Parallel Operation of AC Generators

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Parallel Operation of AC Generators.

General: The KVA load comprises kW load (active load) & kVAr Load
(Reactance Load) & are related by the power factor.

The case of two AC Generators running in parallel with each other may be must
conveniently studied in two sections viz, kW load sharing and kVAR load sharing.

KW Load Sharing.

The control of the active load i.e.kW is achieved through the torque applied to the
shaft by appropriate adjustment of the governor setting, whereas the kVAr load
sharing is controlled by excitation of AC Generator only. The prime movers
therefore must be suitably governed to ensure correct sharing of the kW load.
This is inherent in most engine governors which allow the speed to droop by
approximately 4 % as load increases from no-load to full load. The accuracy of
the kW load sharing is largely dependant upon the closeness to which the speed
droop characteristics of prime movers are matched and upon the stability with
which the governor can hold the speed constant any load. The speed setting
should be adjusted to obtain the best possible sharing at full load, as unequal
sharing at lower part loads has no harmful effect. The AC Generator cannot
compensate for KW load sharing.

kVAr Load Sharing.

The AC Generator should employ suitable means for ensuring satisfactory
sharing of reactive (kVAR) load. One of the methods is to produce drooping
characteristics of voltage with respect to increasing reactive load. The voltage
setting should be adjusted to obtain the best possible kvar sharing.

Regulation v/s Load Sharing.

The Actual amount of droop required depends on the conflicting requirement of
accurate load sharing and accurate regulation. The greater the droop the more
accurate the load sharing but less accurate the regulation.

Reading kW & kVAr Load Sharing.

Since the sharing of the KW & Kvar are two entirely independent operations a
considerable simplification in procedure can be secured by fitting a kVAr meter in
preference to the power factor meter on the switch board.
If kVAr meters are not fitted it is necessary always to adjust the governors to give
correct kW sharing before checking the correctness of kVAr sharing as indicated
by equal power factors.

Earthing of Neutrals.

When the AC Generator operating in parallel have slightly different line to neutral
voltage waveforms, these harmonic voltages which do not balance out will cause
circulation of harmonic currents, if their neutrals are interconnected. The triple
frequency current flows through the neutral causing additional heating of the AC
Generator. This can be avoided by connecting the star point of only one AC
Generator to the neutral bus which is earthed. It is usual to select the largest
rating running machine for this duty. However care must be taken to ensure that
his machine is not overloaded as this AC Generator will take all the unbalance in
the load.

Points to be checked before Attempting Parallel operation.

1. AC Generators under consideration must be suitable for parallel operation.
2. If reactance load sharing is by the method of quadrature current
compensation, then all the AC Generators under consideration must have
some means of obtaining drooping characteristics of voltage with respect
to reactive load.
3. The prime movers should be suitable for parallel operation and the
governors should be able to provide speed droop characteristics.
4. The system should be cleared by concerned AC Generator
manufacturer/s for check on electro-mechanical oscillations.
5. The control panel must be designed for parallel operation with due
a. Synchronizing facility.
b. Capacity of the bus bar.
c. Metering and protection.
d. Earthing only one of the neutrals of the AC generators (i.e. Neutral
of the larger size of the Ac Generator is normally earthed)

Conditions for Synchronizing.

1. The phase Sequence of the incoming AC Generator has to be same as
that of the AC generator / system with which it is to be paralleled.
2. The voltage of the incoming AC Generator should be equal to that of the
AC generator / System, with which it is to be paralleled.
3. The frequency of the incoming AC Generator should be equal to that of
the AC generator / System, with which it is to be paralleled.
4. Synchronizing should be done at an instant when the voltage of the
incoming AC Generator is in phase with those of the AC Generator /
system with which it is to be paralleled.

Adjustments after Synchronizing.

The prime mover governor of the incoming set is adjusted as to increase its
speed, until the kW load is being shared correctly. It may be necessary partly
to reduce the speed setting on the other sets to maintain correct system
frequency as well as correct kW sharing.

Increasing the voltage setting of the incoming AC Generator, to obtain correct
kVAr sharing as indicated by equal power factors. The bus bar Voltage can
be adjusted if necessary, without upsetting the kVAR sharing by equal
readjustment of all the voltage setting.

Parallel operation of Generating Sets with GRID

Parallel running of generating sets with Grid has several advantages and
disadvantages. It involves extensive metering protection and special
accessories which are not required for solo operation. Generally if the set
capacity is below 500 kW, it is not worth considering grid paralleling. Mains
paralleling should be restored to be the reasons are very compelling and after
the implications are fully understood.


The cost of generation reduces if the sets are run at near full load region. Full
utilization of the generating set capability can be achieved, thereby reducing
the consumption from the main supply. Following points may otherwise form
restrictions in optimum use of generating sets.

1.1 Load pattern not steady but fluctuating over a wide range.
1.2 Limitation of the generating set in meeting overloads.
1.3 Limitation of the generating set in handling transient loads.
1.4 Limitation of distribution system, in that the individual sections cannot be
matched with the capacity of the DG Sets.
1.5 Critical loads can be fed without interruptions.


1.0 Cost of protection, metering & special equipment may be prohibitive,
making the proposal uneconomical.
2.0 If paralleling with grid is by simple droop setting on prime mover &
generator, fluctuations of grid voltage & frequency may defeat the very
aim of optimum utilization of generating set capacity & further may cause
number of nuisance tripping.
3.0 In the absence of proper precautions by way of protection, the following
dangerous situations may arise.
4.0 In case prime mover fails to supply power, the AC generator connected to
grid may work as synchronous motor and damage the prime mover.
5.0 Power may be fed back to the grid and cause accidents & losses in grid
circuit opened for maintenance / other purposes.
6.0 Failure of grid supply may result in shock loading which may result in
crank shaft failure.
7.0 Re closure of breakers at electric supply authoritys end, particularly auto
re closing after self clearing faults, and may lead to out of phase
synchronizing. This Gives rise to heavy circulating currents, which may
damage the generator.


Depending on the scheme envisages the following provisions are required to be

1. Facility for droop setting on prime mover.
2. Facility for droop setting on generator.
3. Motorized governor for speed adjustment.
4. Pot for voltage adjustment.
5. Under frequency & over frequency relay.
6. Under voltage & over voltage Relay.
7. Over current & earth fault relay.
8. Electrically operated circuit breakers.
9. Check synchronizing relay.
10. Automatic load sharing ( both active & reactive and smooth load
transferring unit)
11. Power comparator monitory controller.
12. Null Power monitor.
13. Communication network to and from electricity supply authority.
14. Reverse power & reverse kVAr relays.
15. Under & over excitation limiters.


While it is logical to evaluate any scheme from economical and technical angles.
It is very important to consider restriction and requirement of electricity supply
authority, before finalising the scheme. Some of the electricity authorities do not
permit parallel operation of captive units with the grid.

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