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Engine section Engine type Ref. Date Issue Document no.

RT-flex engines DMTS 2S 05.07.2014 2 RT-137_A2 1(7)

W-X82 engine

Appendix 2

Wrtsil Switzerland Ltd. PO Box 414 Tel (24h): +41 52 262 80 10
Services CH-8401 Winterthur
Technical Service, 2-stroke engines Switzerland
Wrtsil 2-stroke, Technical Services

1 Onboard repair kit: Injection Control Unit (ICU) 1
1.1 ICU onboard repair kits for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units 1
1.2 ICU onboard repair kits for size 3 rail units 4
2 Order numbers for ICU onboard repair kits 6
2.1 ICU order numbers for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units 6
2.2 ICU order numbers for size 3 rail units 7
3 Terms and glossary 7

This Appendix 2 is part of the General Information bulletin RT-137, entitled
Maintenance concepts for RT-flex components.
For each RT-flex component a separate Appendix is introduced, Appendix 2 is related
to ICUs. Therefore the former general Appendix 1, General Information RT-137_A1,
dated 26.09.2012 is superseded.
1 Onboard repair kit: Injection Control Unit (ICU)
1.1 ICU onboard repair kits for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units
Table 1: ICU onboard repair kits *
for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units
Kit name Included parts **
Injection Control
Valve (ICV) kit
Injection control valve In extreme cases of high catalyst fines or
asphaltene content of the fuel oil, damage,
malfunctioning or sticking of the ICV may
occur. This ICV kit is available to restore the
ICU to normal operation.
Spring carrier
Compression springs

Injection control
piston kit
Injection control piston In extreme cases of fuel out of specification,
the injection control piston has been known to
stick. To return the ICU to normal operation,
an injection control piston kit is available.

Fuel quantity
sensor kit
Fuel quantity sensor
For replacement of the fuel quantity sensor in
case of damage. See bulletin RT-130.

The Rail valve kit mentioned in Appendix 1, Issue 1 dated 26.09.2012 is not used anymore
as rail valves can be ordered individually anyway.
The replacing parts for each kit are shown in Figure 2 to Figure 4.

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Appendix 2

1. Injection Control Valve (ICV) kit
2. Injection control piston kit
3. Fuel quantity sensor kit

Figure 1: ICU showing location of onboard repair kits for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units

4. Injection control valve
5. Spring carrier
6. Compression spring
Figure 2: Replacing parts of Injection Control Valve (ICV) kit


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Appendix 2

7. Injection control piston
8. Lip seal
9. O-ring
Figure 3: Replacing parts of injection control piston kit

10. Fuel quantity sensor 11. O-ring
Figure 4: Replacing parts of fuel quantity sensor kit

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Appendix 2
1.2 ICU onboard repair kits for size 3 rail units
Table 2: ICU onboard repair kits for size 3 rail units
Kit name Included parts *
Fuel valve block
assembly kit
Fuel valve block In extreme cases of high catalyst fines or
asphaltene content of the fuel oil, damage,
malfunctioning or sticking of the fuel valve
block may occur. This kit is available to restore
the ICU to normal operation.

Servo oil valve
unit kit
Servo oil valve unit
In case there is a damage or leakage of the
servo oil valve unit, it is possible to exchange
the servo oil valve unit.
Throttle screw

Fuel quantity
sensor kit
Fuel quantity sensor
For replacement of the fuel quantity sensor in
case of damage.

Fuel quantity
piston kit
Fuel quantity piston
In extreme cases of fuel out of specification,
the fuel quantity piston might stick. To return
the ICU to normal operation, an injection
control piston kit is available.
Flange with piston rod

The replacing parts for each kit are shown in Figure 5 to Figure 7.

1. Fuel valve block assembly kit
2. Servo oil valve unit kit
3. Fuel quantity sensor kit
4. Fuel quantity piston kit
Figure 5: ICU showing location of onboard repair kits for size 3 rail units


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Appendix 2

1. Fuel valve block assembly 2. Servo oil valve unit
Figure 6: Replacing parts of fuel valve block kit and servo oil valve unit kit

3. Fuel quantity sensor 4. Fuel quantity piston
Figure 7: Replacing parts of fuel quantity sensor kit and fuel quantity piston kit

No special tools are needed to carry out the replacement of ICU parts. The
replacement can be made with the onboard standard tools.

3 4

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Appendix 2
2 Order numbers for ICU onboard repair kits
2.1 ICU order numbers for size 0, 1, 2 and 4 rail units
Table 3: Order numbers for size 4 ICU onboard repair kits and spare parts
Engine type
Injection Control
Valve (ICV) kit
Injection control
piston kit
Fuel quantity
sensor kit
RT-flex96C-B DF 55657 DF 55658 DF 55762
RT-flex84T-D BF 55657 BF 55658 BF 55762
Order numbers for additional spare parts to size 4 ICU that are available individually
Engine type Rail valve
Lip seal
to rail
Lip seal
to FQP
O-ring for
FQP flange
Control oil
RT-flex96C-B DF 55754 DF 55758 DF 55756 DF 55753 DF 55768
RT-flex84T-D BF 55754 BF 55758 BF 55752 BF 55753 BF 55768

Table 4: Order numbers for size 2 ICU onboard repair kits and spare parts
Engine type
Injection Control
Valve (ICV) kit
Injection control
piston kit
Fuel quantity
sensor kit
MF 55602 MF 55603 MF 55762
Order numbers for additional spare parts to size 2 ICU that are available individually
Engine type Rail valve
Lip seal
to rail
Lip seal
to FQP
O-ring for
FQP flange
Control oil
MF 55754 MF 55758 MF 55752 MF 55753 MF 55768

Table 5: Order numbers for size 1 ICU onboard repair kits and spare parts
Engine type
Injection Control
Valve (ICV) kit
Injection control
piston kit
Fuel quantity
sensor kit
RT-flex60C *

NF 55602 NF 55603 NF 55762
RT-flex58T-B *

OF 55602 OF 55603 OF 55762
RT-flex58T-D_V2 GF 55602 GF 55603 GF 55762
Order numbers for additional spare parts to size 1 ICU that are available individually
Engine type Rail valve
Lip seal
to rail
Lip seal
to FQP
O-ring for
FQP flange
Control oil
RT-flex60C *

NF 55754 NF 55761 NF 55752 NF 55753 NF 55768
RT-flex58T-B *

OF 55754 OF 55761 OF 55767 OF 55753 OF 55768
RT-flex58T-D_V2 GF 55754 GF 55761 GF 55752 GF 55753 GF 55768

No repair kits are available for RT-flex60C and RT-flex58T-B engines which have a previous
execution of injection control valve. The easiest means of identification of these engine types
is by the presence of control oil pumps located in the rail unit free end side.

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Appendix 2
Table 6: Order numbers for size 0 ICU onboard repair kits and spare parts
Engine type
Injection Control
Valve (ICV) kit
Injection control
piston kit
Fuel quantity
sensor kit
IF 55655 IF 55656 IF 55762
RT-flex48T-D EF 55655 EF 55656 EF 55762
Order numbers for additional spare parts to size 0 ICU that are available individually
Engine type Rail valve
Lip seal
to rail
Lip seal
to FQP
O-ring for
FQP flange
Control oil
IF 55754 IF 55763 IF 55752 IF 55753 IF 55768
RT-flex48T-D EF 55754 EF 55763 EF 55752 EF 55753 EF 55768

2.2 ICU order numbers for size 3 rail units
Table 7: Order numbers for size 3 ICU onboard repair kits
Engine type
Fuel valve
assembly kit
Servo oil
valve unit kit
Fuel quantity
sensor kit
Fuel quantity
piston kit
RT-flex68D_V1 PF 55415 PF 55416 PF 55762 PF 55414
RT-flex82C Tier I LF 55411 LF 55412 LF 55762 LF 55410
RT-flex82C Tier II LF 55415 LF 55416 LF 55762 LF 55414
RT-flex82T VF55415 VF 55416 VF 55762 VF 55414
W-X82 CX 55415 CX 55416 CX 55762 CX 55414
Order numbers for additional spare parts to size 3 ICU that are available individually
Engine type Rail valve
Lip seal
to rail
Lip seal
to FQP
O-ring for
FQP flange
RT-flex68D_V1 PF 55754 PF 55763 PF 55761 PF 55760
RT-flex82C Tier I LF 55754 LF 55763 LF 55761 LF 55760
RT-flex82C Tier II LF 55754 LF 55763 LF 55761 LF 55760
RT-flex82T VF 55754 VF 55763 VF 55761 VF 55760
W-X82 CX 55754 CX 55763 CX 55761 CX 55760
3 Terms and glossary
Table 8
Abbreviation Name / Part
FOP Fuel Oil Pump
FQP Fuel Quantity Piston
ICU Injection Control Unit
ICV Injection Control Valve
Size 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 Describes the size of the rail unit of RT-flex engines

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