Mobile Catering Business Plan Template

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Page 1
Mobile Catering Business Plan Template
Page 2
@2008- Capital Mobile Catering
Table of Contents
Executie !ummary "
Market !egmentation $
Business #b$ections %
Missions %
&eys to !uccess %
Company !ummary %
Company 'wnership %
(usiness #escription )
Market *nalysis +
Market !egmentation +
Target Market ,-
Target Market !egment !trategy ,-
Competition *nalysis ,,
Competition and (uying .atterns ,,
!trategy and Implementation ,/
Competitive 0dge ,1
Marketing !trategy ,1
'peration .lanning ,1
Management !ummary ,1
.ersonnel .lan ,$
Mar&eting Plan '"
.romotional !trategies ,$
.ricing !trategies ,2
3eneral Marketing !trategies ,2
!4'T *nalysis ,%
(inancial Plan '8
!ales and Cost .ro5ection ,)
06penditure ,)
7inancial .ro5ections /-
Target !ales /1
)mplementation 2*
+ppendices 2%
*ppendi6 I /)
*ppendi6 II 1+
*ppendi6 III $-
Page 3
Executie !ummary
Capital Mobile Catering is a catering company that serves the Capital City market.
'ver the past few years there has been enormous growth in the leisure market as
functions such as weddings8 sporting, fundraising and celebratory events have become
more lavish with the use of outside caterers becoming very common.
In addition, changes in the workplace environment, such as the closure of canteen
facilities, have led to a growth in opportunity for contract caterers to supply food and
Market research has shown that there are ma5or opportunities for the smaller contracts
and the one9off functions such as weddings, parties and celebratory functions.
Capital Mobile Catering will offer catering services to all sectors but will speciali:e in
weddings, sporting, fundraising and celebratory events. In a stagnant catering market the
company plans to occupy a niche in the catering market by offering a unique, new and
creative menu with colorful, creative, and unusual food options combined with an
outstanding service.
The Capital City catering market is an interesting one as there are several caterers that
offer services that are quite similar to each other in terms of price and menu options. 'ver
the last few years, caterers have done little to update their menu and there is obviously a
huge demand for a catering service that provides a creative and innovative approach.
Mar&et !egmentation
Capital Mobile Catering aims to in5ect new life into the catering market, leveraging Chef
;ane !mith<s culinary skills to develop new and creative catering options. ;ane<s advanced
skills, industry insight, and a great market opportunity will allow Capital Mobile Catering
to reach profitability in the first year and generate =+$,--- in revenues by year three.
Page 4
Year1 Year 2 Year 3 Average /
Projected Sales
131,000 182,000 222,000 178,333
Project returns
Year1 Year 2 Year 3 Average
Yearly pre-tax proft ($)
6,248 44,248 92,848 47,781
% Yearly pre-tax proft Margin
4.77% 24.31% 41.82% 23.45%
% Total pre-tax return on
investment ( initial capital
19.53% 138.28%
290.15% 149.32%
Page 5
The pro5ections show a lower profit in the
first year as Capital Mobile Catering
establishes itself in the market place and
get more credibility. The second and third
years show a significant increase in the
profit, profit margin and return on
investment as sales pick up and the
company becomes well known because of
its unique and high quality services.
Page 6
Business #b$ecties
Capital Mobile Catering ob5ectives for the first three years of operation>
To create a service9based company whose primary goal is to offer a unique and
creative service and to e6ceed customer e6pectations
To attract and maintain an e6panding customer base increasing the number of
clients served by /-? per year through superior service.
To develop enough cash flow to pay all salaries as well as e6pand the business.
Capital Mobile Catering<s mission is to provide the customer with an outstanding and
high quality catering service that will e6ceed our customers@ e6pectations.
,eys to !uccess
The key to success is to meet and e6ceed the customer<s needs in terms of quality of food
and e6cellence of service.
Company !ummary
Capital Mobile Catering which is located in Capital City, !tatesville will offer high9end
catering to the Capital City community speciali:ing in serving high9end food and catering
for functions of /A to 1-- people. The company will offer a large menu repertoire
covering a wide range of food from traditional favorites to creative inventions.
Capital Mobile Catering is forecasted to generate =BB in revenues for year three.
Company #-ners.ip
Capital Mobile Catering is a sole proprietorship owned by ;ane !mith.
Page 7
Business /escription
Capital Mobile Catering plans to provide food catering services to a wide range of
functions including weddings8 sporting, fundraising and celebratory events. The company
will provide as most diversified and e6otic menu and caters for all tastes, requirements
and needs. Capital Mobile Catering plans to open weekdays from )>1-am to Apm and
guarantees deadlines and will accept cancellations as long as they are with the stipulated
06ample menu, prices and services to be provided by Capital Mobile Catering
Capital Mobile Catering offers hot, cold, canned and bottled beverages of
different varieties.
* wide assortment of (akery items for sale including .remium (akery items sold
in the do:en.
* nice selection of (reakfast (uffets including Te6as Country (uffet, 3ourmet
Continental (reakfast and more.
Capital Mobile Catering also offers healthy choices with a large selection of
salads, including .rotein salads, green salads and grilled chicken salads with
additional dressings available.
* variety of Themed buffets are available including Ca5un, Te69Me6, *merican
and Continental, !eafood, (eef and Chicken themes.
* vast collection of Cors #@oeuvres served both hot and cold.
7ull details are included in *ppendi6 ,.
Page 8
Mar&et +nalysis
The catering market is a =A1 billion dollar industry and has witnessed over the past few
years enormous growth as functions such as weddings8 sporting, fundraising and
celebratory events have become more lavish and have relied heavily on outside caterers.
In addition, changes within the workplace, such as the closure of canteen facilities, have
opened up new markets for contract caterers to supply food and refreshments.
Ma5or contracts are often awarded to large companies with a proven track record for
contracts such as school dinners, hospital catering, air, rail and ferry travel, and it may,
therefore, be difficult for anyone setting up a business to make inroads into this market.
Cowever, there are plenty of opportunities for smaller contracts and the one9off functions
such as weddings, parties and celebratory functions.
The competitiveness of the market is one of the key business issues currently affecting
contract caterers. *lthough the sector has undergone a period of growth, with an increase
in the number of contract caterers, the amount of money spent by clients has increased
gradually meaning that more businesses are competing for the same pot of money,
suggesting that in some areas the market is reaching saturation point.
'n the other hand, the contract catering industry is affected by lack of creativity and a
skills shortage, particularly for trained chefs and waiting staff. There are various
3overnment and industry initiatives trying to tackle this skills shortfall, but the main
problem seems to be one of perception as, across the U!, 5obs in catering tend to be seen
as low skilled with little status attached.
The Capital City catering market is an interesting one as there are several caterers that
offer services that are quite similar to each other in terms of price and menu options. 'ver
the last few years, caterers have done little to update their menu and there is obviously a
huge demand for a catering service that provides a creative and innovative approach.
Capital Mobile Catering will occupy a niche in the catering market by offering a new and
e6otic menu with colorful, creative, and unusual food options combined with an
outstanding service.
Mar&et !egmentation
Contract catering is an increasingly strong market with the sector covering the provision
of a wide range of services, from larger businesses contracting out canteen arrangements
to providing outside catering services for weddings, parties, etc.
Page 9
!ince /---, sales in this sector have grown by nearly /A? and continue to rise. Dow
start9up costs coupled with increasing opportunities has led to an influ6 of businesses
offering services in this area.
The workplace supplies one of the biggest opportunities for contract caterers and with
more than /A million people going to work every day, the market for food and drink
served outside of the home is growing.
The largest sub9division of this sector is canteen provision in the workplace with this
sector supplying in e6cess of 1 billion meals a year and is estimated to be worth around
=,1.A billion a year. (ut, for every work9based canteen or outlet there is fierce
competition from catering establishments based in retail outlets.
'n the other hand, there are more opportunities for independent suppliers to access the
market. The increase in leisure and social activity across the U! has led to a growing
market for contract caterers, who are increasingly involved in a wide range of social
events which include>
4eddings and all of the food and catering associated with such events and ranging
from organi:ing canapEs, full sit down meals, finger buffets and fork buffets.
Corporate hospitality F a range of events including lunches, buffets and
sandwiches for meetings. 7or companies dealing with overseas clients it may be
possible to offer food familiar to the client, for e6ample some contract caterers
develop ;apanese, &orean and 3erman menus.
Dong9term contracts F such as running staff canteens or regular weekly events,
such as suppers for social clubs or lunch clubs.
!ocial events such as barbecues, firework displays, one9off and celebration
Target mar&et
Capital Mobile Catering has two distinct target populations>
Middle class clients. This group of people does not have huge amounts of
disposable income, recogni:es that it is costly to sponsor a party, and is willing to
incur the e6penses, but will try to minimi:e them.
Upper class clients. This group is willing to spend whatever it takes to throw a
good dinner function. Typically, a wealthy one9income family characteri:es this
group where the wife does not work and typically thoroughly en5oys the planning
of these events.
Target Mar&et !egment !trategy
The target market segment strategy can be similar for the two groups with the main
difference being different menu offerings with the upper9end menu items being too
e6pensive for the middle class target segment.
Competition +nalysis
Competitors are likely to include>
"ational catering organi:ations.
Cotels and other venues with in9house catering services that provide catering for
events such as weddings and corporate hospitality.
'ther small independent contract caterers operating in the same area.
The catering business in Capital City is fairly unique. *t the low to the middle end of the
market, there are four other caterers, all having fairly standard menu offerings.
The fifth caterer concentrates on the higher end of the market but also serves the lower
end as well. *lthough there is a large wealthy population in Capital City they mainly
underserved especially at the upper end of the market.
Competition and Buying Patterns
The customers will be largely dependent on the type of events we plan to cater for, so
speciali:ation is important and will enable marketing efforts to be focused on potential
clients and competition analysis shows that the e6isting caterers are not adequately
covering markets such as weddings, corporate hospitality sporting events, fundraising,
social club events and parties.
Customers are likely to come from all sectors of the community and include individuals
celebrating a particular event, businesses and business support organi:ations, social clubs
and groups. They may be seeking catering for either a one9off event or on a more regular
contracted basis.
Capital Mobile Catering will offer services that are different from those already available,
and will use the information it has on competitors have a competitive edge when
marketing the services.
The buying habits of consumers of catering are to some degree price sensitive at the
middle end of the market. (etween two different service providers, the middle class
group will choose the service provider with the best services. Cowever, cost is certainly
an issue and some of the caterers are not even an option for the middle end of the market
because they are priced out of this consumer group price range. The buying habits for the
high end of the market are less price sensitive but more attentive to quality.
Clients make choices according to the menu offerings, caterer reputation, and quality of
!trategy and )mplementation
The most important marketing tactic for any business is to carry out e6tensive market
research before making any business decisions. Capital Mobile Catering is>
'ffering the services of a contract caterer in an area where there are enough
people living or working who would want to use the service.
*n area where there is little competition for the type of services that the company
is offering, where only one other caterer is covering this market as well as other
The business is able to provide e6actly what the customer need
The company has done a thorough research of the marketplace and is already
knowledgeable of the local market and is developing a vital network of contacts, a
potential client database and aims to be very e6tremely competitive and to maintain an
e6cellent reputation and a high standard of service.
Mail shots, outlining the services offered, will used to raise the business profile and
follow9up telephone calls will reinforce it and contribute to a building a list of potential
Capital Mobile Catering aims to maintain memberships of trade organi:ations and
adherence to the relevant code of practice, which can be highlighted when tendering for
work, reassuring potential clients about the standard of work they can e6pect.
*dvertising is a useful tool to ensure that potential clients are aware of the services
offered and the following type of advertising will be used by the company to market the
The trade press and publications aimed at target client groups.
!pecialist press which may be read by potential clients Gespecially those looking
to place a contractH.
Docal media, for e6ample the business pages of the regional newspaper or
specialist supplements, such as Iwedding planning@ or lifestyle features, which
will raise the profile with the potential client group.
Capital Mobile Catering will gradually gain market share in the catering market by
leveraging its competitive edge through superior attention to detail and innovative meals.
Capital Mobile Catering will leverage areas that have been ignored in this market for
some time now and this competitive edge coupled with a targeted advertising campaign
and networking will enable Capital Mobile Catering<s gain significant market share in
within a short period of time.
Competitie Edge
Capital Mobile Catering<s competitive edge stems from its attention to serving customers
and inventive approach to cuisine.
!trong demand has led to a decrease in the standard of quality and service in the industry,
and Capital Mobile Catering will capitali:e on this issue to increase market share.
Mar&eting !trategy
Capital Mobile Catering<s marketing strategy will be based on increasing awareness in
Capital City of the services offered through running local ads and targeted newsletter
advertising campaigns which would yield a decent amount of service inquiries since they
are fairly targeted toward the target population that utili:es catering.
The company will also use networking and spread the word among Capital City
population. ;ane has been an active member of the Capital City community for five years
and will leverage her contacts within the community to raise awareness for her catering
activities. 4hile the networking might not yield as many customers as advertisements
will, it costs far less and the relationships that it builds will be far stronger.
Capital Mobile Catering<s sales strategy will use a combination of high quality service
customer and a diversified menu to turn information seekers into customers. *ll enquiries
will be dealt with effectively and thoroughly.
#peration planning
The first month will be used to set up the kitchen and office and prepeare the menu and
marketing material. The company will ensure suppliers be able to deliver equipment and
supplies easily and there are no anticipated operational difficulties as ;ane is conversant
with various aspects of the industry.
Management !ummary
;ane !mith, the founder and owner received her (achelor of *rts from the University of
!tatesville. *fter college, ;ane went to work in the restaurant industry because it was a
good source of income.
;ane now has over ) years e6perience in the catering industry and in addition to all of the
traditional dishes, ;ane will offer many innovative items that she has developed over her
years spent in the culinary industry. !he has e6cellent contacts in the industry and is in an
e6cellent position to leverage sales through her innovative and creative approach.
;ane has recogni:ed the gap in the market for top end unusual and creative catering
services, and she is well equipped to deal with to provide services that meet that demand.
Personnel Plan
(esides utili:ing ;ane<s skills full time, Capital Mobile Catering will recruit the following
!ervers> Two servers will be hired initially to serve food at the events, take away
plates and help with setting up as well as clearing up at events. In large party, the
back end kitchen helpers will be trained to help out with serving.
Cooks> Two will be hired initially to prepare the dishes that ;ane has developed.
(ack kitchen help> these two helpers will be used to help cleaning up in the
kitchen as well as assisting at functions.
Mar&eting Plan
'ur marketing plan is as follows>
P0#M#T)#1+2 !T0+TE3)E!
.rint *dvertising
#evelop a corporate brochure by GdateH
*dvertise in local publications by GdateH
*dvertise monthly in maga:ines that are specifically targeted to
potential catering customers by GdateH
*dvertise monthly in maga:ines that are aimed at the general industry
by GdateH
Dead 3eneration .rogram
Conduct monthly on9going lead generation program. !end out monthly direct
mail leaflets with response coupons. Jualify leads and make appointments by
using telemarketing staff.
KCentres 'f InfluenceK .rogram
.ersonally contact at least ten potential partners each week.
.roduce a monthly newsletter that shows e6amples of products and how
customers have benefited from using them
.romotional .rograms
* .L release to be initiated each month to various trade 5ournals and
!ales 7orce
0mploy telemarketing staff by GdateH
0mploy sales staff by GdateH
Implement a new structural program for the sales force, allocating sales
reps to accounts and segments rather than area
'rganise sales training program to be implemented by GdateH
Legular Customers
'n a monthly basis, contact all past regular customers that have not re9ordered
to ask if they@re needing the service and check that they were entirely happy
with the service.
7ollow up 0nquiries
Contact all enquirers monthly and determine if they have purchased from a
competitor and, if so, try to find out why.
06isting Customers
7ollow up all new customers two weeks after they purchase to ensure
they are satisfied with the product.
!end quarterly newsletter to e6isting customers to keep them informed
of our other products.
!ales .romotion
#evelop an ongoing sales promotion to target e6isting customers
P0)C)13 !T0+TE3)E!
.rice Devel
Maintain price level in all segments at A9 ,-? higher than competitors to
reinforce the quality image.
'ffer A 9 ,A? discount for payment with order.
3E1E0+2 M+0,ET)13 !T0+TE3)E!
&eep updated competitor profiles.
Marketing information system
#ocument the source of every enquiry Gthrough KCow did you hear
about usMK questionH
#ocument on every order Gthrough NCow did you hear about usMKH
.roduce monthly sales reports by product, by market segment, by
territory and by sales representative.
!trategic /irection
!4#T +nalysis
Strengths of the Business
06cellent and quality service and product that adds to reputation
3ood management skills with ;ane being very e6perienced in the
Weaknesses of the Business
"ew .layer which means credibility takes time to build up which may
affect initial sales
Dack of systems> The company needs to develop systemised
operational and sales techniques.
Opportunities in the Marketplace
* potentially enormous market for the company to tap into
3rowing market segments such as the workplace and lavish parties
Unmet strong demand for new and creative menus
Threats in the Marketplace
Increasing supplier prices which could result in reduced profitability
'ther competitors entering the market with a similar business model
(inancial Plan
!ales and cost pro$ections5
*ccording to the market research and plan, the pro5ected sales show sales start
slowly and the show a gradual increase in sales as the company becomes more
The following table shows the initial pro5ected sales.
Market segment
Corporate hospitality
Events such as sporting, fundraising,
social club 1000
!tart up expenses5
)nitial setting up costs5
3eneral !tart-up Expense 627*00
E8uipment 62'7'00
)nitial mar&eting and launc. cost 6'7*00
Contingency5 627000
Total start up costs5 62%7'00
#ngoing costs
#ngoing costs 6
+dmin costs
Lent and business ta6es Gthis will provide a base for food
preparation and storageH
Utility bills F telephone, electricity and gas $--
Degal fees and insurance policies. 1--
Total admin costs ,,%--
!alaries !tarting with>
*nd going up to
Promotion ; Mar&eting costs 2-- 9 ,---
Miscellaneous and costs
G including costs to meet local 0nvironmental Cealth 'ffice regulationsH
Total *7%00- ''7%00
7unctions direct e6penditure Ge6cluding admin costs and salariesH is set at 1-? of the
7ull details of the above costs are included in *ppendi6 1.
Capital Mobile Catering (inancial Pro$ections
Capital Mobile
Catering Opening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 22 to 24 25 to 27 28 to 30 31 to 33 34 to 36
Cash in!o"s
O"ner capital in#ection

1500 1500 1750 2000 2000 2500 8000 8000 9000 9000 10000 10000 11000 11000 12000 12000
Corporate hospitality
2000 2000 2250 2500 2500 3000 9500 9500 10500 10500 11500 11500 12500 12500 13500 13500
Events such as sporting,
fundraising, social club 1000 1000 1250 1500 1500 2000 6000 6000 7000 7000 8000 8000 9000 9000 10000 10000
2000 2000 2250 2500 2500 3000 9500 9500 10500 10500 11500 11500 12500 12500 13500 13500
1000 1000 1100 1200 1200 1500 5000 5000 6000 6000 7000 7000 8000 8000 9000 9000

Total sales
7500 7500 8600 9700 9700 12000 38000 38000 43000 43000 48000 48000 53000 53000 58000 58000
Total cash $n!o"s
32000 7500 7500 8600 9700 9700 12000 38000 38000 43000 43000 48000 48000 53000 53000 58000 58000

Cash out!o"s


&' Capital ( initial
e%penditure )
*eneral +tart up e%penses
Total initial e%penditure

-' Ongoing e%penditure)

Administrative costs 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100
+alaries 1000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 18000
Promotional and Marketing
cost 600 600 700 700 800 800 2400 2400 2400 2600 2600 2600 2800 2800 2800 3000
Other costs 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1500 1500 1500 1500
.unctions e%penditure 2250 2250 2580 2910 2910 3600 11400 11400 12900 12900 14400 14400 15900 15900 17400 17400

Total ongoing e%penditure
2700 8550 8550 8980 9310 9410 10100 29900 30900 33600 34800 37300 38300 41300 42300 44800 45000
Total e%penditure
29800 8550 8550 8980 9310 9410 10100 29900 30900 33600 34800 37300 38300 41300 42300 44800 45000

$$/Other cash out!o"s

oan repayment
Other "ithdra"als

Total other cash out!o"s
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total out!o"s
29800 8550 8550 8980 9310 9410 10100 29900 30900 33600 34800 37300 38300 41300 42300 44800 45000

0et Cash .lo")
2200 -1050 -1050 -380 390 290 1900 8100 7100 9400 8200 10700 9700 11700 10700 13200 13000
1alance carried for"ard
0 2200 1150 100 -280 110 400 2300 10400 17500 26900 35100 45800 55500 67200 77900 91100
Closing balance
2200 1150 100 -280 110 400 2300 10400 17500 26900 35100 45800 55500 67200 77900 91100 104100

Gross Profit (Loss)
-8700 -1402 -1050 -380 390 290 1900 8100 7100 9400 8200 10700 9700 11700 10700 13200 13000
Cumulti!e Gross Profit (Loss)
-8700 -10102 -11152 -11532 -11142 -10852 -8952 -852 6248 15648 23848 34548 44248 55948 66648 79848 92848
"erl# gross profit (loss)
6248 44248 92848
$ "erl# gross profit %rgin (loss)
4.77% 24.31% 41.82%
$ Pre&t' #erl# return on (pitl
emplo#e) 19.53% 138.28% 290.15%
Target sales5
Target Profit and return5
Project returns
Year1 Year 2 Year 3 Average
Yearly pre-tax proft ($)
6,248 44,248
92,848 47,781
% Yearly pre-tax proft Margin
4.77% 24.31% 41.82% 23.45%
% Total pre-tax return on
investment ( initial capital
19.53% 138.28% 290.15% 149.32%
Year1 Year 2 Year 3 Average /
Projected Sales
131,000 182,000 222,000 178,333
The pro5ections show a lower profit in the first year as Capital Mobile
Catering establishes itself in the market place and get more credibility. The
second and third years show a significant increase in the profit, profit margin
and return on investment as sales pick up and the company becomes well
known because of its unique and high quality services.
The purpose of the business plan is to serve as a guide for the organization. The
following areas will be monitored to gauge performance and increase control and
ensure the business is operating within the set targets and budgets::
Measurement 0eie- (re8uency
Levenues Monthly
06penses Monthly
Leturning customers Juarterly
0nquiries conversion rate Monthly
Customer !atisfaction Juarterly steps to improe business performance and cas. flo-5
.ayment #ays> Maintain payment of bills, on average, to 66 days.
06penses control> #evelop and implement new policies on approval
and signatories on e6penses.
Deasing of equipment> .ay off the e6isting lease on capital equipment
as soon as possible to reduce the financial burden.
4ages> .ay all wages on a monthly basis instead of weekly.
1.No services or goods are bought or sold on credit except for leasing of
2.The fxed operating costs and overheads are evenly spread over the projection
3.Miscellaneous expenses are included under ongoing expenditure.
4.The economic climate remains the same throughout the period of the
5.Equipment has been depreciated over a period of 5 years.
+ppendix '
Capital Mobile Catering - 3eneral Catering )nformation
'ffice Cours> )>1- a.m. to A>-- p.m. Monday through 7riday or by appointment.
*t the time of booking, we will need the following information>
#ate of event
(eginning, and ending time of the event
Docation of the event
"ameO*ddressO.hone "umber O 7a6 "umber of the representative for the group.
"umber of guests GguaranteeH
"eed final minimum guarantee %/ business hours prior to event.
Menu request in detail.
*lcohol> requires completed and approved
Lequest for .ermission to !erve *lcoholic (everages
If we are able to book the event, any event booked less than %/ hours in advance will incur a =/A or
,-? surcharge over regular pricing Gwhichever amount is greaterH this is due to additional costs of
e6ecuting last minute events.
3uarantee /eadlines5
Lequired 1 business days prior to your event G%/P business hoursH in writing or by telephone.
If no ad5usted guarantee is received, we will refer to the last guarantee on the catering contract
or the actual attendance whichever is greater 9 as the final guarantee and will bill you
4e will perform a headcount and plate count to determine your final attendance and an
ad5usted contract will be forwarded to you if you e6ceed your guarantee number and this
count is considered final.
Cancellations will be accepted without charge 1 business days G%/ hoursH in advance. * notice of less
than 1 business days will incur a minimum =$A charge or charges based on actual costs.
/eposit 0e8uirements5
Customers will be required to make a A-? deposit at the time of booking the function with the final
balance due prior to start of your event. *d5ustments to the final amount due to increases in attendance
or costs will be due upon receipt. 7inance charges may apply if payment is not received in a timely
Dinens O China O 0quipment O 7loral O Lental O 0tc>
*dditional charges may be required for equipment, linens, china, and other items used for your event.
4hite linens and skirting> !kirting> =/A per table
Tablecloths> =,- each Gincludes napkinsH
!pecial 'rder Q Colored linens> Market .rice with associated rental costs.
Dabor Charges for (anquet !taff>
=/- per hour G=)- minimum 9 for four hoursH, each additional hour is =/-. The total time
would include setup and breakdown labor for your event.
(artender 9 =/-.-- per hour Gwith a 1 hour minimum =2-H.
Carver 9 =/-.-- per hour Gwith a 1 hour minimum =2-H.
'vertime Dabor is charged at =A-.-- per half9hour over scheduled event time
Capital Mobile Catering - Eent
#ecide on event date, time and location.
Check availability of desired location and make reservations.
Lain location, if event is outdoors.
4hat is your budget for foodM Lemember to include sales ta6 Goff campus groups onlyH
and service charges
4ill your party be formal or informalM
#etermine what type of service best suits your needs.
Cave you obtained permission for wine service, if necessaryM
4ho is responsible for decorations before and after the eventM
Is there a head tableM
4ho will direct special guest to the head tableM
Cave you considered special needsM Gpodium, microphone, lights,H
#o you need a special table for awards or giftsM
#o you need tablecloths and skirtingM
*re their place cards or reserved seatingM
4ho will put out place cards and whenM .rogramsM
4ill the entertainers be invited to eatM (efore or after the performanceM
Cow much time have you allowed for different services 9 MealM .rogramM *wardsM
*re your guests familiar with locationM #o you need a map or directionsM 4here will
guests parkM
4ill the guests be greetedM 4here and by whomM
Cave you arranged for coat racks, if neededM
4here are the restroomsM
Cave you confirmed table arrangements and final count with Capital Mobile CateringM
4ho is in charge of arrangements for the eventM *lternate in case of emergencyM
4ho is responsible for payment of billM
4hen is payment requiredM
Beerage !erice
(y The 3allon GMin / 3alH
Cot (everages
Couse Coffee or Legular and #ecaf =,A.A-
3ourmet ;ava City Coffee 9 Columbian, Couse, #ecaf Couse, 7rench Ranilla, or
7rench Loast =/-.--
*sst 3ourmet Ta:o Tea (ags Q Cot 4ater =,/.--
Cot ChocolateOgallon =,/.--
Cold (everages
Cranberry .unch =,A.--
'range 3uava .unch =,$.--
.each !parkle .unch =,/.--
Laspberry Demonade =,$.--
Demonade =,-.--
Mint Tea =,A.--
Iced Tea =,/.--
'range or *pple ;uice by the gallon =,/.--
(ottled Q Canned (everages
Tropicana .ure .remium 'range ;uice G,$ o:H 9 = /./A
*ssorted (ottled ;uice G,2 o:H = ,.%A
Tropicana !moothie G,,o:H 9 Mi6ed (erry, 'range .ineapple Q !trawberry 9 =
!tarbucks 7rappucino@s 9 Mocha, Coffee and Ranilla 9 "04 = /./A
(ottled 4ater> ':arka 4ater G,2o:H = ,.A-
.errierObottle = ,.%A
MilkOpint G/?, whole, chocolateH = ,.A-
!odaOcan Coke, #iet Coke, !prite, #iet !prite, "estea = ,.--
Ba&ery )tems
*ll sold in minimum , do:en quantities, unless noted otherwise.
!erved with appropriate condiments including butter, 5am, 5elly, and cream cheese.
Toaster Q slicer included with (agels
*sst (agels, Darge Muffins, #anish =,A.--
*ssorted Darge #anish =,A.--
*ssorted Darge Muffin =,A.--
Croissants =,/.--
*sst (agels G!licerOToasterH =,$.--
*ssorted Mini #anish =,-.--
7udge (rownies = +.--
*ssorted Mini Muffins = +.--
*ssorted '! Cookies GsmallH = +.--
Demon !quares =,/.--
Lice &rispie Treats =,/.--
.remium (akery Items
!cones 9 assortment of Maple .ecan Cluster, (lueberry, and Cinnamon Chip
Coffee Cake Q (ars 9 assortment of *pple Cinnamon !treusel, Cream Cheese,
Laspberry, Q .ecan =/$Odo:
Chocolate Truffle Cake 9 individual =/AOdo:
*ssorted Darge (rownies F CafE au Dait Q Turtle (rownies =/-Odo:
*ssorted .ound Cake 9 Demon .oppy Sogurt, 'range 3inger !pice, and 'ld
7ashioned .ound Cake =/$Odo:
Mini assortment of *pple Cinnamon, Cream Cheese, Laspberry, Q .ecan (ars
CafE au Dait Q Turtle (rownies =,$Odo:
*ssortment 3ourmet Cookies> Chocolate Chunk, 'atmeal Laisin, Q 4hite
Chocolate Macadamia =/-Odo:
Brea&fast Buffets ; Morning Brea&s
Mediterranean (reakfast (uffet Gminimum 1- guests or =$A additional chargeH =+.A-
Italian9style egg frittata, loaded with proscuitto, mo::arella cheese, carameli:ed onion and
tiny diced red pepper on an english muffin bottom.
!erved with crisp bacon or sausage, hash brown potatoes, sliced fresh fruit platter, and a
platter of croissants Q muffins.
Regetarian option available on request baked without proscuitto.
The Te6as Country (uffet Gminimum 1- guests or =$A additional chargeH =%.A-
!crambled eggs with crisp bacon, sausage, and hash brown potatoes
!erved with croissant Q biscuits wOgravy, fresh fruit platter with dip
Coffee Gregular Q decaffeinatedH, hot tea, selection of three G1H 5uices, iced water
*dd> *sst #anish or Muffins for =.A-pp
3ourmet Continental (reakfast Q (reak> =%.--
Sour Choice of / items>
*ssortment of (lueberry, Maple .ecan Cluster, and Cinnamon Chip !cones
*ssorted !liced Demon .oppy Sogurt, 'range 3inger !pice, and old9fashioned .ound
*ssortment of *pple Cinnamon !treusel, Cream Cheese, Laspberry, Q .ecan (ars
CafE au Dait brownies, Turtle brownies, and Chocolate Truffle cake
3ourmet Cookies GChocolate Chunk, 'atmeal Laisin, Q 4hite Chocolate MacadamiaH
!erved with>
'range Q *pple ;uice
Legular Q decaffeinated coffee, hot tea
Iced 4ater
(ottled beverages available for an additional charge
The 4eight 4atcher =2.A-
Darge bran muffins
3ranola Q Lice &rispie bars
Sogurt cup
!liced fresh fruit platter
/? (ottled Milk
Legular Q decaffeinated coffee, hot tea
;umbo Continental =2.--
!election of 1 ;uices
.latter of 1 assorted breakfast pastries F danish, muffins, croissants, bagels, mini9danish,
or mini9muffins
!easonal whole fruit basket 9 Gsubstitute> sliced fresh fruit platter for an additional
Coffee Gregular Q decafH Q assorted hot tea
The Continental =$.A-
.latter of / assorted breakfast pastries
danish, muffins, croissants, bagels, mini9danish, or mini9muffins
'range 5uice
Legular Q decaffeinated coffee, hot tea
*ssorted hot tea
!alad Box !elections
!erved in take out container with your choice of canned soda and includes bread, butter, dressing packet,
napkins, and prepack silverware 9 bottled beverages available for an additional charge
!alad Trio !ampler 9 your choice of , protein !alad Q / regular salads>
.rotein salads>
Chicken !alad Reronique 9 tender chicken breast morsels with toasted almonds, grapes,
and seasoned mayonnaise =+.A-
Chicken Caesar F chicken breast served on a bed of romaine with fresh asiago parmesan
and croutons =+.A-
3rilled Chicken (reast with Mi6ed 7ield 3reens =+.A-
Tuna !alad F albacore tuna blended with onions, pickles, and seasoned mayonnaise
!alad !elections> 7resh 7ruit !alad, 7resh .asta !alad, Mustard .otato !alad, Mi6ed 7ield 3reens, Caesar
#ressing Choices> Caesar, ,--- Island, Italian, Coney Mustard, and (uttermilk Lanch
Cold Dight Dunch (uffets
*ll cold entrees include iced tea and dessert. *dditional charges apply for substitutions.
!alad Trio !ampler 9 your choice of , protein !alad Q / !alads, with dinner rolls 9 =,,.--
.rotein salads>
*sian Clipper !alad9 Chicken (reast !atay accompanied by asian salad greens, wonton
chips with sesame dressing
Chicken !alad Reronique9 Tender chicken morsels blended with toasted almonds, grapes
and a seasoned mayonnaiseH
Chicken CaesarF chicken breast on a bed of romaine with fresh *siago .armesan,
croutons and sliced roma tomatoes
3rilled Chicken with Mi6ed 7ield 3reens F served with a balsamic vinaigrette
Tuna !alad F albacore tuna mi6ed with seasoned mayonnaise
3rilled Chicken Caesar !alad =,-.--
Marinated grilled chicken breast strips on a bed of romaine with fresh parmesan cheese,
croutons, tossed with Caesar dressing and served with assorted hot rolls. *vailable with a
seasonal fresh fruit plate for additional =,.--.
Chef !alad =%.%A
Crisp greens tossed with 5ulienne strips of Cam, Turkey, Cheddar, !wiss, fresh shredded
carrots, sliced cucumbers, and tomatoes with hard9boiled eggs. !erved with a selection
of Italian, Lanch and Thousand Island dressings and an assortment of rolls. *vailable
with a seasonal fresh fruit plate for an additional charge =,.--.
Croissant !andwich .latter =%.%A
Sour choice of meat sliced thin and stacked on a flaky croissant, with cheese,
crisp pickle, lettuce and tomato. *ccompanied by potato chips and choice of one
salad. *dditional salad for =,.--.
T.eme Buffets
Ca5un OCreole>
Crawfish 0ttoufee =,1.A-
(lackened Catfish =,/.A-
(lackened Chicken Gsplit entreesOcombinations add =,.--H =,,.--
!erved with steamed rice, red beans Q rice, creole okra and tomato, candied yams,
relish tray, 5alapeno corn bread Q dessert
Taco !alad> !easoned beef or chicken, shredded cheese, sliced tomatoes,
black olives, and =+.A-
!hredded lettuce. Includes salsa, sour cream, pico de gallo and tortilla chips. !erved
with cinnamon crisp and iced tea.
7a5ita !alad (uffet> (eef Q Chicken fa5itas with sauteed onions, green and
red peppers. !erved with =,,.--
!panish rice, refried beans, and sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo, sliced olives,
shredded lettuce Q cheese, tortilla chips, and a large fried taco salad shell.
Choice of dessert.
T.eme Buffets
*merican O Continental>
(.(.J> (eef brisket = +.A-
Chicken Juarters =,-.--
.ork Libs =,/.--
!erved with southwestern beans, creamy coleslaw, potato salad, corn on the cob,
relish tray, cornbread muffins, iced tea, and cobbler F combination of / meats add
Chicken 7ried Chicken = +.A-
!erved with creamy mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, tossed green salad,
assorted dinner rolls, and dessert
!outhwestern 3ulf !hrimp = M...
2 F) 3rilled !hrimp served over a bed of rice with grilled asparagus, carrots
and red peppers
.rime Lib
Loast prime rib of beef served with au95us and horseradish sauce. =,).--
!liced (eef Tenderloin with .eppercorn .ort 4ine !auce =,).--
3rilled filet coated with melange of peppercorns
Medallions of (eef
3rilled filet wrapped with bacon, served with (ordelaise !auce. =,%.--
(eef Tenderloin &abobs
Marinated tenderloin skewered with onions, button mushrooms, cherry
tomatoes and green peppers served on a bed of wild or garden rice =,2.--
*ll entrees include salad, two side dishes, roll, butter, dessert and , beverage.
*dditional charges apply
!alad !elections 9sered -it. buffets or plated entrees:
Tossed 3reens with shredded carrots and cherry tomatoes with your choice of>
Lanch, Italian, or Thousand Island dressing
!liced 7resh !easonal 7ruit
3ourmet !alad !elections available for an additional charge per person
Lomaine with sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and (asil Cerb Rinaigrette
!pinach with sliced red onions, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes with balsamic
herb vinaigrette =/.--
Caesar salad with parmesan and croutons caesar dressing garnished with sliced
lemons =/.--
Mi6ed 7ield 3reens with walnuts and cherry tomatoes with (alsamic Cerb
Rinaigrette =/.--
(oston (ibb with red onions and sliced mushrooms with raspberry walnut
vinaigrette =/.--
Mi6ed 7ield 3reens with cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots =/.--
Mi6ed 7ield 3reens with blanched baby asparagus, goat cheese, carrot curls, and
walnuts with sun dried tomato vinaigrette =1.--
#ressing !election>
(alsamic Cerb Rinaigrette
(asil Cerb Rinaigrette
Laspberry Q 4alnut Rinaigrette Gwith fresh raspberriesH
Creamy #i5on
!un9#ried Tomato Rinaigrette
Creamy Cerbal Rinaigrette
<ors /=oeures
Cold Cors #@oeuvres
G,-- piecesH
*sparagus wrapped in .roscuitto =,%A
Chicken .inwheel stuffed in a tomato basil wrap with spinach and cream cheese served with
salsa =,A-
Regetable .inwheel stuffed in a spinach wrap with diced grilled vegetables Q cream cheese
served with salsa =,/A
7resh 7ruit and Cheese (rochettes =,/A
!moked !almon with capers, cream cheese, onions, and eggs Q and assorted cocktail breads
Gfor A-pplH =,--
(aked (rie with walnut pesto en crout Gserves A-pplH =,--
(aked (rie en crout Gserves A-pplH = +-
Cocktail Tomatoes !tuffed with Chicken !alad =,--
!alami Q Cream Cheese Cornucopias = +A
*ssortment of 7inger !andwiches GChicken salad, Cheese, and ((J beefH = )-
Cot Cors #@oeuvres
G,-- piecesH
!weet and !our !hrimp wrapped with (acon =/%A
Coconut !hrimp with sweet Q sour sauce 9 "04 =/%A
!outhwestern 3rilled !hrimp =/%A
Cheese Cake !pring Loll 9 "04 =,A-
!pinach Q Cheese in phyllo =,--
*ssorted Mini Juiche Gincludes spinach, cheese, ham, and lorraineH = +-
Regetarian 0gg Lolls with .lum !auce =,--
!esame Chicken !trips with .lum !auce =,--
Chicken !trips with ((J and Coney Mustard !auce =,--
(ean Q Cheese (urritos =,--
o !wedish = )-
o Italian = )-
o (.(.J = )-
o !weet and !our = )-
!picy Chicken 4ings with Lanch #ressing = +-
(lack (ean, Mushroom, and Corn Juesadillas with .epper ;ack Cheese = +-
Chicken Q Mushroom Juesadillas = +-
Ca5un Chicken Q Corn Juesadillas 9"04 = +-
Mushroom Q .epper ;ack Cheese Juesadillas = %A
!tuffed Mushrooms
o Crabmeat =,A-
o !pinach =,--
o Cheese =,--
o !tuffed ;alapenos
o Cheese = )-
o Cream Cheese = )-
o Chicken =,--
T.e Carery
!moked !teamship Lound with fresh grated horseradish, mayonnaise, mustard
and assorted dinner rolls. GMust have a guarantee of ,-- or more guestsH. =2.--
.epper Crusted !liced Tenderloin with fresh grated horseradish, mayonnaise,
mustard and assorted dinner rolls. GMust have a guarantee of ,-- or more
guestsH. =%.A-
Coney 3la:ed (aked Cam with assorted dinner rolls and hot mustard sauce.
!age Loasted Turkey with assorted dinner rolls and gingered orange cranberry
sauce. =A.%A
Losemary Crusted .ork Doin with assorted dinner rolls, green peppercorn
mayonnaise, spicy mustard sauce. =A.%A
Carver fee> =/- per hour with a 19hour minimum.
+ppendix 2
Sou resumeOCR
+ppendix >
!tart-up Expenses
Degal =A--
!tationery etc. =/A-
(rochures =/A-
Lent and deposit =,,A--
'ffice 0quipment =A--
3eneral !tart-up Expense 627*00
The business will cater for weddings, corporate hospitality sporting events,
fundraising, social club events, and parties so all necessary equipment will be
purchased to cater for such occasions>
7ield cookers and refrigerators for use in marquees or other temporary
7itting out of the kitchen area>
"on9porous work services for food preparation )--
Darge industrial fridgeOfree:er for storing cold foods ,,A--
Industrial ovens /,A--
06traction system ,,A--
Industrial dishwasher ,,A--
&itchen equipment including knives, pans, chopping boards . /,A--
Industrial coffee machines )--
The cost of purchasing this equipment will be>
Tables and chairs 1,A--
Dinen Gtable cloths, napkinsH ,,A--
Crockery Gplates, side plates, desert bowls, soup plates, cups and A,---
saucersH and cutlery
3lasses Gwine, water, tumblers, cocktailH ,,A--
Miscellaneous Gincl. cruet sets, butter dishes, assorted serving trays and
utensils, knives and cutting boardsH
!taff uniforms 2--
'ne van with rolling racks built in. %,---
'ffice desk, chair and other office equipment ,,A--
Computer with printer, copier and fa6 machine. /,A--
T'T*D /,,,--
*lternatively some of the above equipment may be hired as required. The main advantage of this approach
is that it will allow you to be fle6ible and offer table decoration that meets the client@s theme. 7or e6ample,
if catering for weddings, the client may request that table cloths are in a color that co9ordinates with the
bridesmaids@ dresses

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