Microsoft Word 2003 Keyboard Shortcuts

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Microsoft Word 2003 keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+A: Select all text in a document
Ctrl+Shift+A: Format selected text as all caps
Ctrl+B: Bold the selected text
Ctrl+C: Copy the selected text or object
Ctrl+Shift+C: Copy the format of the selected text
Ctrl+D: Display the Format | Font dialog box
Ctrl+: Center the selected paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+!: Apply hidden text formatting to the selected text
Ctrl+" : "talici#e the selected text
Ctrl+$: $ustify the selected paragraph
Ctrl+%: "nsert a hyperlin& 'ithin the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+%: Format select text as small caps
Ctrl+(: (eft align the selected paragraph
Ctrl+): "ndent the selected paragraph from the left
Ctrl+*: +emo,e paragraph formatting from selected paragraph
Ctrl++: +ight align the selected paragraph
Ctrl+-: Apply a hanging indent to the selected paragraph
Ctrl+.: .nderline the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+D: Double/underline the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+0: .nderline the selected 'ords but not spaces
Ctrl+1: 2aste cut3copied text or object
Ctrl+Shift+1: 2aste copied format
Ctrl+4: Add3+emo,e one line space before the selected paragraph
Ctrl+5: Apply single/space lines to the selected text
Ctrl+6: Apply double/space lines to the selected text
Ctrl+7: Apply 587/space lines to the selected text
Ctrl+Spacebar: +emo,e selected text9s manual character formatting 0or&ing 'ith text
and paragraphs cont8
Shortcut Function
Ctrl+:ual Sign Subscript the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+2lus: Sign Superscript the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+*: Apply Symbol font to the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+F: Change the selected text9s font
Ctrl+Shift+2 Change the selected text9s font si#e
Ctrl+Shift+; "ncrease the selected text9sfont si#e by one point
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease the selected text9s font si#e by one point
Ctrl+= "ncrease the selected text9s font si#e by one point
Ctrl+> Decrease the selected text9s font si#e by one point
Shift+nter "nsert a line brea&
Ctrl+nter "nsert a page brea&
Ctrl+Shift+nter "nsert a section brea&
Alt+Ctrl+)inus Sign "nsert an em dash
Ctrl+)inus Sign "nsert an en dash
Ctrl+!yphen "nsert an optional hyphen
Ctrl+Shift+!yphen "nsert a nonbrea&ing hyphen
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar "nsert a nonbrea&ing space
Alt+Ctrl+C "nsert the copyright symbol
Alt+Ctrl++ "nsert the registered trademar& symbol
Alt+Ctrl+2eriod "nsert and ellipsis 2rinting and pre,ie'ing Shortcut Function
Ctrl+2 Display the File | 2rint dialog box
Alt+Ctrl+" S'itch in and out of 2rint 2re,ie'
Ctrl+!ome )o,e to the document9s first pre,ie' page
Ctrl+nd )o,e to the document9s last pre,ie'
Shortcut Function
Alt+Ctrl+% nable AutoFormat
Ctrl+Shift+( Apply the (ist style to the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+? Apply the ?ormal style to the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+S Apply a style to the selected text
Alt+Ctrl+5 Apply the !eading 5 style to the selected text
Alt+Ctrl+6 Apply the !eading 6 style to the selected text
Alt+Ctrl+@ Apply the !eading @ style to the selected text 0or&ing 'ith tables Shortcut
Function -ab )o,e to next cell in a ro'A Start a ne' ro' if pressed 'ithin a ro'9s last
Shift+-ab )o,e to pre,ious cell in a ro'
Alt+!ome )o,e to the first cell in a ro'
Alt+nd )o,e to the last cell in a ro'
Alt+2age .p )o,e to the first cell in a column
Alt+2age Do'n )o,e to the last cell in a column .p Arro' )o,e to the pre,ious ro'
Do'n Arro' )o,e to the next ro' nter Start a ne' paragraph 'ithin a cell
Ctrl+-ab "nsert a tab 'ithin a cell 0or&ing 'ith documents Shortcut Function
Ctrl+? Bpen a ne' document that is the same type as the current or most recently opened
Ctrl+B Display the File | Bpen dialog box
Ctrl+0 Close the current document
Ctrl+S Sa,e the current document
Alt+Ctrl+S Split the document 'indo'
Alt+Shift+C +emo,e the document 'indo' split Functions &eys
Shortcut Function
F5 Display 0ord !elp dialog box
Shift+F5 Bpen +e,eal formatting dialog box or open context/sensiti,e 0ord !elp
F6 )o,e selected text of object
Shift+F6 Copy the selected text
F@ "nsert Auto-ext
Shift+F@ Change the case of the selected text
FC +epeat last action
Shift+FC +epeat Find or Do -o
F7 Display the dit | Do -o dialog box
Shift+F7 )o,e to the last change
FE )o,e to the next pane or frame
Shift+FE )o,e to the pre,ious pane or frame
FF Display -ools | Spelling and Drammar dialog box
Shift+FF Display the -ools | (anguage | -hesaurus dialog box
FG xtend the selection
Shift+FG Shrin& the selection
FH .pdate the selected fields
Shift+FH S'itch bet'een a field code and its product
F54 Acti,ate the 0ord menu bar
Shift+F54 Display the shortcut menu
F55 )o,e to the next field
Shift+F55 )o,e to the pre,ious field
F56 Display the File | Sa,e As dialog box
Shift+F56 Sa,e the current document 0ord 644@ &eyboard shortcuts

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