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Everyone deserves a chance

CEO of Building Blocks Therapy Centre LTD

Nada El Araby
has dedicated her life
for the past 10 years
towards working with
children, adolescents,
and adults with
different needs. Nada's
journey began through
a number of life
experiences which led
her to her profession.
Holding the
qualifications to
practice is absolutely
vital, however Nada
believes that to be a
great therapist,
personal life
experiences are what
begin your journey
towards your profession. Those experiences are the core and
backbone of who you have chosen to become and are the reason
why you have chosen to help others with life difficulties. Nada
believes that the ability to understand and truly understand
others develops from experiencing how it feels to be in such or
similar painful life experiences. Nada is registered as a
Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society, a
member of the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board, and is
on the Register of Qualifications in Test Use with the British
Psychological Society and is licensed to perform psychometric
educational, ability and attainment assessments, and is able to
administer the newest and revised version of the Autism
Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2). Nada has a
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, Masters in Special and
Inclusive Education, Certificate in Counselling Skills for
Children and Young People Using the Arts, Certificate in
Clinical Psychology and Psychotropic Drugs, Certificate of
Competence in Educational testing, and can practice as a
Special Educational Needs Professional, Therapist and
Consultant; an Integrated Listening Systems Practitioner; and as
a Counsellor for Children and Adolescents. Providing home
based interventions; assessments; parent coaching; yoga
therapy; and counselling services for children and adolescents.
Interventions are mainly directed towards clients with Autism;
where they particularly aim to help clients improve
verbal/language, communication, social skills; along with rigid
behaviours and other difficulties faced by each individual
client. Some services are also designed to help clients with
mood disorders, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other special needs.
Even though interventions and services are listed below, no two
clients will receive the exact same session, as each service is
altered and shaped towards each client personal needs.
Prices differ depending on package deal taken- please check our website.
1. Phonemic interventions for Autism and Dyslexia
- Aim towards sound production
- Working with letter sounds
- Working towards letter recognition and word decoding
- Integrated Listening Systems- Interactive Language Programme
2. Imagination intervention for Autism Stage 1
- Working with objects and pictures.
3. Imagination intervention for Autism Stage 2
- Working with text, acting, drama, and role-play.
4. ABA and other interventions for Autism
- Picture Exchange Communication Systems
- Intensive Interaction
- ABA approach
- Integrated Listening Systems- Sensory Motor Programme
- Integrated Listening Systems- Interactive Language Programme
5. Story based interventions for autism and anxiety
- Social stories
- Social stories will be made on a case specific basis.
6. Parent Coaching
7. Integrated Listening Systems
- Sensory Motor
- Programme Concentration and Attention Programme
- Reading and Auditory Programme
- Optimal Performance Programme
- Calming/ Prep Programme
- Sensory Motor Extra Programme
- Language Programme- Interactive Language Programme
8. Counselling
9. Educational/Attainment/Ability/Diagnostic Assessments
10. Anger Management Intervention
11. Mathematics word problems, concepts and application-
Autism and Dyslexia.
For more detailed descriptions about our services please visit:

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