How Many Loaves Do You Have

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How many loaves do you have?

Living Waters Church Talk
August 2014
John K. Baw 17 August 2014 Page 1 of 5
I see a room full of Davis!
"a#e the giant
$iants %&'()....... $iants of*
Im+ossi-le situations
.et / Davi has stoo -efore that giant an has not -a#0e own.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in
the dog. 1 2ar0 )wain
!" #$%&' In those a,s when there was again a great crowd without
an,thing to eat3 he #alle his is#i+les an sai to them3 2
4I have #om+assion for the #row3 -e#ause the, have -een
with me now for three a,s an have nothing to eat. 5 If I
sen them awa, hungr, to their homes3 the, will faint on
the wa,6an some of them have #ome from a great
istan#e.7 4 &is is#i+les re+lie3 Ho can one feed these
!eo!le ith "read here in the desert#7 5 &e as0e them3
4&ow man, loaves o ,ou have87 )he, sai3 4%even.7 9
)hen he orere the #row to sit own on the groun: an
he too0 the seven loaves3 an after giving than0s he -ro0e
them an gave them to his is#i+les to istri-ute: an the,
istri-ute them to the #row. 7 )he, ha also a few small
fish: an after -lessing them3 he orere that these too
shoul -e istri-ute. ; )he, ate an were fille: an the,
too0 u+ the -ro0en +ie#es left over3 seven -as0ets full. <
=ow there were a-out four thousan +eo+le. An he sent
them awa,.
Jesus an &is is#i+les fa#e an IMPOSSIBLE situation!
)he nee was HUGE!
)he, ha to fee 43000 +eo+le.
)heir resour#es were LAUGHABLE! RIDICULOUS!
)he, neee 57 t!"e# as mu#h as what the, ha!
)heir resour#es were inae>uate
An Jesus as0e for it A??!
John K. Baw 17 August 2014 Page 2 of 5
&ow o we #o+e with im+ossi-ilities8
1. &e orere the #row to sit own on the groun
&e tol them to get rea, for the mira#le.
%ome of ,ou are +assivel, waiting
@aiting on the ?or is an intense an a#tive thing
$et rea, for ,our mira#le!
Is ()$%&* %ing3 ' -arren one who i not -ear:
-urst into song an shout3
,ou who have not -een in la-our!
"or the #hilren of the esolate woman will -e more
than the #hilren of her that is marrie3 sa,s the ?or.
2 E$%arge t&e #!te o' (o)r te$t3
an let the #urtains of ,our ha-itations -e #tretc&ed o)t:
do $ot &o%d *ac+: lengthen ,our #ors
an strengthen ,our sta0es.
5 "or ,ou will s+rea out to the right an to the left3
an ,our es#enants will +ossess the nations
an will settle the esolate towns.
Do the o++osite of what is t,+i#al!
Barren women use to lament
'ften estitute et#
%ing! AeBoi#e! %hout! 2a0e some noise!
)he +romise is that ,ou future is -righter than all who have it all
$%. &nlarge the site of 'our tent, and let the curtains of 'our
ha"itations "e stretched out( do not hold "ack( lengthen 'our cords
and strengthen 'our stakes.
2a0e +re+arations for the mira#le!
2a0e a room for $o to move in!
Biggest CenlargingD of ,our CtentD E -etween ,our ears!
Aom 12*2 F Do not -e confor)ed to this worl3 -ut -e
tra$#'or"ed -, the renewing of ,our mins3 so that ,ou
ma, is#ern what is the will of $o6what is goo an
a##e+ta-le an +erfe#t.
.ou must -e rea, to -e %)AG)H&GD!
Being stret#he is not ni#e! Homfort Ione8
John K. Baw 17 August 2014 Page 5 of 5

CA #omfort Ione is a -eautiful +la#e3 -ut nothing ever grows

there.D / (n0nown
Do not hol -a#0! F it is A?? '() 'A =')&I=$!
2. &ow man, loaves o ,ou have8
Jesus i not fo#us on the =GGD
Jesus fo#use on what the, DID have!
)he is#i+les fo#use on the overwhelming nee!
Jv5K &ow #an one fee these +eo+le with -rea here in the
5. &e too0 the seven loaves
)he is#i+lesL resour#es J7 loavesK were insuffi#ient
B() Jesus as0e for it A??

.ou ma, have little / But Jesus as0s for ,our ClittleD in orer to
o might, things )'$G)&GA @I)& .'(.
$ive what ,ou have to Jesus!
A +i#ture of @'A%&IP!
Jue 1*24F25* =ow unto him that is a-le to 0ee+ ,ou from
falling3 an to +resent ,ou faultless -efore the +resen#e of
his glor, with eM#eeing Bo,3 25 )o the onl, wise $o our
%aviour3 -e glor, an maBest,3 ominion an +ower3 -oth
now an ever. Amen.
4. &e was than0ful
In the mile of the %I)(A)I'=
)han0fulness is KG.
)rust in $o E )han0fulness BG"'AG the mira#le!
Pre+ares the groun for $o.
5. &e starte to istri-ute
&e ACTED out his faith!
&e AH)GD as +, he ha enough!
John K. Baw 17 August 2014 Page 4 of 5

John K. Baw 17 August 2014 Page 5 of 5

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