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Discipline of Psychology

School of Health Sciences

BESC1445/1446/1447/1448 Psychopathology and Models of Interventon
!a" proposal #pro$for%a
&a%e' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ St(dent &o' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
)eneral Instr(ctons
1* Complete this lab report proposal pro-forma and s("%t onlne +,ord doc(%ent-
no later than .h(rsday /1st 0(g(st 1'15 a%*
/* Please type drectly onto ths pro$for%a. Clicking on the check boxes will allow
you to indicate your choice. There is no specified word count, but provide sufficient
information so it is a clear and concise document.
2* 3o(r t(tor ,ll provde feed"ac4 to yo( onlne "efore the ,ee4 6 t(toral* You
%(st chec4 the Blac4"oard5 do,nload proposal and feed"ac45 and "rng the%
to ,ee4 6 t(toral for discussion/confirmation. Your tutor will have ticked one of the
following outcomes for your proposal
This proposal is approved! student can now begin data collection
This proposal re"uires some minor amendments, based on the feedback provided by
the tutor #see feedback comments! once student has made these amendments, data
collection can begin! the proposal does not need to be resubmitted.
This proposal re"uires significant amendment, #see feedback comments$! the student
needs to make these amendments and resubmit their proposal for approval within a one
week time frame! data collection cannot commence until approval has been granted by
the tutor.
4* 6e%e%"er' This proposal, with your tutor%s comments, should be resubmitted with
your final report. You will need to scan it and submit it as an attachment
Discipline of Psychology
School of Health Sciences
!a" proposal nstr(ctons
&. Choose a target "ehavo(r yo( ,sh to change. The behaviour must be
observable and measurable. *ee +ctive ,earning -xercise, figure ..&., in the
reading pack for examples of behaviours.
/hat is your target behaviour0
'. Clearly specfy ,hch aspects of ths "ehavo(r yo( ,sh to %ontor.
1re"uency #how often$
2uration #how long$
3uantity/volume #how much$
4. 7escr"e the syste% yo( plan to (se to record yo(r "ehavo(r. 1or
fre"uently occurring behaviours it is sometimes useful to employ a portable counter
). 0ttach a copy of the recordng sheets yo( plan to (se* You will need two
recording sheets #&$ The first to be used during the baseline phase, should allow
you to record the fre"uency or duration of the behaviour as well as provide space to
note the contexts, antecedents, and conse"uences of each instance of the
behaviour! #'$ The second recording sheet, to be used during the intervention
phase, should allow you to record the behaviour.
Discipline of Psychology
School of Health Sciences
5. Set goals for yo(rself. ,ook for gradual improvement over time. 6ne of the
biggest problems people have is that they set goals too high, don%t reach them, get
frustrated, and give up. 7t is better to start slowly, and gradually increase goals over
a period of at least two weeks.
8oals /eek &
/eek '
.. +lthough the personal satisfaction of accomplishing goals can be reinforcing, you
sho(ld esta"lsh addtonal renforce%ents #increasingly larger$ on daily and
weekly levels as well as reaching for your final goals. 1or example, you could make
watching your favourite T9 program a daily reinforcer, a movie a weekly
reinforcement, and a trip to :arcelona your final reinforcement #but only if you
include tickets for the staff;$
Provde detals of yo(r specfc renforce%ent sched(les
<. 8hat level of s(ccess s re9(red to acheve the renforce%ent0 1or
example if you aim is increase the amount of time you spend studying #what a
worthy pro=ect;$, your goal may be to spend one hour studying each night in the
first week. 7f you only manage 4( minutes on one night, will you still get the

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