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Student Learning

Objective Process
Part III Revising your SLO

What is the purpose?
SLO Process

A process to document
a measure of educator effectiveness
based on student achievement
of content standards.

The SLO Process Template

2. SLO Goal

Section 2a - Goal Statement
Must be Competency/Concept/Vocabulary statement
you chose from SAS.
Must include a measurable verb that describes what
the students will do.
Must narrow the scope to be obtainable.
2. SLO Goal
2a. Goal Statement NOT the Big Idea; Narrative with verb that articulates the Big Idea.
2b. PA Standards Must have at least two standards, but no more than five. Description of each standard must be included.
2c. Rationale Big Idea goes here.
2. SLO Goal

Section 2b - PA Standards
Must have at least two standards, but no more than
Must include description of each standard in addition
to the standard code.
SLO must be all encompassing, anyone reading the SLO should not need to
research/reference any other documentation.
2. SLO Goal
2a. Goal Statement NOT the Big Idea; Narrative with verb that articulates the Big Idea.
2b. PA Standards
Must have at least two standards, but no more than five. Description of
each standard must be included.
2c. Rationale Big Idea goes here.
2. SLO Goal

Section 2c - Rationale
Must be a Big Idea from the SAS portal.
Must explain why the goal statement is relevant.
2. SLO Goal
2a. Goal Statement NOT the Big Idea; Narrative with verb that articulates the Big Idea.
2b. PA Standards Must have at least two standards, but no more than five. Description of each standard must be included.
2c. Rationale Big Idea goes here.
How does the GOAL Statement and Rationale Correlate?
High School Economics Demonstrate how scarcity and choice
affect decision-making locally.
The concepts of scarcity and choice are
the foundations for understanding and
applying economic principles.

High School Family and Consumer

Apply the concepts and competencies
of eating habits to overall health and
wellness throughout the life cycle.
Throughout the life cycle, students will
be able to analyze their nutritional
needs in order to make healthier

Grade 8 Art Manipulate visual art materials and
tools to create works based on the
ideas of other artists; in addition to
evaluating ones own processes and
products, evaluate those of other

Student artwork can be evaluated
through rubrics that describe process,
product, and understanding of the
formal, informal, and interpretive
qualities of visual art.
Grade 3 Physical Education Apply basic movement skills and
concepts. Focus on manipulative skills
and concepts.
A competent (skillful) mover is more
likely to be active for a lifetime. This
goal prepares students to build skills
applicable to PA Standard 10.4, Physical
activity, at future grade levels.
3. Performance Indicators
Section 3a Specific Tasks

Performance Indicator Targets
Minimum of 3 Performance Measures
Each must include PI Target # Label and
Performance Measure Name
1. Performance Indicators (PI)
3a. PI Targets: All Student Group
PI Target #1
PI Target #2
PI Target #3
PI Target #4
PI Target #5
3b. PI Targets: Focused Student Group
PI Target #1
PI Target #2
PI Target #3
PI Target #4
PI Target #5
3c. PI Linked
3d. PI Weighting
3. Performance Indicators
Section 3a Specific Tasks

Each Performance Indicator must have the
PI Target # Label for each performance indicator
prior to the task:

PI Target #1: ALL students will
PI Target #2: ALL student will
PI Target #3: ALL students will

3. Performance Indicators
Section 3a Specific Tasks

The Performance Indicator Targets are written
for ALL students.

Correct Example: ALL students will earn a minimum of 20 points
out of 25 points on the rubric.

Incorrect: 80% of students will earn a minimum of 20 points out of
25 points on the rubric.

Must be written for ALL students.

3. Performance Indicators
Section 3a Specific Tasks
When combined, tasks must: Tasks must not include:
span at least five weeks. homework.
measure all standards listed. worksheets/packet work.
be attainable for all students. participation.
1. Performance Measures (PM)
4a. Name
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
4b. Type
____District-designed Measures and
____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
____Industry Certification Examinations
____Student Projects
____Student Portfolios
____ Other:______________________________
4. Performance Measures
Section 4a Task Details

Performance Measure Names
Must correspond to tasks named
in respective PI Targets from 3a
(minimum of 3)
4. Performance Measures
Section 4a Task Details
Language Arts Example:
PM #1: Research Writing
PM #2: Informational Writing
PM #3: Presentation

Physical Education Example:
PM #1: Physical Activity Student Log
PM #2: My Personal Fitness Portfolio
PM #3: Presidential Fitness Assessment

Remember, Performance Measures must assess the Performance
Indicator AND all of the standards listed in the SLO.

4. Performance Measures
Section 4h Task Details

Scoring Tools
Must attach all scoring tools, rubrics, keys, or
Entire Performance Task Framework is not
1. Performance Measures (PM)
4g. Resources/
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
4h. Scoring
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
5. Teacher Expectations
Section 5a Goal and Signatures

Continuum of Expectations
Established by the teacher
prior to the evaluation period
Must include numeric values ranging from 0% to 100%
Minimum % accepted for Proficiency is 70%
1. Teacher Expectations
5a. Level
0% to ___ % of
students will meet the
PI targets.
Needs I mprovement
___% to ___% of
students will meet the
PI targets.
___% to ___% of
students will meet the
PI targets.
___% to 100% of
students will meet the
PI targets.
5. Teacher Expectations
Section 5a Goal and Signatures

Expectations Signature
Signed by the teacher and principal
by October 10, 2014 to indicate that the SLO
is understood by and acceptable to both.
1. Teacher Expectations
5a. Level
0% to ___ % of
students will meet the
PI targets.
Needs I mprovement
___% to ___% of
students will meet the
PI targets.
___% to ___% of
students will meet the
PI targets.
___% to 100% of
students will meet the
PI targets.

Teacher Signature______________________ Date______ Evaluator Signature_____________________ Date______
5. Teacher Expectations
Section 5a Goal and Signatures

Elective Rating
Indicates the level to which the teacher performed
on the continuum from 5a.

Teacher Signature______________________ Date______ Evaluator Signature_____________________ Date______
5b. Elective Rating
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Failing (0)

5. Teacher Expectations
Section 5b Goal and Signatures

Rating Signature
Signed by the teacher and administrator at the end
of the school year to indicate the rating supported
by the teacher-submitted SLO summary data

Teacher Signature______________________ Date______ Evaluator Signature_____________________ Date______
5b. Elective Rating
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Failing (0)

Next steps
By Friday, August 22
at 3:00 PM
Copy of typed Revised SLO Process Template including scoring tools
due to building principal
On Thursday or Friday, October 9
or 10

Conference during in-service to sign-off on expectations

Next steps
During 2014-2015 school year
Administer Performance Measures and collect evidence for
PI Targets
Complete District Summary of Evidence
End of May 2015
Present data to building principal using District Summary of
Evidence to determine Elective Rating
Sign-off on Elective Rating


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