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Hermeneutics is the study of the principles involved in the whole process of interpreting a
text for its meaning today. Hermeneutics includes three stages of interpretation:
1. Exegesis of the texts original meaning.
Exegesis seeks to answer the question: What meaning did the divine and human
authors intend to convey to their original audience through this text? t involves:
! process gathering information" from the component parts of the text and
elsewhere" in order to discern
! content the origina meaning of that text" as intended #y the original writer $
speaker and understood #y his audience $ readers" using
! method %. &areful ana!sis of the literary structure of the text"
'. Stud! of the anguage used" and
(. Research into the cutura $ historica context in which the text was written.
". Ex#osition of the texts universal message.
Ex#osition is concerned with two kinds of exposure:
%. )*xposing what the text means in terms understood today" and
'. *xposing the hearts of those reading $ listening to the text
t sifts all the material gathered through the process of exegesis in order to discern
+he uni$ersa message of the text" and
ts significance for our faith and attitude of heart ,-e#rews .:%'/.
%. &##ication of the texts contextualised relevance.
&##ication is concerned with how we are to appreciate the ree$ance of a text for
our i$es" and
-ow we should put its message into practice in our #articuar situation.
0ote' Exegesis includes #oth the process of determining the original
1eaning of a passage and also the fresh understanding of the
passage gained there#y.
Exegesis investigates and expresses the true sense of 2cripture" while Hermeneutics is the
science" or art" of how to go a#out interpreting 2cripture aright in order to discover its
meaning and message for us today.
& hermeneutic'
!. ! method of interpretation used as a tool to understand any literary document.
3. ! statement of the meaning of a text for today.
Eisegesis: 4eading #ack into the text an understanding gained from elsewhere
5f the three components of textual communication 6 the (riter" (riting and Reader 6 the
)riter is the key componen ,despite post7modern preoccupation with the reader8/
*i+e exam#es of *xegesis" exposition and application:
!cts %9:': 6 *xplaining the way of ;od to !pollos. ,exegesis and exposition/
0eh 9:9 6 1aking it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand
what was #eing read. ,exegesis and exposition that affected the peoples attitude/
!cts 9:(% 6 -ow can <understand it= unless someone explains it to me?
,+he *thiopian *unuch responded to >hilips exposition #y #eing #aptised 6
T(, (&-S.
to EX/,UN0 a /&SS&GE
* One is better than the other!
Exam#e' 1 /eter "'11%
+he following outline is taken directly from the >> >resentation devised and prepared at ;u?ranwala
+heological 2eminary #y >3.
.t may #e copied for non7commercial use only
June 2005
Method &' 2ERSE *- 2ERSE
Ex#ounding a /assage @erse #y @erse has these +enefits'
t helps the preacher to 3ee# to the text and not forget what the passage is saying
t co$ers the content without missing out important parts
t is eas! for the #reacher to offer some comment on each verse without too much
study or work
t ena#les the congregation to foo) in their *i+es ,if they have one with them/
*ut it aso has these disad$antages'
t can get +oring" especially if there are many verses
t easily degenerates into mora essons and #ious #atitudes
t fogs the core message of the passage
t doesn4t in3 the #assage to this heart7#eat
t leaves the congregation with a ong ist of ideas instead of focusing their attention
on the key issue
t is an easy way to preach at short notice and #etter than not keeping to
the text at all.
3utA as a way of thinking a#out the passage it is undemanding and
therefore limited in its effectiveness.
Method A:
Verse by Verse
7 as in a commentary
Method B:
the su+6ect of the passage
and then
opening up the passage
to reveal
The Heart-Beat
,core message/
1 /eter "'11%
%. +herefore" rid yourselves of all malice
and all deceit"
and slander of every kind.
'. Bike new#orn #a#ies"
crave pure spiritual milk"
so that #y it
you may grow up in your salvation"
(. now that you have tasted
that the Bord is good. <%=
<%=The Ne !nternational "ersion" ,;rand 4apids" 1: Condervan >u#lishing -ouse/ %D9..
+his method is very good for personal #i#le study #ecause:
o t uncovers much interesting information
o t discovers many helpful lessons
Whats the pro#lem?
Eor a sermon:
o +oo many topics
o 0o indication of how they relate to each other
o Eogging the key point
Method *' HE&RT1*E&T
Ex#ounding a /assage through its -eart73eat offers these +enefits'
t makes sure the speaker does his$her homework in #re#aration
t provides a clear focus for the attention of the congregation
t allows a cear ma##ing of the rest of the passage instead of a ?um#le of
ideas whose connections are not indicated
Educationa! people learn more and #etter through a focused message"
even when a long passage is #eing studied
S#iritua! people are challenged more strongly #y one over7arching idea
than #y a #attery of ideas whose connections are not immediately o#vious
t avoids the temptation to look for mora essons and #ious #atitudes in
every line
t makes the whole passage come alive
t allows ;od to speak clearly and directly from -is Word
NOTE# n either method avoid #ringing in other ideas from elsewhere.
Fse other 3i#lical references only to make clear or re7enforce the heart7#eat of the passage
2ERSE1*-12ERSE 5F+B0*
;etting rid of evil ha#its
o -ow to get rid of malice
o -ow to get rid of deceit
o -ow to get rid of hypocrisy
o -ow to get rid of envy
o -ow to get rid of slander
0eed for spiritual nourishment
o 3a#ies need of milk
o What is pure spiritual milk
2piritual growth and salvation
o Gifferent aspects of 2alvation
+he goodness of ;od
o *xperiencing ;od
HE&RT1*E&T 5F+B0*
o What is >eter writing a#out here?
2piritual ;rowth
o What does >eter say a#out this?
!re you new #orn?
+hen get rid of former evil attitudes
4eplace such impulses with spiritual cravings
We should #e like #a#ies:
&rave for intimacy with the Bord
Eind our satisfaction in the Bord"
0ot in indulging in #ad attitudes towards others
Work hard at getting such nourishment from the
+he ultimate goal of 2piritual ;rowth is entering into our
full salvation
o What is the )heart7#eat) of his message on this su#?ect?
Eind your satisfaction in ;od and -is ;oodness alone.

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