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How Pennsylvania

Public School
Boards Work


Elected by the citizens, Pennsylva-
nia’s public school board members
represent their communities’
beliefs and values when making
decisions about the operation of
school districts. These community
representatives give of their time
and talent, without compensation,
to provide high-quality educational
opportunities that prepare children
to live as productive members of

School directors are advocates for

the public education of the stu-
dents and the enhancement of the
community. By incorporating the
community’s view of what students
should know and be able to do at
each grade level, school boards
ensure that the standards for
achievement are met.

School board members are acces-

sible to their district residents and
accountable for the performance
of the district’s schools. They also
serve as the community’s watch-
dog, ensuring that tax dollars are
spent wisely on education.
What is a director. School board elections
are held every two years, and the
School Board? number of seats up for election is
The Pennsylvania state constitu- staggered, with five seats elected
tion mandates that “The General one term, then four seats elected
Assembly shall provide for the the alternate term.
maintenance and support of a
thorough and efficient public edu-
cation system to serve the needs
Who is Eligible to
of the commonwealth.” A school Serve as a School
board is the locally elected gov- Board Member?
ernment body that serves as the
agent of the state legislature and Pennsylvania law requires that
the representatives of the com- anyone wishing to serve as a
munity in providing a high-quality school board member meet the
education for the students of the following criteria:
school district. • A citizen of Pennsylvania.
• Of good moral character.
School boards were officially cre-
ated by the Free School Act of • At least 18 years old.
1834. This law addressed several • A resident of the school
areas of school governance, district in which the person wish-
including: es to serve for at least one year
• Creating school districts. prior to appointment. Also, if the
school district divides its repre-
• Requiring that all children
sentation into regions, the poten-
receive an education regardless
tial school director must be a res-
of their status in society.
ident of that region.
• Establishing the election of
school directors.
• Empowering school boards School Board
to supervise the creation and Organization
operation of schools and the cer-
tification of teachers. Each year, school boards across
the commonwealth meet during
Each school board consists of the first week of December to
nine members who serve a four- conduct the business of establish-
year term, without pay, as school ing the board’s organizational

structure. The board must elect a sions regarding school district
president and vice president, policies or operations without
adopt the meeting calendar for the express approval from the entire
next year and appoint committees school board.
and other board positions. Also at
this meeting, the board will swear Federal, state and local laws and
in newly elected members. regulations also define the role
and responsibilities of school
The school board president is boards.
charged with running the meet-
ings of the board and signing One of the primary responsibili-
official documents at the board’s ties of a school board is to adopt
direction. The vice president will policies that govern how school
serve in this capacity in the districts operate. These policies
absence of the president. should reflect the board’s vision
and principles and represent the
community’s standards.

What Does a School boards are the chief

School Board Do? advocates for public education in
the community. As such, they
The Pennsylvania Public School must make every effort to
Code is the law that governs the engage their community and
operation of public schools. The encourage active participation in
Public School Code charges every the community decision-making
school board with the responsibility process.
of “establishing, equipping and
maintaining elementary schools and While it is the school board that
such other schools it deems proper sets policy, it is the responsibility
to establish.” The school code also of the school district administra-
lists many, but not all, of the pow- tion to develop regulations that
ers that school boards may use to implement those policies.
operate a public school system.
School boards also are charged
The nine members of the school with selecting the superintendent,
board operate as a group and the school district’s chief execu-
make decisions as a board. Indi- tive officer. School boards are
vidual board members do not responsible for recruiting, hiring
have the authority to make deci- and evaluating the performance

of the superintendent. These It is only during official meetings
tasks are the sole responsibility that a school board has the
of the school board and cannot authority to take action regarding
be delegated. school district operations.

School boards have an overall Effective school board meetings

responsibility of hiring the staff of allow the public to watch how the
the school district. Typically, the school board works and to com-
board relies on the recommenda- ment and provide input into the
tions of the superintendent. The decision-making process. The
superintendent supervises and law requires that school boards
manages the school district staff. provide time during official meet-
School boards do not manage ings for district residents to com-
district staff. ment on matters before the
board takes action.
School boards are the final deci-
sion-makers regarding expulsion Meetings and the decision-making
and suspension. Many times, of school boards must be carried
community members want the out in public. However, the law
board to become active in the does allow for some confidential
adjudication process at inappropri- issues to be discussed in pri-
ate times. Because the board may vate;ß these are called “executive
have to sit in judgment at a later sessions.” The law also does not
time, it is important for the board require that the school board hold
to remain out of the process until a meeting within the school dis-
such time arrives, so that they trict boundaries. As long as the
may, to the extent possible, make board properly announces and
unbiased decisions. advertises the meeting as
required by law, a meeting may
be held in a location deemed
School Board appropriate by the board.
The school code requires school
boards to meet a minimum of
once every two months. Most
boards meet more frequently.

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