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Fortunately, there are plenty of natural ways we can boost our mood by helping our

body produce the right amount of serotonin.

1. Get Enough Rest
Sleep gives the body an opportunity to rejuvenate itself and prepare for another day
of life. ac! of sleep disrupts hormone production and can !eep your brain from
producing enough serotonin. "ost people need at least seven hours of #uality sleep
each night to feel their best. Encourage a good night$s rest by dialing down activity
and dimming the lights an hour before bedtime. %ou can also ta!e magnesium and
calcium or tryptophan an hour before bed to aid in the production of melatonin,
which is nighttime$s form of serotonin.
&. E'ercise the (lues )way
Regular e'ercise is one of the easiest ways to naturally boost your
neurotransmitters. Even light e'ercise li!e yoga or a daily wal! is very e*ective. +n
fact, you want to ma!e sure you$re not over,e'ercising to avoid depleting your feel,
good chemicals. )im for about -.,/. minutes of moderate activity -,0 days per
wee! on average, with a balance of cardio and resistance e'ercise for the best
-. 1ry a (alanced Eating 2lan
1he production of neurotransmitters li!e serotonin is dependent upon a constant
stream of #uality nutrients. Regular, balanced meals and snac!s give your brain
what it needs to feel good. (egin with stoc!ing your shelves with a variety of whole,
natural foods including fresh fruits and vegetables. 3eep highly processed and
re4ned food out of the house as much as you can. 1ry to eat some protein and fat
with each meal to !eep your blood sugar from bouncing up and down, which will
help balance your hormone production.
5. Get 2lenty of 6ealthy Fat
Fat is essential for hormone and neurotransmitter production. 7ithout ade#uate fat
inta!e, it$s impossible for the body to produce enough serotonin. Stay away from
diets that tell you to ditch the fat. +nstead, choose healthy fats that will !eep you
feeling great.
So, what is healthy fat8 7ell, opinions vary widely, but the best fats are going to be
from natural, unprocessed sources. Fla'seed and olive oils are some of the top
choices. oo! for organic oils in opa#ue containers labeled 9unre4ned9 or 9cold,
pressed9 for a higher #uality. (utter and coconut oil are also good choices,
especially since saturated fat helps facilitate the use of the essential fatty acids.
0. 1a!e a :itamin ( ;omple'
)ll of the ( vitamins are vital for energy and the production of serotonin. 1hese
nutrients are used up rapidly in times of stress. %ou can get vitamin ( from eating
more whole grains, green vegetables and dairy products. ) #uality vitamin (
supplement is also recommended to ma!e up for any dietary de4ciencies. Since all
of the ( vitamins wor! together in a synergistic way, it$s good to 4nd a vitamin (
comple' that contains a good amount of each of the di*erent ( vitamins.
/. <on$t Forget %our ;alcium and "agnesium
(oth calcium and magnesium are precursors to serotonin production, so it$s
important to be getting plenty in your diet. Eating dairy products and nuts are two
healthy ways to boost your inta!e, and for most people a #uality supplement is also
=. )void Stimulants and >ther ;hemicals
Sugar, ca*eine, and alcohol give you a temporary rush of feel,good
neurotransmitters, but over time these substances deplete your brain of what it
needs to balance your moods. imit your inta!e of sugar, ca*eine and alcohol
whenever possible. ) daily cup of co*ee or glass of red wine and the occasional
dessert are usually acceptable, but if you tend to be sensitive to these then you$re
better o* avoiding them altogether. )lso, it$s a good idea to avoid consuming
arti4cial sweeteners, since these are chemical substances that interfere with natural
hormonal processes.
?. (as! in the Sunshine
Sunlight naturally stimulates the production of serotonin and signals the body to
stop producing melatonin. Getting plenty of natural light will boost your mood and
your energy.
earn more@
1. Exercise Weve all heard that certain kinds of exercise can produce endorphins or feel
good neurotransmitters. But this can also work for serotonin. Exercising is a great way to
get into shape and have more energy, but it can also help balance out neurotransmitters.
2. Hot baths The Polar Bear clubs and the like may say that cold showers are
invigorating, but there is also something to be said for the opposite. Hot showers and baths
can soothe the muscles and produce serotonin. They can also help produce prolactin,
which helps people maintain serene states.
3. Turkey Ever hear that tale about how turkey makes you sleepy? This is in part true
because of the tryptophan found in turkey, which can aid in sleep. It is also because turkey
can help in the natural production of serotonin, which can also help you sleep.
4. St. Johns Wort If youre wondering what herbal remedies are out there for serotonin
levels, have a look at this. St. Johns Wort has been touted as both a mood stabilizer,
concentration improver, and a helper of serotonin levels. Best of all, it is available over the
counter, and barring any medication restrictions, can be tried at little cost.
5. B Vitamins The family of B vitamins has been associated with many health issues,
including mood. They are also an essential part of creating serotonin and have been linked
to stress and anxiety. Foods that are high in it include liver, peppers, lentils, bananas, soy,
and potatoes.

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