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Summa News

Latest news from Summa Group 2014

Summa News Aug 2014 PT1
YATEC Promotes Social Issue
Summa Group subsidiary YATEC has been helping to create awareness in the Yakut capital.
JSC YATEC with the Yakutsk traffic department conducted a social campaign called,
Beware! There is a Motorcyclist! which aimed to promote awareness during the short
northern summers. Two wheeled motor vehicles such as bicycles, motorcycles and
scooters are more frequently involved in road accidents.

Summa News Aug 2014 PT1
The Traffic police and YATEC have joined
forces to create awareness by offering
special stickers, at YATEC gas stations,
which draw attention to the issue. Police
officers were also present at the YATEC
Gas Stations to share information about
preventing the rate of two-wheeled
vehicle accidents. The participants
comment on the initiative, If at least one
of the hundred drivers remember to look
in the mirror it can help to save another
human life.
Batov Steps In As New NCSP CEO
Summa News Aug 2014 PT1
NCSP (Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port Group under Summa
Group) has elected a new CEO (General Director). Sultan Batov was
elected into the position by the general meeting of PJSC NCSP
shareholders, truncating the position time of former CEO Yuriy

Sultan Batov commented on his election, Im thankful for the
confidence of the shareholders and will in turn apply all efforts to
further development of NCSP Group. It is a great honour, and even
greater responsibility, to lead the countrys largest transportation

Originally from Kazakstan, Batov joined the NCSP Group in 2002
after working at the LLC Baltic Stevedoring Company (BSC), which
joined the NCSP group in 2008. It is now the largest port operator
in Russia and the third-largest in Europe, turning over 141 million
tonnes in 2013.
FESCO Sets New Historic Record
Summa News Aug 2014 PT1
Summa Group subsidiary FESCO set a new historic record for the most VMTP (Vladivostok
Commercial Seaport) handling this past June. The VMTP, which is part of the FESCO
Transportation Group, handled over 47 777 Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (TWEU being the
unit used to measure a container ship). The previous record was for November 2013, where
VMTP reached 46 463 TEU.
During the first half of 2014, 242 632 TEU were
handed by VMTP, seeing an increase of 8.4% year on
year. During June 2014 there was a 22% increase for
year on year. FESCO managed to achieve these
results by modernizing their
port infrastructure, attracting
new customers and
optimising their processes to
speed up quality and quantity
of their services.

About Summa Group
Summa Group specialises and invests in port logistics, engineering, construction, oil and
gas sectors as well as telecommunications. Summa Group is a diversified private holding
that comprises of more then 10 000 people in 40 regions of Russia and abroad.

Mr Ziyavudin Magomedov is the founder and shareholder of the Summa Group, which
will reach its 10 year anniversary in 2014.
Summa News Aug 2014 PT1

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