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Niches. In departments where stock is concealed and merchandise is

small in size, display niches can be effective. These niches usually are
lighted by built-in equipment. (See Fig. 10-47b.)
Canopies. A canopy is an effective *
device for attracting attention to a
display grouping or for emphasis of
certain merchandise. (See Fig. 10
47c.) It also may divert attention
from a bad ceiling conditon. Cano-
pies form useful ledges behind which
tubular indirect lighting may be con-
cealed. Further, they can serve to .
lower portions of ceilings to con-
ceal more efficient (shorter projection
distance) downlighting.
Platform and dais displays. The
preferred mood to be created by an
open platform or dais display is free-
dom and spaciousness. (See Fig. 10
48.) Light from a remote location,
e.g., a near-by column or the ceiling,
is desirable. The light may be trained
and controlled by means of spot re-
flectors, reflector lamps, or floodlights.
Counter displays. Overcounter
lighting may provide background ac-
cent, silhouetting, or direct illumi-
nation, depending on the merchan- FIG. 10-4S. Platform and dais dis-
dise and effect desired.
lays often are lighted by remotely lo-
cated projectors.
Directional signs. Since the colors of illumination that may be applied
in most displays are limited, color stimulation often is used in directional
signs as well as in wall decoration, upholstery, etc. Many opportunities
exist for carrying advertising or directional messages on walls, canopies,
column displays, etc. (See Fig. 10-49.)
Window Lighting for Stores
Show windows fronting on a high-density pedestrian traffic-way are one
effective medium for informing the public of items for sale and of inviting
them into a store. They are the physical bond between the street and
pedestrian-way and the store interior, and they can be made a stage on
which a merchant's goods are dramatized. (See Fig. 10-50.) Show-
window lighting should be versatile, often almost as flexible as stage light-
ing, and it should supply brightness, which attracts attention and minimizes
veiling glare. Many modern windows are decorated as a foreground for a
view of the store interior. This is called open-front design.

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