll 4ont,n2e to ,n4rease ,n the .2t2re The
Inter/o6ern*ental Panel on Cl,*ate Chan/e 5#$$E7 0ro>e4ts a +orl-+,-e +ar*,n/ o. a00ro:,*ately
$#GC 0er -e4a-e3 tho2/h +estern North A*er,4a ,s e:0e4te- to +ar* 8y t+o to .,6e -e/rees Cels,2s
8e.ore #$E$ 5R2nn,n/3 #$$(7 E6en ,. /lo8al e*,ss,ons -o not ,n4rease3 +h,4h ,s 2nl,;ely -2e to
/ro+,n/ le6els o. 0ro-24t,on an- 4ons2*0t,on ,n 8oth -e6elo0e- an- -e6elo0,n/ 4o2ntr,es3
te*0erat2res +,ll st,ll ,n4rease 8y a8o2t $&GC 0er -e4a-e F2rther -r,6,n/ 4l,*ate 4han/e ,s the
0os,t,6e .ee-8a4; loo0 +h,4h starts +,th +,l-.,res As .,res 82rn or/an,4 *ater,al3 they release
/reenho2se /ases s24h as 4ar8on an- o1one ,nto the at*os0here3 *ore s0e4,.,4ally3 the tro0os0here
5Ja..e an- W,/-er3 #$&#7 The /ases then tra0 solar ra-,at,on an- so ,n4rease the earthDs te*0erat2re3
4a2s,n/ /lo8al +ar*,n/ The h,/her te*0erat2res then 4ontr,82te to *ore .re<2ent an- ,ntense
+,l-.,res3 th2s re0eat,n/ the 4y4le Th,s /lo8al +ar*,n/ +,ll l,;ely res2lt ,n +,l-.,res o. 2n0re4e-ente-
.re<2en4y an- ,ntens,ty not only ,n the US3 82t ,n re/,ons aro2n- the +orl-3 +h,4h 4o2l- threaten
4o2ntless e4osyste*s as +ell as ho*es3 an- 0oss,8ly l,6es Altho2/h3 /lo8al +ar*,n/ *ay 4a2se the
0re6ent,on ,n the .2t2re One st2-y 5Dosa>3 Dosa>3 A Dosa>3 #$&)7 has .o2n- a 4orrelat,on 8et+een the
+ar*,n/ an- re-24e- at*os0her,4 o:y/en Tho2/h the a*o2nt o. re-24t,on at a /lo8al s4ale ,s s*all3
$$)&E= .ro* &''$ to #$$F3 so*e areas are a..e4te- *ore than others3 es0e4,ally 0o02lo2s3 +ar*
re/,ons I. o:y/en le6els 4ont,n2e to -e4rease3 e6ent2ally they +,ll .all 8elo+ the 4r24,al &(=3
el,*,nat,n/ the 0oss,8,l,ty o. lar/e +,l-.,res ,n so*e areas B2t3 .or the other areas3 +,l-.,res +,ll
4ont,n2e to /ro+ ,n 8oth .re<2en4y an- ,ntens,ty
Many .orestry 0ra4t,4es are set 20 ,n a +ay +h,4h re-24es the .re<2en4y o. +,l-.,res The
0ra4t,4e ha6,n/ the *ost ,*0a4t ,s lo//,n/ The 6ery nat2re o. the lo//,n/ ,n-2stry3 re*o6,n/ trees
.ro* .orests3 st2nts +,l-.,re /ro+th 8y re*o6,n/ lar/e a*o2nts o. .2el B2t3 so*e areas /o one ste0
.2rther 8y -e6elo0,n/ lo//,n/ strate/,es -es,/ne- s0e4,.,4ally to -e4rease the r,s; o. +,l-.,res In one
strate/y3 lo//,n/ ta;es 0la4e ,n an area +h,4h has re4ently ha- a .,re The 02r0ose o. th,s lo//,n/ ,s
s200ose-ly to hel0 the e4osyste* re4o6er 8y re-24,n/ the 4han4es o. another .,re ha00en,n/ ,n the near
.2t2re? ho+e6er3 ,n th,s 4ase ,t a4t2ally ,n4reases the 4han4es o. .,re The lo//,n/ strate/y *a;es the
*,sta;e o. ass2*,n/ that e4osyste*s 4an not *ana/e the*sel6es3 an- re<2,re h2*an a,- to re4o6er
Post9.,re lo//,n/ H-estroys s2r6,6,n/ sa0l,n/s that +o2l- nat2rally resee- the .orest3 an- lea6es
;,n-l,n/ that 4o2l- .2el a ne+ 8la1eI 5Re4o6er,n/ .ro* +,l-.,re3 #$$( 0 %7 Not only -oes the strate/y
.a,l at re-24,n/ the 0otent,al .or +,l-.,res3 82t ,t also +orsens the e4osyste* ,t ,s s200ose- to hel0 8y
h,n-er,n/ the /ro+th o. nat,6e 0lants3 *a;,n/ the area 62lnera8le to ,n6as,6e 6e/etat,on One st2-y
5Donato et al3 #$$(7 .o2n- that 0ost9.,re lo//,n/ re-24es see-l,n/ re/enerat,on 8y E&= -2e to
-,st2r8e- so,l an- H0hys,4al 82r,al 8y +oo-y *ater,al -2r,n/ lo//,n/ o0erat,onsI 50 )%#7
A--,t,onally3 the st2-y .o2n- that a lot o. D2n*er4hanta8leD +oo-3 s24h as 8ran4hes3 +as le.t on .orest
.loors3 th2s *,n,*,1,n/ any .2el re-24t,on /a,ne- 8y the re*o6al o. trees Th,s 4an a4t2ally *a;e ,t
eas,er .or a +,l-.,re to o442r s,n4e the -ry3 -ea- 0,e4es o. +oo- le.t 8eh,n- are *24h *ore 4o*82st,8le
than the l,6,n/3 +ater9reta,n,n/ trees re*o6e- A *ore 8ene.,4,al strate/y 4an 8e .o2n- ,n so2thern
E2ro0e Resear4hers there ha6e .o2n- that .,re s0rea-s *ore slo+ly +hen /o,n/ thro2/h a 6ar,ety o.
lan- 4o6er *ater,als3 s24h as -,..erent ty0es o. trees an- shr28s3 than +hen *o6,n/ thro2/h an area
+,th *ore ho*o/eneo2s 6e/etat,on Th,s has le- to ne+ .orestry 0ra4t,4es s24h as" /,6,n/ 0re.eren4e to
*,:e- .orests rather than those -o*,nate- 8y a s,n/le s0e4,es3 0lann,n/ lan- 4o6ers +,th alternate h,/h
an- lo+ ha1ar- 6e/etat,on3 an- s0a4,n/ a0art .orest stan-s 5areas +,th lar/ely ho*o/eneo2s tree
4o*0os,t,ons7 5More,ra3 #$&&7 These 0ra4t,4es +,ll not 0re6ent the .re<2en4y o. +,l-.,res3 82t +,ll
4han/e the,r s0rea- 0attern an- s0ee- Th,s *eans that the .,res +,ll 8e *ore 0re-,4ta8le3 an- so eas,er
.or h2*ans to 02t o2t3 +h,4h -e4reases the ,*0a4t they +,ll ha6e on the en6,ron*ent
Accidental Fires
H2*an9,n-24e- a44,-ents /reatly ,n4rease the .re<2en4y o. +,l-.,res One est,*ate 5US
Nat,onal Par; Ser6,4e3 n-a7 4la,*s that 20 to '$= o. +,l-.,res ,n the Un,te- States are 4a2se- 8y
h2*ans3 tho2/h th,s a*o2nt ,n4l2-es .,res ,ntent,onally starte- 8y 0eo0le 5e/3 4ontrolle- .,res an-
arsons7 Ne6ertheless3 ,t ,s 4lear that h2*ans 2n+,ll,n/ly ha6e a tre*en-o2s -,re4t ,*0a4t on +,l-.,res3
as o00ose- to the ,n-,re4t ,*0a4ts *ent,one- earl,er These 2n,ntent,onal .,res *ay a00ear to 8e
8ene.,4,al3 thro2/h the ne2tral,1at,on o. all the *eas2res ta;en to 0re6ent +,l-.,res3 82t ,n real,ty they
are not They are har*.2l 8e4a2se they are not as lar/e or as len/thy as nat2ral +,l-.,res3 +h,4h ,s -2e
to the,r *24h sooner -ete4t,on3 lea-,n/ to a *24h <2,4;er e:t,n/2,sh,n/ The a6era/e nat2ral +,l-.,re3
ass2*,n/ there ,s no *ass,6e 82,l-920 o. .2el3 ,s at >2st the r,/ht ,ntens,ty so that ,t -oes not lea6e so,l
an- lar/e a*o2nts o. 6e/etat,on -a*a/e- an- -ea-3 82t 4an 82rn eno2/h -e8r,s to 4reate s2..,4,ent
a*o2nts o. ash to n2tr,.y the so,l 5Ontar,o M,n,stry o. Nat2ral Reso2r4es3 #$&$7 The s*aller3 h2*an9
4a2se- +,l-.,res o.ten only last lon/ eno2/h to 82rn a s*all 0er4enta/e o. the or/an,4 -e8r,s on the
.orest .loor3 8e.ore they are 02t o2t Th,s res2lts ,n 8arely any n2tr,ents 8e,n/ a--e- ,nto the so,l3 82t3
*ore ,*0ortantly3 ,t re-24es the .2el s200ly ,n the area Th,s ens2res that .2t2re +,l-.,res3 +hether
nat2ral or h2*an94a2se-3 ,n the area +,ll not 8e a8le to /ro+ lar/e eno2/h to 0ro6,-e the 8ene.,ts to the
e4osyste* that3 a6era/e s,1e an- ,ntens,ty3 nat2ral +,l-.,res -o The +orst s4enar,o 4an 8e seen ,n areas
+,th a h,/h o442rren4e o. h2*an9,n-24e- .,res The h,/h 0re6alen4e o. +,l-.,res 4at4hes the attent,on
o. the 028l,43 e6en tho2/h they are o.ten not 6ery -estr24t,6e The 028l,4 4o*0la,ns an- so the
/o6ern*ent 4reates strate/,es to re-24e the .re<2en4y o. +,l-.,res3 8oth a44,-ental an- nat2ral The
re-24e- alrea-y *a;es ,t -,..,42lt .or a -e4ent s,1e +,l-.,re to start3 82t the ne+ 0lans then *a;e ,t
6,rt2ally ,*0oss,8le3 e..e4t,6ely el,*,nat,n/ .,re .ro* the area I. th,s ha00ens ,n a .,re9-e0en-ent
e4osyste*3 nat,6e s0e4,es3 +h,4h ha6e a-a0te- to3 an- ,n so*e 4ases are -e0en-ent on .,re to /er*,nate
5Dear-en A M,t4hell3 #$&# 0 FE73 +,ll 8e lost an- the area +,ll 8e -o*,nate- 8y .ore,/n3 an-
0otent,ally har*.2l3 s0e4,es
Reducing Human Impact on Wildfires
Controlled Fires
Also 4alle- 0res4r,8e- 82rn3 these +ere 4reate- 8y .,re e:0erts a.ter -,s4o6er,n/ the 8ene.,ts
+,l-.,re has .or e4osyste*s3 an- the -an/ers the then942rrent .,re s200ress,on 0lans +ere 4reat,n/
The,r *a,n 02r0ose ,s to *,*,4 the 8ene.,ts o. nat2ral +,l-.,res3 es0e4,ally ,n areas +here str,4t
0re6ent,on 0lans ha6e 4a2se- /reat -a*a/e to e4osyste*s3 tho2/h ,t ,s also 2se- to re6erse the e..e4t o.
-e4a-es o. .,re s200ress,on The e..e4t ,s 2nnat2rally h,/h le6els o. .2el 82,l-920 ,n re/,ons aro2n- the
+orl-3 an- ,t ,s re6erse- 8y sett,n/ 20 s*all 0res4r,8e- 82rns an- ha6,n/ the* s0rea- thro2/ho2t the
area As,-e .ro* .2el9.,lle- .orests3 they *ay 8e 2se- ,n other lo4at,ons3 .or 0ra4t,4al,ty 02r0oses For
e:a*0le3 ,n .orests near s282r8an areas3 lett,n/ a +,l-.,re r2n thro2/h the .orest +o2l- 8e too
-an/ero2s3 +h,4h ,s +hy the *ore 0re-,4ta8le 4ontrolle- .,re +o2l- 8e 2se- ,nstea- 5Renn,/er3 Clar;3
S;o+rons;,3 A S4hJ.er3 #$&)7 Th,s .,re +,ll 8e a8le to /enerate the sa*e 0os,t,6e e..e4ts o. nat2ral
+,l-.,res3 +h,le at the sa*e t,*e re-24,n/ the .2el loa- so that any .,re +h,4h o442rs ,n the near .2t2re
+,ll 8e *24h less se6ere 5Ar;le3 P,ll,o-3 A Welty3 #$&#7 Be4a2se o. th,s3 s282r8an res,-ents +,ll not
ha6e to l,6e ,n 4onstant .ear o. a lar/e +,l-.,re en/2l.,n/ the,r ho*es In a s,*,lar *anner to re-24,n/
.2el le6els ,n 0re6,o2sly ant,9.,re .orests3 4ontrolle- 82rns 4an also -rast,4ally re-24e the a*o2nt o.
+aste +oo- le.t 8eh,n- a.ter a 0ost9.,re lo//,n/ o0erat,on Nor*ally3 there +o2l- not 8e eno2/h
*ater,al le.t to start a .,re3 e:4e0t ,n 4on-,t,ons o. 6ery h,/h solar ra-,at,on an- 6ery lo+ h2*,-,ty
Ho+e6er3 ,. a .,re ,s -el,8erately starte-3 ,t 4an 4lear *ost o. the 2n*er4hanta8le +oo-3 +h,4h +,ll
allo+ nat,6e see-l,n/s 5+h,4h +ere 0re6,o2sly 4o6ere- 8y the +oo-7 to /ro+ an- 4ontr,82te to the
e4osyste* 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-87 Th,s ,s es0e4,ally hel0.2l s,n4e 0ost9.,re lo//,n/ 2s2ally ta;es 0la4e
a.ter lo+9,ntens,ty +,l-.,res3 +h,4h -o not ,*0ro6e the e4osyste* *24h A.ter the lo//,n/ ,t +o2l-
nor*ally ta;e a 6ery lon/ t,*e .or a nat2ral .,re to arr,6e an- /,6e the e4osyste* the ser6,4es ,t nee-s3
+h,4h 4o2l- res2lt ,n se6ere -e/ra-at,on o. the lan-3 82t 0res4r,8e- .,res allo+ ,t to ha00en 8e.ore the
e4osyste* ,s ser,o2sly -e/ra-e- The 4reat,on o. se6eral +,l-.,re Dhot s0otsD 8y /lo8al +ar*,n/Ds
re-24t,on ,n the *o,st2re le6el o. .2els 4an also 8e -ealt +,th thro2/h 4ontrolle- .,res I. the hot s0ots
are le.t alone then they +,ll l,;ely en- 20 .2el,n/ a 6ery ,ntense +,l-.,re3 s,*,lar to those res2lt,n/ .ro*
the 2nnat2ral .2el 82,l-920 Controlle- 82rns 4an 8e set 20 ,n an atte*0t to -e4rease the areaDs .2el
so2r4e3 82t e6en ,. the e:tra -ry .2el /reatly ,ntens,.,es the .,re3 ,t +,ll st,ll 8e *ore 0re-,4ta8le3 an- so
eas,er to e:t,n/2,sh3 than a nat2ral +,l-.,re
Awareness Campaigns
The a+areness ,n th,s 4ase re.ers to t+o s0e4,.,4 ,-eas" e-24at,n/ the 028l,4 a8o2t the 4r24,al
role +,l-.,res 0lay ,n *any e4osyste*s3 an- /,6,n/ the* t,0s on ho+ to a6o,- start,n/ .,res
a44,-entally Those ;no+le-/ea8le a8o2t .orests ;no+ that *ost +,l-.,res are 8ene.,4,al to the
en6,ron*ent3 82t a lar/e 0art o. the 028l,4 re*a,ns 2ns2re a8o2t +hether to .ollo+ the tra-,t,onal 6,e+
o. D.,re ,s har*.2lD or the ne+ 6,e+ o. D.,re 4an 8e 8ene.,4,alD These 4on.l,4t,n/ 6,e+s ha6e 02t 028l,4
lan- *ana/ers ,n a to2/h 0os,t,on I. the *a>or,ty o. the 028l,4 ,s -e*an-,n/ +,l-.,re s200ress,on ,n an
area .,lle- +,th .,re9-e0en-ent e4osyste*s3 the *ana/er *2st .,n- so*e +ay to 4on6,n4e the 028l,4 that
they are *,s,n.or*e- One +ay lan-9*ana/e*ent a/en4,es are -eal,n/ +,th the 0ro8le* ,s 8y
e*0loy,n/ H+,l-lan- .,re 4o**2n,4ators +hose s0e4,.,4 -2t,es are to 4o**2n,4ate *ana/e*ent
0ra4t,4es to the 028l,4 ,n ho0es o. /arner,n/ 028l,4 a44e0tan4e an- s200ortI 5Carroll A Br,/ht3 #$&$
0 #7 The sole >o8 o. these 0eo0le ,s to 4on6,n4e the 028l,4 that +,l-.,res 4an 8e 8ene.,4,al Th,s
*etho- +,ll l,;ely 8e s244ess.2l at D4on6ert,n/D a .e+3 82t there ,s a l,*,t to ho+ *any 0eo0le the
4o**2n,4ators 4an s0ea; to A *ore e..,4,ent +ay to s+ay the o0,n,on o. the 028l,4 ,s thro2/h the
+ell9;no+n .,re 0re6ent,on *as4ot" S*o;ey 5the7 Bear S*o;eyDs 42rrent slo/an ,s Donly yo2 4an
0re6ent +,l-.,resD +h,4h +,ll 4erta,nly lea- *any to th,n; that all +,l-.,res sho2l- 8e 0re6ente-
Ho+e6er3 on S*o;eyDs +e8s,te3 there ,s a lot o. ,n.or*at,on re/ar-,n/ +,l-.,res3 ,n4l2-,n/ se6eral
0a/es an- /ra0h,4s ,ll2strat,n/ the 8ene.,ts o. +,l-.,res 5A- Co2n4,l3 n-47 The +e8s,te *a;es ,t 4lear
that S*o;ey ,s not ant,9.,re3 tho2/h the slo/an ,n-,4ates other+,se The 8est +ay to *a;e 4lear
S*o;eyDs 0os,t,on ,s to 4han/e h,s slo/an to so*eth,n/ *ore a442rate3 s24h as Donly yo2 4an 0re6ent
h2*an94a2se- +,l-.,resD A.ter th,s 4han/e ,s *a-e3 all that ,s le.t ,s to 0ro6,-e the 028l,4 +,th t,0s to
re-24e the,r 4han4es o. start,n/ a .,re So*e t,0s .ro* S*o;eyDs +e8s,te 5A- Co2n4,l3 n--7 ,n4l2-e"
8e,n/ 4a2t,o2s 8e.ore l,/ht,n/ any .,re3 ne6er lea6,n/ a .,re 2natten-e-3 8e,n/ 4are.2l +hen o0erat,n/
e<2,0*ent -2r,n/ hot an- -ry +eather3 an- s0ea;,n/ 20 +hen there ,s so*eone ,n -an/er o. start,n/ a
+,l-.,re A .e+ t,0s .ro* the Un,te- StatesD /o6ern*ent 5US Nat,onal Par; Ser6,4e3 n-87 ,n4l2-e"
*a;e s2re 4a*0.,res are .2lly e:t,n/2,she- 8e.ore lea6,n/ the area3 2se 0orta8le sto6es a+ay .ro*
/rass an- other .,ne .2els3 an- re0ort any +,l-.,res seen The -2al e-24at,on 5+,l-.,re 8ene.,ts3 an- .,re
0re6ent,on t,0s7 sho2l- -rast,4ally re-24e the a*o2nt o. a44,-ental +,l-.,res3 *a;,n/ ,t 0oss,8le .or the
*ore 8ene.,4,al nat2ral +,l-.,res to 8la1e
W,l-.,res 0lay a ;ey role ,n *any e4osyste*s Cent2r,es o. 8e,n/ 2n-er the ,*0ress,on that .,res
are a 02rely -estr24t,6e 0heno*enon has le- to str,4t .,re s200ress,on 0ol,4,es As the -e4a-es
0ro/resse-3 the la4; o. .,re le- to the 82,l-920 o. *ass,6e a*o2nts o. .2el Blo8al +ar*,n/ .2rther
4ontr,82te- to the h2/e .2el loa-s 8y ,n4reas,n/ the .2elDs 4o*82st,8,l,ty3 8y -e4reas,n/ ,ts *o,st2re
4ontent These a8nor*ally lar/e .2el loa-s *a-e ,t so that +hene6er a +,l-.,re -,- o442r3 ,t +as really
,ntense an- -estr24t,6e Th,s le- to sal6a/e lo//,n/ o0erat,ons 8e,n/ set 20 ,n 0ost9+,l-.,re areas to
re-24e the 4han4e o. a re82rn3 8y /ett,n/ r,- o. lar/e a*o2nts o. 0otent,al .2el Th,s strate/y +as
slo00,ly 4arr,e- thro2/h an- so +as not 6ery e..e4t,6e Altho2/h3 the strate/y o. -,6ers,.y,n/ the 0lant
s0e4,es ,n an area to *a;e the .,res slo+er an- *ore 0re-,4ta8le +as a s244ess Lar/e3 nat2ral +,l-.,res
ha6e 8een -e4reas,n/ ,n .re<2en4y3 82t h2*an9,n-24e- a44,-ental .,res ha6e 8een o442rr,n/ a lot *ore
Th,s *eans that e4osyste*s ha6e not 8een re4e,6,n/ the .,re9,n-24e- ser6,4es they nee-3 s,n4e the
a44,-ental .,res are o.ten not ,ntense eno2/h A--,t,onally the h2*an94a2se- .,res ta;e a+ay .2el +h,4h
4o2l- 8e 2se- .or the *ore 8ene.,4,al nat2ral .,res Resear4hers e6ent2ally .o2n- o2t the 8ene.,ts o.
nat2ral +,l-.,res .or e4osyste*s Th,s le- *any .,re e:0erts to start 0res4r,8e- 82rns +h,4h +o2l-
,-eally *,rror the a..e4ts a nat2ral +,l-.,re +o2l- ha6e on the area The 4reat,on o. these *ore
0re-,4ta8le .,res *a;e ,t 0oss,8le to sa.ely /et r,- o. so*e o. the *ass,6e .2el loa-s 4reate- 8y .,re
s200ress,on an- /lo8al +ar*,n/ They 4an also 4lean 20 the *ess le.t 8eh,n- 8y the sal6a/e lo//ers
A+areness 4a*0a,/ns3 e-24at,n/ the 028l,4 a8o2t 8oth nat2ral +,l-.,re 8ene.,ts an- +ays to -e4rease
the o442rren4e o. h2*an94a2se- .,res3 4an *a;e eas,er the >o8 o. 028l,4 lan- *ana/er3 as +ell as
re-24e the .re<2en4y o. a44,-ental .,res The 8est +ay to 4arry o2t th,s 4a*0a,/n ,s to 2se the *ost
.a*o2s +,l-.,re9relate- .,/2re" S*o;ey 5the7 Bear
A- Co2n4,l 5n-a7 Elements of Fire Retr,e6e- No6e*8er %3 #$&) .ro*
A- Co2n4,l 5n-87 A fire-dependent ecosystem without periodic fire Retr,e6e- No6e*8er ) .ro*
A- Co2n4,l 5n-47 Nature's Housekeeper Retr,e6e- No6e*8er )3 #$&) .ro*
A- Co2n4,l 5n--7 Take the Pledge Retr,e6e- No6e*8er E3 #$&) .ro*
A/ee3 J L3 Bahro3 B3 F,nney3 M A3 O*,3 P N3 Sa0s,s3 D B3 S;,nner3 C N3 Wa/ten-on;3 J W3
Weathers0oon3 C P 5#$$$7 The 2se o. sha-e- .2el8rea;s ,n lan-s4a0e .,re *ana/e*ent Forest
Ecology and Management3 !"5&9)73 %%9(( -o," &$&$&(KS$)EF9&&#E5''7$$&&(9@
Ar;le3 R S3 P,ll,o-3 D S3 A Welty3 J L 5#$&#7 Pattern an- 0ro4ess o. 0res4r,8e- .,res ,n.l2en4e
e..e4t,6eness at re-24,n/ +,l-.,re se6er,ty ,n -ry 4on,.ero2s .orests Forest Ecology and
Management3 !"#3 &E@9&F@ -o," &$&$&(K>.ore4o#$&#$@$$#
Carroll3 J3 A Br,/ht3 A 5#$&$7 Inte/rat,6e Co*0le:,ty o. P28l,4 Bel,e.s To+ar- W,l-.,re
Mana/e*ent" De6elo0*ent o. a S4ale $ournal of Applied %ocial Psychology3 &'5#73 )@@9)%'
-o," &$&&&&K>&%%'9&F&(#$$'$$%EE
Dear-en3 P3 A M,t4hell3 B 5#$&#7 En(ironmental )hange * )hallenge 5@th e-7 Don M,lls3 Ontar,o"
O:.or- Un,6ers,ty Press
Donato3 D C3 Fonta,ne3 J B3 Ca*08ell3 J L3 Ro8,nson3 W D3 La2..*an3 J B3 A La+3 B E 5#$$(7
Post9W,l-.,re Lo//,n/ H,n-ers Re/enerat,on an- In4reases F,re R,s; %cience+ New %eries3
,5%E%'73 )%#9)%# -o," &$#)$EK)F@))@'
Dosa>3 S3 Dosa>3 U3 A Dosa>3 N 5#$&)7 Blo8al War*,n/ A O1one Layer De0let,on M The M,ss,n/
L,n;s -nternational $ournal of Pharmaceutical Archi(e3 !5@73 @E9%$
Fa42lty o. Nat2ral Reso2r4es Mana/e*ent3 La;ehea- Un,6ers,ty 5#$&&7 Forest Fires - An .(er(iew
Retr,e6e- O4to8er #$3 #$&) .ro* htt0"KK+++8oreal.orestor/K+orl-K,nno6aK.orestN.,reht*
Inter/o6ern*ental Panel on Cl,*ate Chan/e 5#$$E7 -P)) Fourth Assessment /eport0 )limate
)hange !''"0 ,1! Pro2ections of future changes in climate Retr,e6e- No6e*8er @ .ro*
Ja..e3 D A3 A W,/-er3 N L 5#$&#7 O1one 0ro-24t,on .ro* +,l-.,res" A 4r,t,4al re6,e+ Atmospheric
En(ironment3 3+ &9&$ -o," &$&$&(K>at*osen6#$&&&&$()
More,ra3 F3 O,e-*a3 O3 Ar,ano2tso23 M3 C2rt3 T3 Lo2ts,as3 N3 R,/olot3 E3 Bar8at,3 A3 B,l/,l,3 E
5#$&&7 Lan-s4a0e M +,l-.,re ,ntera4t,ons ,n so2thern E2ro0e" I*0l,4at,ons .or lan-s4a0e
*ana/e*ent $ournal of En(ironmental Management3 4!5&$73 #)F'9#@$# -o,"
Nat2resF2ry 5#$&$7 5ildfires Retr,e6e- No6e*8er )3 #$&) .ro*
Ontar,o M,n,stry o. Nat2ral Reso2r4es 5#$&$7 How 5e Fight Fire - The %cience of Fire 6fire
7eha(iour and fire ecology8 Retr,e6e- O4to8er #$3 #$&) .ro*
Re4o6er,n/ .ro* +,l-.,re 5#$$(7 New %cientist3 945#%)@73 %9% -o," &$&&#(Ks4,en4e&&##F%%
Renn,/er3 H3 Clar;3 L3 S;o+rons;,3 N3 A S4hJ.er3 L 5#$&)7 E..e4ts o. a 0res4r,8e- .,re on +ater 2se
an- 0hotosynthet,4 4a0a4,ty o. 0,t4h 0,nes Trees3 !"5@73 &&&%9&&#E -o," &$&$$EKs$$@(F9$&)9
R2,19M,ra1o3 J3 Ro8le13 A B3 A Bon1Cle19Re8ollar3 J L 5#$&&7 T+o9year e6al2at,on o. .2el8rea;s
/ra1e- 8y l,6esto4; ,n the +,l-.,re 0re6ent,on 0ro/ra* ,n An-al2s,a 5S0a,n7 Agriculture+
Ecosystems and En(ironment3 &5&9#73 &)9## -o," &$&$&(K>a/ee#$&&$#$$#
R2nn,n/3 S W 5#$$(7 Is Blo8al War*,n/ Ca2s,n/ More3 Lar/er W,l-.,resP %cience+ New %eries3
,,5%EF'73 '#E9'#F -o," &$#)$EK)F@('((
US Forest Ser6,4e 5n-7 Prescri7ed Fire Retr,e6e- No6e*8er #3 #$&) .ro*
US Nat,onal Par; Ser6,4e 5n-a7 5ildfire )auses Retr,e6e- No6e*8er (3 #$&) .ro*
US Nat,onal Par; Ser6,4e 5n-87 :isitor %afety Retr,e6e- No6e*8er E3 #$&) .ro*
Westerl,n/3 A L3 H,-al/o3 H B3 Cayan3 D R3 A S+etna*3 T W 5#$$(7 War*,n/ an- Earl,er S0r,n/
In4rease Western US Forest W,l-.,re A4t,6,ty %cience+ New %eries3 ,,5%EF'73 '@$9'@) -o,"

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