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Section: 3
Scope of Work


3. Scope of Work
DoI reserves the right to amend/add/delete/ edit any of the following items of the scope of work at
the cost of the bidder, which shall be binding on the successful bidder.
3.1 Project Brief
The objective of this project is to get the Records located across DoI offices scanned, indexed and
made easily retrievable. DoI requires services relating to scanning and indexing of documents at its
various offices. The details of Locations are mentioned in the Annexure 8. For this bidder will be
required to bring in high speed scanners, consumables to carry out actual physical scanning of
paper documents. The space and furniture (table, chairs, etc.) for setting up the infrastructure as well
as the raw power connections will be provided by DoI at respective locations. After completing the
contract period bidder will vacate the place provided by DoI. If there is any damage to the provided
space then same shall be deducted from the payments.
Scanning and Digitization
The scanning material provided by DoI shall contain old and new documents till date. The
documents shall have following type of papers.
i. A0 ii. A4
iii. A1 iv. Letter Size
v. A2 vi. Legal Size
vii. A3 viii. Other Sizes
The A4 size paper will be approximately sixty percent of total volume and the remaining type of
papers will be forty percent of the total volume.
Broadly, there are 2 stages in the entire scanning activity namely in which the following activities will
be carried out. The bidder shall carry out the scanning work on the DoI Locations mentioned in
Annexure 8 and Metadata entry work shall be carried out in Mumbai location. The DoI will arrange
the space and power for the same.
(A). Stage I - Pre scanning
1. Document Collection
2. Quality Check.

(B). Stage II - Scanning
1. Scanning Records
2. Quality Check of scanned images
3. Document handover
4. Metadata Entry
5. Quality Check of metadata entry
6. Quality Check of 1% printouts.
Detailed activities under each phase have been mentioned in the subsequent sections:
A. Stage I - Pre-scanning
1. Document Collection
Prior to scanning process, there are number of activities that need to be carried out so that the
documents are properly handled. Bidder should take special care to ensure that not even a single
document is lost/misplaced/damaged. The steps in this stage of the process are as follows:
i. Name of Office
ii. Name of Locations
iii. Document type
iv. No. of pages (in each Document)
v. Date of collection
vi. Expected date of return
vii. Actual date of return
viii. Collected from and Signature
ix. Collected by and Signature
x. Returned to and Signature
xi. Date of return
xii. Any other details will be decided with the successful bidder before start of project.
Bidder should capture all the above mentioned details accurately in the inward/outward register.
Bidder should ensure that number of pages in each document is accurately captured and is then
cross-checked with the number of pages scanned. The bidder should maintain order of the
documents without disturbing chronology of the documents and without mixing pages between
different documents. In case of unavailability of required documents or pages missing or documents
missing, it should be notified to the department. Continuous assistance from the department will be
given for availability of required records. Bidder should inform department officials about illegible
textual records. Bidder on receipt of such books should prepare and repair all documents received.

They should take special care of documents that are very old and not in good physical condition.
The Bidder is required to take necessary precautions while handling all documents. Bidder should
also do document preparation and repair work at their end. Activities to be undertaken during this
sub phase are:
i. Dusting the files to remove dirt and other possible noise causing particles
ii. Un-binding/defiling of only department approved documents (this should not lead to
iii. further deterioration of the documents)
iv. Removal of stapler pins, clips, etc. of only department approved documents (this should
not lead to further deterioration of the documents)
v. Repair the documents for scanning using cello-tape* or enclosing the documents in
plastic pouches (depending on the importance and condition of the documents).
*The bidder should note that cello-tape used should not lead to shining output. The cellotape
should be such that the data underneath it is not lost and also images do not have shine
The Bidder will take guidance from the concerned department officials of the record room on
files which needs to be defiled or where stapler pins/clips should be removed, even though it
may be mentioned on the top sheet. The bidder will re-bind the documents after scanning
activity is over and submit it to the concerned department officials in acceptable manner.
2. Quality Check
The Bidder should conduct thorough quality check before sending any document for scanning.
i. It is mostly a visual quality check of the records for visibility, readability, etc.
ii. It should be checked that all files/books have top sheet attached to them
iii. It should be noted that all pages have been numbered
iv. It should also be checked that they are torn or ragged
v. It should be checked that there are no folds
vi. It should be seen that they are dust free
vii. It should be checked that all damaged documents have been repaired and scan ready
viii. It should be checked that is there any important data loss due to tight binding
ix. In such cases a decision on whether to open the binding should be taken at respective
department level.
The bidder should be prompt in informing department officials regarding completely
destroyed documents handed over to them as soon as they receive it. In cases, where the

documents are still not in a scan-ready mode, they should be worked upon. Only documents
clearing this QC should be taken up for scanning.

(B). Stage II Scanning

1. Scanning Records

Records may be scanned using flat bed/sheet fed scanner. All the scanners provided under this
scope of RFP should be owned by the bidder. The details of scanner should be provided as per
the format mentioned in Section 6.3 Section B. The choice of scanner depends completely on the
condition of the document. In case the document is very torn and cannot be fed in the sheet feeder,
then flatbed scanner should be used. In case, the document cannot be scanned using any type of
scanner, book scanners can be used as image capturing device. While scanning, the important
parameter is DPI (dots per inch), which has to be precisely set. In general, the following minimum
specifications should be adopted while scanning:
a. 200 dpi in Black & White/Grey Scale. (In case legibility of the characters is not proper, the
bidder should scan at higher dpi. No extra payment for the same shall be made).
b. Image should be stored in PDF/a.
c. Image orientation should be upright.
d. Image should be vertically oriented and should be without any tilt/skew.
e. Image should be clean and free of noise.
f. Image should not have any shear.
g. Legibility features should be good.
h. Image should not contain black borders.
i. Image should not be warped.
j. Blank page should be automatically removed. (Removal of Blank pages will not be paid).
k. Images should be scanned in such a way that printout of image on paper will be clean and
legible on 1:1 scale.
While scanning, the sheet has to be fed in straight upright position and smoothened so that no folds
are generated while scanning. In the flat-bed scanner, the document has to be laid flat on the glass,
smoothened and scanned; and bulging should be avoided.
In case the documents are not legible, it will be the bidders responsibility to scan the
documents at higher resolution.

The bidder should note very carefully that some regions may have problems of uninterrupted
power supply due to load shedding. The bidder should be ready to work during time period
whenever electricity is available.

2. Quality Check (Scanned Images)

Quality check after scanning is of utmost importance. Images clearing this QC will lead to movement
of documents to metadata entry phase. QC activities in this stage are:
a. Bidder should check that no page has been scanned twice. Payment for such extra scanning
will not be made to the bidder.
b. Bidder should ensure that blank pages are not scanned unless given page number by the
department officials.
c. Bidder should check scanned records for DPI, Image Quality, Format, Noise removal, etc.
d. Bidder should do 100% on screen validation for all scanned images and submit the log for
100% QC work done along with QC certificate.
e. Bidder should check for the quality of the image
The image should not be too dark/too light
The image should not have been captured under improper lighting
The image should not be cropped from any side
The orientation of the image should be right
The image should be in correct color mode
The color is consistent in all the images and not patchy
The image should not be skewed
The image should not be blurred
The image should not have excessive noise
There should not be any data loss due to folds
There should not be any data loss due to tight binding and bulge at the center
There should not be extra darkness at the edges
There should not be unwanted black vertical lines on the scanned images.
f. Post 100% QC by Bidder, 100% on screen QC will be done by department officials.
g. Images should be scrutinized by Bidder in detail for any other kind of issue in the scanned
h. Bidder should also check that all records obtained from the department have been scanned
and no document has been missed out.
i. Quality check should happen on a daily basis along with scanning.

j. Bidder should note that the scanned images will be printed later for serving to citizens. So the
quality of no image should be compromised and it should be exact replica in size.
k. Bidder will maintain a register of all the documents which have been rejected in 1st level QC.
l. In case there are issues with the scanned images, bidder will rescan all such documents
again and take them for 2nd level QC.

3. Documents Handover (back to department officials)

After completing quality check of scanned images, all the documents should be handed over back to
the department in their original condition. Appropriate entries should be made in the inward/outward
register in presence of the bidder representative and department officials. The bidder should also
store the scanned files on the DVD and submit it to the respective DoI office after the completion of
scanning in those locations.
Under no circumstances shall the documents be changed, mutilated, destroyed or replaced
by some other documents. Any damage to the documents will lead to penalty for the Bidder
as per SLA. Thus the bidder should take utmost care of the documents taken for scanning.

4. Post Scanning Data Entry
a. File Indexing
The following indicating folder structure has to be followed while storing the digitized data in the
provided DMS.
Scheme [Name]
Place [Location Name]
Section [ Respective DoI Section]
Year [YYYY]
Type [ Project Type]
Subject/Number [ Name appearing on File]
File No [Numeric Number]
b. Legacy Data Entry
DoI also desires to convert existing file data into electronic format. DoI will provide the furniture,
Space, Data Entry Module and Internet Connection. Bidder needs to bring in the manpower and
Desktops for the same. The existing format contains approximately 30 fields per page.


5. Metadata Entry
i. Metadata stores information related to the scanned images. Accurate metadata should be
captured for all scanned images, as that becomes the base for all future search and
transactions. Metadata entry is done by adding appropriate tags to each scanned document.
Metadata entry will be done through Double Blind Data Entry method i.e. two people will
enter the metadata for the same scanned image independently. The metadata entries done
by these operators will be compared by the application and those with wrong metadata entry
will be visible to the Bidders supervisor. Bidder should correct all such errors at no extra
ii. Bidder can perform metadata entry activity at the Head Quarter in the space provided. Such
space will be designated as District Metadata Center. Bidders should ensure high security in
handling data by its operators and project managers. Bidders will ensure that none of the
desktops used for scanning and metadata entry have USB ports, CD Drives or USB ports
and CD Drives are blocked. Data transfer should be allowed only from Operation Servers. All
scanned images should be transferred under the supervision of the supervisor/project
manager for the record room along with concerned department officials. No document/
scanned images should move out of the government premises, without consent and
supervision of department officials.
iii. A list of metadata will be decided and communicated to the successful bidder before start of
the project. Bidder should capture all metadata available on the documents accurately as this
forms the base for all document searches and analysis in the future. If metadata formats for
new records needs to be incorporated, it will be finalised by DoI. Bidders should note that the
records will be primarily in Marathi. Bidder should deploy adequate manpower to ensure that
all non-Marathi language data is understood and correct metadata entry in Marathi is done.
Language details for all such records should be captured in language metadata tag. Bidder
should capture language details of each document type at the beginning of the entire
metadata entry activity.
iv. While performing metadata entry in UNICODE Marathi, bidder should ensure that there are
no garbage (GOLU) characters in the data fed in the application. Bidder may deploy his own
tool to ensure the same.


6. Quality Check of Metadata
Quality check after metadata entry is very important. Images clearing this QC will lead to submission
of the documents to department for acceptance. QC activities in this stage are:
a. The Bidder should do 100% on screen validation and submit log for 100% QC work done
along with QC certificate.
b. The Bidder should check the documents for the following
i. Whether all required metadata fields have been captured
ii. Whether the metadata captured is correct.
c. The Bidder shall generate a report identifying mismatch between the number of documents
submitted for scanning and number of documents scanned.
d. Post 100% QC by Bidder, department officials will perform 100% QC on metadata.
The bidder should also suggest their quality plan to the department over and above the quality
checks mentioned here. Templates for the same will be finalized with the successful bidder before
commencement of work.
All records unacceptable by department (due to improper image, missing metadata, wrong
metadata) will have to be rescanned and metadata re-entry should be done by the Bidder. The
Bidder will not be remunerated for all such documents re-scanned.

7. Quality Check of 1% printouts
The bidder will be required to handover 1% sample printout of each document type of record at the
end of each fortnight to the department for quality check, after completion of QC of metadata entry.
Bidder should ensure timely submission of images for QC.

a. It is the absolute responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the content of scanned documents
is an exact replica in size of the original paper document.
b. Printout should be provided in the same page size as that of the original document.
c. In case the printout is rejected, such reasons should be documented and shared with the
department officials.
d. Bidder should rectify all such errors and re-submit the printouts for verification.


Section B
Format for Financial Proposal
The bidder shall bid for all the items listed in Table- 1 below; failing to which, the bid shall be treated
as non-responsive and shall be rejected.
Table -1
Cost for
Scanning and
Digitization of
DoI Records.
Reference in

Number of

number of
A4 pages
Number of A4
size Pages for
[C= A x B]
per A4
Cost (In Rs.)
[E]=[C x D]
Scanning and
Section 3.1
Stage I 1 & 2 3,59,114 48 1,72,37,472
Checking of
Stage II 1, 3
3,59,114 48 1,72,37,472
Data Entry
Cost (Double
Section 3.1
Stage II 2, 6
3,59,114 5 17,95,570
Total Cost in Figures
Total Cost In Words

*The number of records and A4 pages given in above Table -1 is indicative and is for evaluation
purpose only. DoI does not guarantee that these many pages and records will be given for Scanning
and Digitization. The actual number of pages may be more or less. Payment will be made on actual
number of pages scanned and digitized with quoted rate in the above table.
# Inclusive of all taxes except service tax
Table 2
S. No. Item No. and Description Unit One Man-Month Cost in INR
1. Data Entry Operator 1

Note: It shall be mandatory for the bidders to provide Data Entry Operator cost as denoted above in
Table -2. Also, the data entry operatory cost shall not be considered for commercial evaluation but
act as reference for future requirement.


Annexure 7 Details of Records at each Location
Office Locations Number of Records
Head Office DoI New Admin Building 1344
Mumbai Metropolitan 27201
Konkan 21
Pune 105
Aurangabad 14
Nanded - Sub RO 2
Sub Total A 28687
Thane 45315
Raigad 9776
Ratnagiri 4389
Sindhudurg 6515
Nasik 14582
Dhule 7111
Nandurbar 3153
Jalgaon 16540
Ahmednagar 12019
Pune 36731
Satara 4698
Sangli 14063
Solapur 16567
Kolhapur 57981
Aurangabad 17399
Jalna 3634
Beed 6451
Osmanabad 3867
Nanded 4499
Parbhani 4146
Hingoli 2925
Latur 5578
Akola 2058
Buldhana 522

Office Locations Number of Records
Amravati 918
Washim 150
Yavatmal 589
Nagpur 19541
Wardha 1466
Bhandara 1953
Gadchiroli 340
Chandrapur 2505
Gondia 2446
Sub Total B 330427
Grand Total A + B 359114


Annexure 8 DoI office Locations
Name of Head Office Address of Head Office

Directorate of Industries 2nd Floor,
New Administrative Building,
Opp. Mantralaya, Mumbai - 400 032

Name of Regional / Sub- Regional Office Address of Regional Office
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Office of Joint Director Industries,
ICL Building,
1st Floor, V.N. Purav Marg,
Chunabhatti (East), Mumbai-400 022.
Konkan Office of Joint Director Industries,
MIDC CFC Bldg, 1st Floor, Opp.
Modella Mill Compound,
Wagle Estate Corner, Thane (W), 400604
Pune Office of Joint Director Industries,
Agriculture College Campus,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411005
Aurangabad Office of Joint Director Industries,
Aurangabad Region,
Vikas Bhavan, Aurangabad
Amravati Office of Joint Director Industries,
Dr. Kalantri Building,
Khaparde Bagicha,
Amravati-444 602
Nagpur Office of Joint Director Industries,
Nashik Office of Joint Director Industries,
Plot No.P-15, MIDC, Satpur,
Nanded (Sub Regional Office) Office of Superintending Industries Officer, Sub-
Regional Office,
Co-Op. Ind. Estate,
Shivajinagar, Nanded.


Region Name of DIC Address of DIC
Konkan Thane District Industries Centre,
Commercial Complex Bldg,
Opp. Modella Wollen Mill,
Near Mulund Check Naka, Thane(W)
Raigad District Industries Centre,
Pincode No.402 201
Ratnagiri District Industries Centre,
Opp. Telephone Exchange,
Jail Road, Ratnagiri-415612
Sindhudurg District Industries Centre,
Main Administrative Building,
A Block, 2nd Floor,
Tal.Kudal, Dist.Sindhudurg-416812.
Nasik Nasik District Industries Centre,
Near Govt. ITI,
Satpur Tal & Dist Nashik.
Dhule District Industries Centre,
Jamanagiri Road, Dhule
Nandurbar District Industries Centre,
Collector Office Building,
Jalgaon District Industries Centre,
Near Govt.ITI, Jalgaon- 425001.
Ahmednagar District Industries Centre,
Near Ahmednagar College,
Station Road,
Pune Pune Office of Joint Director Industries,
Agriculture College Campus,
Shivaji Nagar,
Pune - 411005
Satara District Industries Centre,
Plot No. A-13, MIDC Area,
Satara 415 004
Sangli District Industries Centre
Udyog Bhavan
Vishram Bhag, Sangli

Region Name of DIC Address of DIC
Solapur District Industries Centre,
Hotgi Road ,Near Kinara Hotel,
Solapur 413003
Kolhapur District Industries Centre,
Udyog Bhavan,
Behind Collector Office,
Assembly Rd. Kolhapur
Aurangabad Aurangabad District Industries Centre
Jalna District Industries Centre, Jalna
Beed District Industries Centre,
Bashirganj, Beed-431 213
Osmanabad District Industries Centre,
Opp. Central Building,
Osmanabad -413501
Nanded - Sub RO Nanded District Industries Centre,
Shivaji Nagar, Nanded
Parbhani District Industries Centre,
Parbhani, Near TV Centre,
Old Kregaon Road, Parbhani-431401
Hingoli District Industries Centre,
Hall No.12,
Central Administrative Building,
Collectorate, Hingoli-431513
Latur District Industries Centre,
Plot No.P-5, MIDC Area, Latur
Amravati Akola District Industries Centre,
Old cotton market
Buldhana District Industries Centre, Buldhana
Amravati District Industries Centre,
Behind Collector Office,
Camp, Amravati
Washim District Industries Centre,
Kata Road, Washim
Yavatmal District Industries Centre,
Add - 2nd Floor Udyog Bhavan,
Darwha Road, Yavatmal


Region Name of DIC Address of DIC
Nagpur Wardha District Industries Centre,
Sevagram Road, Civil Lines,
Bhandara District Industries Centre,
Administrative Bldg.
National Highway No.6,
Chandrapur District Industries Centre
C/o Adv Bapat House infront of Zilla Parishad. Chandrapur
Gondia District Industries Centre,
Near 588 Bidi Co. Reltoli,

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