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Areas 3, 1 & 2 - Primary Somatosensory Cortex (frequently referred to as Areas 3, 1, 2 by

Area ! - Primary "otor Cortex
Area # - Somatosensory Association Cortex
Area $ - Premotor cortex and Su%%lementary "otor Cortex (Secondary "otor Cortex
(Su%%lementary motor area
Area & - Somatosensory Association Cortex
Area ' - (ncludes )rontal eye fields
Area * - +orsolateral %refrontal cortex
Area 1, - Anterior %refrontal cortex (most rostral %art of su%erior and middle frontal -yri
Area 11 - .rbitofrontal area (orbital and rectus -yri, %lus %art of t/e rostral %art of t/e su%erior
frontal -yrus
Area 12 - .rbitofrontal area (used to be %art of 0A11, refers to t/e area bet1een t/e su%erior
frontal -yrus and t/e inferior rostral sulcus
Area 13 and Area 1!2 - (nsular cortex
Area 1#2 - Anterior 3em%oral 4obe
Area 1& - Primary visual cortex (51
Area 1' - Secondary visual cortex (52
Area 1* - Associative visual cortex (53,5!,5#
Area 2, - (nferior tem%oral -yrus
Area 21 - "iddle tem%oral -yrus
Area 22 - Su%erior tem%oral -yrus, of 1/ic/ t/e caudal %art is usually considered to contain t/e
6ernic7e8s area
Area 23 - 5entral Posterior cin-ulate cortex
Area 2! - 5entral Anterior cin-ulate cortex9
Area 2# - Sub-enual cortex (%art of t/e 5entromedial %refrontal cortex:!;
Area 2$ - <ctos%lenial %ortion of t/e retros%lenial re-ion of t/e cerebral cortex
Area 2&2 - Piriform cortex
Area 2' - Posterior <ntor/inal Cortex
Area 2* - =etros%lenial cin-ulate cortex
Area 3, - Part of cin-ulate cortex
Area 31 - +orsal Posterior cin-ulate cortex
Area 32 - +orsal anterior cin-ulate cortex
Area 33 - Part of anterior cin-ulate cortex
Area 3! - Anterior <ntor/inal Cortex (on t/e Para/i%%ocam%al -yrus
Area 3# - Perir/inal cortex (on t/e Para/i%%ocam%al -yrus
Area 3$ - Para/i%%ocam%al cortex (on t/e Para/i%%ocam%al -yrus
Area 3& - )usiform -yrus
Area 3' - 3em%oro%olar area (most rostral %art of t/e su%erior and middle tem%oral -yri
Area 3* - An-ular -yrus, considered by some to be %art of 6ernic7e8s area
Area !, - Su%ramar-inal -yrus considered by some to be %art of 6ernic7e8s area
Areas !1 & !2 - Primary and Auditory Association Cortex
Area !3 - Primary -ustatory cortex
Area !! - %ars o%ercularis, %art of 0roca8s area
Area !# - %ars trian-ularis 0roca8s area
Area !$ - +orsolateral %refrontal cortex
Area !& - (nferior %refontal -yrus
Area !' - =etrosubicular area (a small %art of t/e medial surface of t/e tem%oral lobe
Area !* - Parasubiculum area in a rodent
Area #2 - Parainsular area (at t/e >unction of t/e tem%oral lobe and t/e insula

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