Connect The Two Parts of The Following Sentences.: Tenses Review

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Tenses review

Connect the two parts of the following sentences.

I didn't go out for dinner for almost an hour.
They go to the movies last night and watched TV.
Don't call me after 11 o'clock-- four times.
His fight arrives when the re started.
I've !een to "#ain until he a#ologi$es.
%hen you get !ack to town& we'll have a #arty.
I've !een waiting here every 'riday night.
I stayed home I'll !e slee#ing.
I was studying !ecause I had already eaten.
I won't s#eak to him tomorrow at ve.
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct form
1( %e )))))))))))))))))))) in a restaurant in *ay +,,1. -to work(
+( .ack )))))))))))))))))))) the window of the gym this morning. -to !reak(
/( I'm sorry. I )))))))))))))))))))) my diary. -to forget(
0( 1ast *onday she )))))))))))))))))))) her com#uter. -to check(
2( They )))))))))))))))))))) the !ike. It looks new again. -to clean(
3( Two years ago *ary )))))))))))))))))))) 4ath. -to visit(
5( I )))))))))))))))))))) to "i!eria yet. -not6to !e(
7( 8esterday we )))))))))))))))))))) volley!all. -to #lay(
9( )))))))))))))) you ever )))))))))))))) magic tricks: -to do(
1,( The children )))))))))))))))))))) their room. It's still dirty. -not6to clean(
Signal words in sentences Which sentence/question is correct
1( a( ;le<ander 'leming discovered #enicillin in 19+7.
!( ;le<ander 'leming =ust discovered #enicillin.
+( a( Did he ride his !ike two hours ago:
!( Did he ride his !ike yet:
/( a( %e have cleaned the car last Thursday.
!( %e have =ust cleaned the car.
0( a( *y grandmother has already got u#.
!( *y grandmother got u# an hour ago.
2( a( I have not visited my uncle two weeks ago.
!( I have not visited my uncle yet.
1 The head o>ce o#ens )))) 7?/, a.m.
+ @ur com#any will hold its summer #arty )))) .uly +1st.
/ TodayAs staB meeting will !e ))))) 1?/, )))) +?/, #.m.
0 %hat are you doing after work ))))) 'riday:
2 I have to #ick u# a client at the air#ort. His fight arrives ))))) 11?,, ))))) the
3 These gures show the com#anyAs sales )))))) @cto!er )))) Decem!er& +,,9.
5 The factory will !e closed for cleaning )))))) Thursday& 'e!ruary +5th.
7 %e will launch our new line of #roducts ))))) s#ring.
9 Can you come to a lunch meeting ))))) noon ))))) Tuesday:
1, Doug will retire )))))) *ay. %e will have a #arty for him )))))))) ;#ril 12th.
Confusing words
1. ;ll the students should correct -their& there& they're( mistakes.
+. I am going to dress as a Halloween -which& witch( for the #arty.
/. %hen the sun goes under the clouds& -their& there& they're( is the #ossi!ility of
inclement -whether& weather(.
0. Then -too& two& to(& I am an<ious to !uy a new car.
2. The #ainting has a more !eautiful !lue -then& than( the one -which& witch( is faded.
3. Dveryone was ready to go to the li!rary -acce#t& e<ce#t( 1ucy& who was still drying
her hair.
5. -Its& It's& Its'( -too& two& to( early in the morning to go =ogging.
7. The !asket!all team was thrilled with -its& it's& its'( victory.
9. Tony is going to class& and -then& than( he will go to the dorm.
1,. Do you know -were& where( the truck is #arked:

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